Entries in Event (2)



The first meeting of this Online Gaming High Scalability SIG will be on the 9th of July 2009 in central London, starting at 10 AM and finishing around 5PM.

The main topic of this meeting will be potentials for using cloud and grid technologies in online gaming systems. In addition to experience reports from the community, we have invited some of the leading cloud experts in the UK to discuss the benefits such as resource elasticity and challenges such as storage and security that companies from other industries have experienced. We will have a track for IT managers focused on business opportunities and issues and a track for architects and developers more focused on implementation issues.

The event is free but up-front registration is required for capacity planning, so please let us know in advance, if you are planning to attend by completing the registration form on this page

To propose a talk or for programme enquiries, contact meetings [at] gamingscalability [dot] org.

Note: The event is planned to finish around 5 PM so that people can make their way to Victoria on time for CloudCamp London. CloudCamp is a meeting of the cloud computing community with short talks, is also free but you will have to register for it separately

PROGRAMME: http://skillsmatter.com/event/cloud-grid/online-gaming-high-scalability-sig/wd-99


Event: MySQL Conference & Expo 2009

The 5th annual MySQL Conference & Expo, co-presented by Sun Microsystems, MySQL and O'Reilly Media. Happening April 20-23, 2009 in Santa Clara, CA, at the Santa Clara Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, brings over 2,000 open source and database enthusiasts together to harness the power of MySQL and celebrate the huge MySQL ecosystem. All around the world, people just like you are innovating with MySQL—and MySQL is fueling the innovation engine by releasing new mission critical solutions to help you work smarter. This deeply technical conference brings all of that creativity, energy, and knowledge together in one place for four very full days. Early registration ends February 16, 2009. The largest gathering of MySQL developers, users, and DBAs worldwide, the event reflects MySQL's wide-ranging appeal and capabilities. The open atmosphere of the MySQL Conference & Expo helps IT professionals and community members launch and develop the best database applications, tools, and software. As companies of all sizes look for ways to remain competitive and manage costs, open source software and tools provide valuable and efficient solutions for the enterprise. The 2009 edition of the MySQL Conference & Expo will present strategies for businesses to not just survive, but thrive in a challenging economy. Through expert instruction, hands-on tutorials, and readily available MySQL developers, users at all levels gain the knowledge they need to rapidly build solid applications with MySQL that scale with the enterprise. New to the 2009 program will be MySQL Camp, a space where any and all participants can create an "unconference" within the larger event.

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