Entries in Python (16)


Managing High Availability in PostgreSQL – Part III: Patroni

Managing High Availability in PostgreSQL – Part III: Patroni - ScaleGrid Blog

In our previous blog posts, we discussed the capabilities and functioning of PostgreSQL Automatic Failover (PAF) by Cluster Labs and Replication Manager (repmgr) by 2ndQuadrant. In the final post of this series, we will review the last solution, Patroni by Zalando, and compare all three at the end so you can determine which high availability framework is best for your PostgreSQL hosting deployment.

Patroni for PostgreSQL

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6 Lessons from Dropbox - One Million Files Saved Every 15 minutes

Dropbox saves one million files every 15 minutes,  more tweets than even Twitterers tweet. That mind blowing statistic was revealed by Rian Hunter, a Dropbox Engineer, in his presentation How Dropbox Did It and How Python Helped at PyCon 2011.

The first part of the presentation is some Dropbox lore, origin stories and other foundational myths. We learn that Dropbox is a startup company located in San Francisco that has probably one of the most popular file synchronization and sharing tools in the world, shipping Python on the desktop and supporting millions of users and growing every day

About half way through the talk turns technical. Not a lot of info on how Dropbox handles this massive scale was dropped, but there were a number of good lessons to ponder:

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The technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed's web server

Today, we are open sourcing the non-blocking web server and the tools that power FriendFeed under the name Tornado Web Server. We are really excited to open source this project as a part of Facebook's open source initiative, and we hope it will be useful to others building real-time web services.

You can download Tornado at tornadoweb.org.

Read more on Brett Taylor's blog (co-founder of FriendFeed)


Digg Architecture

Update 4:: Introducing Digg’s IDDB Infrastructure by Joe Stump. IDDB is a way to partition both indexes (e.g. integer sequences and unique character indexes) and actual tables across multiple storage servers (MySQL and MemcacheDB are currently supported with more to follow). Update 3:: Scaling Digg and Other Web Applications. Update 2:: How Digg Works and How Digg Really Works (wear ear plugs). Brought to you straight from Digg's blog. A very succinct explanation of the major elements of the Digg architecture while tracing a request through the system. I've updated this profile with the new information. Update: Digg now receives 230 million plus page views per month and 26 million unique visitors - traffic that necessitated major internal upgrades. Traffic generated by Digg's over 22 million famously info-hungry users and 230 million page views can crash an unsuspecting website head-on into its CPU, memory, and bandwidth limits. How does Digg handle billions of requests a month? Site: http://digg.com

Information Sources

  • How Digg Works by Digg
  • How Digg.com uses the LAMP stack to scale upward
  • Digg PHP's Scalability and Performance


  • MySQL
  • Linux
  • PHP
  • Lucene
  • Python
  • APC PHP Accelerator
  • MCache
  • Gearman - job scheduling system
  • MogileFS - open source distributed filesystem
  • Apache
  • Memcached

    The Stats

  • Started in late 2004 with a single Linux server running Apache 1.3, PHP 4, and MySQL. 4.0 using the default MyISAM storage engine
  • Over 22 million users.
  • 230 million plus page views per month
  • 26 million unique visitors per month
  • Several billion page views per month
  • None of the scaling challenges faced had anything to do with PHP. The biggest issues faced were database related.
  • Dozens of web servers.
  • Dozens of DB servers.
  • Six specialized graph database servers to run the Recommendation Engine.
  • Six to ten machines that serve files from MogileFS.

    What's Inside

  • Specialized load balancer appliances monitor the application servers, handle failover, constantly adjust the cluster according to health, balance incoming requests and caching JavaScript, CSS and images. If you don't have the fancy load balancers take a look at Linux Virtual Server and Squid as a replacement.
  • Requests are passed to the Application Server cluster. Application servers consist of: Apache+PHP, Memcached, Gearman and other daemons. They are responsible for making coordinating access to different services (DB, MogileFS, etc) and creating the response sent to the browser.
  • Uses a MySQL master-slave setup. - Four master databases are partitioned by functionality: promotion, profiles, comments, main. Many slave databases hang off each master. - Writes go to the masters and reads go to the slaves. - Transaction-heavy servers use the InnoDB storage engine. - OLAP-heavy servers use the MyISAM storage engine. - They did not notice a performance degradation moving from MySQL 4.1 to version 5. - The schema is denormalized more than "your average database design." - Sharding is used to break the database into several smaller ones.
  • Digg's usage pattern makes it easier for them to scale. Most people just view the front page and leave. Thus 98% of Digg's database accesses are reads. With this balance of operations they don't have to worry about the complex work of architecting for writes, which makes it a lot easier for them to scale.
  • They had problems with their storage system telling them writes were on disk when they really weren't. Controllers do this to improve the appearance of their performance. But what it does is leave a giant data integrity whole in failure scenarios. This is really a pretty common problem and can be hard to fix, depending on your hardware setup.
  • To lighten their database load they used the APC PHP accelerator MCache.
  • Memcached is used for caching and memcached servers seemed to be spread across their database and application servers. A specialized daemon monitors connections and kills connections that have been open too long.
  • You can configure PHP not parse and compile on each load using a combination of Apache 2’s worker threads, FastCGI, and a PHP accelerator. On a page's first load the PHP code is compiles so any subsequent page loads are very fast.
  • MogileFS, a distributed file system, serves story icons, user icons, and stores copies of each story’s source. A distributed file system spreads and replicates files across a lot of disks which supports fast and scalable file access.
  • A specialized Recommendation Engine service was built to act as their distributed graph database. Relational databases are not well structured for generating recommendations so a separate service was created. LinkedIn did something similar for their graph.

