Entries in Cluster File System (9)


Product: Hadoop

Update 5: Hadoop Sorts a Petabyte in 16.25 Hours and a Terabyte in 62 Seconds and has its green cred questioned because it took 40 times the number of machines Greenplum used to do the same work. Update 4: Introduction to Pig. Pig allows you to skip programming Hadoop at the low map-reduce level. You don't have to know Java. Using the Pig Latin language, which is a scripting data flow language, you can think about your problem as a data flow program. 10 lines of Pig Latin = 200 lines of Java. Update 3: Scaling Hadoop to 4000 nodes at Yahoo!. 30,000 cores with nearly 16PB of raw disk; sorted 6TB of data completed in 37 minutes; 14,000 map tasks writes (reads) 360 MB (about 3 blocks) of data into a single file with a total of 5.04 TB for the whole job. Update 2: Hadoop Summit and Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Videos and Slides. Topics include: Pig, JAQL, Hbase, Hive, Data-Intensive Scalable Computing, Clouds and ManyCore: The Revolution, Simplicity and Complexity in Data Systems at Scale, Handling Large Datasets at Google: Current Systems and Future Directions, Mining the Web Graph. and Sherpa: Hosted Data Serving. Update: Kevin Burton points out Hadoop now has a blog and an introductory video staring Beyonce. Well, the Beyonce part isn't quite true. Hadoop is a framework for running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware using a computational paradigm named map/reduce, where the application is divided into many small fragments of work, each of which may be executed on any node in the cluster. It replicates much of Google's stack, but it's for the rest of us. Jeremy Zawodny has a wonderful overview of why Hadoop is important for large website builders: For the last several years, every company involved in building large web-scale systems has faced some of the same fundamental challenges. While nearly everyone agrees that the "divide-and-conquer using lots of cheap hardware" approach to breaking down large problems is the only way to scale, doing so is not easy. The underlying infrastructure has always been a challenge. You have to buy, power, install, and manage a lot of servers. Even if you use somebody else's commodity hardware, you still have to develop the software that'll do the divide-and-conquer work to keep them all busy It's hard work. And it needs to be commoditized, just like the hardware has been... Hadoop also provides a distributed file system that stores data on the compute nodes, providing very high aggregate bandwidth across the cluster. Both map/reduce and the distributed file system are designed so that node failures are automatically handled by the framework. Hadoop has been demonstrated on clusters with 2000 nodes. The current design target is 10,000 node clusters. The obvious question of the day is: should you build your website around Hadoop? I have no idea. There seems to be a few types of things you do with lots of data: process, transform, and serve. Yahoo literally has petabytes of log files, web pages, and other data they process. Process means to calculate on. That is: figure out affinity, categorization, popularity, click throughs, trends, search terms, and so on. Hadoop makes great sense for them for the same reasons it does Google. But does it make sense for your website? If you are YouTube and you have petabytes of media to serve, do you really need map/reduce? Maybe not, but the clustered file system is great. You get high bandwidth with the ability to transparently extend storage resources. Perfect for when you have lots of stuff to store. YouTube would seem like it could use a distributed job mechanism, like you can build with Amazon's services. With that you could create thumbnails, previews, transcode media files, and so on. When they have Hbase up and running that could really spike adoption. Everyone needs to store structured data in a scalable, reliable, highly performing data store. That's an exciting prospect for me. I can't wait for experience reports about "normal" people, familiar with a completely different paradigm, adopting this infrastructure. I wonder what animal O'Reilly will use on their Hadoop cover?

See Also

  • Open Source Distributed Computing: Yahoo's Hadoop Support by Jeremy Zawodny
  • Yahoo!'s bet on Hadoop by Tim O'Reilly
  • Hadoop Presentations
  • Running Hadoop MapReduce on Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3

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  • Thursday

    Beta testers wanted for ultra high-scalability/performance clustered object storage system designed for web content delivery

    DataDirect Networks (www.ddn.com) is searching for beta testers for our exciting new object-based clustered storage system. Does this sound like you? * Need to store millions to hundreds of billions of files * Want to use one big file system but can't because no single file system scales big enough * Running out of inodes * Have to constantly tweak file systems to perform better * Need to replicate content to more than one data center across geographies * Have thumbnail images or other small files that wreak havoc on your file and storage systems * Constantly tweaking and engineering around performance and scalability limits * No storage system delivers enough IOPS to serve your content * Spend time load balancing the storage environment * Want a single, simple way to manage all this data If this sounds like you, please contact me at jgoldstein@ddn.com. DataDirect Networks is a 10-year old, well-established storage systems company specializing in Extreme Storage environments. We've deployed both the largest and the fastest storage/file systems on the planet - currently running at over 250GB/s. Our upcoming product is going to change the way storage is deployed for scalable web content and we're seeking testers who can throw their most challenging problems at our new system. It's time for something better and we're going to deliver it.

