Entries in Shard (18)


Intro to Redis Cluster Sharding – Advantages, Limitations, Deploying & Client Connections

Intro to Redis Cluster Sharding – Advantages, Limitations, Deploying & Client Connections

Redis Cluster is the native sharding implementation available within Redis that allows you to automatically distribute your data across multiple nodes without having to rely on external tools and utilities. At ScaleGrid, we recently added support for Redis Clusters on our platform through our fully managed Redis hosting plans. In this post, we’re going to introduce you to the advanced Redis Cluster sharding opportunities, discuss its advantages and limitations, when you should deploy, and how to connect to your Redis Cluster.

Sharding with Redis Cluster

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Product: dbShards - Share Nothing. Shard Everything.

I met the CodeFutures folks, makers of dbShards, at Gluecon. They occupy an interesting niche in the database space, somewhere between NoSQL, which jettisons everything SQL, and high end analytics platforms that completely rewrite the backend while keeping a SQL facade.

High concept: I think of dbShards as a sort of commercial OLTP mashup of features from HSCALE (partitioning) + MySQL Proxy (transparent intermediate layer) + Memcached (client side sharding) + Gigaspaces (parallel query) + MySQL (transactions).

You may find dbShards interesting if you are looking to keep SQL, need scale out writes and reads, need out of the box parallel query capabilities, and would prefer to use a standard platform like MySQL as a base. To learn more about dbShards I asked Cory Isaacson (CEO and CTO) a few devastatingly difficult questions (not really).

Who are you, what is dbShards, and what problem was dbShards created to solve?

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An Unorthodox Approach to Database Design : The Coming of the Shard

Update 4: Why you don’t want to shard. by Morgon on the MySQL Performance Blog. Optimize everything else first, and then if performance still isn’t good enough, it’s time to take a very bitter medicine.
Update 3: Building Scalable Databases: Pros and Cons of Various Database Sharding Schemes by Dare Obasanjo. Excellent discussion of why and when you would choose a sharding architecture, how to shard, and problems with sharding.
Update 2: Mr. Moore gets to punt on sharding by Alan Rimm-Kaufman of 37signals. Insightful article on design tradeoffs and the evils of premature optimization. With more memory, more CPU, and new tech like SSD, problems can be avoided before more exotic architectures like sharding are needed. Add features not infrastructure. Jeremy Zawodny says he's wrong wrong wrong. we're running multi-core CPUs at slower clock speeds. Moore won't save you.
Update: Dan Pritchett shares some excellent Sharding Lessons: Size Your Shards, Use Math on Shard Counts, Carefully Consider the Spread, Plan for Exceeding Your Shards

Once upon a time we scaled databases by buying ever bigger, faster, and more expensive machines. While this arrangement is great for big iron profit margins, it doesn't work so well for the bank accounts of our heroic system builders who need to scale well past what they can afford to spend on giant database servers. In a extraordinary two article series, Dathan Pattishall, explains his motivation for a revolutionary new database architecture--sharding--that he began thinking about even before he worked at Friendster, and fully implemented at Flickr. Flickr now handles more than 1 billion transactions per day, responding in less then a few seconds and can scale linearly at a low cost.

What is sharding and how has it come to be the answer to large website scaling problems?

Information Sources

What is sharding?

While working at Auction Watch, Dathan got the idea to solve their scaling problems by creating a database server for a group of users and running those servers on cheap Linux boxes. In this scheme the data for User A is stored on one server and the data for User B is stored on another server. It's a federated model. Groups of 500K users are stored together in what are called shards.

The advantages are:

  • High availability. If one box goes down the others still operate.
  • Faster queries. Smaller amounts of data in each user group mean faster querying.
  • More write bandwidth. With no master database serializing writes you can write in parallel which increases your write throughput. Writing is major bottleneck for many websites.
  • You can do more work. A parallel backend means you can do more work simultaneously. You can handle higher user loads, especially when writing data, because there are parallel paths through your system. You can load balance web servers, which access shards over different network paths, which are processed by separate CPUs, which use separate caches of RAM and separate disk IO paths to process work. Very few bottlenecks limit your work.

