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Lustre cluster file system

Lustre® is a scalable, secure, robust, highly-available cluster file system. It is designed, developed and maintained by Cluster File Systems, Inc.

The central goal is the development of a next-generation cluster file system which can serve clusters with 10,000's of nodes, provide petabytes of storage, and move 100's of GB/sec with state-of-the-art security and management infrastructure.

Lustre runs on many of the largest Linux clusters in the world, and is included by CFS's partners as a core component of their cluster offering (examples include HP StorageWorks SFS, and the Cray XT3 and XD1 supercomputers). Today's users have also demonstrated that Lustre scales down as well as it scales up, and runs in production on clusters as small as 4 and as large as 25,000 nodes.

The latest version of Lustre is always available from Cluster File Systems, Inc. Public Open Source releases of Lustre are available under the GNU General Public License. These releases are found here, and are used in production supercomputing environments worldwide.

Other Links

  • http://www.clusterfs.com/

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