Cloud Architecture Revolution

The introduction of cloud technologies is not a simple evolution of existing ones, but a real revolution. Like all revolutions, it changes the points of views and redefines all the meanings. Nothing is as before. This post wants to analyze some key words and concepts, usually used in traditional architectures, redefining them according the standpoint of the cloud. Understanding the meaning of new words is crucial to grasp the essence of a pure cloud architecture.
<<There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words.>>
THOMAS REID, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man
Nowadays, it is required to challenge the limits of traditional architectures that go beyond the normal concepts of scalability and support millions of users (What's Up 500 Million) billions of transactions per day (Salesforce 1.3 billion), five 9s of availability (99.999 AOL). I wish all of you the success of the examples cited above, but do not think that it is completely impossible to reach mind-boggling numbers. Using cloud technology, everyone can create a service with a little investment and immediately have a world stage. If successful, the architecture must be able to scale appropriately.
Using the same design criteria or move the current configuration to the cloud simply does not work and it could reveal unpleasant surprises.
Infrastructure - commodity HW instead of high-end HW