Secrets to Fotolog's Scaling Success

Fotolog, a social blogging site centered around photos, grew from about 300 thousand users in 2004 to over 11 million users in 2007. Though they initially experienced the inevitable pains of rapid growth, they overcame their problems and now manage over 300 million photos and 800,000 new photos are added each day. Generating all that fabulous content are 20 million unique monthly visitors and a volunteer army of 30,000 new users each day. They did so well a very impressed suitor bought them out for a cool $90 million. That's scale meets success by anyone standards. How did they do it? Site:
Information Sources
The Platform
The Stats
The Architecture
I have a new memcached user to add to your list: we here at Fotolog, the world's largest photo blogging community, now use it and we love it. I just rolled our first code to use it into production today and it has been a lifesaver. I can't wait to start using it in places where we had been relying on Berkeley databases to offload some database work. We are not some wimpy million page a day site, either. Fotolog is a billion+ pages/month site (35 to 40 million views/day is pretty typical for us). We had recently overcome some significant DB-related performance issues which allowed our site traffic to explode, and it started to bog down again under the heavy traffic load (getting back up towards 10 seconds for a page to load sometimes during the peak periods). The servers were churning away each recreating a list every time when it could easily be shared in the same form for at least 5 or 10 minutes. So we introduced memcache, creating a distributed 30-server cluster with 4 gigs available in total and made a very minor code mod to use memcache, and our peak period load times dropped back down to the 2 second or so range. It has allowed for continued growth and incredible efficiency. I can't say when I've ever been so pleased with something that worked so simply."