Entries in Grid (19)



The first meeting of this Online Gaming High Scalability SIG will be on the 9th of July 2009 in central London, starting at 10 AM and finishing around 5PM.

The main topic of this meeting will be potentials for using cloud and grid technologies in online gaming systems. In addition to experience reports from the community, we have invited some of the leading cloud experts in the UK to discuss the benefits such as resource elasticity and challenges such as storage and security that companies from other industries have experienced. We will have a track for IT managers focused on business opportunities and issues and a track for architects and developers more focused on implementation issues.

The event is free but up-front registration is required for capacity planning, so please let us know in advance, if you are planning to attend by completing the registration form on this page

To propose a talk or for programme enquiries, contact meetings [at] gamingscalability [dot] org.

Note: The event is planned to finish around 5 PM so that people can make their way to Victoria on time for CloudCamp London. CloudCamp is a meeting of the cloud computing community with short talks, is also free but you will have to register for it separately

PROGRAMME: http://skillsmatter.com/event/cloud-grid/online-gaming-high-scalability-sig/wd-99


Data grid comparison: Oracle Coherence vs Gigaspaces XAP

A short summary of differences between Oracle Coherence and GigaSpaces XAP.


Is Eucalyptus ready to be your private cloud?

Update:: Eucalyptus Goes Commercial with $5.5M Funding Round. This removes my objection that it's an academic project only. Go team go!

Rich Wolski, professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, gave a spirited talk on Eucalyptus to a large group of very interested cloudsters at the Eucalyptus Cloud Meetup. If Rich could teach computer science at every school the state of the computer science industry would be stratospheric. Rich is dynamic, smart, passionate, and visionary. It's that vision that prompted him to create Eucalyptus in the first place. Rich and his group are experts in grid and distributed computing, having a long and glorious history in that space. When he saw cloud computing on the rise he decided the best way to explore it was to implement what everyone accepted as a real cloud, Amazon's API. In a remarkably short time they implement Eucalyptus and have been improving it and tracking Amazon's changes ever since.

The question I had going into the meetup was: should Eucalyptus be used to make an organization's private cloud? The short answer is no. Wait wait, it's now yes, see the update at the beginning of the article.

The project is of high quality, the people are of the highest quality, but in the end Eucalyptus is a research project from a university. As an academic project Eucalyptus is subject to changes in funding and the research interests of the team. When funding sources dry up so does the project. If the team finds another research area more interesting, or if they get tired of chasing a continuous stream of new Amazon features, or no new grad students sign on, which will happen in a few years, then the project goes dark.

Fears over continuity have at least two solutions: community support and commercial support. Eucalyptus could become community supported open source project. This is unlikely to happen though as it conflicts with the research intent of Eucalyptus. The Eucalyptus team plans to control the core for research purposes and encourage external development of add-on service like SQS. Eucalyptus won't go commercial as University projects must stay clear from commercial pretensions. Amazon is "no comment" on Eucalyptus so it's not clear what they would think of commercial development should it occur.

Taken together these concerns imply Eucalyptus is not a good base for an enterprise quality private cloud. Which they readily admit. It's not enterprise ready Rich repeats. It's not that the quality isn't there. It is and will be. And some will certainly base their private cloud on Eucalyptus, but when making a decision of this type you have to be sure your cloud infrastructure will be around for the long haul. With Eucalyptus that is not necessarily the case. Eucalyptus is still a good choice for it's original research purpose, or as cheap staging platform for Amazon, or as base for temporary clouds, but as your rock solid private cloud infrastructure of the future Eucalyptus isn't the answer.

The long answer is a little more nuanced and interesting.

The primary purpose for Eucalyptus is research. It was never meant to be our little untethered private Amazon cloud. But if it works, why not?

Eucalyptus is Not a Full Implementation of the Amazon Stack

Eucalyptus implements most of EC2 and a little of S3. They hope to get community support for the rest. That of course makes Eucalyptus far less interesting as a development platform. But if your use for Eucalyptus is as an instant provisioning framework you are still in the game. Their emulation of EC2 is so good RightScale was able to operate on top of Eucalyptus. Impressive.

But even in the EC2 arena I have to wonder for how long they'll track Amazon development. If you are a researcher implementing every new Amazon feature is going to get mighty old after a while. It will be time to move on and if you are dependent on Eucalyptus you are in trouble. Sure, you can move to Amazon but what about that $1 million data center buildout?

Developing software not tied to the Amazon service stack then Eucalyptus would work great.

As an Amazon developer I would want my code to work without too much trouble in both environments. Certainly you can mock the different services for testing or create a service layer to hide different implementations, but that's not ideal and makes Eucalyptus as an Amazon proxy less attractive.

