Entries in Horizontal Scaling (8)


Intro to Redis Cluster Sharding – Advantages, Limitations, Deploying & Client Connections

Intro to Redis Cluster Sharding – Advantages, Limitations, Deploying & Client Connections

Redis Cluster is the native sharding implementation available within Redis that allows you to automatically distribute your data across multiple nodes without having to rely on external tools and utilities. At ScaleGrid, we recently added support for Redis Clusters on our platform through our fully managed Redis hosting plans. In this post, we’re going to introduce you to the advanced Redis Cluster sharding opportunities, discuss its advantages and limitations, when you should deploy, and how to connect to your Redis Cluster.

Sharding with Redis Cluster

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Ask HS: Design and Implementation of scalable services?

We have written agents deployed/distributed across the network. Agents sends data every 15 Secs may be even 5 secs. Working on a service/system to which all agent can post data/tuples with marginal payload. Upto 5% drop rate is acceptable. Ultimately the data will be segregated and stored into DBMS System (currently we are using MSQL).

Question(s) I am looking for answer

1. Client/Server Communication: Agent(s) can post data. Status of sending data is not that important. But there is a remote where Agent(s) to be notified if the server side system generates an event based on the data sent.

- Lot of advices from internet suggests using Message Bus (ActiveMQ) for async communication. Multicast and UDP are the alternatives.

2. Persistence: After some evaluation data to be stored in DBMS System.

- End of processing data is an aggregated record for which MySql looks scalable. But on the volume of data is exponential. Considering HBase as an option.

Looking if there are any alternatives for above two scenarios and get expert advice.


NuoDB's First Experience: Google Compute Engine - 1.8 Million Transactions Per Second

This is a repost of the blog entry written by NuoDB's Tommy Reilly.  

We at NuoDB were recently given the opportunity to kick the tires on the Google Compute Engine by our friends over at Google. You can watch the entire Google Developer Live Session by clicking here.  In order to access the capabilities of GCE we decided to run the same YCSB based benchmark we ran at our General Availability Launch back in January. For those of you who missed it we demonstrated running the YCSB benchmark on a 24 machine cluster running on our private cloud in the NuoDB datacenter. The salient results were 1.7 million transactions per second with sub-millisecond latencies...

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The I.H.S.D.F. Theorem: A Proposed Theorem for the Trade-offs in Horizontally Scalable Systems

Successful software design is all about trade-offs. In the typical (if there is such a thing) distributed system, recognizing the importance of trade-offs within the design of your architecture is integral to the success of your system. Despite this reality, I see time and time again, developers choosing a particular solution based on an ill-placed belief in their solution as a “silver bullet”, or a solution that conquers all, despite the inevitable occurrence of changing requirements. Regardless of the reasons behind this phenomenon, I’d like to outline a few of the methods I use to ensure that I’m making good scalable decisions without losing sight of the trade-offs that accompany them. I’d also like to compile (pun intended) the issues at hand, by formulating a simple theorem that we can use to describe this oft occurring situation.

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Scalability Strategies Primer: Database Sharding

This article is a primer, intended to shine some much needed light on the logical, process oriented implementations of database scalability strategies in the form of a broad introduction. More specifically, the intent is to elaborate on the majority of these implementations by example.

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Problem: Mobbing the Least Used Resource Error

A thoughtful reader recently suggested creating a series of posts based on real-life problems people have experienced and the solutions they've created to slay the little beasties. It's a great idea. Often we learn best from great trials and tribulations. I'll start off the new "Problem Report" feature with a diabolical little problem I dubbed the "Mobbing the Least Used Resource Error." Please post your own. And if you know someone with an interesting problem report, please tag them too. It could be a lot of fun. Of course, feel free to scrub your posts of all embarrassing details, but be sure to keep the heroic parts in :-)

The Problem

There's an unexpected and frequently fatal type of error that can happen when new resources are added to a horizontally scaled architecture. Because the new resource has the least of something, load or connections or whatever, a load balancer configured with a least metric will instantaneously direct all new traffic to that new resource. And bam! Your system dies. All the traffic that was meant to be spread across your entire cluster is now directed like a laser beam to one small part of it. I love this problem because it's such a Heisenberg. Everyone is screaming for more storage space so you bring up a new filer. All new data streams flow to the new filer and it crumbles and crawls because it can't handle the load for the entire system. It's in the very act of turning up more storage you bring your system down. How "cruel world the universe hates me" is that? Let's say you add database slaves to handle load. Your load balancer redirects traffic to the new slaves, but the slaves are trying to sync, yet they can't sink because they are getting hammered by the new traffic. Down goes Frazier. This is the dark side of partitioning. You partition data to get high performance via parallelization. For example, you hash on the user name to a cluster dedicated to handle those users. Unless your system is very flexible you can't scale anymore by adding resources because you can't repartition the data. All users are handled by their cluster. If you want a different organization you would have to redistribute data across all the clusters. Most systems can't handle that and you end not being able to scale out as easily as you hoped.

