What is NASA Doing with Big Data? Check this Out

Within the time you read the above sentence, NASA could have collected 1.73 gigabytes of data from around 100 missions which are active currently. NASA doesn’t stop doing this and the rate of collection is growing in an exponential manner. So, managing this kind of data is an uphill task for them. But the data which NASA collects is highly precious and its significance is immense in NASA’s science and research. NASA is trying extremely hard to make this data as approachable and accessible as possible for their daily tasks, various predictions in the universe, and for the human well-being through its innovations and creativity.
In version 2.0 of their “Open Government Plan” in the year 2012, NASA discussed, but did not go deeply into the work they have been doing regarding “Big Data” and they believed that they have much more to explore in this field.
We all know what big data is and what its uses are. So, I don’t think there is any need to mention what really big data is and let’s move on with other topic.
NASA’s Big Data Challenge