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    Google Architecture

    Update 2: Sorting 1 PB with MapReduce. PB is not peanut-butter-and-jelly misspelled. It's 1 petabyte or 1000 terabytes or 1,000,000 gigabytes. It took six hours and two minutes to sort 1PB (10 trillion 100-byte records) on 4,000 computers and the results were replicated thrice on 48,000 disks. Update: Greg Linden points to a new Google article MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. Some interesting stats: 100k MapReduce jobs are executed each day; more than 20 petabytes of data are processed per day; more than 10k MapReduce programs have been implemented; machines are dual processor with gigabit ethernet and 4-8 GB of memory. Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?

    Information Sources

  • Video: Building Large Systems at Google
  • Google Lab: The Google File System
  • Google Lab: MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
  • Google Lab: BigTable.
  • Video: BigTable: A Distributed Structured Storage System.
  • Google Lab: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems.
  • How Google Works by David Carr in Baseline Magazine.
  • Google Lab: Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall.
  • Dare Obasonjo's Notes on the scalability conference.


  • Linux
  • A large diversity of languages: Python, Java, C++

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Estimated 450,000 low-cost commodity servers in 2006
  • In 2005 Google indexed 8 billion web pages. By now, who knows?
  • Currently there over 200 GFS clusters at Google. A cluster can have 1000 or even 5000 machines. Pools of tens of thousands of machines retrieve data from GFS clusters that run as large as 5 petabytes of storage. Aggregate read/write throughput can be as high as 40 gigabytes/second across the cluster.
  • Currently there are 6000 MapReduce applications at Google and hundreds of new applications are being written each month.
  • BigTable scales to store billions of URLs, hundreds of terabytes of satellite imagery, and preferences for hundreds of millions of users.

    The Stack

    Google visualizes their infrastructure as a three layer stack:
  • Products: search, advertising, email, maps, video, chat, blogger
  • Distributed Systems Infrastructure: GFS, MapReduce, and BigTable.
  • Computing Platforms: a bunch of machines in a bunch of different data centers
  • Make sure easy for folks in the company to deploy at a low cost.
  • Look at price performance data on a per application basis. Spend more money on hardware to not lose log data, but spend less on other types of data. Having said that, they don't lose data.

    Reliable Storage Mechanism with GFS (Google File System)

  • Reliable scalable storage is a core need of any application. GFS is their core storage platform.
  • Google File System - large distributed log structured file system in which they throw in a lot of data.
  • Why build it instead of using something off the shelf? Because they control everything and it's the platform that distinguishes them from everyone else. They required: - high reliability across data centers - scalability to thousands of network nodes - huge read/write bandwidth requirements - support for large blocks of data which are gigabytes in size. - efficient distribution of operations across nodes to reduce bottlenecks
  • System has master and chunk servers. - Master servers keep metadata on the various data files. Data are stored in the file system in 64MB chunks. Clients talk to the master servers to perform metadata operations on files and to locate the chunk server that contains the needed they need on disk. - Chunk servers store the actual data on disk. Each chunk is replicated across three different chunk servers to create redundancy in case of server crashes. Once directed by a master server, a client application retrieves files directly from chunk servers.
  • A new application coming on line can use an existing GFS cluster or they can make your own. It would be interesting to understand the provisioning process they use across their data centers.
  • Key is enough infrastructure to make sure people have choices for their application. GFS can be tuned to fit individual application needs.