    How is sharding different than traditional architectures?

    Sharding is different than traditional database architecture in several important ways:

  • Data are denormalized. Traditionally we normalize data. Data are splayed out into anomaly-less tables and then joined back together again when they need to be used. In sharding the data are denormalized. You store together data that are used together.

    This doesn't mean you don't also segregate data by type. You can keep a user's profile data separate from their comments, blogs, email, media, etc, but the user profile data would be stored and retrieved as a whole. This is a very fast approach. You just get a blob and store a blob. No joins are needed and it can be written with one disk write.

  • Data are parallelized across many physical instances. Historically database servers are scaled up. You buy bigger machines to get more power. With sharding the data are parallelized and you scale by scaling out. Using this approach you can get massively more work done because it can be done in parallel.

  • Data are kept small. The larger a set of data a server handles the harder it is to cash intelligently because you have such a wide diversity of data being accessed. You need huge gobs of RAM that may not even be enough to cache the data when you need it. By isolating data into smaller shards the data you are accessing is more likely to stay in cache.

    Smaller sets of data are also easier to backup, restore, and manage.

  • Data are more highly available. Since the shards are independent a failure in one doesn't cause a failure in another. And if you make each shard operate at 50% capacity it's much easier to upgrade a shard in place. Keeping multiple data copies within a shard also helps with redundancy and making the data more parallelized so more work can be done on the data. You can also setup a shard to have a master-slave or dual master relationship within the shard to avoid a single point of failure within the shard. If one server goes down the other can take over.

  • It doesn't use replication. Replicating data from a master server to slave servers is a traditional approach to scaling. Data is written to a master server and then replicated to one or more slave servers. At that point read operations can be handled by the slaves, but all writes happen on the master.

    Obviously the master becomes the write bottleneck and a single point of failure. And as load increases the cost of replication increases. Replication costs in CPU, network bandwidth, and disk IO. The slaves fall behind and have stale data. The folks at YouTube had a big problem with replication overhead as they scaled.

    Sharding cleanly and elegantly solves the problems with replication.

    Some Problems With Sharding

    Sharding isn't perfect. It does have a few problems.

  • Rebalancing data. What happens when a shard outgrows your storage and needs to be split? Let's say some user has a particularly large friends list that blows your storage capacity for the shard. You need to move the user to a different shard.

    On some platforms I've worked on this is a killer problem. You had to build out the data center correctly from the start because moving data from shard to shard required a lot of downtime.

    Rebalancing has to be built in from the start. Google's shards automatically rebalance. For this to work data references must go through some sort of naming service so they can be relocated. This is what Flickr does. And your references must be invalidateable so the underlying data can be moved while you are using it.

  • Joining data from multiple shards. To create a complex friends page, or a user profile page, or a thread discussion page, you usually must pull together lots of different data from many different sources. With sharding you can't just issue a query and get back all the data. You have to make individual requests to your data sources, get all the responses, and the build the page. Thankfully, because of caching and fast networks this process is usually fast enough that your page load times can be excellent.

  • How do you partition your data in shards? What data do you put in which shard? Where do comments go? Should all user data really go together, or just their profile data? Should a user's media, IMs, friends lists, etc go somewhere else? Unfortunately there are no easy answer to these questions.

  • Less leverage. People have experience with traditional RDBMS tools so there is a lot of help out there. You have books, experts, tool chains, and discussion forums when something goes wrong or you are wondering how to implement a new feature. Eclipse won't have a shard view and you won't find any automated backup and restore programs for your shard. With sharding you are on your own.

  • Implementing shards is not well supported. Sharding is currently mostly a roll your own approach. LiveJournal makes their tool chain available. Hibernate has a library under development. MySQL has added support for partioning. But in general it's still something you must implement yourself.

