Hidden in every computer is a hardware backplane for moving signals around. Hidden in every application are ways of moving messages around and giving code CPU time to process them. Unhiding those capabilities and making them first class facilities for the programmer to control is the idea behind AppBackplane.
This goes directly against the trend of hiding everything from the programmer and doing it all automagically. Which is great, until it doesn't work. Then it sucks. And the approach of giving the programmer all the power also sucks, until it's tuned to work together and performance is incredible even under increasing loads. Then it's great.
These are two different curves going in opposite directions. You need to decide for your application which curve you need to be on.
AppBackplane is an example framework supporting the multiple application architectures we talked about in Beyond Threads And Callbacks. It provides a scheduling system that supports continuous and high loads, meets critical path timing requirements, supports fair scheduling amongst priorities; is relatively easy to program; and supports higher degrees of parallelism than can be supported with a pure tasking model.
It's a bit much for simple applications. But if you are looking to go beyond a basic thread per request model and think of an application as a container where a diverse set of components must somehow all share limited resources to accomplish work, then some of the ideas may prove useful.
In case you are still wondering where the name AppBackplane comes from, it's something I made up a while ago as a takeoff of computer backplane:
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