    Lessons Learned

  • The number of machines isn't as important what the pieces are and how they fit together.
  • Don't treat the database as a hammer. Recommendations didn't fit will with the relational model so they made a specialized service.
  • Tune MySQL through your database engine selection. Use InnoDB when you need transactions and MyISAM when you don't. For example, transactional tables on the master can use MyISAM for read-only slaves.
  • At some point in their growth curve they were unable to grow by adding RAM so had to grow through architecture.
  • People often complain Digg is slow. This is perhaps due to their large javascript libraries rather than their backend architecture.
  • One way they scale is by being careful of which application they deploy on their system. They are careful not to release applications which use too much CPU. Clearly Digg has a pretty standard LAMP architecture, but I thought this was an interesting point. Engineers often have a bunch of cool features they want to release, but those features can kill an infrastructure if that infrastructure doesn't grow along with the features. So push back until your system can handle the new features. This goes to capacity planning, something the Flickr emphasizes in their scaling process.
  • You have to wonder if by limiting new features to match their infrastructure might Digg lose ground to other faster moving social bookmarking services? Perhaps if the infrastructure was more easily scaled they could add features faster which would help them compete better? On the other hand, just adding features because you can doesn't make a lot of sense either.
  • The data layer is where most scaling and performance problems are to be found and these are language specific. You'll hit them using Java, PHP, Ruby, or insert your favorite language here.

    Related Articles

    * LinkedIn Architecture * Live Journal Architecture * Flickr Architecture * An Unorthodox Approach to Database Design : The Coming of the Shard
  • Ebay Architecture

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  • Saturday

    Google AppEngine - A Second Look

    Update 6:: Back to the Future for Data Storage. We are in the middle of a renaissance in data storage with the application of many new ideas and techniques; there's huge potential for breaking out of thinking about data storage in just one way.
    Update 5: Building Scalable Web Applications with Google App Engine by Brett Slatkin.

    Update 4: Why Google App Engine is broken and what Google must do to fix it by Aral Balkan. We don't care that it can scale. We care that it does scale. And that it scales when you need it the most. Issues: 1MB limit on data structures; 1MB limit on data structures; the short-term high CPU quota; quotas in general; Admin? What's that?
    Update 3: BigTable Blues. Catherine Devlin couldn't port an application to GAE because it can't do basic filtering and can't search 5,000 records without timing out: "Querying from 5000 records - too much for the mighty BigTable, apparently." Followup: not the future database. "90% of the work of this project has been trying to figure out workarounds and kludges for its bizzare limitations."
    Update 2: Having doubts about AppEngine. Excellent and surprisingly civil debate on if GAE is a viable delivery platform for real applications. Concerns swirl over poor performance, lack of a roadmap, perpetual beta status, poor support, and a quota system as torture chamber model of scalability. GAE is obviously part of Google's grand plan (browser, gears, android, etc) to emasculate Microsoft, so the future looks bright, but is GAE a good choice now?
    Update: Here are a few experience reports of developers using GAE. Diwaker Gupta likes how easy it is to get started on the good documentation. Doesn't like all the limits and poor performance. James here and here also likes the ease of use but finds the data model takes some getting used to and is concerned the API limits won't scale for a real site. He doesn't like how external connections are handled and wants a database where the schema is easier to manage. These posts mirror some of my own concerns. GAE is scalable for Google, but it may not be scalable for my application.

    It's been a few days now since GAE (Google App Engine) was released and we had our First Look. It's high time for a retrospective. Too soon? Hey, this is Internet time baby. So how is GAE doing? I did get an invite so hopefully I'll have a more experience grounded take a little later. I don't know Python and being the more methodical type it may take me a while. To perform our retrospective we'll take a look at the three sources of information available to us: actual applications in the AppGallery, blogspew, and developer issues in the forum.

    The result: a cautious thumbs up. The biggest issue so far seems to be the change in mindset needed by developers to use GAE. BigTable is not MySQL. The runtime environment is not a VM. A service based approach is not the same as using libraries. A scalable architecture is not the same as one based on optimizing speed. A different approach is needed, but as of yet Google doesn't give you all the tools you need to fully embrace the red pill vision.

