Entries in SSD (10)


How to Improve MySQL AWS Performance 2X Over Amazon RDS at The Same Cost

How to Improve MySQL AWS Performance 2X Over Amazon RDS at The Same Cost

AWS is the #1 cloud provider for open-source database hosting, and the go-to cloud for MySQL deployments. As organizations continue to migrate to the cloud, it’s important to get in front of performance issues, such as high latency, low throughput, and replication lag with higher distances between your users and cloud infrastructure. While many AWS users default to their managed database solution, Amazon RDS, there are alternatives available that can improve your MySQL performance on AWS through advanced customization options and unlimited EC2 instance type support. ScaleGrid offers a compelling alternative to hosting MySQL on AWS that offers better performance, more control, and no cloud vendor lock-in and the same price as Amazon RDS. In this post, we compare the performance of MySQL Amazon RDS vs. MySQL Hosting at ScaleGrid on AWS High Performance instances.


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Paper: FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs

It's amazing what you can accomplish these days on a single machine using SSDs and smart design. In the paper FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs they:

demonstrate that FlashGraph is able to process graphs with billions of vertices and hundreds of billions of edges on a single commodity machine.

The challenge is SSDs are a lot slower than RAM:

The throughput of SSDs are an order of magnitude less than DRAM and the I/O latency is multiple orders of magnitude slower. Also, I/O performance is extremely non-uniform and needs to be localized. Finally, high-speed I/O consumes many CPU cycles, interfering with graph processing.

Their solution exploits caching, parallelism, smart scheduling and smart placement algorithms:

We build FlashGraph on top of a user-space SSD file system called SAFS [32] to overcome these technical challenges. The set-associative file system (SAFS) refactors I/O scheduling, data placement, and data caching for the extreme parallelism of modern NUMA multiprocessors. The lightweight SAFS cache enables FlashGraph to adapt to graph applications with different cache hit rates. We integrate FlashGraph with the asynchronous user-task I/O interface of SAFS to reduce the overhead of accessing data in the page cache and memory consumption, as well as overlapping computation with I/O.

The result performs up to 80% of its in-memory implementation:

We observe that in many graph applications a large SSD array is capable of delivering enough I/Os to saturate the CPU. This suggests the importance of optimizing for CPU and RAM in such an I/O system. It also suggests that SSDs have been sufficiently fast to be an important extension for RAM when we build a machine for large-scale graph analysis applications.


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Using SSD as a Foundation for New Generations of Flash Databases - Nati Shalom

“You just can't have it all” is a phrase that most of us are accustomed to hearing and that many still believe to be true when discussing the speed, scale and cost of processing data. To reach high speed data processing, it is necessary to utilize more memory resources which increases cost. This occurs because price increases as memory, on average, tends to be more expensive than commodity disk drive. The idea of data systems being unable to reliably provide you with both memory and fast access—not to mention at the right cost—has long been debated, though the idea of such limitations was cemented by computer scientist, Eric Brewer, who introduced us to the CAP theorem.

The CAP Theorem and Limitations for Distributed Computer Systems

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Performance at Scale: SSDs, Silver Bullets, and Serialization

This is a guest post by Aaron Sullivan, Director & Principal Engineer at Rackspace.

We all love a silver bullet. Over the last few years, if I were to split the outcomes that I see with Rackspace customers who start using SSDs, the majority of the outcomes fall under two scenarios. The first scenario is a silver bullet—adding SSDs creates near-miraculous performance improvements. The second scenario (the most common) is typically a case of the bullet being fired at the wrong target—the results fall well short of expectations.

With the second scenario, the file system, data stores, and processes frequently become destabilized. These demoralizing results, however, usually occur when customers are trying to speed up the wrong thing.

A common phenomena at the heart of the disappointing SSD outcomes is serialization. Despite the fact that most servers have parallel processors (e.g. multicore, multi-socket), parallel memory systems (e.g. NUMA, multi-channel memory controllers), parallel storage systems (e.g. disk striping, NAND), and multithreaded software, transactions still must happen in a certain order. For some parts of your software and system design, processing goes step by step. Step 1. Then step 2. Then step 3. That’s serialization.

And just because some parts of your software or systems are inherently parallel doesn’t mean that those parts aren’t serialized behind other parts. Some systems may be capable of receiving and processing thousands of discrete requests simultaneously in one part, only to wait behind some other, serialized part. Software developers and systems architects have dealt with this in a variety of ways. Multi-tier web architecture was conceived, in part, to deal with this problem. More recently, database sharding also helps to address this problem. But making some parts of a system parallel doesn’t mean all parts are parallel. And some things, even after being explicitly enhanced (and marketed) for parallelism, still contain some elements of serialization.