    Do Something With the Data Using MapReduce

  • Now that you have a good storage system, how do you do anything with so much data? Let's say you have many TBs of data stored across a 1000 machines. Databases don't scale or cost effectively scale to those levels. That's where MapReduce comes in.
  • MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets. Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Many real world tasks are expressible in this model. Programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and executed on a large cluster of commodity machines. The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning the input data, scheduling the program's execution across a set of machines, handling machine failures, and managing the required inter-machine communication. This allows programmers without any experience with parallel and distributed systems to easily utilize the resources of a large distributed system.
  • Why use MapReduce? - Nice way to partition tasks across lots of machines. - Handle machine failure. - Works across different application types, like search and ads. Almost every application has map reduce type operations. You can precompute useful data, find word counts, sort TBs of data, etc. - Computation can automatically move closer to the IO source.
  • The MapReduce system has three different types of servers. - The Master server assigns user tasks to map and reduce servers. It also tracks the state of the tasks. - The Map servers accept user input and performs map operations on them. The results are written to intermediate files - The Reduce servers accepts intermediate files produced by map servers and performs reduce operation on them.
  • For example, you want to count the number of words in all web pages. You would feed all the pages stored on GFS into MapReduce. This would all be happening on 1000s of machines simultaneously and all the coordination, job scheduling, failure handling, and data transport would be done automatically. - The steps look like: GFS -> Map -> Shuffle -> Reduction -> Store Results back into GFS. - In MapReduce a map maps one view of data to another, producing a key value pair, which in our example is word and count. - Shuffling aggregates key types. - The reductions sums up all the key value pairs and produces the final answer.
  • The Google indexing pipeline has about 20 different map reductions. A pipeline looks at data with a whole bunch of records and aggregating keys. A second map-reduce comes a long, takes that result and does something else. And so on.
  • Programs can be very small. As little as 20 to 50 lines of code.
  • One problem is stragglers. A straggler is a computation that is going slower than others which holds up everyone. Stragglers may happen because of slow IO (say a bad controller) or from a temporary CPU spike. The solution is to run multiple of the same computations and when one is done kill all the rest.
  • Data transferred between map and reduce servers is compressed. The idea is that because servers aren't CPU bound it makes sense to spend on data compression and decompression in order to save on bandwidth and I/O.

    Storing Structured Data in BigTable

  • BigTable is a large scale, fault tolerant, self managing system that includes terabytes of memory and petabytes of storage. It can handle millions of reads/writes per second.
  • BigTable is a distributed hash mechanism built on top of GFS. It is not a relational database. It doesn't support joins or SQL type queries.
  • It provides lookup mechanism to access structured data by key. GFS stores opaque data and many applications needs has data with structure.
  • Commercial databases simply don't scale to this level and they don't work across 1000s machines.
  • By controlling their own low level storage system Google gets more control and leverage to improve their system. For example, if they want features that make cross data center operations easier, they can build it in.
  • Machines can be added and deleted while the system is running and the whole system just works.
  • Each data item is stored in a cell which can be accessed using a row key, column key, or timestamp.
  • Each row is stored in one or more tablets. A tablet is a sequence of 64KB blocks in a data format called SSTable.
  • BigTable has three different types of servers: - The Master servers assign tablets to tablet servers. They track where tablets are located and redistributes tasks as needed. - The Tablet servers process read/write requests for tablets. They split tablets when they exceed size limits (usually 100MB - 200MB). When a tablet server fails, then a 100 tablet servers each pickup 1 new tablet and the system recovers. - The Lock servers form a distributed lock service. Operations like opening a tablet for writing, Master aribtration, and access control checking require mutual exclusion.
  • A locality group can be used to physically store related bits of data together for better locality of reference.
  • Tablets are cached in RAM as much as possible.


  • When you have a lot of machines how do you build them to be cost efficient and use power efficiently?
  • Use ultra cheap commodity hardware and built software on top to handle their death.
  • A 1,000-fold computer power increase can be had for a 33 times lower cost if you you use a failure-prone infrastructure rather than an infrastructure built on highly reliable components. You must build reliability on top of unreliability for this strategy to work.
  • Linux, in-house rack design, PC class mother boards, low end storage.
  • Price per wattage on performance basis isn't getting better. Have huge power and cooling issues.
  • Use a mix of collocation and their own data centers.


  • Push changes out quickly rather than wait for QA.
  • Libraries are the predominant way of building programs.
  • Some are applications are provided as services, like crawling.
  • An infrastructure handles versioning of applications so they can be release without a fear of breaking things.

    Future Directions for Google

  • Support geo-distributed clusters.
  • Create a single global namespace for all data. Currently data is segregated by cluster.
  • More and better automated migration of data and computation.
  • Solve consistency issues that happen when you couple wide area replication with network partitioning (e.g. keeping services up even if a cluster goes offline for maintenance or due to some sort of outage).