    I think this quote by Brandon Smith in a thread on how to best implement sessions in GAE nicely sums up the new perspective:

    Consider the lack of your daddy's sessions a feature. It's what will make your app scale on Google's infrastructure.

    In other words: when in Rome. But how do we know what the Romans do when the Romans do what they do?

    Brett Morgan expands our cultural education in a thread on slow GAE databases performance when he talks about why MySQL thinking won't work on BigTable:

    It might look almost look like a sql db when you squint, but it's
    optimized for a totally different goal. If you think that each
    different entity you retrieve could be retrieving a different disk
    block from a different machine in the cluster, then suddenly things
    start to make sense. avg() over a column in a sql server makes sense,
    because the disk accesses are pulling blocks in a row from the same
    disk (hopefully), or even better, all from the same ram on the one
    computer. With DataStore, which is built on top of BigTable, which is
    built on top of GFS, there ain't no such promise. Each entity in
    DataStore is quite possibly a different file in gfs.

    So if you build things such that web requests are only ever pulling a
    single entity from DataStore - by always precomputing everything -
    then your app will fly on all the read requests. In fact, if that
    single entity gets hot - is highly utilized across the cluster - then
    it will be replicated across the cluster.

    Yes, this means that everything that we think we know about building
    web applications is suddenly wrong
    . But this is actually a good thing.
    Having been on the wrong side of trying to scale up web app code, I
    can honestly say it is better to push the requirements of scaling into
    the face of us developers so that we do the right thing from the
    beginning. It's easier to solve the issues at the start, than try and
    retrofit hacks at the end of the development cycle.

    A truly excellent explanation of the differences between MySQL thinking and GAE thinking.

    Now, if you can't use MySQL's avg feature, how can an average be calculated using BigTable? Brett advises:

    Instead of calculating the results at query time, calculate them when
    you are adding the records. This means that displaying the results is
    just a lookup, and that the calculation costs are amortized over each
    record addition.

    Clearly this is more work for the programmer and at first blush doesn't seem worth the effort, especially when you are used to the convenience of MySQL. That's why in the same thread Barry Hunter insightfully comments that GAE may not be for everyone:

    This might be a very naive observation, but I perhaps wonder then if
    GAE is the tool for you.

    As I see it the App Engine is for applications that are meant to
    scale, scale and really scale. Sounds like an application with a few
    hundred hits daily could easily run on traditional hosting platforms.

    It's a completely different mindset.
    Again maybe I am missing something, but the DataStore isn't designed to
    be super fast at the small scale, but rather handle large amounts of
    data, and be distributed
    (and because its distributed it can appear
    very fast at large scale).

    So you break down your database access into very simple processes.
    Assume your database access is VERY slow, and rethink how you do
    things. (Of course the piece in the puzzle 'we' are missing is
    MapReduce! - the 'processing' part of the BigTable mindset)

    Before developers can take full advantage of GAE these types of lessons need to be extracted and popularized with the same ferocity the multi-tier RDBMS framework has been marketed. It will be a long difficult transition.

    Interestingly, many lessons from AWS are not transferable to GAE. AWS has a VM model whereas GAE has an application centric model. They are inverses of each other.

    In AWS you have a bag of lowish level components out of which you architect your application. You can write all the fine low level implementations bits you desire. A service layer is then put in front of everything to hide the components. In GAE you have a high level application component and you build out your application using services. You can't build any low level components in GAE. In AWS the goal is to drive load to the CPU because CPU and bandwidth are plentiful. In GAE you get very limitted CPU, certainly none to burn on useless activities like summing up an average over a whole slice of data returned from SimpleDB. And in GAE the amount of data returnable from the database is small so your architecture needs to be very smart about how data is stored and accessed.

    Very different approaches that lead to very different applications.


    The number of applications has exploded. I am always amazed at how enthusiastic and productive people can be when they are actually interested in what they are doing. It happens so rarely. True, most applications aren't even up to Facebook standards yet, but it's early days. What's impressive is how fast they were created and deployed. That speaks volumes about the efficacy of the application centric development model.Will it be as effective delivering "real" apps? That's a question I'm not sure about.

    So far application performance is acceptable. Certainly nothing spectacular. What can you do about it? Nada.

    I like the sketch application because people immediately and quite predictably drew lewd depictions of various body parts. I also like this early incarnation of a forum app. A forum is one of the ideas I thought might work well on AppEngine because the scalable storage problem is solved. I do wonder how the performance will be with a fine tuned caching layer? Vorby is a movie quote site showing a more realistic level of complexity. It has tabs, long lists of text, some graphical elements, some more complex screens, and ratings. It shows you can make applications you wouldn't mind people using.

    An option I'd like to see in the App Gallery is a view source link. Developers could indicate when adding an application if others can view their application source. Then when browsing the gallery we could all learn by looking at real working code. This is how html spread so quickly. Anyone could view the source for any page, copy paste, and you're on your way! With an application centric model the view source viral spread approach would also work.