One of the uses for Eucalyptus is to make Amazon cheaper and easier by testing code locally without out having to deploy into Amazon all the time. Given the size of images the bandwidth and storage costs add up after a while, so this could make Eucalyptus a valuable part of the development process.

Eucalyptus is Not as Scalable as Amazon

No kidding. Amazon has an army of sysadmins, network engineers, and programmers to make their system work at such ginormous scales. Eucalyptus was built on smarts, grit and pizza. It will never scale as well as Amazon, but Eucalyptus is scalable to 256 nodes right now. Which is not bad.

Rich thinks with some work they already know about it could scale to 5000 nodes. Not exactly Amazon scale, but good enough for many data center dreams.

One big limit Eucalyptus has is the self-imposed requirement to work well in any environment. It's just a tarball you can install on top of any network. They rightly felt this was necessary for adoption. Saying to potential customers that you need to setup a special network before you can test this software tends to slow down adoption. By making Eucalyptus work as an overlay they soothed a lot of early adopter pain.

But by giving up control of the machines, the OS, the disk, and the network they limited how scalable they can be. There's more to scalability than just software. Amazon has total control and that gives them power. Eucalyptus plans to make more invasive and more scalable options available in the future.

Lacks Some Private Cloud Features

Organizations interested in a private cloud are often interested in:

  • Control
  • Privacy and Security
  • Utility Chargeback System
  • Instant Provisioning Framework
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Temporary Infrastructure for Proof of Concept for "Real" Provisioning
  • Cloud Management Infrastructure

    Eucalyptus satisfies many of these needs, but a couple are left wanting:
  • The Utility Chargeback System allows companies to bill back departments for the resources they use and is a great way get around a rigid provisioning process and still provide accountability back to the budgeting process. Eucalyptus won't do this for you.
  • A first class Cloud Management Infrastructure is not part of Eucalyptus because it's not part of Amazon's API. Amazon doesn't expose their internal management process. Eucalyptus is adding some higher level management tools, but they'll be pretty basic.

    These features may or may not be important to you.

    Clouds vs Grids

    Endless pixels have been killed defining clouds, grids, and how they are different enough that there's really a whole new market to sell into. Rich actually makes a convincing argument that grids and clouds are different and do require a completely different infrastructure. The differences:


  • Full private cluster is provisioned
  • Individual user can only get a tiny fraction of the total resource pool
  • No support for cloud federation except through the client interface
  • Opaque with respect to resources


  • Built so that individual users can get most, if not all of the resources in a single request
  • Middleware approach takes federation as a first principle
  • Resources are exposed, often as bare metal

    Related Articles

  • Get Off of My Cloud by M. Jagger and K. Richards.
  • Rich Wolski's Home Page
  • Enomaly
  • Nimbus
  • Friday

    Wolfram|Alpha Architecture

    Making the world's knowledge computable

    Today's Wolfram|Alpha is the first step in an ambitious, long-term project to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone. You enter your question or calculation, and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and growing collection of data to compute the answer.

    Answer Engine vs Search Engine

    When Wolfram|Alpha launches later today, it will be one of the most computationally intensive websites on the internet. The Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine is an "answer engine" that is able to produce answers to various questions such as
    • What is the GDP of France?
    • Weather is Springfield when David Ortiz was born
    • 33 g of gold
    • LDL vs. serum potassium 150 smoker male age 40
    • life expectancy male age 40 finland
    • highschool teacher median wage
    Wolfram|Alpha excels at different areas like mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, astronomy, chemistry, life sciences, geology, business and finance as demonstrated by Steven Wolfram in his Introduction screencast.

    The Stats

    • Abour 10,000 CPU cores at launch
    • 10+ trillion of pieces of data
    • 50,000+ types of algorithms
    • Able to handle about 175 million queries per day
    • 5+ million lines of symbolic Mathematica code

    The Computers Powering Computable Knowledge

    There is no way to know exactly how much traffic to expect, especially during the initial period immediately following the launch, but the Wolfram|Alpha team is working hard to put reasonable capacity in place. As Stephen writes in the Wolfram|Alpha blog Alpha will run in 5 distributed colocation facilities. What computing power have they gathered in these facilities for launch day? Two supercomputers, just about 10,000 processor cores, hundreds of terabytes of disks, a heck of a lot of bandwidth, and what seems like enough air conditioning for the Sahara to host a ski resort. One of their launch partners, R Systems, created the world’s 44th largest supercomputer (per the June 2008 TOP500 list - it is listed as 66th per the latest Top500 list). They call it the R Smarr. It will be running Wolfram|Alpha on launch day! R Smarr has a Sum Rmax of 39580 GFlops using Dell DCS CS23-SH, QC HT 2.8 GHz computers, 4608 cores, 65536 GB of RAM and Infiniband interconnect. Dell is another of the launch partners with a data center full of quad-board, dual-processor, quad-core Harpertown servers. What does it all add up to? The ability to handle 175 million queries (yielding maybe a billion) per day—over 5 billion queries (encompassing around 30 billion calculations) per month.

