Entries in BigData (24)


Analyzing billions of credit card transactions and serving low-latency insights in the cloud

This is a guest post by Ivan de Prado and Pere Ferrera, founders of Datasalt, the company behind Pangool and Splout SQL Big Data open-source projects.

The amount of payments performed using credit cards is huge. It is clear that there is inherent value in the data that can be derived from analyzing all the transactions. Client fidelity, demographics, heat maps of activity, shop recommendations, and many other statistics are useful to both clients and shops for improving their relationship with the market. At Datasalt we have developed a system in collaboration with the BBVA bank that is able to analyze years of data and serve insights and statistics to different low-latency web and mobile applications.

The main challenge we faced besides processing Big Data input is that the output was also Big Data, and even bigger than the input. And this output needed to be served quickly, under high load.

The solution we developed has an infrastructure cost of just a few thousands of dollars per month thanks to the use of the cloud (AWS), Hadoop and Voldemort. In the following lines we will explain the main characteristics of the proposed architecture.

Data, goals and first decisions

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The Data-Scope Project - 6PB storage, 500GBytes/sec sequential IO, 20M IOPS, 130TFlops

Data is everywhere, never be at a single location. Not scalable, not maintainable.–Alex Szalay

While Galileo played life and death doctrinal games over the mysteries revealed by the telescope, another revolution went unnoticed, the microscope gave up mystery after mystery and nobody yet understood how subversive would be what it revealed. For the first time these new tools of perceptual augmentation allowed humans to peek behind the veil of appearance. A new new eye driving human invention and discovery for hundreds of years.

Data is another material that hides, revealing itself only when we look at different scales and investigate its underlying patterns. If the universe is truly made of information, then we are looking into truly primal stuff. A new eye is needed for Data and an ambitious project called Data-scope aims to be the lens.

A detailed paper on the Data-Scope tells more about what it is:

The Data-Scope is a new scientific instrument, capable of ‘observing’ immense volumes of data from various scientific domains such as astronomy, fluid mechanics, and bioinformatics. The system will have over 6PB of storage, about 500GBytes per sec aggregate sequential IO, about 20M IOPS, and about 130TFlops. The Data-Scope is not a traditional multi-user computing cluster, but a new kind of instrument, that enables people to do science with datasets ranging between 100TB and 1000TB.  There  is a vacuum today in data-intensive scientific computations, similar to the one that lead to the development of the BeoWulf cluster: an inexpensive yet efficient template for data intensive computing in academic environments based on commodity components. The proposed Data-Scope aims to fill this gap.

A very accessible interview by Nicole Hemsoth with Dr. Alexander Szalay, Data-Scope team lead, is available at The New Era of Computing: An Interview with "Dr. Data". Roberto Zicari also has a good interview with Dr. Szalay in Objects in Space vs. Friends in Facebook.

The paper is filled with lots of very specific recommendations on their hardware choices and architecture, so please read the paper for the deeper details. Many BigData operations have the same IO/scale/storage/processing issues Data-Scope is solving, so it’s well worth a look. Here are some of the highlights:

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DataSift Architecture: Realtime Datamining at 120,000 Tweets Per Second

I remember the excitement of when Twitter first opened up their firehose. As an early adopter of the Twitter API I could easily imagine some of the cool things you could do with all that data. I also remember the disappointment of learning that in the land of BigData, data has a price, and that price would be too high for little fish like me. It was like learning for the first time there would be no BigData Santa Clause.

For a while though I had the pleasure of pondering just how I would handle all that data. It's a fascinating problem. You have to be able to reliably consume it, normalize it, merge it with other data, apply functions on it, store it, query it, distribute it, and oh yah, monetize it. Most of that in realish-time. And if you are trying to create a platform for allowing the entire Internet do to the same thing to the firehose, the challenge is exponentially harder.

DataSift is in the exciting position of creating just such a firehose eating, data chomping machine. You see, DataSift has bought multi-year re-syndication rights from Twitter, which grants them access to the full Twitter firehose with the ability resell subsets of it to other parties, which could be anyone, but the primary target is of course businesses. Gnip is the only other company to have these rights.

DataSift was created out of Nick Halstead's, Founder and CTO of DataSift, experience with TweetMeme, a popular real-time Twitter news aggregator, which at one time handled 1.1 billion page views per day. TweetMeme is famous for inventing the social signaling mechanism, better known as the retweet, with their retweet button, an idea that came out of an even earlier startup called fav.or.it (favorite). Imagine if you will a time before like buttons were plastered all over the virtual place.

So processing the TweetMeme at scale is nothing new for the folks at DataSift, what has been the challenge is turning that experience into an Internet-scale platform so that everyone else can do the same thing. That has been a multi-year odyssey. 

DataSift is position themselves as a realtime datamining platform. The platform angle here is really the key take home message. They are pursuing a true platform strategy for processing real-time streams. TweetMeme while successful, could not be a billion dollar company, but a BigData platform could grow that large, so that’s the direction they are headed. A money quote by Nick highlights the logic in neon: "There's no money in buttons, there's money in data."