    As expected there's lots of blog activity on GAE:

  • As to all those people complaining their favorite language isn't available, take a chill pill, Urubatan asks us When will programmers learn that a language is just a tool?. I mostly agree with this take, but I also agree with a commenter who observed that it's a lot harder for a team of developers to turn on a dime and adopt a whole new everything.
  • Garrick Van Buren says Free & Open Is Its Own Lock-in. The idea being it's worthing paying something you know works, allows you to experiment, and you are aligned with their zeitgeist. Leaving that for "free" isn't a good deal.
  • evan_tech: google app engine limitations. Don't focus on minor problems. The big problems are: all code runs only in response to HTTP fetches, No long connections means no "comet" (server-push messaging), playing around with your data is hard as there's no way to perform operations on your data except by uploading code to the server, Table scans are slow and you can't cache because it's so slow you hit your CPU limit, bulk operations are hard, and no arbitrary queries.
  • RedMonk Clouds Rolling In: The Google App Engine Q&A gives covers a lot of GAE territory. List some of the cons: Python only, not database export, lock-in, and no cron. "...all of the current offerings have limitations that throttle their usage. Many of which are related to the lack of open standards. Apart from the mostly standard Python implementation, App Engine is decidedly non-standard."
  • Alex Bosworth pits AWS vs Google App Engine in a death match. Alex thinks: To be succinct, based on where the Google App Engine is today, I would say AWS still has a strong lead in application hosting, and I would not currently consider writing an application for Google’s current platform. Cons: Lockin, The page-view limitation is quite low, no memcache, No long running pages, or cron jobs, Storage size limitation, One language, No requests unless they are through Google’s API. Pros: it’s free, looks pretty rocking, integrates with Google accounts.
  • Joyent is countering by offering free infrastructure for high volume python applications. Joyent only asks "that you provide Joyent unlimited access to your customer information and clickstream data." Your data has a lot of value. Google is also very aware of that. More in my Why Does Google Do What Google Does? post. Though the Joyent's building blocks approach is very different than Google's application centric approach. We'll see which matters more: the model or facilities?
  • Niall Kennedy in Google App Engine for developers does a great job contrasting the complexity of your normal website setup with an application approach. Normally you: purchase dedicated servers or virtualized slices, capacity plan, configure web server, install Python, Apache, setup MySQL in scalable fault tolerant configuration, insert caching layer, add monitoring layer, add static file serving and bulk file serving, make it all work together, spend your life keeping it working and responding to failures. Nicely drawn contrast to upload and go.
  • TechCrunch's AppEngine test application couldn't handle a TechCrunch level of load, which is a little concerning. This means usage limits are set a bit low and with no pricing model to work from it's reasonable to be concerned about the cost. Nobody wants a cell phone overage nightmare for their website costs.
  • Groovy: Google Datastore and the shift from a RDBMS. An excellent comparison of how BigTable differs from a RDBMS. The conclusion: The end result of this, is that the standard way a developer writes out the table schema for a RDBMS should be dumped almost entirely when considering an app using Google Datastore.
  • Service Level Automation in the Datacenter: What Google App Engine is NOT. It's a web play only, it's not a cloud in the sense of datacenter infrastructure IT can move to. You can't implement: Portal Services, SOA architectures, Business Process Automation, Enterprise integration, HPC, and Server and desktop virtualization.

    A lot has been made of the risk of lock-in. I don't really agree with this as everything is based around services, which you can port to another infrastructure. What's more the problem is developers will be acquiring a sort of learned helplessness. It's not that developers can't port to another environment, they simply won't know how to anymore because they will have never had to do it themselves. Their system design and infrastructure muscles will have atrophied so much from disuse that they'll no longer be able to walk without the aide of their Google crutches. More in another post.

    Developer Forum

    The best way to figure out how a system is doing is to read the developer support forum. What problems and successes are real developers experiencing trying to get real work done? The forum is a hoppin'. As of this writing over 1300 developers have registered and nearly 400 topics are active. What are developers talking about?

  • Please support my favorite language: PHP, Ruby, etc. Hey, they had to start somewhere and Python is as good as anything else. A language is just a tool you know :-)
  • The usual this doesn't work in my environment type of questions. Far fewer than I would expect though.
  • The switch away from RDBMS thinking isn't coming naturally. A lot of questions wondering how to access BigTable like MySQL and that won't work. There are no joins in GQL, so how do you do normal things like get all the comments for a blog post?
  • Lots of how do use this or that API questions. Lack of certain commonly used APIs, like XML parsers is being being encountered.
  • Concern there's no database export. You can bulk upload data, but you have to write your own program to get it out again.
  • People are hitting limits like the 1MB upload limit on all requests. The 1000 database return limit is mentioned a lot. This is very different than the AWS model which advocates moving work to your CPU so it makes sense to return large sets of data. Google limits your CPU usage and the amount of data you can return so you have to be smart how you store and query data.
  • The pure service model has profound limitations for certain application types. An issue of how to do image processing came up. Usually a compiled class is used because using pure Python is slow. But you can't load these types of classes in AppEngine. And you can't parallelize the work by farming it out to other CPUs. You are stuck. Here's were a .Net type managed object model might help.
  • Surprisingly, fulltext search is not supported.
  • Sessions are another how do I it on GAE question. People are used to frameworks handling session storage.
  • One user was surprised at how slow database access was with BigTable. It takes GAE almost 3 seconds to save 50 of dummy records (consisting of just 2 text fields). A nice thread about how best to use BigTable developed. BigTable is meant to scale and you have to do things differently than you do in a MySQL world.

