Entries in lighttpd (6)


An Open Source Web Solution - Lighttpd Web Server and Chip Multithreading Technology  

With more users interacting, working, purchasing, and communicating over the network than ever before, Web 2.0 infrastructure is taking center stage in many organizations. Demand is rising, and companies are looking for ways to tackle the performance and scalability needs placed on Web infrastructure without raising IT operational expenses. Today companies are turning to efficient, high-performance, open source solutions as a way to decrease acquisition, licensing, and other ongoing costs and stay within budget constraints.

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YouTube Architecture

Update 3: 7 Years Of YouTube Scalability Lessons In 30 Minutes and YouTube Strategy: Adding Jitter Isn't A Bug

Update 2: YouTube Reaches One Billion Views Per Day. That’s at least 11,574 views per second, 694,444 views per minute, and 41,666,667 views per hour. 

Update: YouTube: The Platform. YouTube adds a new rich set of APIs in order to become your video platform leader--all for free. Upload, edit, watch, search, and comment on video from your own site without visiting YouTube. Compose your site internally from APIs because you'll need to expose them later anyway.

YouTube grew incredibly fast, to over 100 million video views per day, with only a handful of people responsible for scaling the site. How did they manage to deliver all that video to all those users? And how have they evolved since being acquired by Google?

Information Sources

  • Google Video


  • Apache
  • Python
  • Linux (SuSe)
  • MySQL
  • psyco, a dynamic python->C compiler
  • lighttpd for video instead of Apache

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Supports the delivery of over 100 million videos per day.
  • Founded 2/2005
  • 3/2006 30 million video views/day
  • 7/2006 100 million video views/day
  • 2 sysadmins, 2 scalability software architects
  • 2 feature developers, 2 network engineers, 1 DBA

    Recipe for handling rapid growth

    while (true) { identify_and_fix_bottlenecks(); drink(); sleep(); notice_new_bottleneck(); } This loop runs many times a day.

    Web Servers

  • NetScalar is used for load balancing and caching static content.
  • Run Apache with mod_fast_cgi.
  • Requests are routed for handling by a Python application server.
  • Application server talks to various databases and other informations sources to get all the data and formats the html page.
  • Can usually scale web tier by adding more machines.
  • The Python web code is usually NOT the bottleneck, it spends most of its time blocked on RPCs.
  • Python allows rapid flexible development and deployment. This is critical given the competition they face.
  • Usually less than 100 ms page service times.
  • Use psyco, a dynamic python->C compiler that uses a JIT compiler approach to optimize inner loops.
  • For high CPU intensive activities like encryption, they use C extensions.
  • Some pre-generated cached HTML for expensive to render blocks.
  • Row level caching in the database.
  • Fully formed Python objects are cached.
  • Some data are calculated and sent to each application so the values are cached in local memory. This is an underused strategy. The fastest cache is in your application server and it doesn't take much time to send precalculated data to all your servers. Just have an agent that watches for changes, precalculates, and sends.

    Video Serving

  • Costs include bandwidth, hardware, and power consumption.
  • Each video hosted by a mini-cluster. Each video is served by more than one machine.
  • Using a a cluster means: - More disks serving content which means more speed. - Headroom. If a machine goes down others can take over. - There are online backups.
  • Servers use the lighttpd web server for video: - Apache had too much overhead. - Uses epoll to wait on multiple fds. - Switched from single process to multiple process configuration to handle more connections.
  • Most popular content is moved to a CDN (content delivery network): - CDNs replicate content in multiple places. There's a better chance of content being closer to the user, with fewer hops, and content will run over a more friendly network. - CDN machines mostly serve out of memory because the content is so popular there's little thrashing of content into and out of memory.
  • Less popular content (1-20 views per day) uses YouTube servers in various colo sites. - There's a long tail effect. A video may have a few plays, but lots of videos are being played. Random disks blocks are being accessed. - Caching doesn't do a lot of good in this scenario, so spending money on more cache may not make sense. This is a very interesting point. If you have a long tail product caching won't always be your performance savior. - Tune RAID controller and pay attention to other lower level issues to help. - Tune memory on each machine so there's not too much and not too little.