    See Also

  • The Flickr Architecture for more interesting ideas on how to implement sharding.
  • The Google Arhitecture.
  • The LiveJournal Architecture. They talk quite a bit about their sharding approach and give a lot of helpful details.
  • The Shard category.
  • Saturday

    Is MapReduce going mainstream?

    Compares MapReduce to other parallel processing approaches and suggests new paradigm for clouds and grids

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    Shard servers -- go big or small?

    Hello everyone, I'm designing a website/widget that my business partner and I expect to serve millions of hits daily. As such we must shard our database (and we're designing with shards in mind right from the beginning). However, the one thing I haven't been able to figure out from Googling is the best hardware to go with for shards. I'm using exclusively InnoDB tables. We'll (eventually) be running 3 groups of database servers: a) Session servers for php sessions. These will have a very high write volume. b) ID servers. These will match a couple primary indices (such as user ID) to a given shard. These will have an intense read load, plus a moderate amount of writes. c) Shard servers. These will hold the bulk of the data. These will have a high read load and a lowish write load. Group A is done as a database instead of using memcached so users aren't logged out if a memcached server goes down. As the write load is high, a pair of high performance master-master servers seems obvious. What's the ideal hardware setup for machines with this role? Maxed RAM and fast disks seem reasonable. Should I bother with RAID > 0 if I have a live backup on the other master? I hear 4 cores is optimal for InnoDB -- recommendations? Group B. Again, it looks like maxed RAM is recommended here. What about disks? Should I go for 10K or will regular SATA2 drives be okay? RAID 0, 5, 10? Cores? Should I think about slaves to a master-master setup? Group C. It seems to me these machines can be of any capacity because the data they hold is easily spread between shards. What is the query-per-second per dollar sweet spot when it comes to cores and number of disks? Should I beef these machines up, or stick with low end hardware? Should I still max the RAM? I have some other thoughts on system setup, too. As the data stored in the PHP sessions won't change frequently (it'll likely remain static for a user's entire visit -- all variable data can be stored in Group C shard servers), I'm thinking of using a memcached setup in front of the database and only pushing writes through to the database when necessary. Your thoughts? We're also starting this on a minimal budget (of course), so where in the above is it best spent? Keep in mind that I can recycle machines used in Group A & B in Group C as times goes on. Anyway, I'd love to hear from the expertise of the forum. I've been reading for a long time, and I'll be writing as our project evolves :) --Mark

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    Sharding the Hibernate Way

    Update: A very nice JavaWorld podcast interview with Google engineer Max Ross on Hibernate Shards. Max defines Hibernate Shards (horizontal partitioning), how it works (pretty well), virtual shards (don't ask), what they need to do in the future (query, replication, operational tools), and how it relates to Google AppEngine (not much). To scale you are supposed to partition your data. Sounds good, but how do you do it? When you actually sit down to work out all the details it’s not that easy. Hibernate Shards to the rescue! Hibernate shards is: an extension to the core Hibernate product that adds facilities for horizontal partitioning. If you know the core Hibernate API you know the shards API. No learning curve at all. Here is what a few members of the core group had to say about the Hibernate Shards open source project. Although there are some limitations, from the sound of it they are doing useful stuff in the right way and it’s very much worth looking at, especially if you use Hibernate or some other ORM layer.

    Information Sources

  • Google Developer Podcast Episode Six: The Hibernate Shards Open Source Project. This is the document summarized here.
  • Hibernate Shards Project Page
  • Hibernate Shards Dev Discussion Group.
  • Ryan Barrett’s Scaling on the Cheap presentation. Many of the lessons from here are in Hibernate Shards.
  • JavaWorld podcast interview: Sharding with Max Ross - Hibernate Shards - Max Ross is the Google engineer who spends his days working on the Google App Engine data store. On the side he works on Hibernate Shards, another scalability-obsessed project that is open source.

    What is Hibernate Shards?