    Many "how do I" questions come up because of the requirement for service level interfaces. For example, something as simple as a hostname to IP mapping can't be done because you don't have socket level access. Someone, somewhere must make a service out of it. Make an external service is a common response to problems. You must make a service external to the GAE environment to get things to work which means you have to develop in multiple environments. This sort of sucks. To get cron functionality do I really need to create an external service outside of GAE?

    The outcome of all this is probably an accelerated servicifaction of everything. What were once simple library calls must now be exposed with service level interfaces. It's not that I think HTTP is too heavy, but as development model it is extremely painful. You are constantly hitting road blocks instead of getting stuff done.
  • Saturday

    Second Life Architecture - The Grid

    Update:Presentation: Second Life’s Architecture. Ian Wilkes, VP of Systems Engineering, describes the architecture used by the popular game named Second Life. Ian presents how the architecture was at its debut and how it evolved over years as users and features have been added. Second Life is a 3-D virtual world created by its Residents. Virtual Worlds are expected to be more and more popular on the internet so their architecture might be of interest. Especially important is the appearance of open virtual worlds or metaverses. What happens when video games meet Web 2.0? What happens is the metaverse.

    Information Sources


    • MySQL
    • Apache
    • Squid
    • Python
    • C++
    • Mono
    • Debian

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

    • ~1M active users
    • ~95M user hours per quarter
    • ~70K peak concurrent users (40% annual growth)
    • ~12Gbit/sec aggregate bandwidth (in 2007)

    Staff (in 2006)

    • 70 FTE + 20 part time
    "about 22 are programmers working on SL itself. At any one time probably 1/3 of the team is on infrastructure, 1/3 is on new features and 1/3 is on various maintenance tasks (bug fixes, general stability and speed improvements) or improvements to existing features. But it varies a lot."


    • Open Source client
    • Render the Virtual World
    • Handles user interaction
    • Handles locations of objects
    • Gets velocities and does simple physics to keep track of what is moving where
    • No collision detection
    Simulator (Sim) Each geographic area (256x256 meter region) in Second Life runs on a single instantiation of server software, called a simulator or "sim." And each sim runs on a separate core of a server. The Simulator is the primary SL C++ server process which runs on most servers. As the viewer moves through the world it is handled off from one simulator to another.
    • Runs Havok 4 physics engine
    • Runs at 45 frames/sec. If it can't keep up, it will attempt time dialation without reducing frame rate.
    • Handles storing object state, land parcel state, and terrain height-map state
    • Keeps track of where everything is and does collision detection
    • Sends locations of stuff to viewer
    • Transmits image data in a prioritized queue
    • Sends updates to viewers only when needed (only when collision occurs or other changes in direction, velocity etc.)
    • Runs Linden Scripting Language (LSL) scripts
    • Scripting has been recently upgraded to the much faster Mono scripting engine
    • Handles chat and instant messages
      • Asset Server
        • One big clustered filesystem ~100TB
        • Stores asset data such as textures.
        MySQL database Second Life has started with One Database, and have subsequently been forced into clustering. They use a ton of MySQL databases running on Debian machines to handle lots of centralized services. Rather than attempt to build the one, impossibly large database – all hail the Central Database – or one, impossibly large central cluster – all hail the Cluster – Linden Lab instead adopted a divide and conquer strategy based around data partitioning. The good thing is that UUIDs– 128-bit unique identifiers – are associated with most things in Second Life, so partitioning is generally doable. Backbone Linden Lab has converted much of their backend architecture away from custom C++/messaging into web services. Certain services has been moved off of MySQL – or cached (Squid) between the queries and MySQL. Presence, in particular Agent Presence, ie are you online and where are you on the grid, is a particularly tricky kind of query to partition, so there is now a Python service running on the SL grid called Backbone. It proved to be easier to scale, develop and maintain than many of their older technologies, and as a result, it plays an increasingly important role in the Second Life platform as Linden Lab migrates their legacy code to web services. Two main components of the backbone are open source:
        • Eventlet is a networking library written in Python. It achieves high scalability by using non-blocking io while at the same time retaining high programmer usability by using coroutines to make the non-blocking io operations appear blocking at the source code level.
        • Mulib is a REST web service framework built on top of eventlet


        • 2000+ Servers in 2007
        • ~6000 Servers in early 2008
        • Plans to upgrade to ~10000 (?)
        • 4 sims per machine, for both class 4 and class 5
        • Used all-AMD for years, but are moving from the Opteron 270 to the Intel Xeon 5148
        • The upgrade to "class 5" servers doubled the RAM per machine from 2GB to 4GB and moved to a faster SATA disk
        • Class 1 - 4 are on 100Mb with 1Gb uplinks to the core. Class 5 is on pure 1Gb
        Do you have more details?

