Entries in BigTable (10)


Hypertable Routs HBase in Performance Test -- HBase Overwhelmed by Garbage Collection

This is a guest post by Doug Judd, original creator of Hypertable and the CEO of Hypertable, Inc.

Hypertable delivers 2X better throughput in most tests -- HBase fails 41 and 167 billion record insert tests, overwhelmed by garbage collection -- Both systems deliver similar results for random read uniform test

We recently conducted a test comparing the performance of Hypertable (@hypertable) version to that of HBase (@HBase) version 0.90.4 (CDH3u2) running Zookeeper 3.3.4.  In this post, we summarize the results and offer explanations for the discrepancies. For the full test report, see Hypertable vs. HBase II.


Hypertable and HBase are both open source, scalable databases modeled after Google's proprietary Bigtable database.  The primary difference between the two systems is that Hypertable is written in C++, while HBase is written in Java.  We modeled this test after the one described in section 7 of the Bigtable paper and tuned both systems for maximum performance.  The test was run on a total of sixteen machines connected together with gigabit Ethernet.  The machines had the following configuration:

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Product: Hbase

Update 3: Presentation from the NoSQL Conference: slides, video.
Update 2: Jim Wilson helps with the Understanding HBase and BigTable by explaining them from a "conceptual standpoint."
Update: InfoQ interview: HBase Leads Discuss Hadoop, BigTable and Distributed Databases. "MapReduce (both Google's and Hadoop's) is ideal for processing huge amounts of data with sizes that would not fit in a traditional database. Neither is appropriate for transaction/single request processing."

Hbase is the open source answer to BigTable, Google's highly scalable distributed database. It is built on top of Hadoop (product), which implements functionality similar to Google's GFS and Map/Reduce systems. 

Both Google's GFS and Hadoop's HDFS provide a mechanism to reliably store large amounts of data. However, there is not really a mechanism for organizing the data and accessing only the parts that are of interest to a particular application.

Bigtable (and Hbase) provide a means for organizing and efficiently accessing these large data sets.

Hbase is still not ready for production, but it's a glimpse into the power that will soon be available to your average website builder.

Google is of course still way ahead of the game. They have huge core competencies in data center roll out and they will continually improve their stack.

It will be interesting to see how these sorts of tools along with Software as a Service can be leveraged to create the next generation of systems.


Hypertable is a New BigTable Clone that Runs on HDFS or KFS

Update 3: Presentation from the NoSQL conference: slides, video 1, video 2.

Update 2: The folks at Hypertable would like you to know that Hypertable is now officially sponsored by Baidu, China’s Leading Search Engine. As a sponsor of Hypertable, Baidu has committed an industrious team of engineers, numerous servers, and support resources to improve the quality and development of the open source technology.

Update: InfoQ interview on Hypertable Lead Discusses Hadoop and Distributed Databases. Hypertable differs from HBase in that it is a higher performance implementation of Bigtable.

Skrentablog gives the heads up on Hypertable, Zvents' open-source BigTable clone. It's written in C++ and can run on top of either HDFS or KFS. Performance looks encouraging at 28M rows of data inserted at a per-node write rate of 7mb/sec.


Podcast about Facebook's Cassandra Project and the New Wave of Distributed Databases

In this podcast, we interview Jonathan Ellis about how Facebook's open sourced Cassandra Project took lessons learned from Amazon's Dynamo and Google's BigTable to tackle the difficult problem of building a highly scalable, always available, distributed data store.


QCon London 2009: Database projects to watch closely

Geir Magnusson from 10gen presented a talk titled Cloud Data Persistence or ‘We’re in a database reneaissance - pay attention” today at QCon London 2009. The main message of his talk was that “physical limitations of today’s technology combined with the computational complexity of conventional relational databases are driving databases into new exciting spaces”, or to put it simpler the database landscape is changing and we should keep our eyes on that.