  • Shard: splitting up data sets. If data doesn't fit on one machine then split it up into pieces, each piece is called a shard.
  • Sharding: the process of splitting up data. For example, putting employees 1-10,000 on shard1 and employees 10,001-20,000 on shard2.
  • Sharding is used when you have too much data to fit in one single relational database. If your database has a JDBC adapter that means Hibernate can talk to it and if Hibernate can talk to it that means Hibernate Shards can talk to it.
  • Most people don't want to shard because it makes everything complex. But when you have too much data, when you fill your database up, you need another solution, which can be to shard the data across multiple relational databases. The complexity arises because your application has to have the smarts to access multiple databases and that's where Hibernate Shards tries to help.
  • Structure of the data is identical from server to server. The same schema is used across all databases (MySQL, etc).
  • Hibernate was chosen because it's a good ORM tool used internally at Google, but to Google Scale (really really big), sharding needed to be added because Hibernate didn’t support that sort of scale out of the box.
  • The learning curve for a Hibernate user is zero because the Hibernate API is the same. The shard implementation hasn’t violated the API (yet). Sharded versions of Session, Critieria, and Factory are available so the programmer doesn't need to change code. Query isn't implemented yet because features like aggregation and grouping are very difficult to implement across databases.
  • How does it compare to MySQL's horizontal partitioning? Shards is for situations where you have too much data to fit in a single database. MySQL partitioning may allow you to delay when you need to shard, but it is still a single database and you’ll eventually run into limits.

    Schema Design for Shards

  • When sharding you have to consider the general issues of distributed data design for high data volumes. These aren’t Hibernate Shards specific issues, but are general to the problem space.
  • Schema design is the most important of the sharding process and you’ll have to do that up front.
  • You need to pick a dimension, a root level entity, that is easily sharded. Users and customers are common examples.
  • Accept the fact that those entities and all the entities that hang off those entities will be stored in separate physical spaces. Querying across different shards will be difficult. As will management and just about anything else you take for granted.
  • Control over how data are distributed is determined by a pluggable strategies layer.
  • Plan for the future by picking a strategy that will last you a long time. Repartitioning/resharding the data is operationally very difficult. No management tools for this yet.
  • Build simpler models that don't contain as many relationships because you don't have cross shard relationships. Your objects graphs should be contained on one shard as much as possible.
  • Lots of lots of objects pointing to each other may not be a good candidate for sharding.
  • Because the shards design doesn’t modify Hibernate core, you can design using shards from the start, even though you only have one database. Then when you need to start scaling it will be easier to grow.
  • Existing systems with shardable tables shouldn’t take very long to get up and running.
  • Policy decisions can drive sharding. For example, let's say customers don't want their data intermingling, so each customer would get their own database. In this case the application would shard on the customer as a matter of policy, not simply scaling concerns.

    The Sharding Code’s Relationship to Hibernate

  • Hibernate Shards encapsulates knowledge of all the shards. This knowledge is not in the database or the application. It's at the Hibernate persistence layer which provides a unified view of all the databases so the application doesn't have to know.
  • Shards doesn't have full support for Hibernate’s query interface. Hibernate has a criteria or a query interface. Criteria interface is robust, but not good for JPA (Java persistence API), which is query based.
  • Sharding should work across all databases Hibernate works on since shards is a layer on top of Hibernate core beneath the standard Hibernate interfaces. Programmers aren’t aware of it.
  • What they are doing is figuring out how to do standard things like save objects, update, and query objects across multiple databases using standard Hibernate interfaces. If Hibernate can talk to it they can talk to it.
  • A sharded session is used to contain Hibernate’s sessions so Hibernate capabilities are preserved.
  • Can not manage cross shard foreign relationships (yet). Do have runtime checks to detect when cross shard relations are used accidentally. No foreign key constraint checking and there’s no Hibernate lazy loading. From a programming perspective you can have IDs that reference other objects on other shards, it’s just that Hibernate won’t know about these relationships.
  • Now that the base software is done these more advanced features can be considered. It may take changes in Hibernate core