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    Ringo - Distributed key-value storage for immutable data

    Ringo is an experimental, distributed, replicating key-value store based on consistent hashing and immutable data. Unlike many general-purpose databases, Ringo is designed for a specific use case: For archiving small (less than 4KB) or medium-size data items (<100MB) in real-time so that the data can survive K - 1 disk breaks, where K is the desired number of replicas, without any downtime, in a manner that scales to terabytes of data. In addition to storing, Ringo should be able to retrieve individual or small sets of data items with low latencies (<10ms) and provide a convenient on-disk format for bulk data access. Ringo is compatible with the map-reduce framework Disco and it was started at Nokia Research Center Palo Alto.

    Click to read more ...


    Google Architecture

    Update 2: Sorting 1 PB with MapReduce. PB is not peanut-butter-and-jelly misspelled. It's 1 petabyte or 1000 terabytes or 1,000,000 gigabytes. It took six hours and two minutes to sort 1PB (10 trillion 100-byte records) on 4,000 computers and the results were replicated thrice on 48,000 disks. Update: Greg Linden points to a new Google article MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. Some interesting stats: 100k MapReduce jobs are executed each day; more than 20 petabytes of data are processed per day; more than 10k MapReduce programs have been implemented; machines are dual processor with gigabit ethernet and 4-8 GB of memory. Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?

    Information Sources

  • Video: Building Large Systems at Google
  • Google Lab: The Google File System
  • Google Lab: MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
  • Google Lab: BigTable.
  • Video: BigTable: A Distributed Structured Storage System.
  • Google Lab: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems.
  • How Google Works by David Carr in Baseline Magazine.
  • Google Lab: Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall.
  • Dare Obasonjo's Notes on the scalability conference.


  • Linux
  • A large diversity of languages: Python, Java, C++

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Estimated 450,000 low-cost commodity servers in 2006
  • In 2005 Google indexed 8 billion web pages. By now, who knows?
  • Currently there over 200 GFS clusters at Google. A cluster can have 1000 or even 5000 machines. Pools of tens of thousands of machines retrieve data from GFS clusters that run as large as 5 petabytes of storage. Aggregate read/write throughput can be as high as 40 gigabytes/second across the cluster.
  • Currently there are 6000 MapReduce applications at Google and hundreds of new applications are being written each month.
  • BigTable scales to store billions of URLs, hundreds of terabytes of satellite imagery, and preferences for hundreds of millions of users.

    The Stack

    Google visualizes their infrastructure as a three layer stack:
  • Products: search, advertising, email, maps, video, chat, blogger
  • Distributed Systems Infrastructure: GFS, MapReduce, and BigTable.
  • Computing Platforms: a bunch of machines in a bunch of different data centers
  • Make sure easy for folks in the company to deploy at a low cost.
  • Look at price performance data on a per application basis. Spend more money on hardware to not lose log data, but spend less on other types of data. Having said that, they don't lose data.

    Reliable Storage Mechanism with GFS (Google File System)

  • Reliable scalable storage is a core need of any application. GFS is their core storage platform.
  • Google File System - large distributed log structured file system in which they throw in a lot of data.
  • Why build it instead of using something off the shelf? Because they control everything and it's the platform that distinguishes them from everyone else. They required: - high reliability across data centers - scalability to thousands of network nodes - huge read/write bandwidth requirements - support for large blocks of data which are gigabytes in size. - efficient distribution of operations across nodes to reduce bottlenecks
  • System has master and chunk servers. - Master servers keep metadata on the various data files. Data are stored in the file system in 64MB chunks. Clients talk to the master servers to perform metadata operations on files and to locate the chunk server that contains the needed they need on disk. - Chunk servers store the actual data on disk. Each chunk is replicated across three different chunk servers to create redundancy in case of server crashes. Once directed by a master server, a client application retrieves files directly from chunk servers.
  • A new application coming on line can use an existing GFS cluster or they can make your own. It would be interesting to understand the provisioning process they use across their data centers.
  • Key is enough infrastructure to make sure people have choices for their application. GFS can be tuned to fit individual application needs.