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Google Architecture

Update 2: Sorting 1 PB with MapReduce. PB is not peanut-butter-and-jelly misspelled. It's 1 petabyte or 1000 terabytes or 1,000,000 gigabytes. It took six hours and two minutes to sort 1PB (10 trillion 100-byte records) on 4,000 computers and the results were replicated thrice on 48,000 disks. Update: Greg Linden points to a new Google article MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. Some interesting stats: 100k MapReduce jobs are executed each day; more than 20 petabytes of data are processed per day; more than 10k MapReduce programs have been implemented; machines are dual processor with gigabit ethernet and 4-8 GB of memory. Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?

Information Sources

  • Video: Building Large Systems at Google
  • Google Lab: The Google File System
  • Google Lab: MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
  • Google Lab: BigTable.
  • Video: BigTable: A Distributed Structured Storage System.
  • Google Lab: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems.
  • How Google Works by David Carr in Baseline Magazine.
  • Google Lab: Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall.
  • Dare Obasonjo's Notes on the scalability conference.


  • Linux
  • A large diversity of languages: Python, Java, C++

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Estimated 450,000 low-cost commodity servers in 2006
  • In 2005 Google indexed 8 billion web pages. By now, who knows?
  • Currently there over 200 GFS clusters at Google. A cluster can have 1000 or even 5000 machines. Pools of tens of thousands of machines retrieve data from GFS clusters that run as large as 5 petabytes of storage. Aggregate read/write throughput can be as high as 40 gigabytes/second across the cluster.
  • Currently there are 6000 MapReduce applications at Google and hundreds of new applications are being written each month.
  • BigTable scales to store billions of URLs, hundreds of terabytes of satellite imagery, and preferences for hundreds of millions of users.

    The Stack

    Google visualizes their infrastructure as a three layer stack:
  • Products: search, advertising, email, maps, video, chat, blogger
  • Distributed Systems Infrastructure: GFS, MapReduce, and BigTable.
  • Computing Platforms: a bunch of machines in a bunch of different data centers
  • Make sure easy for folks in the company to deploy at a low cost.
  • Look at price performance data on a per application basis. Spend more money on hardware to not lose log data, but spend less on other types of data. Having said that, they don't lose data.

    Reliable Storage Mechanism with GFS (Google File System)

  • Reliable scalable storage is a core need of any application. GFS is their core storage platform.
  • Google File System - large distributed log structured file system in which they throw in a lot of data.
  • Why build it instead of using something off the shelf? Because they control everything and it's the platform that distinguishes them from everyone else. They required: - high reliability across data centers - scalability to thousands of network nodes - huge read/write bandwidth requirements - support for large blocks of data which are gigabytes in size. - efficient distribution of operations across nodes to reduce bottlenecks
  • System has master and chunk servers. - Master servers keep metadata on the various data files. Data are stored in the file system in 64MB chunks. Clients talk to the master servers to perform metadata operations on files and to locate the chunk server that contains the needed they need on disk. - Chunk servers store the actual data on disk. Each chunk is replicated across three different chunk servers to create redundancy in case of server crashes. Once directed by a master server, a client application retrieves files directly from chunk servers.
  • A new application coming on line can use an existing GFS cluster or they can make your own. It would be interesting to understand the provisioning process they use across their data centers.
  • Key is enough infrastructure to make sure people have choices for their application. GFS can be tuned to fit individual application needs.