The Solution

The solution depends of course on the resource in question. Butting knowing a potential problem is present gives you the heads up you need to avoid destruction.
  • For filers migrate storage from existing filers to the new filers so storage is evened out. Then new storage will be allocated evenly across all the filers.
  • For services have a life cycle state machine indicating when a service is up and ready for work. Simply being alive doesn't mean it's ready.
  • Consistent Hashing to assign resources to a pool of servers in a scalable fashion.
  • For servers use random or round-robin balancing when the load balancer can receive incorrect feedback from pool servers. The Thundering Herd Problem is supposedly the same problem described here, but it doesn't seem the same to me.

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  • Monday

    Strategy: Diagonal Scaling - Don't Forget to Scale Out AND Up

    All the cool kids advocate scaling out as the secret sauce of scaling. And it is, but don't forget to serve some tasty "scaling up" as a side dish. Scaling up doesn't have to mean buying a jet propelled, liquid cooled, 128 core monster super computer. Scaling up can just mean buying at the high end of the commodity buffet by buying more cores, more memory and using a shared nothing architecture to take advantage of all that power without adding complexity. Scale out when you need to, but big beefy boxes can absorb a lot of load before it's necessary to hit up your data center for more rack space. Here are a few examples of scaling out and up:

  • John Allspaw, Flickr's operations manager, coined the term diagonal scaling for this strategy. In Making a site faster by removing machines (and a comment on this post) John told how Flickr replaced 67 dual-cpu boxes with 18 dual quad-core machines and recovered almost 4x rack space and reduced costs by about 50 percent.
  • Fotolog's strategy is to scale up and out. By adding more cache, more RAM, more CPUs, and more efficient CPUs they were able to handle many millions more users with the same number of machines. This was a conscious choice on their part and it worked beautifully.
  • Wikimedia says scaling out doesn't require using cheap hardware. Wikipedia's database servers these days are 16GB dual or quad core boxes with 6 15,000 RPM SCSI drives in a RAID 0 setup.
  • Kevin Burton in his Distributed Computing Fallacy #9 post also says scaling out doesn't mean cheap:
    We’re seeing machines with eight cores and 32G of memory. If we were to buy eight disks for these boxes it’s really like buying 8 machines with 4G each and one disk. This partially goes into the horizontal vs vertical scale discussion. Is it better to buy one $10k box or 10 $1k boxes? I think it’s neither. Buy 4 $2.5k boxes. The new multicore stuff is super cheap.
  • Jeremy Cole in Scaling out AND up, a compromise asks for compromise:
    Scaling out doesn’t mean using crappy hardware. I think people take the “scale out” model (that they’ve often only read about from outdated conference presentations) to quite an extreme. They think scaling out means using desktop-class, bad hardware, and just buying a ton of them. That model doesn’t work, and it’s hell to maintain in the long term. Use commodity hardware. You often hear the term “commodity hardware” in reference to scale out. While crappy hardware is also commodity, what this means is that instead of getting stuck on the low-end $40k machine, with thoughts of upgrading to the $250k machine, and maybe later the $1M machine, you use data partitioning and any number of let’s say $5k machines. That doesn’t mean a $1k single-disk crappy machine as said above. What does it mean for the machine to be “commodity”? It means that the components are standardized, common, and the price is set by the market, not by a single corporation. Use commodity machines configured with a good balance of price vs. performance.

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  • Monday

    Paper: MySQL Scale-Out by application partitioning

    Eventually every database system hit its limits. Especially on the Internet, where you have millions of users which theoretically access your database simultaneously, eventually your IO system will be a bottleneck. [A] promising but more complex solution with nearly no scale-out limits is application partitioning. If and when you get into the top-1000 rank on alexa [1], you have to think about such solutions.

    A Quick Hit of What's Inside

    Horizontal application partitioning, Vertical application partitioning, Disk IO calculations, How to partition an entity

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