Entries in drupal (4)


Too many databases

Hi, I am using drupal for my clients website, and was thinking is it possible to host all ( about 500) of them on the same server(maybe VPS or dedicated). Here is the situation..... Each clients website has a database with about 50 tables each, all the databases are small in size about 2-5 MB .... and the websites are low traffic websites with say.. 50 hits/day on avg.... that means about 2000 queries/db/day ..... (avg 40 queries per hit).... Wanted to know if it is possible to have so many databases about 500 on the same server? what are the things that i should look into if i should make this happen?

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many website, one setup, many databases

Hi, I will need to host abound 500-1000 websites, all of them use drupal, What I thought was, to make all of these websites point to a single setup of drupal and make them run from there. I thought of using different databases for each website.. Do you think it'll work? Is there a better way to go about it?

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Starting a website from scratch - what technologies should I use?

Hi, if you were to design your own highly scalable website from scratch, what technologies would you use? Based on Web 2.0 popularity, LAMP seems to be high in the running. But would you tack on CakePHP? Drupal? or build your framework/CMS from scratch? What version of Linux runs best for a scalable website? Would you consider Windows and .NET? Java? Or do you want to throw a brick at me for even suggesting such heresies? Would you prefer Postgres, Tomcat, Perl, Python, or any of that other *NIX fancy stuff...why or why not? Please forget for the moment, "use what you know" argument. I am pretty versatile, and can look for an expert in whatever platform I choose. So all skills being equal, I'm looking for the best community support, the fastest development time and most importantly, the best scaling approach. Let's say, for fun, that I'm planning for the website to have as many messages going back & forth as an eBay. Definitely building this on a budget.. Jason

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scaling drupal - an open-source infrastructure for high-traffic drupal sites

the authors of drupal have paid considerable attention to performance and scalability. consequently even a default install running on modest hardware can easily handle the demands a small website. if you are lucky, eventually the time comes when you need to service more users than your system can handle. at some point, you'll start looking at your hardware and network deployment.

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