Entries in database performance online website (5)


PostgreSQL Connection Pooling: Part 1 – Pros & Cons

PostgreSQL Connection Pooling: Part 1 – Pros & Cons

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, ‘threads’ were a programming novelty rarely used and seldom trusted. In that environment, the first PostgreSQL developers decided forking a process for each connection to the database is the safest choice. It would be a shame if your database crashed, after all.

Since then, a lot of water has flown under that bridge, but the PostgreSQL community has stuck by their original decision. It is difficult to fault their argument – as it’s absolutely true that:

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2019 PostgreSQL Trends Report: Private vs. Public Cloud, Migrations, Database Combinations & Top Reasons Used

2019 PostgreSQL Trends Report: Private vs. Public Cloud, Migrations, Database Combinations & Top Reasons Used

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system that has soared in popularity over the past 30 years from its active, loyal, and growing community. For the 2nd year in a row, PostgreSQL has kept the title of #1 fastest growing database in the world according to the DBMS of the Year report by the experts at DB-Engines. So what makes PostgreSQL so special, and how is it being used today? We found the answers at the Postgres Conference in March where we surveyed PostgreSQL users, contributors, and SQL and NoSQL database administrators alike. In this free PostgreSQL Trends Report, we break down PostgreSQL hosting use across public cloud vs. private cloud vs. hybrid cloud, most popular cloud providers, migration trends, database combinations with Postgres, and why PostgreSQL is preferred over popular RDBMS alternatives.

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud vs. Hybrid Cloud

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Using SSD as a Foundation for New Generations of Flash Databases - Nati Shalom

“You just can't have it all” is a phrase that most of us are accustomed to hearing and that many still believe to be true when discussing the speed, scale and cost of processing data. To reach high speed data processing, it is necessary to utilize more memory resources which increases cost. This occurs because price increases as memory, on average, tends to be more expensive than commodity disk drive. The idea of data systems being unable to reliably provide you with both memory and fast access—not to mention at the right cost—has long been debated, though the idea of such limitations was cemented by computer scientist, Eric Brewer, who introduced us to the CAP theorem.

The CAP Theorem and Limitations for Distributed Computer Systems

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End-To-End Performance Study of Cloud Services

Cloud computing promises a number of advantages for the deployment of data-intensive applications. Most prominently, these include reducing cost with a pay-as-you-go business model and (virtually) unlimited throughput by adding servers if the workload increases. At the Systems Group, ETH Zurich, we did an extensive end-to-end performance study to compare the major cloud offerings regarding their ability to fulfill these promises and their implied cost.

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Creating a high-performing online database 

Hi there, I have an idea for an online database that services a large number of people. I've been studying it for a while and it seems feasible to me to create it and get people to populate it. It will need time to grow but eventually it will get there. The model I'm looking at is IMDB, the depth of information is fascinating, yet it's fast, not so easy to use though, but it's pretty usable! What do you think I need to create a database an online database like IMDB. I know that IMDB power comes from it's information, not the design of the site. This is something I kind of figured out. But what I need to know is the best tools to publish database contents on the web, retrieve it in that fast way like IMDB. I'm sure that I will need to create data entry logs for my users to populate the database. What programming languages you suggest? development environment? approaches? your contribution is highly appreciated. Regards, Jalil

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