How far back does this problem go? It has been with us in computing since the inception of parallel computing, going back at least as far as the 1960s(1). Over the last ten years, exceptional improvements have been made in parallel memory systems, distributed database and storage systems, multicore CPUs, GPUs, and so on. The improvements often follow after the introduction of a new innovation in hardware. So, with SSDs, we’re peering at the same basic problem through a new lens. And improvements haven’t just focused on improving the SSD, itself. Our whole conception of storage software stacks is changing, along with it. But, as you’ll see later, even if we made the whole storage stack thousands of times faster than it is today, serialization will still be a problem. We’re always finding ways to deal with the issue, but rarely can we make it go away.

Parallelization and Serialization

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Wide Fast SATA: the Recipe for Hot Performance

This is a guest post by Brian Bulkowski, CTO and co-founder of Aerospike, a leading clustered NoSQL database, has worked in the area of high performance commodity systems since 1989.

This blog post will tell you exactly how to build a multi-terabyte high throughput datacenter server. A fast, reliable multi-terrabyte data tier can be used for recent behavior (messages, tweets, plays, actions), or anywhere that today you use Redis or Memcache.

You need to know:

  • Which SSDs work
  • Which chassis work
  • How to configure your RAID cards

Intel’s SATA solutions – combined with a high capacity storage server like the Dell R720xd and a host bus adapter based on the LSI 2208, and a Flash optimized database like Aerospike, enables high throughput and low latency.

In a wide configuration, with 12 to 20 drives per 2U server, individual servers can cost-effectively serve at high throughput with 16T at $2.50 per GB with the s3700, or $1.25 with the s3500. Other SSD offerings – from Crucial (Micron) and Samsung (S843) – are at other densities and price-performance points.

This is in-memory computing at a stunningly new, accessible price level – but there are some details you need to know...

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Switch your databases to Flash storage. Now. Or you're doing it wrong.

This is a guest post by Brian Bulkowski, CTO and co-founder of Aerospike, a leading clustered NoSQL database, has worked in the area of high performance commodity systems since 1989.

Why flash rules for databases

The economics of flash memory are staggering. If you’re not using SSD, you are doing it wrong. 

Not quite true, but close. Some small applications fit entirely in memory – less than 100GB – great for in-memory solutions. There’s a place for rotational drives (HDD) in massive streaming analytics and petabytes of data. But for the vast space between, flash has become the only sensible option. 

For example, the Samsung 840 costs $180 for 250GB. The speed rating for this drive is rated by the manufacturer at 96,000 random 4K read IOPS, and 61,000 random 4K write IOPS. The Samsung 840 is not alone at this price performance. A 300GB Intel 320 is $450. An OCZ Vertex 4 256GB is $235, with the Intel being rated as slowest, but our internal testing showing solid performance. Most datacenter chassis will accommodate four data drives, and adding four Samsung 840 creates a system with 1TB of storage, 384,000 read IOPS, 248,000 random write IOPS, for a storage street cost of $720 and adding an extra 0.3 watts to a server’s power draw.

If you have a dataset under 10TB, and you’re still using rotational drives, you’re doing it wrong. The new low cost of flash makes rotational drives useful only for the lightest of workloads.

Most operational non-analytic work loads require only a few IOPS per transaction. A good database should require just one. 

HDD as a price of about $0.10 per GB – 10x cheaper than flash – but each spindle supports about 200 IOPS--- the number of seeks per second. Until the recent advent of flash, databases were IOPS limited, requiring large arrays to reach high performance. Estimating cost per IOP is difficult, as smaller drives provide the same performance for lower cost. But achieving performance similar to the 96,000 IOPS of a $180 Samsung 840 would require over 400 HDD at a price of hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Let’s compare the economics of memory. Dell is currently (December 2012) charging $20 per GB for DRAM (16GB DIMM at $315), and a fully loaded R720 with RDIMMs topping out at 384GB for $13,000—or $33 per GB, fully loaded. Memory doesn’t have IOPS, and main memory databases measured over 1M transactions per second. Memory is faster, but we’ll see that for most use cases, network bottlenecks will overcome RAM’s performance advantage. 

Step back: $33 per GB for RAM, $1 per GB for flash. High density 12T solutions can be built with the current Dell R720, compared to a high density 384GB memory system at about the same price ($13K/server). RAM’s power draw tips the equation even further.

Flash storage provides random access capabilities, which means your application developers are spending less time optimizing query patterns. All the queries go fast.  That fast random access results in architectural flexibility, and allows you to change your data patterns and applications rapidly. That’s priceless.

The lure of main memory databases 

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Shutterfly Saw a Speedup of 500% With Flashcache

In the "should I or shouldn't I" debate around deploying SSD, it always helps to have real-world data. Fiesta! with a live-blog summary of a presentation by Kenny Gorman on Shutterfly on MongoDB Performance Tuning.