    Serving Video Key Points

  • Keep it simple and cheap.
  • Keep a simple network path. Not too many devices between content and users. Routers, switches, and other appliances may not be able to keep up with so much load.
  • Use commodity hardware. More expensive hardware gets the more expensive everything else gets too (support contracts). You are also less likely find help on the net.
  • Use simple common tools. They use most tools build into Linux and layer on top of those.
  • Handle random seeks well (SATA, tweaks).

    Serving Thumbnails

  • Surprisingly difficult to do efficiently.
  • There are a like 4 thumbnails for each video so there are a lot more thumbnails than videos.
  • Thumbnails are hosted on just a few machines.
  • Saw problems associated with serving a lot of small objects: - Lots of disk seeks and problems with inode caches and page caches at OS level. - Ran into per directory file limit. Ext3 in particular. Moved to a more hierarchical structure. Recent improvements in the 2.6 kernel may improve Ext3 large directory handling up to 100 times, yet storing lots of files in a file system is still not a good idea. - A high number of requests/sec as web pages can display 60 thumbnails on page. - Under such high loads Apache performed badly. - Used squid (reverse proxy) in front of Apache. This worked for a while, but as load increased performance eventually decreased. Went from 300 requests/second to 20. - Tried using lighttpd but with a single threaded it stalled. Run into problems with multiprocesses mode because they would each keep a separate cache. - With so many images setting up a new machine took over 24 hours. - Rebooting machine took 6-10 hours for cache to warm up to not go to disk.
  • To solve all their problems they started using Google's BigTable, a distributed data store: - Avoids small file problem because it clumps files together. - Fast, fault tolerant. Assumes its working on a unreliable network. - Lower latency because it uses a distributed multilevel cache. This cache works across different collocation sites. - For more information on BigTable take a look at Google Architecture, GoogleTalk Architecture, and BigTable.


  • The Early Years - Use MySQL to store meta data like users, tags, and descriptions. - Served data off a monolithic RAID 10 Volume with 10 disks. - Living off credit cards so they leased hardware. When they needed more hardware to handle load it took a few days to order and get delivered. - They went through a common evolution: single server, went to a single master with multiple read slaves, then partitioned the database, and then settled on a sharding approach. - Suffered from replica lag. The master is multi-threaded and runs on a large machine so it can handle a lot of work. Slaves are single threaded and usually run on lesser machines and replication is asynchronous, so the slaves can lag significantly behind the master. - Updates cause cache misses which goes to disk where slow I/O causes slow replication. - Using a replicating architecture you need to spend a lot of money for incremental bits of write performance. - One of their solutions was prioritize traffic by splitting the data into two clusters: a video watch pool and a general cluster. The idea is that people want to watch video so that function should get the most resources. The social networking features of YouTube are less important so they can be routed to a less capable cluster.
  • The later years: - Went to database partitioning. - Split into shards with users assigned to different shards. - Spreads writes and reads. - Much better cache locality which means less IO. - Resulted in a 30% hardware reduction. - Reduced replica lag to 0. - Can now scale database almost arbitrarily.

    Data Center Strategy

  • Used manage hosting providers at first. Living off credit cards so it was the only way.
  • Managed hosting can't scale with you. You can't control hardware or make favorable networking agreements.
  • So they went to a colocation arrangement. Now they can customize everything and negotiate their own contracts.
  • Use 5 or 6 data centers plus the CDN.
  • Videos come out of any data center. Not closest match or anything. If a video is popular enough it will move into the CDN.
  • Video bandwidth dependent, not really latency dependent. Can come from any colo.
  • For images latency matters, especially when you have 60 images on a page.
  • Images are replicated to different data centers using BigTable. Code looks at different metrics to know who is closest.

