Entries in private cloud (5)


2019 Open Source Database Report: Top Databases, Public Cloud vs. On-Premise, Polyglot Persistence

2019 Open Source Database Report: Top Databases, Public Cloud vs. On-Premise, Polyglot Persistence

Ready to transition from a commercial database to open source, and want to know which databases are most popular in 2019? Wondering whether an on-premise vs. public cloud vs. hybrid cloud infrastructure is best for your database strategy? Or, considering adding a new database to your application and want to see which combinations are most popular? We found all the answers you need at the Percona Live event last month, and broke down the insights into the following free trends reports:

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2019 PostgreSQL Trends Report: Private vs. Public Cloud, Migrations, Database Combinations & Top Reasons Used

2019 PostgreSQL Trends Report: Private vs. Public Cloud, Migrations, Database Combinations & Top Reasons Used

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system that has soared in popularity over the past 30 years from its active, loyal, and growing community. For the 2nd year in a row, PostgreSQL has kept the title of #1 fastest growing database in the world according to the DBMS of the Year report by the experts at DB-Engines. So what makes PostgreSQL so special, and how is it being used today? We found the answers at the Postgres Conference in March where we surveyed PostgreSQL users, contributors, and SQL and NoSQL database administrators alike. In this free PostgreSQL Trends Report, we break down PostgreSQL hosting use across public cloud vs. private cloud vs. hybrid cloud, most popular cloud providers, migration trends, database combinations with Postgres, and why PostgreSQL is preferred over popular RDBMS alternatives.

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud vs. Hybrid Cloud

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The VeriScale Architecture - Elasticity and efficiency for private clouds

The modern datacenter is evolving into the network centric datacenter model, which is applied to both public and private cloud computing. In this model, networking, platform, storage, and software infrastructure are provided as services that scale up or down on demand. The network centric model allows the datacenter to be viewed as a collection of automatically deployed and managed application services that utilize underlying virtualized services. Providing sufficient elasticity and scalability for the rapidly growing needs of the datacenter requires these collections of automatically-managed services to scale efficiently and with essentially no limits, letting services adapt easily to changing requirements and workloads. Sun’s VeriScale architecture provides the architectural platform that can deliver these capabilities. Sun Microsystems has been developing open and modular infrastructure architectures for more than a decade. The features of these architectures, such as elasticity, are seen in current private and public cloud computing architectures, while the non-functional requirements, such as high availability and security, have always been a high priority for Sun. The VeriScale architecture leverages experience and knowledge from many Sun customer engagements and provides an excellent foundation for cloud computing. The VeriScale architecture can be implemented as an overlay, creating a virtual infrastructure on a public cloud or it can be used to implement a private cloud.

Read more at: http://wikis.sun.com/display/BluePrints/The+VeriScale+Architecture+-+Elasticity+and+Efficiency+for+Private+Clouds


Sun Acquires Q-layer in Cloud Computing Play

Datacenterknowledge.com: In an effort to boost its refocused cloud computing initiative, Sun Microsystems (JAVA) has acquired Q-layer, a Belgian provider that automates the deployment of both public and private clouds. Sun says Q-layer’s technology will help users instantly provision servers, storage, bandwidth and applications. Do you have experience with Q-layers technology like its Virtual Private DataCenter and NephOS?

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Private/Public Cloud

Data centers are reshaping themselves by taking ideas from public cloud providers, such as Amazon and Google. The idea is to make the data center more cost-effective by enabling on-demand utility-based computing rather than dedicated machines. At the same time, it is clear that to make IT operations more effective, it doesn't make sense to run all the applications that are currently hosted in a company's data center in the private cloud. This calls for an integration between private and public cloud. In this post i discuss some of the challenges involved in making that happen: 1. How do we design applications to be cloud-agnostic? 2. How do we enable seamless fail-over to a public cloud? 3. Future-proofing: There are many cases in which we can't make a clear decision as to where our application should be running at the time of writing or developing the application. We would like to be in a position to change the decision as to where our application will be running even after our application has been completely developed.

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