    Pluggable Strategies Determine How Data Are Split Across Shards

  • A Strategy dictates how data are spread across the shards. It’s an interface you need to implement. There are three Strategies: * Shard Resolution Strategy - how you will retrieve your objects. * Shard Selection Strategy – define where objects are saved to. * Access Strategy – once you figure out which shard you are talking to, how do you want to access those shards (serially, 2 at a time, in parallel, etc)?
  • Goal is to have Strategies as flexible as possible so you can decide how your data are sharded.
  • A couple of implementations are provided out of the box: * Round Robin - First one goes to the first shard, second to the second shard, and then it loops back. * Attribute Based – Look at attributes in the data to determine which shard. You can shard users by country, for example.
  • Configuration is set by creating a prototype configuration for all shards (remember, same schema). Then you specify what's different from shard to shard like URL, user name and password, dialect (MySQL, Postgres, etc). Then they'll create a sharded session factory for Hibernate so developers use standard interfaces.

    Some Limitations

  • Full Hibernate HQL is not yet supported (maybe it is now, but I couldn’t tell).
  • Distributed queries are handled by applying a standard HQL query to each shard, merging the results, and applying the filters. This all happens in the application server so using very large data sets could be a problem. It’s left to the intelligence of the developers to do the right thing to manage performance.
  • No mirroring or data replication. Replication is having common tables, like zip codes, available on all shards.
  • No clean way to manage read only data you want on every shard for performance and referential integrity reasons. Say you have country data. It makes sense to replicate that data on each shard so all queries using that data can stay on the shard.
  • No handling of fail over situations, which is just like Hibernate. You could handle it in your connection pool or some other layer. It’s not considered part of the shard/OR mapping layer.
  • There’s a need for management tools that work across shards. For example, repartition data on a live system.
  • It’s possible to shard across different databases as long as you keep the same schema in the same in each database.
  • The number of shards you can have is somewhat limited because each shard is backed by a connection pool which is a lot of databases connections. And ORDER_BY operations across databases must be done in memory so a lot of memory could be used on large data sets.

    Related Articles

  • An Unorthodox Approach to Database Design: The Coming of the Shard.

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  • Wednesday

    Federation at Flickr: Doing Billions of Queries Per Day

    Flickr's lone database guy Dathan Pattishall made his excellent presentation available on how on how Flickr scales its backend to handle tremendous loads. Some of this information is available in Flickr Architecture, but the paper is so good it's worth another read. If you want to see sharding done right, at scale, take a look.

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    Pyshards aspires to build sharding toolkit for Python

    I've been interested in sharding concepts since first hearing the term "shard" a few years back. My interest had been piqued earlier, the first time I read about Google's original approach to distributed search. It was described as a hashtable-like system in which independent physical machines play the role of the buckets. More recently, I needed the capacity and performance of a Sharded system, but did not find helpful libraries or toolkits which would assist with the configuration for my language of preference these days, which is Python. And, since I had a few weeks on my hands, I decided I would begin the work of creating these tools. The result of my initial work the Pyshards project, a still-incomplete python and MySQL based horizontal partitioning and sharding toolkit. HighScalability.com readers will already know that horizontal partitioning is a data segmenting pattern in which distinct groups of physical row-based datasets are distributed across multiple partitions. When the partitions exist as independent databases and when they exist within a shared-nothing architecture they are known as shards. (Google apparently coined the term shard for such database partitions, and pyshards has adopted it.) The goal is to provide big opportunities for database scalability while maintaining good performance. Sharded datasets can be queried individually (one shard) or collectively (aggregate of all shards). In the spirit of The Zen of Python, Pyshards focuses on one obvious way to accomplish horizontal partitioning, and that is by using a hash/modulo based algorithm. Pyshards provides the ability to reasonably add polynomial capacity (number of original shards squared) without re-balancing (re-sharding). Pyshards is designed with re-sharding in mind (because the time will come when you must re-balance) and provides re-sharding algorithms and tools. Finally, Pyshards aspires to provide a web-based shard monitoring tool so that you can keep an eye on resource capacity. So why publish an incomplete open source project? I'd really prefer to work with others who are interested in this topic instead of working in a vacuum. If you are curious, or think you might want to get involved, come visit the project page, join a mailing list, or add a comment on the WIKI. http://code.google.com/p/pyshards/wiki/Pyshards Devin

