is a
lot of
information in the b
logosphere descr
ibing the arch
itecture of many popu
lar s
ites, such as Google, Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn, TypePad, W
ikiPedia and others.
I've summar
ized th
is issue in a b
log post
hereI wou
ld rea
lly appreciate your opinion on th
is matter.
Reader Comments (2)
most of the time because of stupidity!
Java EE platform is not for site with special algorithm like Google, but sites like linked in run pretty nice on Java EE platform.
take orkut as an example, it was a hobbyist Google employee project turned into a big web site, the architecture had lots of problem, it is famous against users, that they say orkut can not count since it usually shows number of friends wrong!
And the Orkut(biggest google bug) is written with ASP.NET