Entries in LAMP (5)


Scalable Web Architectures and Application State

In this article we follow a hypothetical programmer, Damian, on his quest to make his web application scalable.

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Event: MySQL Conference & Expo 2009

The 5th annual MySQL Conference & Expo, co-presented by Sun Microsystems, MySQL and O'Reilly Media. Happening April 20-23, 2009 in Santa Clara, CA, at the Santa Clara Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, brings over 2,000 open source and database enthusiasts together to harness the power of MySQL and celebrate the huge MySQL ecosystem. All around the world, people just like you are innovating with MySQL—and MySQL is fueling the innovation engine by releasing new mission critical solutions to help you work smarter. This deeply technical conference brings all of that creativity, energy, and knowledge together in one place for four very full days. Early registration ends February 16, 2009. The largest gathering of MySQL developers, users, and DBAs worldwide, the event reflects MySQL's wide-ranging appeal and capabilities. The open atmosphere of the MySQL Conference & Expo helps IT professionals and community members launch and develop the best database applications, tools, and software. As companies of all sizes look for ways to remain competitive and manage costs, open source software and tools provide valuable and efficient solutions for the enterprise. The 2009 edition of the MySQL Conference & Expo will present strategies for businesses to not just survive, but thrive in a challenging economy. Through expert instruction, hands-on tutorials, and readily available MySQL developers, users at all levels gain the knowledge they need to rapidly build solid applications with MySQL that scale with the enterprise. New to the 2009 program will be MySQL Camp, a space where any and all participants can create an "unconference" within the larger event.

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Starting a website from scratch - what technologies should I use?

Hi, if you were to design your own highly scalable website from scratch, what technologies would you use? Based on Web 2.0 popularity, LAMP seems to be high in the running. But would you tack on CakePHP? Drupal? or build your framework/CMS from scratch? What version of Linux runs best for a scalable website? Would you consider Windows and .NET? Java? Or do you want to throw a brick at me for even suggesting such heresies? Would you prefer Postgres, Tomcat, Perl, Python, or any of that other *NIX fancy stuff...why or why not? Please forget for the moment, "use what you know" argument. I am pretty versatile, and can look for an expert in whatever platform I choose. So all skills being equal, I'm looking for the best community support, the fastest development time and most importantly, the best scaling approach. Let's say, for fun, that I'm planning for the website to have as many messages going back & forth as an eBay. Definitely building this on a budget.. Jason

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Lessons from Yahoo, eBay, Orbitz, LinkedIn architecture

In The Architectures You've Always Wondered About track at the Qcon conference, Second Life, eBay, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Orbitz presented how they dealt with different aspects of their applications, such as scalability. There were quite a few lessons that I learned that day that I thought were worth sharing. The details are provided below: Lessons from Yahoo, eBay, Orbitz, LinkedIn architecture

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Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java

There is a lot of information in the blogosphere describing the architecture of many popular sites, such as Google, Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn, TypePad, WikiPedia and others. I've summarized this issue in a blog post here I would really appreciate your opinion on this matter.

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