    Lessons Learned

  • Infrastructure can be a competitive advantage. It certainly is for Google. They can roll out new internet services faster, cheaper, and at scale at few others can compete with. Many companies take a completely different approach. Many companies treat infrastructure as an expense. Each group will use completely different technologies and their will be little planning and commonality of how to build systems. Google thinks of themselves as a systems engineering company, which is a very refreshing way to look at building software.
  • Spanning multiple data centers is still an unsolved problem. Most websites are in one and at most two data centers. How to fully distribute a website across a set of data centers is, shall we say, tricky.
  • Take a look at Hadoop (product) if you don't have the time to rebuild all this infrastructure from scratch yourself. Hadoop is an open source implementation of many of the same ideas presented here.
  • An under appreciated advantage of a platform approach is junior developers can quickly and confidently create robust applications on top of the platform. If every project needs to create the same distributed infrastructure wheel you'll run into difficulty because the people who know how to do this are relatively rare.
  • Synergy isn't always crap. By making all parts of a system work together an improvement in one helps them all. Improve the file system and everyone benefits immediately and transparently. If every project uses a different file system then there's no continual incremental improvement across the entire stack.
  • Build self-managing systems that work without having to take the system down. This allows you to more easily rebalance resources across servers, add more capacity dynamically, bring machines off line, and gracefully handle upgrades.
  • Create a Darwinian infrastructure. Perform time consuming operation in parallel and take the winner.
  • Don't ignore the Academy. Academia has a lot of good ideas that don't get translated into production environments. Most of what Google has done has prior art, just not prior large scale deployment.
  • Consider compression. Compression is a good option when you have a lot of CPU to throw around and limited IO.

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  • Sunday

    Product: GlusterFS

    Adapted from their website: GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86-64 server with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA). Cluster file systems are still not mature for enterprise market. They are too complex to deploy and maintain though they are extremely scalable and cheap. Can be entirely built out of commodity OS and hardware. GlusterFS hopes to solves this problem. GlusterFS achieved 35 GBps read throughput. The GlusterFS Aggregated I/O Benchmark was performed on 64 bricks clustered storage system over 10 Gbps Infiniband interconnect. A cluster of 220 clients pounded the storage system with multiple dd (disk-dump) instances, each reading / writing a 1 GB file with 1MB block size. GlusterFS was configured with unify translator and round-robin scheduler. The advantages of GlusterFS are: * Designed for O(1) scalability and feature rich. * Aggregates on top of existing filesystems. User can recover the files and folders even without GlusterFS. * GlusterFS has no single point of failure. Completely distributed. No centralized meta-data server like Lustre. * Extensible scheduling interface with modules loaded based on user's storage I/O access pattern. * Modular and extensible through powerful translator mechanism. * Supports Infiniband RDMA and TCP/IP. * Entirely implemented in user-space. Easy to port, debug and maintain. * Scales on demand.

    Related Articles

  • Technical Presentation on GlusterFS
  • Open Fest 5th Annual Conference
  • Zresearch
  • GlusterFS FAQ

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  • Sunday

    Paper: Standardizing Storage Clusters (with pNFS)

    pNFS (parallel NFS) is the next generation of NFS and its main claim to fame is that it's clustered, which "enables clients to directly access file data spread over multiple storage servers in parallel. As a result, each client can leverage the full aggregate bandwidth of a clustered storage service at the granularity of an individual file." About pNFS StorageMojo says: pNFS is going to commoditize parallel data access. In 5 years we won’t know how we got along without it. Something to watch.

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    Kosmos File System (KFS) is a New High End Google File System Option

    There's a new clustered file system on the spindle: Kosmos File System (KFS). Thanks to Rich Skrenta for turning me on to KFS and I think his blog post says it all. KFS is an open source project written in C++ by search startup Kosmix. The team members have a good pedigree so there's a better than average chance this software will be worth considering. After you stop trying to turn KFS into "Kentucky Fried File System" in your mind, take a look at KFS' intriguing feature set:

  • Incremental scalability: New chunkserver nodes can be added as storage needs increase; the system automatically adapts to the new nodes.
  • Availability: Replication is used to provide availability due to chunk server failures. Typically, files are replicated 3-way.
  • Per file degree of replication: The degree of replication is configurable on a per file basis, with a max. limit of 64.
  • Re-replication: Whenever the degree of replication for a file drops below the configured amount (such as, due to an extended chunkserver outage), the metaserver forces the block to be re-replicated on the remaining chunk servers. Re-replication is done in the background without overwhelming the system.
  • Re-balancing: Periodically, the meta-server may rebalance the chunks amongst chunkservers. This is done to help with balancing disk space utilization amongst nodes.
  • Data integrity: To handle disk corruptions to data blocks, data blocks are checksummed. Checksum verification is done on each read; whenever there is a checksum mismatch, re-replication is used to recover the corrupted chunk.
  • File writes: The system follows the standard model. When an application creates a file, the filename becomes part of the filesystem namespace. For performance, writes are cached at the KFS client library. Periodically, the cache is flushed and data is pushed out to the chunkservers. Also, applications can force data to be flushed to the chunkservers. In either case, once data is flushed to the server, it is available for reading.
  • Leases: KFS client library uses caching to improve performance. Leases are used to support cache consistency.
  • Chunk versioning: Versioning is used to detect stale chunks.
  • Client side fail-over: The client library is resilient to chunksever failures. During reads, if the client library determines that the chunkserver it is communicating with is unreachable, the client library will fail-over to another chunkserver and continue the read. This fail-over is transparent to the application.
  • Language support: KFS client library can be accessed from C++, Java, and Python.
  • FUSE support on Linux: By mounting KFS via FUSE, this support allows existing linux utilities (such as, ls) to interface with KFS.
  • Tools: A shell binary is included in the set of tools. This allows users to navigate the filesystem tree using utilities such as, cp, ls, mkdir, rmdir, rm, mv. Tools to also monitor the chunk/meta-servers are provided.
  • Deploy scripts: To simplify launching KFS servers, a set of scripts to (1) install KFS binaries on a set of nodes, (2) start/stop KFS servers on a set of nodes are also provided. This seems to compare very favorably to GFS and is targeted at:
  • Primarily write-once/read-many workloads
  • Few millions of large files, where each file is on the order of a few tens of MB to a few tens of GB in size
  • Mostly sequential access As Rich says everyone needs to solve the "storage problem" and this looks like an exciting option to add to your bag of tricks. What we are still missing though is a Bigtable like database on top of the file system for scaling structured data. If anyone is using KFS please consider sharing your experiences.

    Related Articles

  • Hadoop
  • Google Architecture
  • You Can Now Store All Your Stuff on Your Own Google Like File System.

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  • Wednesday

    Product: MogileFS

    MogileFS is an open source distributed filesystem. Its properties and features include: Application level, No single point of failure, Automatic file replication, Better than RAID, Flat Namespace, Shared-Nothing, No RAID required, Local filesystem agnostic.

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    Isilon Clustred Storage System

    The Isilon IQ family of clustered storage systems was designed from the ground up to meet the needs of data-intensive enterprises and high-performance computing environments. By combining Isilon's OneFS® operating system software with the latest advances in industry-standard hardware, Isilon delivers modular, pay-as-you-grow, enterprise-class clustered storage systems. OneFS, with TrueScale™ technology, powers the industry's first and only storage system that enables linear or independent scaling of performance and capacity. This new flexible and tunable system, featuring a robust suite of clustered storage software applications, provides customers with an "out of the box" solution that is fully optimized for the widest range of applications and workflow needs. * Scales from 4 TB ti 1 PB * Throughput of up to 10 GB per seond * Linear scaling * Easy to manage

    Related Articles

  • Inside Skinny On Isilon by StorageMojo

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  • Sunday

    Lustre cluster file system

    Lustre® is a scalable, secure, robust, highly-available cluster file system. It is designed, developed and maintained by Cluster File Systems, Inc. The central goal is the development of a next-generation cluster file system which can serve clusters with 10,000's of nodes, provide petabytes of storage, and move 100's of GB/sec with state-of-the-art security and management infrastructure. Lustre runs on many of the largest Linux clusters in the world, and is included by CFS's partners as a core component of their cluster offering (examples include HP StorageWorks SFS, and the Cray XT3 and XD1 supercomputers). Today's users have also demonstrated that Lustre scales down as well as it scales up, and runs in production on clusters as small as 4 and as large as 25,000 nodes. The latest version of Lustre is always available from Cluster File Systems, Inc. Public Open Source releases of Lustre are available under the GNU General Public License. These releases are found here, and are used in production supercomputing environments worldwide.

    Other Links

    * http://www.clusterfs.com/

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