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    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Using a Lot of Disk Space to Scale

    Update 3: ReadWriteWeb says Google App Engine Announces New Pricing Plans, APIs, Open Access. Pricing is specified but I'm not sure what to make of it yet. An image manipulation library is added (thus the need to pay for more CPU :-) and memcached support has been added. Memcached will help resolve the can't write for every read problem that pops up when keeping counters. Update 2: onGWT.com threw a GAE load party and a lot of people came. The results at Load test : Google App Engine = 1, Community = 0. GAE handled a peak of 35 requests/second and a sustained 10 requests/second. Some think performance was good, others not so good. My GMT watch broke and I was late to arrive. Maybe next time. Also added a few new design rules from the post. Update: Added a few new rules gleaned from the GAE Meetup: Design By Explicit Cost Model and Puts are Precious. How do you structure your database using a distributed hash table like BigTable? The answer isn't what you might expect. If you were thinking of translating relational models directly to BigTable then think again. The best way to implement joins with BigTable is: don't. You--pause for dramatic effect--duplicate data instead of normalize it. *shudder* Flickr anticipated this design in their architecture when they chose to duplicate comments in both the commentor and the commentee user shards rather than create a separate comment relation. I don't know how that decision was made, but it must have gone against every fiber in their relational bones... But Flickr’s reasoning was genius. To scale you need to partition. User data must spread across the shards. So where do comments belong in a scalable architecture? From one world view comments logically belong to a relation binding comments and users together. But if your unit of scalability is the user shard there is no separate relation space. So you go against all your training and decide to duplicate the comments. Nerd heroism at its best. Let inductive rules derived from observation guide you rather than deductions from arbitrarily chosen first principles. Very Enlightenment era thinking. Voltaire would be proud. In a relational world duplication is removed in order to prevent update anomalies. Error prevention is the driving force in relational modeling. Normalization is a kind of ethical system for data. What happens, for example, if a comment changes? Both copies of the comment must be updated. That leads to errors because who can remember where all the data is stored? A severe ethical violation may happen. Go directly to relational jail :-) BigTable data ethics are more Mardi Gras than dinner with the in-laws. Data just wants to have fun. BigTable won’t stop you from hurting yourself. And to get the best results you may have to engage in some conventionally risky behaviors. But if those are the glass bead necklaces you have to give for a peak at scalability, why not take a walk on the wild side? For a more modern post-relational discussion of data ethics I’m using as my primary source a thread of conversations from JA Robson, Ben the Indefatigable, Michael Brunton-Spall, and especially Brett Morgan. According to our new Voltaire, Locke, Bacon, and Newton, here’s what it takes to act ethically in a BigTable world:
  • Don’t bother with BigTable unless your goal is to create a web site that scales to millions of users. The techniques for building scalable read-mostly web applications are difficult and require a radical mindset change. Standard relational techniques work very well until you scale to huge numbers of users. It is at that point you need to break the rules and do something counter-intuitively different. More of the same will not work. If you don’t plan to get to that point it may not be worth the effort to change. BigTable is targeted at building web applications, It's nature makes it a poor match for OLAP, data warehousing, data mining, and other applications performing complex data manipulations.
  • Assume slower random data access rather than fast sequential access. Every get of an entity could be from a different disk block on a different machine in a cluster. Calculating, for example, the average over a column in SQL can be efficient because data is stored together on disk. In BigTable data can be anywhere so iterating over every value in a column is expensive. Each read is potentially a random block from anywhere which means the average retrieval time can be relatively high. The implication is to use BigTable you must adopt some unfamiliar and unintuitive strategies in order to deal with such a very different performance profile. Using relational database we are used to writing applications against fast highly performant databases. With BigTable you have to become familiar with the rules for developing against a slower but more scalable database. Neither approach is better for all purposes, but BigTable has the edge for high scalability.
  • Group data for concurrent reads. Given the high cost of reading data from BigTable your application will not scale if every page requires a large number of reads. The solution: denormalize. Store data in the same entity based on what data needs to be read concurrently. Relational modeling groups data together based on the “minimize problems” rule. BigTable’s new rule is “maximize concurrent reads” which implies denormalization. Store entities so they can be read in one access rather than performing a join requiring multiple reads. Instead of storing attributes in separate entities in order to remove duplication, duplicate the attributes and store them where they need to be used. Following this rule minimizes the number of reads required to return an entity.
  • Disk and CPU are cheap so stop worrying about them and scale. A criticism of denormalization is storing duplicate data wastes disk space. Google’s architecture trades disk space for better performance. Disk is (relatively) cheap, so don’t fight it. On the CPU front a data center’s worth of CPU is at your service. As long as you structure your application in the way GAE forces you to, your application can scale as large as it needs to simply by running on more machines. All scalability bottlenecks have been removed.
  • Structure data around how it will be used. Trade SQL sets for application based entities. Queries are slow so the closer data is to the format it is to be used the faster pages will render. It’s like the database model becomes the model previously used at the caching layer. Complete entities tend to be cached, not low level detail rows. That’s what BigTable models should look like because that’s how concurrent reads are maximized. This isn’t the same as an object oriented database because the behavior is provided by applications, behavior is not bound to the entity so multiple applications can read the same entities yet implement very different behaviors.