    Do Something With the Data Using MapReduce

  • Now that you have a good storage system, how do you do anything with so much data? Let's say you have many TBs of data stored across a 1000 machines. Databases don't scale or cost effectively scale to those levels. That's where MapReduce comes in.
  • MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets. Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Many real world tasks are expressible in this model. Programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and executed on a large cluster of commodity machines. The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning the input data, scheduling the program's execution across a set of machines, handling machine failures, and managing the required inter-machine communication. This allows programmers without any experience with parallel and distributed systems to easily utilize the resources of a large distributed system.
  • Why use MapReduce? - Nice way to partition tasks across lots of machines. - Handle machine failure. - Works across different application types, like search and ads. Almost every application has map reduce type operations. You can precompute useful data, find word counts, sort TBs of data, etc. - Computation can automatically move closer to the IO source.
  • The MapReduce system has three different types of servers. - The Master server assigns user tasks to map and reduce servers. It also tracks the state of the tasks. - The Map servers accept user input and performs map operations on them. The results are written to intermediate files - The Reduce servers accepts intermediate files produced by map servers and performs reduce operation on them.
  • For example, you want to count the number of words in all web pages. You would feed all the pages stored on GFS into MapReduce. This would all be happening on 1000s of machines simultaneously and all the coordination, job scheduling, failure handling, and data transport would be done automatically. - The steps look like: GFS -> Map -> Shuffle -> Reduction -> Store Results back into GFS. - In MapReduce a map maps one view of data to another, producing a key value pair, which in our example is word and count. - Shuffling aggregates key types. - The reductions sums up all the key value pairs and produces the final answer.
  • The Google indexing pipeline has about 20 different map reductions. A pipeline looks at data with a whole bunch of records and aggregating keys. A second map-reduce comes a long, takes that result and does something else. And so on.
  • Programs can be very small. As little as 20 to 50 lines of code.
  • One problem is stragglers. A straggler is a computation that is going slower than others which holds up everyone. Stragglers may happen because of slow IO (say a bad controller) or from a temporary CPU spike. The solution is to run multiple of the same computations and when one is done kill all the rest.
  • Data transferred between map and reduce servers is compressed. The idea is that because servers aren't CPU bound it makes sense to spend on data compression and decompression in order to save on bandwidth and I/O.

    Storing Structured Data in BigTable

  • BigTable is a large scale, fault tolerant, self managing system that includes terabytes of memory and petabytes of storage. It can handle millions of reads/writes per second.
  • BigTable is a distributed hash mechanism built on top of GFS. It is not a relational database. It doesn't support joins or SQL type queries.
  • It provides lookup mechanism to access structured data by key. GFS stores opaque data and many applications needs has data with structure.
  • Commercial databases simply don't scale to this level and they don't work across 1000s machines.
  • By controlling their own low level storage system Google gets more control and leverage to improve their system. For example, if they want features that make cross data center operations easier, they can build it in.
  • Machines can be added and deleted while the system is running and the whole system just works.
  • Each data item is stored in a cell which can be accessed using a row key, column key, or timestamp.
  • Each row is stored in one or more tablets. A tablet is a sequence of 64KB blocks in a data format called SSTable.
  • BigTable has three different types of servers: - The Master servers assign tablets to tablet servers. They track where tablets are located and redistributes tasks as needed. - The Tablet servers process read/write requests for tablets. They split tablets when they exceed size limits (usually 100MB - 200MB). When a tablet server fails, then a 100 tablet servers each pickup 1 new tablet and the system recovers. - The Lock servers form a distributed lock service. Operations like opening a tablet for writing, Master aribtration, and access control checking require mutual exclusion.
  • A locality group can be used to physically store related bits of data together for better locality of reference.
  • Tablets are cached in RAM as much as possible.


  • When you have a lot of machines how do you build them to be cost efficient and use power efficiently?
  • Use ultra cheap commodity hardware and built software on top to handle their death.
  • A 1,000-fold computer power increase can be had for a 33 times lower cost if you you use a failure-prone infrastructure rather than an infrastructure built on highly reliable components. You must build reliability on top of unreliability for this strategy to work.
  • Linux, in-house rack design, PC class mother boards, low end storage.
  • Price per wattage on performance basis isn't getting better. Have huge power and cooling issues.
  • Use a mix of collocation and their own data centers.


  • Push changes out quickly rather than wait for QA.
  • Libraries are the predominant way of building programs.
  • Some are applications are provided as services, like crawling.
  • An infrastructure handles versioning of applications so they can be release without a fear of breaking things.

    Future Directions for Google

  • Support geo-distributed clusters.
  • Create a single global namespace for all data. Currently data is segregated by cluster.
  • More and better automated migration of data and computation.
  • Solve consistency issues that happen when you couple wide area replication with network partitioning (e.g. keeping services up even if a cluster goes offline for maintenance or due to some sort of outage).