    Lessons Learned

  • Stall for time. Creative and risky tricks can help you cope in the short term while you work out longer term solutions.
  • Prioritize. Know what's essential to your service and prioritize your resources and efforts around those priorities.
  • Pick your battles. Don't be afraid to outsource some essential services. YouTube uses a CDN to distribute their most popular content. Creating their own network would have taken too long and cost too much. You may have similar opportunities in your system. Take a look at Software as a Service for more ideas.
  • Keep it simple! Simplicity allows you to rearchitect more quickly so you can respond to problems. It's true that nobody really knows what simplicity is, but if you aren't afraid to make changes then that's a good sign simplicity is happening.
  • Shard. Sharding helps to isolate and constrain storage, CPU, memory, and IO. It's not just about getting more writes performance.
  • Constant iteration on bottlenecks: - Software: DB, caching - OS: disk I/O - Hardware: memory, RAID
  • You succeed as a team. Have a good cross discipline team that understands the whole system and what's underneath the system. People who can set up printers, machines, install networks, and so on. With a good team all things are possible.

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  • Friday

    How Gravatar scales on WordPress.com hardware

    Automattic recently purchase Gravatar and have switched the server onto their hosting platform. WordPress.com host over 1.7 million blogs with well over 60'000 new posts submitted each day generating 10 - 12 million page views per day. Barry on WordPress.com has a great post on the changes they've introduced to help Gravatar scale.

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    ThemBid Architecture

    ThemBid provides a market where people needing work done broadcast their request and accept bids from people competing for the job. Unlike many of the sites profiled at HighScalability, ThemBid is not in the popular press as often as Paris Hilton. It's not a media darling or a giant of the industry. But what I like is they have a strategy, a point-of-view for building websites and were gracious enough to share very detailed instructions on how to go about building a website. They even delve into actual installation details of the various software packages they use. Anyone can benefit by taking a look at their work. Site: http://www.thembid.com/

    Information Sources

  • Build Scalable Web 2.0 Sites with Ubuntu, Symfony, and Lighttpd


  • Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Symfony
  • Lighttpd
  • PHP
  • eAccelerator
  • Eclipse
  • Munin
  • AWStats

    What's Inside?

    The Stats

  • Started work in December of 2006 and had a full demo by March 2007.
  • One developer/sys admin worked with a part-time graphics designer.
  • Targeted a few thousand users after launch.

    The Architecture

  • Hardware. Dual core server with 2GB RAM
  • Storage. 2 x 36SCSI 10K RPM on RAID1.
  • Data Center. They went with with Layeredtech for the managed server because of past positive experiences.
  • Development Environment. Ubuntu and Eclipse.
  • OS. They chose the server distribution of Ubuntu because that's what they use on the client side and Ubuntu supports "simpler installation and easier maintenance than typical IT deployments."
  • Web Server. Lighttpd is used to handle static content and forward the dynamic PHP page requests to FastCGI.
  • Database. MySQL. When growth is necessary the idea is to move to a master-slave arrangement and them maybe MySQL cluster.
  • Web Framework. Went with PHP because they knew it and other successful sites like Digg and Yahoo successfully deploy PHP. They chose Symfony as there framework because of its nice documentation and active development community. And Yahoo also uses Symfony. It's a decision that has worked well for them.
  • PHP Cache. eAccelerator is used to compile and cache PHP scripts.
  • Object and Content Cache. The plan is to cache a lot of content. For a bid site like theirs this makes sense. Many of the pieces are used over and over again so putting them in memory will speed up the entire system and take pressure off the database and the IO system. Initially the used a SQLite cache on top of of a memory based file system. This choice was because it was supported by Symfony. When a memcached plugin is available they'll try that.
  • Client Side Cache. Lighttp's mod_expire module is used to prevent Javascript, style sheets, and images that rarely change from being uncessarily redownloaded by the browser.
  • Monitoring. Munin is used to monitor their resource usage. It's as simple as visiting "yoursite.com/status" to see what's going on.
  • Log Analysis. AWStats is used to track hits and types of requests. This information can be used to target bottlenecks.
  • Scalability Plan. - Use Munin to tell when to think about upgrading. When your growth trend will soon cross your resources trend, it's time to do something. - Move MySQL to a separate server. This frees up resources (CPU, disk, memory). What you want to run on this server depend on its capabilities. Maybe run a memcached server on it. - Move to a distributed memory cache using memcached. - Add a MySQL master/slave configuration. - If more webservers are needed us LVS on the front end as a load balancer.
  • Future Directions. Work on fault tolerance.

