Entries in gigaspaces (24)


Using SSD as a Foundation for New Generations of Flash Databases - Nati Shalom

“You just can't have it all” is a phrase that most of us are accustomed to hearing and that many still believe to be true when discussing the speed, scale and cost of processing data. To reach high speed data processing, it is necessary to utilize more memory resources which increases cost. This occurs because price increases as memory, on average, tends to be more expensive than commodity disk drive. The idea of data systems being unable to reliably provide you with both memory and fast access—not to mention at the right cost—has long been debated, though the idea of such limitations was cemented by computer scientist, Eric Brewer, who introduced us to the CAP theorem.

The CAP Theorem and Limitations for Distributed Computer Systems

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PaaS on OpenStack - Run Applications on Any Cloud, Any Time Using Any Thing

Yesterday, I had a session during the OpenStack Summit where I tried to present a more general view on how we should be thinking about PaaS in the context of OpenStack.

The key takeaway :

The main goal of PaaS is to drive productivity into the process by which we can deliver new applications.

Most of the existing PaaS solutions take a fairly extreme approach with their abstraction of the underlying infrastructure and therefore fit a fairly small number of extremely simple applications and thus miss the real promise of PaaS.

Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk took a more bottom up approach giving us better set of tradeoffs between the abstraction and control which makes it more broadly applicable to a larger set of applications.

The fact that OpenStack is opensource allows us to think differently on the things we can do at the platform layer. We can create a tighter integration between the PaaS and IaaS layers and thus come up with better set of tradeoffs into the way we drive productivity without giving up control. Specifically that means that:

  • Anyone should be able to:
    • Build their own PaaS in a snap
    • Run on any cloud (public/private)
    • Gain multi-tenancy, elasticity… Without code changes.
  • Provide a significantly higher degree of control without adding substantial complexity over our:
    • Language choice
    • Operating System
    • Middleware stack
  • Should come pre-integrated with a popular stack:
    • Spring,Tomcat, DevOps, NoSQL, Hadoop...
    • Designed to run the most demanding mission-critical app

You can read the full story and see the demo here


Productivity vs. Control tradeoffs in PaaS

Gartner published recently an interesting paper: Productivity vs. Control: Cloud Application Platforms Must Split to Win. (The paper requires registration.)

The paper does a pretty good job covering the evolution that is taking place in the PaaS market toward a more open platform and compares between the two main categories: aPaaS (essentially a PaaS running as a service) and CEAP (Cloud Enabled Application Platform) which is the  *P* out of PaaS that gives you the platform to build your own PaaS in private or public cloud.

While I was reading through the paper I felt that something continued to bother me with this definition, even though I tend to agree with the overall observation. If I follow the logic of this paper than I have to give away productivity to gain control, hmm…  that’s a hard choice.

The issue seem to be with the way we define productivity. Read the full detailes here



In this post i wanted to spend sometime on the CAP theorem and clarify some of the confusion that i often see when people associate CAP with scalability without fully understanding the implications that comes with it and the alternative approaches

You can read the full article here


Space Based Programming in .NET

Space-based architectures are an alternative to the traditional n-tier model for enterprise applications. Instead of a vertical tier partitioning, space based applications are partitioned horizontally into self-sufficient units. This leads to almost linear scalability of stateful, high-performance applications.

This is a recording of a talk I did last month where I introduce space based programming and demonstrate how that works in practice on the .NET platform using Oracle Coherence and GigaSpaces.


Infinispan narrows the gap between open source and commercial data caches 

Recently I attended a lecture presented by Manik Surtani , JBoss Cache & Infinispan project lead. The goal of the talk was to provide a technical overview of both products and outline Infinispan's road-map. Infinispan is the successor to the open-source JBoss Cache. JBoss Cache was originally targeted at simple web page caching and Infinispan builds on this to take it into the Cloud paradigm.

Why did I attend? Well, over the past few years I have worked on projects that have used commercial distributed caching (aka data grid) technologies such as GemFire, GigaSpaces XAP or Oracle Coherence . These projects required more functionality than is currently provided by open-source solutions such as memcached or EHCache. Looking at the road-map for Infinispan, I was struck by its ambition – will it provide the functionality that I need?

Read more at: http://bigdatamatters.com/bigdatamatters/2009/09/infinispan-vs-gigaspaces.html


The interactive cloud

How many times have you been called in the middle of the night by your operation guys telling you that your application throws some odd red alerts? How many times did you found out that when those issues happens you don't have enough information to analyze this incident? have you tried to increase the log level just to find out that your problem became even worse - now your application throws tons of information in a continues basis most of which is complete garbage...

The current separation between the way we implement our application and the way we manage it leads to many of this ridicules situations. Cloud makes those things even worse.

In this post i suggest an alternative approach. Why don't we run our application the way we run our business? I refer to this approach as the "interactive cloud" where our application behaves just like our project team and the operations just like our managers. As with our business our application would need to take more responsibility to the way it runs and take corrective actions such as balancing it own resources, re-assign tasks to the available resources in case of failure etc. It will need to involve its manager only when it runs out of resource. It will need to provide reports in a way that makes sense to our managers.

In the first part of this post describes the general concept behind this model and the second part provides technical background which include code snippet based on our experience in GigaSpaces.


No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam – My Take

In this post i wrote my view on the anti SQL database movement and where the alternative approach fits in:

- SQL databases are not going away anytime soon.
- The current "one size fit it all" databases thinking was and is wrong.
- There is definitely a place for a more a more specialized data management solutions alongside traditional SQL databases.

In addition to the options that was mentioned on the original article i pointed out the the in-memory alternative approach and how that fits into the puzzle. I used a real life scenario: scalable Social network based eCommerce site where i outlined how in-memory approach was the only option they could scale and meet their application performance and response time requirements.


Google App Engine plus Amazon AWS: Best of both worlds

Google App Engine (GAE) is focused on making development easy, but limits your options. Amazon Web Services is focused on making development flexible, but complicates the development process. Real enterprise applications require both of these paradigms to achieve success… What we really want is the flexibility of AWS and the simplicity of GAE.

For the rest of the post see http://natishalom.typepad.com/nati_shaloms_blog/2009/06/google-app-engine-plus-amazon-aws-best-of-both-worlds.html


GigaSpaces Launches a New Version of its Cloud Computing Framework

This post include detailed on who is using the platform and how from Enterprise applicaitons, to ISV that are looking for SaaS enablement, through partners and solution providers that are looking for to gain a competitive advantage and deploy application in short time to market and small initial investment.