2019 Open Source Database Report: Top Databases, Public Cloud vs. On-Premise, Polyglot Persistence
Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 9:33AM
Ready to transition from a commercial database to open source, and want to know which databases are most popular in 2019? Wondering whether an on-premise vs. public cloud vs. hybrid cloud infrastructure is best for your database strategy? Or, considering adding a new database to your application and want to see which combinations are most popular? We found all the answers you need at the Percona Live event last month, and broke down the insights into the following free trends reports:
tagged Azure, Db2, Google Cloud Platform, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, aws, database, mysql, oracle, postgresql, redis in AWS, ClickHouse, Database, DevOps, HBase, Memcached, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, RDBMS, Redis, Redis Cluster, Statistics, best platform, cassandra, cloud, cloud computing, cluster, data, data management, databases, db2, deployment, enterprise, google, hosting, hybrid, management, mysql cluster, nosql, open source, postgresql, private cloud, public cloud, sql, sql server 2008 Tweet