    Do Something With the Data Using MapReduce

  • Now that you have a good storage system, how do you do anything with so much data? Let's say you have many TBs of data stored across a 1000 machines. Databases don't scale or cost effectively scale to those levels. That's where MapReduce comes in.
  • MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets. Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Many real world tasks are expressible in this model. Programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and executed on a large cluster of commodity machines. The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning the input data, scheduling the program's execution across a set of machines, handling machine failures, and managing the required inter-machine communication. This allows programmers without any experience with parallel and distributed systems to easily utilize the resources of a large distributed system.
  • Why use MapReduce? - Nice way to partition tasks across lots of machines. - Handle machine failure. - Works across different application types, like search and ads. Almost every application has map reduce type operations. You can precompute useful data, find word counts, sort TBs of data, etc. - Computation can automatically move closer to the IO source.
  • The MapReduce system has three different types of servers. - The Master server assigns user tasks to map and reduce servers. It also tracks the state of the tasks. - The Map servers accept user input and performs map operations on them. The results are written to intermediate files - The Reduce servers accepts intermediate files produced by map servers and performs reduce operation on them.
  • For example, you want to count the number of words in all web pages. You would feed all the pages stored on GFS into MapReduce. This would all be happening on 1000s of machines simultaneously and all the coordination, job scheduling, failure handling, and data transport would be done automatically. - The steps look like: GFS -> Map -> Shuffle -> Reduction -> Store Results back into GFS. - In MapReduce a map maps one view of data to another, producing a key value pair, which in our example is word and count. - Shuffling aggregates key types. - The reductions sums up all the key value pairs and produces the final answer.
  • The Google indexing pipeline has about 20 different map reductions. A pipeline looks at data with a whole bunch of records and aggregating keys. A second map-reduce comes a long, takes that result and does something else. And so on.
  • Programs can be very small. As little as 20 to 50 lines of code.
  • One problem is stragglers. A straggler is a computation that is going slower than others which holds up everyone. Stragglers may happen because of slow IO (say a bad controller) or from a temporary CPU spike. The solution is to run multiple of the same computations and when one is done kill all the rest.
  • Data transferred between map and reduce servers is compressed. The idea is that because servers aren't CPU bound it makes sense to spend on data compression and decompression in order to save on bandwidth and I/O.

    Storing Structured Data in BigTable

  • BigTable is a large scale, fault tolerant, self managing system that includes terabytes of memory and petabytes of storage. It can handle millions of reads/writes per second.
  • BigTable is a distributed hash mechanism built on top of GFS. It is not a relational database. It doesn't support joins or SQL type queries.
  • It provides lookup mechanism to access structured data by key. GFS stores opaque data and many applications needs has data with structure.
  • Commercial databases simply don't scale to this level and they don't work across 1000s machines.
  • By controlling their own low level storage system Google gets more control and leverage to improve their system. For example, if they want features that make cross data center operations easier, they can build it in.
  • Machines can be added and deleted while the system is running and the whole system just works.
  • Each data item is stored in a cell which can be accessed using a row key, column key, or timestamp.
  • Each row is stored in one or more tablets. A tablet is a sequence of 64KB blocks in a data format called SSTable.
  • BigTable has three different types of servers: - The Master servers assign tablets to tablet servers. They track where tablets are located and redistributes tasks as needed. - The Tablet servers process read/write requests for tablets. They split tablets when they exceed size limits (usually 100MB - 200MB). When a tablet server fails, then a 100 tablet servers each pickup 1 new tablet and the system recovers. - The Lock servers form a distributed lock service. Operations like opening a tablet for writing, Master aribtration, and access control checking require mutual exclusion.
  • A locality group can be used to physically store related bits of data together for better locality of reference.
  • Tablets are cached in RAM as much as possible.


  • When you have a lot of machines how do you build them to be cost efficient and use power efficiently?
  • Use ultra cheap commodity hardware and built software on top to handle their death.
  • A 1,000-fold computer power increase can be had for a 33 times lower cost if you you use a failure-prone infrastructure rather than an infrastructure built on highly reliable components. You must build reliability on top of unreliability for this strategy to work.
  • Linux, in-house rack design, PC class mother boards, low end storage.
  • Price per wattage on performance basis isn't getting better. Have huge power and cooling issues.
  • Use a mix of collocation and their own data centers.


  • Push changes out quickly rather than wait for QA.
  • Libraries are the predominant way of building programs.
  • Some are applications are provided as services, like crawling.
  • An infrastructure handles versioning of applications so they can be release without a fear of breaking things.

    Future Directions for Google

  • Support geo-distributed clusters.
  • Create a single global namespace for all data. Currently data is segregated by cluster.
  • More and better automated migration of data and computation.
  • Solve consistency issues that happen when you couple wide area replication with network partitioning (e.g. keeping services up even if a cluster goes offline for maintenance or due to some sort of outage).