What if you still need more performance after doing all of this tuning? One option is to use SSDs. Shutterfly uses Facebook’s flashcache: kernel module to cache data on SSD. Designed for MySQL/InnoDB. SSD in front of a disk, but exposed as a single mount point. This only makes sense when you have lots of physical I/O. Shutterfly saw a speedup of 500% w/ flashcache. A benefit is that you can delay sharding: less complexity.

The whole series of posts has a lot of great information and is worth a longer look, especially if you are considering using MongoDB. 

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It's the Fraking IOPS - 1 SSD is 44,000 IOPS, Hard Drive is 180

Planning your next buildout and thinking SSDs are still far in the future? Still too expensive, too low density. Hard disks are cheap, familiar, and store lots of stuff. In this short and entertaining video Wikia's Artur Bergman wants to change your mind about SSDs. SSDs are for today, get with the math already.

Here's Artur's logic:

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EVE Online Architecture

EVE Online is "The World's Largest Game Universe", a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) made by CCP. EVE Online's Architecture is unusual for a MMOG because it doesn't divide the player load among different servers or shards. Instead, the same cluster handles the entire EVE universe. It is an interesting to compare this with the Architecture of the Second Life Grid. How do they manage to scale?

Information Sources


  • Stackless Python used for both server and client game logic. It allows programmers to reap the benefits of thread-based programming without the performance and complexity problems associated with conventional threads.
  • SQL Server
  • Blade servers with SSDs for high IOPS
  • Plans to use Infiniband interconnects for low latency networking
  • What's Inside?

    The Stats

    • Founded in 1997
    • ~300K active users
    • Up to 40K concurrent users
    • Battles involving hundreds of ships
    • 250M transactions per day


    The EVE Cluster is broken into 3 distinct layers
    • Proxy Blades - These are the public facing segment of the EVE Cluster - they are responsible for taking player connections and establishing player communication within the rest of the cluster.
    • SOL Blades - These are the workhorses of Tranquility. The cluster is divided across 90 - 100 SOL blades which run 2 nodes each. A node is the primarily CPU intensive EVE server process running on one core. There are some SOL blades dedicated to one busy solar systems such as Jita, Motsu and Saila.
    • Database Cluster - This is the persistence layer of EVE Online. The running nodes interact heavily with the Database, and of course pretty much everything to do with the game lives here. Thanks to Solid-state drives, the database is able to keep up with the enormous I/O load that Tranquility generates.

    Lessons Learned

    There are many interesting facts about the architecture of the EVE Online MMOG such as the use of Stacless Python and SSDs.
    • With innovative ideas MMO games can scale up to the hundreds of players in the same battle.
    • SSDs will in fact bridge the gap huge performance gap between the memory and disks to some extent.
    • Low latency Infiniband network interconnect will enable larger clusters.
    Check out the information sources for detailed insights to the development and operation of the EVE Online game.

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Kevin's Great Adventures in SSDland

Update: Final Thoughts on SSD and MySQL AKA Battleship Spinn3r. Tips on how to make your database 10x faster using solid state drives. Potential exists for 100x speedup. Solid-state drives (SSDs) are the holy grail of storage. The promise of RAM speeds and hard disk like persistence have for years driven us crazy with power user lust, but they've stayed tantalizingly just out of reach. Always too expensive, too small, and oddly too slow. Has that changed? Can you now miraculously have your cake and eat it too? Can you now have it both ways? Is balancing work with family life now as easy as tripping over a terabyte drive? In a pioneering series of blog articles Kevin Burton conducts original research on next generation SSD drives in real world configurations. For an experience report on his great adventure you can turn to: Could SSD Mean a Rise in MyISAM Usage?, Serverbeach, MySQL and Mtron SSDs, Prediction: SSD Blades in 2008, Zeus IOPS - Another High Performance SSD, Thoughts on SSD and MySQL 5.1, Thoughts on Maria and SSD, 24 Hours with an SSD and MySQL, Random Write Performance in SSDs, SSD + PBXT = Crazy Suspicious!, More SSD vs HDD vs InnoDB vs MyISAM Numbers. A lot of fascinating findings so far. Unfortunately Goldilocks may still find the porridge too slow. SSDs turn out to be fast, but not as fast as you might hope in out of the box configurations. MySQL on SSD is fast for sequential reads and writes, but random reads are writes are relatively slow. Kevin speculates "Log structured filesystems can come into play here and seriously increase performance by turning all random writes into sequential writes" and that "Bigtable and append only databases would FLY on flash." The upshot for me is we need a storage engine designed specifically for SSDs as they provide a very different design space from hard disks. Kevin has a lot of excellent details and observations on his site and he'll no doubt be coming up with a lot more.

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