    Lessons Learned

  • Infrastructure can be a competitive advantage. It certainly is for Google. They can roll out new internet services faster, cheaper, and at scale at few others can compete with. Many companies take a completely different approach. Many companies treat infrastructure as an expense. Each group will use completely different technologies and their will be little planning and commonality of how to build systems. Google thinks of themselves as a systems engineering company, which is a very refreshing way to look at building software.
  • Spanning multiple data centers is still an unsolved problem. Most websites are in one and at most two data centers. How to fully distribute a website across a set of data centers is, shall we say, tricky.
  • Take a look at Hadoop (product) if you don't have the time to rebuild all this infrastructure from scratch yourself. Hadoop is an open source implementation of many of the same ideas presented here.
  • An under appreciated advantage of a platform approach is junior developers can quickly and confidently create robust applications on top of the platform. If every project needs to create the same distributed infrastructure wheel you'll run into difficulty because the people who know how to do this are relatively rare.
  • Synergy isn't always crap. By making all parts of a system work together an improvement in one helps them all. Improve the file system and everyone benefits immediately and transparently. If every project uses a different file system then there's no continual incremental improvement across the entire stack.
  • Build self-managing systems that work without having to take the system down. This allows you to more easily rebalance resources across servers, add more capacity dynamically, bring machines off line, and gracefully handle upgrades.
  • Create a Darwinian infrastructure. Perform time consuming operation in parallel and take the winner.
  • Don't ignore the Academy. Academia has a lot of good ideas that don't get translated into production environments. Most of what Google has done has prior art, just not prior large scale deployment.
  • Consider compression. Compression is a good option when you have a lot of CPU to throw around and limited IO.

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  • Wednesday

    EVE Online Architecture

    EVE Online is "The World's Largest Game Universe", a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) made by CCP. EVE Online's Architecture is unusual for a MMOG because it doesn't divide the player load among different servers or shards. Instead, the same cluster handles the entire EVE universe. It is an interesting to compare this with the Architecture of the Second Life Grid. How do they manage to scale?

    Information Sources


    • Stackless Python used for both server and client game logic. It allows programmers to reap the benefits of thread-based programming without the performance and complexity problems associated with conventional threads.
    • SQL Server
    • Blade servers with SSDs for high IOPS
    • Plans to use Infiniband interconnects for low latency networking
    • What's Inside?

      The Stats

      • Founded in 1997
      • ~300K active users
      • Up to 40K concurrent users
      • Battles involving hundreds of ships
      • 250M transactions per day


      The EVE Cluster is broken into 3 distinct layers
      • Proxy Blades - These are the public facing segment of the EVE Cluster - they are responsible for taking player connections and establishing player communication within the rest of the cluster.
      • SOL Blades - These are the workhorses of Tranquility. The cluster is divided across 90 - 100 SOL blades which run 2 nodes each. A node is the primarily CPU intensive EVE server process running on one core. There are some SOL blades dedicated to one busy solar systems such as Jita, Motsu and Saila.
      • Database Cluster - This is the persistence layer of EVE Online. The running nodes interact heavily with the Database, and of course pretty much everything to do with the game lives here. Thanks to Solid-state drives, the database is able to keep up with the enormous I/O load that Tranquility generates.

      Lessons Learned

      There are many interesting facts about the architecture of the EVE Online MMOG such as the use of Stacless Python and SSDs.
      • With innovative ideas MMO games can scale up to the hundreds of players in the same battle.
      • SSDs will in fact bridge the gap huge performance gap between the memory and disks to some extent.
      • Low latency Infiniband network interconnect will enable larger clusters.
      Check out the information sources for detailed insights to the development and operation of the EVE Online game.

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    Product: Happy = Hadoop + Python

    Has a Java only Hadoop been getting you down? Now you can be Happy. Happy is a framework for writing map-reduce programs for Hadoop using Jython. It files off the sharp edges on Hadoop and makes writing map-reduce programs a breeze. There's really no history yet on Happy, but I'm delighted at the idea of being able to map-reduce in other languages. The more ways the better. From the website:

    Happy is a framework that allows Hadoop jobs to be written and run in Python 2.2 using Jython. It is an 
    easy way to write map-reduce programs for Hadoop, and includes some new useful features as well. 
    The current release supports Hadoop 0.17.2.
    Map-reduce jobs in Happy are defined by sub-classing happy.HappyJob and implementing a 
    map(records, task) and reduce(key, values, task) function. Then you create an instance of the 
    class, set the job parameters (such as inputs and outputs) and call run().
    When you call run(), Happy serializes your job instance and copies it and all accompanying 
    libraries out to the Hadoop cluster. Then for each task in the Hadoop job, your job instance is 
    de-serialized and map or reduce is called.
    The task results are written out using a collector, but aggregate statistics and other roll-up 
    information can be stored in the happy.results dictionary, which is returned from the run() call.
    Jython modules and Java jar files that are being called by your code can be specified using 
    the environment variable HAPPY_PATH. These are added to the Python path at startup, and 
    are also automatically included when jobs are sent to Hadoop. The path is stored in happy.path 
    and can be edited at runtime. 

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