    Lessons Learned

  • Infrastructure can be a competitive advantage. It certainly is for Google. They can roll out new internet services faster, cheaper, and at scale at few others can compete with. Many companies take a completely different approach. Many companies treat infrastructure as an expense. Each group will use completely different technologies and their will be little planning and commonality of how to build systems. Google thinks of themselves as a systems engineering company, which is a very refreshing way to look at building software.
  • Spanning multiple data centers is still an unsolved problem. Most websites are in one and at most two data centers. How to fully distribute a website across a set of data centers is, shall we say, tricky.
  • Take a look at Hadoop (product) if you don't have the time to rebuild all this infrastructure from scratch yourself. Hadoop is an open source implementation of many of the same ideas presented here.
  • An under appreciated advantage of a platform approach is junior developers can quickly and confidently create robust applications on top of the platform. If every project needs to create the same distributed infrastructure wheel you'll run into difficulty because the people who know how to do this are relatively rare.
  • Synergy isn't always crap. By making all parts of a system work together an improvement in one helps them all. Improve the file system and everyone benefits immediately and transparently. If every project uses a different file system then there's no continual incremental improvement across the entire stack.
  • Build self-managing systems that work without having to take the system down. This allows you to more easily rebalance resources across servers, add more capacity dynamically, bring machines off line, and gracefully handle upgrades.
  • Create a Darwinian infrastructure. Perform time consuming operation in parallel and take the winner.
  • Don't ignore the Academy. Academia has a lot of good ideas that don't get translated into production environments. Most of what Google has done has prior art, just not prior large scale deployment.
  • Consider compression. Compression is a good option when you have a lot of CPU to throw around and limited IO.

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  • Monday

    Distributed Computing & Google Infrastructure

    A couple of videos about distributed computing with direct reference on Google infrastructure. You will get acquainted with: --MapReduce the software framework implemented by Google to support parallel computations over large (greater than 100 terabyte) data sets on commodity hardware --GFS and the way it stores it's data into 64mb chunks --Bigtable which is the simple implementation of a non-relational database at Google Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lectures 1-5.

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    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Using a Lot of Disk Space to Scale

