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Ringo - Distributed key-value storage for immutable data

Ringo is an experimental, distributed, replicating key-value store based on consistent hashing and immutable data. Unlike many general-purpose databases, Ringo is designed for a specific use case: For archiving small (less than 4KB) or medium-size data items (<100MB) in real-time so that the data can survive K - 1 disk breaks, where K is the desired number of replicas, without any downtime, in a manner that scales to terabytes of data. In addition to storing, Ringo should be able to retrieve individual or small sets of data items with low latencies (<10ms) and provide a convenient on-disk format for bulk data access.

Ringo is compatible with the map-reduce framework Disco and it was started at Nokia Research Center Palo Alto.

Reader Comments (5)

Is someone able to tell me what the advantage is of using something like this over the usual RAID6 with the parity being able to recover data from a lost disk?

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterJim

RAID 6 = single machine.

This is distributed across multiple machines.

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

A major difference is that Ringo can be distributed over a large number of servers whereas RAID works on a single server. Ringo also works on a higher level than RAID: It provides you with a simple schema, key-value pairs, and an HTTP interface to store and retrieve such entries. RAID works on the disk block level, so typically you need at least a filesystem on top of that before it can be used conveniently.

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterVille Tuulos

It provides you with a simple schema, key-value pairs, and an HTTP interface to store and retrieve such entries. RAID works on the disk block level, so typically you need at least a filesystem http://lift-sp.com/">Lift SP

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

This can be an advantage - possibility to distribute across multiple machines and very quick data access.
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December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterDan

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