Analyzing billions of credit card transactions and serving low-latency insights in the cloud

This is a guest post by Ivan de Prado and Pere Ferrera, founders of Datasalt, the company behind Pangool and Splout SQL Big Data open-source projects.
The amount of payments performed using credit cards is huge. It is clear that there is inherent value in the data that can be derived from analyzing all the transactions. Client fidelity, demographics, heat maps of activity, shop recommendations, and many other statistics are useful to both clients and shops for improving their relationship with the market. At Datasalt we have developed a system in collaboration with the BBVA bank that is able to analyze years of data and serve insights and statistics to different low-latency web and mobile applications.
The main challenge we faced besides processing Big Data input is that the output was also Big Data, and even bigger than the input. And this output needed to be served quickly, under high load.
The solution we developed has an infrastructure cost of just a few thousands of dollars per month thanks to the use of the cloud (AWS), Hadoop and Voldemort. In the following lines we will explain the main characteristics of the proposed architecture.