    Update 3: ReadWriteWeb says Google App Engine Announces New Pricing Plans, APIs, Open Access. Pricing is specified but I'm not sure what to make of it yet. An image manipulation library is added (thus the need to pay for more CPU :-) and memcached support has been added. Memcached will help resolve the can't write for every read problem that pops up when keeping counters. Update 2: onGWT.com threw a GAE load party and a lot of people came. The results at Load test : Google App Engine = 1, Community = 0. GAE handled a peak of 35 requests/second and a sustained 10 requests/second. Some think performance was good, others not so good. My GMT watch broke and I was late to arrive. Maybe next time. Also added a few new design rules from the post. Update: Added a few new rules gleaned from the GAE Meetup: Design By Explicit Cost Model and Puts are Precious. How do you structure your database using a distributed hash table like BigTable? The answer isn't what you might expect. If you were thinking of translating relational models directly to BigTable then think again. The best way to implement joins with BigTable is: don't. You--pause for dramatic effect--duplicate data instead of normalize it. *shudder* Flickr anticipated this design in their architecture when they chose to duplicate comments in both the commentor and the commentee user shards rather than create a separate comment relation. I don't know how that decision was made, but it must have gone against every fiber in their relational bones... But Flickr’s reasoning was genius. To scale you need to partition. User data must spread across the shards. So where do comments belong in a scalable architecture? From one world view comments logically belong to a relation binding comments and users together. But if your unit of scalability is the user shard there is no separate relation space. So you go against all your training and decide to duplicate the comments. Nerd heroism at its best. Let inductive rules derived from observation guide you rather than deductions from arbitrarily chosen first principles. Very Enlightenment era thinking. Voltaire would be proud. In a relational world duplication is removed in order to prevent update anomalies. Error prevention is the driving force in relational modeling. Normalization is a kind of ethical system for data. What happens, for example, if a comment changes? Both copies of the comment must be updated. That leads to errors because who can remember where all the data is stored? A severe ethical violation may happen. Go directly to relational jail :-) BigTable data ethics are more Mardi Gras than dinner with the in-laws. Data just wants to have fun. BigTable won’t stop you from hurting yourself. And to get the best results you may have to engage in some conventionally risky behaviors. But if those are the glass bead necklaces you have to give for a peak at scalability, why not take a walk on the wild side? For a more modern post-relational discussion of data ethics I’m using as my primary source a thread of conversations from JA Robson, Ben the Indefatigable, Michael Brunton-Spall, and especially Brett Morgan. According to our new Voltaire, Locke, Bacon, and Newton, here’s what it takes to act ethically in a BigTable world:
  • Don’t bother with BigTable unless your goal is to create a web site that scales to millions of users. The techniques for building scalable read-mostly web applications are difficult and require a radical mindset change. Standard relational techniques work very well until you scale to huge numbers of users. It is at that point you need to break the rules and do something counter-intuitively different. More of the same will not work. If you don’t plan to get to that point it may not be worth the effort to change. BigTable is targeted at building web applications, It's nature makes it a poor match for OLAP, data warehousing, data mining, and other applications performing complex data manipulations.
  • Assume slower random data access rather than fast sequential access. Every get of an entity could be from a different disk block on a different machine in a cluster. Calculating, for example, the average over a column in SQL can be efficient because data is stored together on disk. In BigTable data can be anywhere so iterating over every value in a column is expensive. Each read is potentially a random block from anywhere which means the average retrieval time can be relatively high. The implication is to use BigTable you must adopt some unfamiliar and unintuitive strategies in order to deal with such a very different performance profile. Using relational database we are used to writing applications against fast highly performant databases. With BigTable you have to become familiar with the rules for developing against a slower but more scalable database. Neither approach is better for all purposes, but BigTable has the edge for high scalability.
  • Group data for concurrent reads. Given the high cost of reading data from BigTable your application will not scale if every page requires a large number of reads. The solution: denormalize. Store data in the same entity based on what data needs to be read concurrently. Relational modeling groups data together based on the “minimize problems” rule. BigTable’s new rule is “maximize concurrent reads” which implies denormalization. Store entities so they can be read in one access rather than performing a join requiring multiple reads. Instead of storing attributes in separate entities in order to remove duplication, duplicate the attributes and store them where they need to be used. Following this rule minimizes the number of reads required to return an entity.
  • Disk and CPU are cheap so stop worrying about them and scale. A criticism of denormalization is storing duplicate data wastes disk space. Google’s architecture trades disk space for better performance. Disk is (relatively) cheap, so don’t fight it. On the CPU front a data center’s worth of CPU is at your service. As long as you structure your application in the way GAE forces you to, your application can scale as large as it needs to simply by running on more machines. All scalability bottlenecks have been removed.
  • Structure data around how it will be used. Trade SQL sets for application based entities. Queries are slow so the closer data is to the format it is to be used the faster pages will render. It’s like the database model becomes the model previously used at the caching layer. Complete entities tend to be cached, not low level detail rows. That’s what BigTable models should look like because that’s how concurrent reads are maximized. This isn’t the same as an object oriented database because the behavior is provided by applications, behavior is not bound to the entity so multiple applications can read the same entities yet implement very different behaviors.