    The Launch of Wolfram|Alpha

    Watch a live webcast of the Wolfram|Alpha system being brought online for the first time on
    • Friday, May 15, beginning at 7pm CST

    The First Killer App of The New Kind of Science

    The Genius behind Wolfram|Alpha is Stephen Wolfram. He is best know for his ambitious projects: Mathematica and A New Kind of Science (NKS). May 14, 2009 marks the 7th anniversary of the publication of his book A New Kind of Science. Stephen explains is his blog post: But for me the biggest thing that’s happened this year is the emergence of Wolfram|Alpha. Wolfram|Alpha is, I believe, going to be the first killer app of NKS.


    That it should be possible to build Wolfram|Alpha as it exists today in the first decade of the 21st century was far from obvious. And yet there is much more to come. As of now, Wolfram|Alpha contains 10+ trillion of pieces of data, 50,000+ types of algorithms and models, and linguistic capabilities for 1000+ domains. Built with Mathematica—which is itself the result of more than 20 years of development at Wolfram Research—Wolfram|Alpha's core code base now exceeds 5 million lines of symbolic Mathematica code. Running on supercomputer-class compute clusters, Wolfram|Alpha makes extensive use of the latest generation of web and parallel computing technologies, including webMathematica and gridMathematica.

    How Mathematica Made Wolfram|Alpha Possible?

    Wolfram|Alpha is a major software engineering development to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone. It is developed and deployed entirely with Mathematica—in fact, Mathematica has uniquely made Wolfram|Alpha possible. Here's why.
    • Computational knowledge and intelligence
    • High-performance enterprise deployment
    • One coherent architecture
    • Smart method selection
    • Dynamic report generation
    • Database connectivity
    • Built-in, computable data
    • High-level programming language
    • Efficient text processing and linguistic analysis
    • Wide-ranging, automated visualization capabilities
    • Automated importing
    • Development environment

    Information Sources

    Congratulations Stephen!

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    CloudCamp London 2: private clouds and standardisation

    CloudCamp returned to London yesterday, organised with the help of Skills Matter at the Crypt on the Clarkenwell green. The main topics of this cloud/grid computing community meeting were service-level agreements, connecting private and public clouds and standardisation issues.

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    Managing application on the cloud using a JMX Fabric

    This post describes how you can create a federated management model using JMX standard API. Applications that are already using a standard JMX interface can plug-in the new federated implementation without changing the application code and without introducing additional performance overhead.

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    Alternatives to Google App Engine

    One particularly interesting EC2 third party provider is GigaSpaces with their XAP platform that provides in memory transactions backed up to a database. The in memory transactions appear to scale linearly across machines thus providing a distributed in-memory datastore that gets backed up to persistent storage.

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    Oracle opens Coherence Incubator

    During the Coherence Special Interest Group meeting in London, Brian Oliver from Oracle yesterday announced the start of the Coherence Incubator project. Coherence Incubator is a new online repository of projects that provides reference implementation examples for commonly used design patterns and integration solutions based on Oracle Coherence.

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    Sun N1 Grid Engine Software and the Tokyo Institute of Technology Super Computer Grid

    One of the world's leading technical institutes, the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) created the fastest supercomputer in Asia, and one of the largest outside of the United States. Using Sun x64 servers and data servers deployed in a grid architecture, Tokyo Tech built a cost-effective, flexible supercomputer that meets the demands of compute- and data-intensive applications. Built in just 35 days, the TSUBAME grid includes hundreds of systems incorporating thousands of processor cores and terabytes of memory, and delivers 47.38 trillion1 floating-point operations per second (TeraFLOPS) of sustained LINPACK benchmark performance and 1.1 petabyte of storage to users running common off-the-shelf applications. Based on the deployment architecture, the grid is expected to reach 100 TeraFLOPS in the future. This Sun BluePrints article provides an overview of the Tokyo Tech grid, named TSUBAME. The third in a series of Sun BluePrints articles on the TSUBAME grid, this document provides an overview of the overall system architecture of the grid, as well as a detailed look at the configuration of the Sun N1 Grid Engine software that makes the grid accessible to users.

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    Is MapReduce going mainstream?

    Compares MapReduce to other parallel processing approaches and suggests new paradigm for clouds and grids

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