  • Compute attributes at write time. Since looping over large columns of data is inefficient with BigTable the idea is to calculate values at write time instead of read time. For example, instead of calculating an average by reading an entire column at read time, track the total number and the total value at write time so the average can be calculated with one read on page display. Programmer effort is made up front at write time to minimize the work needed at read time. Preventing applications from iterating over huge data is key for making applications scale. Given the limitations of GAE transactions and quotas, GAE may not be appropriate for business applications that need exact summary statistics. Warning: if the summary stat is written on every read request then this approach will not scale as writes don't scale.
  • Create large entities with optional fields. Normalization creates lots of small entities. Instead, create larger entities with optional parts so you can do one read and then determine what’s present at run time. This shifts work from the database to the CPU while minimizing the number joins.
  • Define schemas in models. Denormalization requires user developed code to properly keep data consistent across multiple entities. The database won’t do it for you anymore. Schemas are really defined in code because it’s only code that can track all the relationships and maintain correctness. All database access must go through the models or otherwise the much feared inconsistency problems will result.
  • Hide updates using Ajax. Updates are slow so big bang updates of many entities will appear slow to users . Instead, use Ajax to update the database in little increments. As a user enters form data update the database so the update cost is amortized over many calls rather than one big call at the end. The result is a good user experience and a more scalable app.
  • Puts are Precious. Updating entities in large batches, say even 200 at a time, isn't part of the BigTable model. Entity attributes are automatically and synchronously indexed on writes. Indexing is an expensive operation that accumulates a lot of CPU time so the number updates that can be performed in one query is quite limited. The work around is to perform updates in smaller batches driven by an external CPU. Even when GAE provides the ability run batches within GAE the programming model for writes needs to be accounted for in a design.
  • Design By Explicit Cost Model. If you are going to be charged for an operation GAE wants you to explicitly ask for it. This is why some automatic navigation between objects isn't provided because that will force an explicit query to be written. Writing an explicit query is a sort of EULA for being charged. Click OK in the form of a query and you've indicated that you are prepared to pay for a database operation.
  • Place a many-to-many relation in the entity with the fewest number of elements. One way to create a many-to-many relationship is to have a list property that contains keys to the other related entities. A Company entity, for example, could contain a list of keys to Contact entities or a Contact entity could contain a list of keys to Company entities. Since it's likely a Contact is associated with fewer Companies the list should be contained in the Contact. The reasoning is maintaining large lists is relatively inefficient so you want to minimize the number of items in a list as much as possible.
  • Avoid unbounded queries. Large queries don't scale. Consider showing only the most recent 10 or so values from an attribute.
  • Avoid contention on datastore entities. If every request to your app reads or writes a particular entity, latency will increase as your traffic goes up because reads and writes on a given entity are sequential. One example construct you should avoid at all costs is the global counter, i.e. an entity that keeps track of a count and is updated or read on every request.
  • Avoid large entity groups. Any two entities that share a common ancestor belong to the same entity group. All writes to an entity group are sequential, so large entity groups can bog down popular apps quickly if there are a lot of writes to that group. Instead, use small, localized groups in your design.
  • Shard counters. Increment one of N counters and sum those N counters on the read side. This avoids the dreaded write bottleneck. See Efficient Global Counters by App Engine Fan for more details. An excellent example showing some of these principles in action can be found in this GQL thread. Take this nicely normalized schema:
     - Name 
     - Country 
    - Code 
    - Name 
    - Description 
    - Reference to Product Entity 
    - Reference to Customer Entity 
    - Date of order 
    Anyone from a relational background would look at this schema and give it a big thumbs up. With a little effort we can imagine the original physical purchase order that has now been normalized into three different tables. To recreate the original purchase order a join on purchases, produce and customer is needed. Read speed is not optimized, safety is optimized. Here’s what the same schema looks like optimized for reading:
    - Customer Name 
    - Customer Country 
    - Product Code 
    - Product Name 
    - Purchase Order Number 
    - Date Of Order
    The three original tables have been folded into one entity. Now a purchase order can be read in one get operation. No join necessary. Notice how the entity looks more like an original purchase order. It is also what would probably be cached and is what our model would probably look like. But what if you want to update a product name or a customer name? Those attributes are duplicated in all entities. Here’s where the protection offered by the relational model comes in. Only one entity needs updating in a normalized model. In BigTable you have to remember everywhere a customer name and product name and change every instance to new values. It’s not a simple, safe, or reliable approach. But it does optimize for read speed and scalability. For an application with a high proportion of updates to reads this approach wouldn’t make sense. But on the web reads usually dominate. How often do you really change a customer name or a product name? Seldom. How often do you read them? All the time. Designing to scale for reads and taking the pain on writes takes some getting used to. It’s a massive change to standard relational tactics. But this is what it takes to scale web applications, even if it feels a little strange at first.