  • Compute attributes at write time. Since looping over large columns of data is inefficient with BigTable the idea is to calculate values at write time instead of read time. For example, instead of calculating an average by reading an entire column at read time, track the total number and the total value at write time so the average can be calculated with one read on page display. Programmer effort is made up front at write time to minimize the work needed at read time. Preventing applications from iterating over huge data is key for making applications scale. Given the limitations of GAE transactions and quotas, GAE may not be appropriate for business applications that need exact summary statistics. Warning: if the summary stat is written on every read request then this approach will not scale as writes don't scale.
  • Create large entities with optional fields. Normalization creates lots of small entities. Instead, create larger entities with optional parts so you can do one read and then determine what’s present at run time. This shifts work from the database to the CPU while minimizing the number joins.
  • Define schemas in models. Denormalization requires user developed code to properly keep data consistent across multiple entities. The database won’t do it for you anymore. Schemas are really defined in code because it’s only code that can track all the relationships and maintain correctness. All database access must go through the models or otherwise the much feared inconsistency problems will result.
  • Hide updates using Ajax. Updates are slow so big bang updates of many entities will appear slow to users . Instead, use Ajax to update the database in little increments. As a user enters form data update the database so the update cost is amortized over many calls rather than one big call at the end. The result is a good user experience and a more scalable app.
  • Puts are Precious. Updating entities in large batches, say even 200 at a time, isn't part of the BigTable model. Entity attributes are automatically and synchronously indexed on writes. Indexing is an expensive operation that accumulates a lot of CPU time so the number updates that can be performed in one query is quite limited. The work around is to perform updates in smaller batches driven by an external CPU. Even when GAE provides the ability run batches within GAE the programming model for writes needs to be accounted for in a design.
  • Design By Explicit Cost Model. If you are going to be charged for an operation GAE wants you to explicitly ask for it. This is why some automatic navigation between objects isn't provided because that will force an explicit query to be written. Writing an explicit query is a sort of EULA for being charged. Click OK in the form of a query and you've indicated that you are prepared to pay for a database operation.
  • Place a many-to-many relation in the entity with the fewest number of elements. One way to create a many-to-many relationship is to have a list property that contains keys to the other related entities. A Company entity, for example, could contain a list of keys to Contact entities or a Contact entity could contain a list of keys to Company entities. Since it's likely a Contact is associated with fewer Companies the list should be contained in the Contact. The reasoning is maintaining large lists is relatively inefficient so you want to minimize the number of items in a list as much as possible.
  • Avoid unbounded queries. Large queries don't scale. Consider showing only the most recent 10 or so values from an attribute.
  • Avoid contention on datastore entities. If every request to your app reads or writes a particular entity, latency will increase as your traffic goes up because reads and writes on a given entity are sequential. One example construct you should avoid at all costs is the global counter, i.e. an entity that keeps track of a count and is updated or read on every request.
  • Avoid large entity groups. Any two entities that share a common ancestor belong to the same entity group. All writes to an entity group are sequential, so large entity groups can bog down popular apps quickly if there are a lot of writes to that group. Instead, use small, localized groups in your design.
  • Shard counters. Increment one of N counters and sum those N counters on the read side. This avoids the dreaded write bottleneck. See Efficient Global Counters by App Engine Fan for more details. An excellent example showing some of these principles in action can be found in this GQL thread. Take this nicely normalized schema:
     - Name 
     - Country 
    - Code 
    - Name 
    - Description 
    - Reference to Product Entity 
    - Reference to Customer Entity 
    - Date of order 
    Anyone from a relational background would look at this schema and give it a big thumbs up. With a little effort we can imagine the original physical purchase order that has now been normalized into three different tables. To recreate the original purchase order a join on purchases, produce and customer is needed. Read speed is not optimized, safety is optimized. Here’s what the same schema looks like optimized for reading:
    - Customer Name 
    - Customer Country 
    - Product Code 
    - Product Name 
    - Purchase Order Number 
    - Date Of Order
    The three original tables have been folded into one entity. Now a purchase order can be read in one get operation. No join necessary. Notice how the entity looks more like an original purchase order. It is also what would probably be cached and is what our model would probably look like. But what if you want to update a product name or a customer name? Those attributes are duplicated in all entities. Here’s where the protection offered by the relational model comes in. Only one entity needs updating in a normalized model. In BigTable you have to remember everywhere a customer name and product name and change every instance to new values. It’s not a simple, safe, or reliable approach. But it does optimize for read speed and scalability. For an application with a high proportion of updates to reads this approach wouldn’t make sense. But on the web reads usually dominate. How often do you really change a customer name or a product name? Seldom. How often do you read them? All the time. Designing to scale for reads and taking the pain on writes takes some getting used to. It’s a massive change to standard relational tactics. But this is what it takes to scale web applications, even if it feels a little strange at first.