    Lessons Learned

  • It's possible to create a nice site fairly quickly with just a few people using commonly available low cost tools. And your system will be solid and powerful. No cut corners.
  • Use feedback from your system to know what needs optimizing and when it's time to scale.
  • Good documentation and an active community draw people. These are very attractive qualities for people making decisions about what to use. It's hard to go with a tool chain when it looks like you may get stuck in the future with no way out and no help. If you make tools make them dead easy to understand, learn, use, and deploy.
  • Stick with the familiar. It may not be optimal, it may not be the best, but it's more important that you get started and make progress. You don't want to delay releasing your site so you can learn a completely different tool chain that may make your life somewhat easier and in some projected future. The future is now.
  • Use what works for other people. The fact that Yahoo and Digg use PHP is a good recommendation. Certainly PHP is not the only way to build a site, but it does cut your risk level and help you sleep at night. It also means there's an active community that can help you when you have problems.

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  • Wednesday

    Product: lighttpd

    lighttpd (pronounced "lighty") is a web server which is designed to be secure, fast, standards-compliant, and flexible while being optimized for speed-critical environments. Its low memory footprint (compared to other web servers), light CPU load and its speed goals make lighttpd suitable for servers that are suffering load problems, or for serving static media separately from dynamic content. lighttpd is free software / open source, and is distributed under the BSD license. lighttpd runs on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like operating systems and Microsoft Windows. * Load-balancing FastCGI, SCGI and HTTP-proxy support * chroot support * select()-/poll()-based web server * Support for more efficient event notification schemes like kqueue and epoll * Conditional rewrites (mod_rewrite) * SSL and TLS support, via openSSL. * Authentication against an LDAP server * rrdtool statistics * Rule-based downloading with possibility of a script handling only authentication * Server-side includes support * Flexible virtual hosting * Modules support * Cache Meta Language (currently being replaced by mod_magnet) * Minimal WebDAV support * Servlet (AJP) support (in versions 1.5.x and up) * HTTP compression using mod_compress and the newer mod_deflate ( 1.5.x )

    Information Sources

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighttpd * http://highscalability.com/paper-lightweight-web-servers

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    Paper: Lightweight Web servers

    This paper is a great overview of different lightweight web servers. A lot of websites use lightweight web servers to serve images and static content. YouTube is one example: http://highscalability.com/youtube-architecture. So if you need to improve performance consider changing over a different web server for some types of content. Overview: Recent years have enjoyed a florescence of interesting implementations of Web servers, including lighttpd, litespeed, and mongrel, among others. These Web servers boast different combinations of performance, ease of administration, portability, security, and related values. The following engineering study surveys the field of lightweight Web servers to help you find one likely to meet the technical requirements of your next project. "Lightweight" Web servers like lighttpd, litespeed, and mongrel can offer dramatic benefits for your projects. This article surveys the possibilities and shows how they apply to you. Important dimensions for evaluation of a Web server include: * Performance: How fast does it respond to requests? * Scalability: Does the server continue to behave reliably when many users simultaneously access it? * Security: Does the server do only the operations it should? What support does it offer for authenticating users and encrypting its traffic? Does its use make nearby applications or hosts more vulnerable? * Availability: What are the failure modes and incidences of the server? * Compliance to standards: Does the server respect the pertinent RFCs? * Flexibility: Can the server be tuned to accommodate heavy request loads, or computationally demanding dynamic pages, or expensive authentication, or ...? * Platform requirements: On what range of platforms is the server available? Does it have specific hardware needs? * Manageability: Is the server easy to set up and maintain? Is it compatible with organizational standards for logging, auditing, costing, and so on?

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