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    Scaling Mania at MySQL Conference 2008

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  • Scaling out MySQL: Hardware today and tomorrow by Jeremy Cole and Eric Bergen of Proven Scaling. In it are answered all the big questions of life: What about 64-bit? How many cores? How much memory? Shared storage? Finally we learn the secrets of true happiness.
  • Panel Video: Scaling MySQL? Up or Out?. Don't have time? Take a look at the Diamond Note excellent game day summary. Companies like MySQL, Sun, Flickr, Fotolog, Wikipedia, Facebook and YouTube share intel on how many web servers they have, how they handle failure, and how they scale.
  • Kevin Burton in Scaling MySQL and Java in High Write Throughput Environments - How we built Spinn3r shows how they crawl and index 500k posts per hour using MySQL and 40 servers.
  • Venu Anuganti channels Dathan Pattishall's talk on scaling heavy concurrent writes in real time.
  • This time Venu channels Helping InnoDB scale on servers with many cores by Mark Callaghan from Google.
  • Exploring Amazon EC2 for Scale-out Applications by Morgan Tocker, MySQL Canada, Carl Mercier, Defensio. RoR based spam filtering services that runs completely on EC2. Show evolution from a simple configuration to a sharded architecture.
  • Applied Partitioning and Scaling Your (OLTP) Database System by Phil Hilderbrand.
  • Real World Web: Performance & Scalability by Ask Bjorn Hansen. (189 slides!). He promises you haven't seen this talk before. The secret: Think Horizontal.
  • Too many to list here. All the presentations are available on scribd.

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