    Related Articles

  • ER-Modeling with Google App Engine (updated)
  • Tips on writing scalable apps

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  • Wednesday

    Behind The Scenes of Google Scalability

    The recent Data-Intensive Computing Symposium brought together experts in system design, programming, parallel algorithms, data management, scientific applications, and information-based applications to better understand existing capabilities in the development and application of large-scale computing systems, and to explore future opportunities. Google Fellow Jeff Dean had a very interesting presentation on Handling Large Datasets at Google: Current Systems and Future Directions. He discussed: • Hardware infrastructure • Distributed systems infrastructure: –Scheduling system –GFS –BigTable –MapReduce • Challenges and Future Directions –Infrastructure that spans all datacenters –More automation It is really like a "How does Google work" presentation in ~60 slides? Check out the slides and the video!

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    GoogleTalk Architecture

    Google Talk is Google's instant communications service. Interestingly the IM messages aren't the major architectural challenge, handling user presence indications dominate the design. They also have the challenge of handling small low latency messages and integrating with many other systems. How do they do it? Site: http://www.google.com/talk

    Information Sources

  • GoogleTalk Architecture


  • Linux
  • Java
  • Google Stack
  • Shard

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Support presence and messages for millions of users.
  • Handles billions of packets per day in under 100ms.
  • IM is different than many other applications because the requests are small packets.
  • Routing and application logic are applied per packet for sender and receiver.
  • Messages must be delivered in-order.
  • Architecture extends to new clients and Google services.

    Lessons Learned

  • Measure the right thing. - People ask about how many IMs do you deliver or how many active users. Turns out not to be the right engineering question. - Hard part of IM is how to show correct present to all connected users because growth is non-linear: ConnectedUsers * BuddyListSize * OnlineStateChanges - A linear user grown can mean a very non-linear server growth which requires serving many billions of presence packets per day. - Have a large number friends and presence explodes. The number IMs not that big of deal.
  • Real Life Load Tests - Lab tests are good, but don't tell you enough. - Did a backend launch before the real product launch. - Simulate presence requests and going on-line and off-line for weeks and months, even if real data is not returned. It works out many of the kinks in network, failover, etc.
  • Dynamic Resharding - Divide user data or load across shards. - Google Talk backend servers handle traffic for a subset of users. - Make it easy to change the number of shards with zero downtime. - Don't shard across data centers. Try and keep users local. - Servers can bring down servers and backups take over. Then you can bring up new servers and data migrated automatically and clients auto detect and go to new servers.
  • Add Abstractions to Hide System Complexity - Different systems should have little knowledge of each other, especially when separate groups are working together. - Gmail and Orkut don't know about sharding, load-balancing, or fail-over, data center architecture, or number of servers. Can change at anytime without cascading changes throughout the system. - Abstract these complexities into a set of gateways that are discovered at runtime. - RPC infrastructure should handle rerouting.
  • Understand Semantics of Lower Level Libraries - Everything is abstracted, but you must still have enough knowledge of how they work to architect your system. - Does your RPC create TCP connections to all or some of your servers? Very different implications. - Does the library performance health checking? This is architectural implications as you can have separate system failing independently. - Which kernel operation should you use? IM requires a lot connections but few have any activity. Use epoll vs poll/select.
  • Protect Again Operation Problems - Smooth out all spoke in server activity graphs. - What happens when servers restart with an empty cache? - What happens if traffic shifts to a new data center? - Limit cascading problems. Back of from busy servers. Don't accept work when sick. - Isolate in emergencies. Don't infect others with your problems. - Have intelligent retry logic policies abstracted away. Don't sit in hard 1msec retry loops, for example.
  • Any Scalable System is a Distributed System - Add fault tolerance to every component of the system. Everything fails. - Add ability to profile live servers without impacting server. Allows continual improvement. - Collect metrics from server for monitoring. Log everything about your system so you see patterns in cause and effects. - Log end-to-end so you can reconstruct an entire operation from beginning to end across all machines.
  • Software Development Strategies - Make sure binaries are both backward and forward compatible so you can have old clients work with new code. - Build an experimentation framework to try new features. - Give engineers access to product machines. Gives end-to-end ownership. This is very different than many companies who have completely separate OP teams in their data centers. Often developers can't touch production machines.

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