Part of the strategy behind a platform play is to become the incumbent player by building a giant technological moat around your core value proposition. When others come a knockin they can't cross over your moat because of your towering technological barrier to entry. That's what DataSift is trying to do. The drawbridge on the moat is favored access to Twitter's firehose, but the real power is in the Google quality real-time data processing platform infrastructure that they are trying to create. 

DataSift's real innovation is in creating an Internet scale filtering system that can quickly evaluate very large filters (think Lady Gaga follower size) combined with the virtuous economics of virtualization, where the more customers you have the more money you make because they are sharing resources.

How are they making all this magic happen? Let's see...

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Caching and Processing 2TB Mozilla Crash Reports in memory with Hazelcast

Mozilla processes TB's of Firefox crash reports daily using HBase, Hadoop, Python and Thrift protocol. The project is called Socorro, a system for collecting, processing, and displaying crash reports from clients. Today the Socorro application stores about 2.6 million crash reports per day. During peak traffic, it receives about 2.5K crashes per minute. 

In this article we are going to demonstrate a proof of concept showing how Mozilla could integrate Hazelcast into Socorro and achieve caching and processing 2TB of crash reports with 50 node Hazelcast cluster. The video for the demo is available here.


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In this post i wanted to spend sometime on the CAP theorem and clarify some of the confusion that i often see when people associate CAP with scalability without fully understanding the implications that comes with it and the alternative approaches

You can read the full article here


Paper: GraphLab: A New Framework For Parallel Machine Learning

In the never ending quest to figure out how to do something useful with never ending streams of data, GraphLab: A New Framework For Parallel Machine Learning wants to go beyond low-level programming, MapReduce, and dataflow languages with a new parallel framework for ML (machine learning) which exploits the sparse structure and common computational patterns of ML algorithms. GraphLab enables ML experts to easily design and implement efficient scalable parallel algorithms by composing problem specific computation, data-dependencies, and scheduling.  Our main contributions include: 

  • A graph-based data model which simultaneously represents data and computational dependencies. 
  • A set of concurrent access models which provide a range of sequential-consistency guarantees. 
  • A sophisticated modular scheduling mechanism. 
  • An aggregation framework to manage global state. 

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Paper: The Declarative Imperative: Experiences and Conjectures in Distributed Logic

The Declarative Imperative: Experiences and Conjectures in Distributed Logic is written by UC Berkeley's Joseph Hellerstein for a keynote speech he gave at PODS. The video version of the talk is here. You may have heard about Mr. Hellerstein through the Berkeley Orders Of Magnitude project (BOOM), whose purpose is to help people build systems that are OOM (orders of magnitude) bigger than are building today, with OOM less effort than traditional programming methodologies. A noble goal which may be why BOOM was rated as a top 10 emerging technology for 2010 by MIT Technology Review. Quite an honor.

The motivation for the talk is a familiar one: it's a dark period for computer programming and if we don't learn how to write parallel programs the children of Moore's law will destroy us all. We have more and more processors, yet we are stuck on figuring out how the average programmer can exploit them. The BOOM solution is the Bloom language which is based on Dedalus: 

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Paper: Propagation Networks: A Flexible and Expressive Substrate for Computation 

Alexey Radul in his fascinating 174 page dissertation Propagation Networks: A Flexible and Expressive Substrate for Computation, offers to help us break free of the tyranny of linear time by arranging computation as a network of autonomous but interconnected machines.  We can do this by organizing computation as a network of interconnected machines of some kind, each of which is free to run when it pleases, propagating  information around the network as proves possible. The consequence of this freedom is that the structure of the aggregate does not impose an order of time. The abstract from his thesis is:

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How will memristors change everything? 

A non-random sample of my tech friends shows that not many have heard of memristors (though I do suspect vote tampering). I'd read a little about memristors in 2008 when the initial hubbub about the existence of memristors was raised. I, however,  immediately filed them into that comforting conceptual bucket of potentially revolutionary technologies I didn't have to worry about because like most wondertech, nothing would ever come of it. Wrong. After watching Finding the Missing Memristor by R. Stanley Williams I've had to change my mind. Memristors have gone from "maybe never" to holy cow this could happen soon and it could change everything.

Let's assume for the sake of dreaming memristors do prove out. How will we design systems when we have access to a new material that is two orders of magnitude more efficient from a power perspective than traditional transistor technologies, contains multiple petabits (1 petabit = 128TB) of persistent storage, and can be reconfigured to be either memory or CPU in a package as small as a sugar cube (in a stacked configuration)?

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Parallel Information Retrieval and Other Search Engine Goodness

Parallel Information Retrieval is a sample chapter in what appears to be a book-in-progress titled Information Retrieval Implementing and Evaluation Search Engines by Stefan Büttcher, Google Inc and Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack, both of the University of Waterloo. The full table of contents is on-line and looks to be really interesting: Information retrieval is the foundation for modern search engines. This text offers an introduction to the core topics underlying modern search technologies, including algorithms, data structures, indexing, retrieval, and evaluation. The emphasis is on implementation and experimentation; each chapter includes exercises and suggestions for student projects.

Currently available is the full text of chapters: Introduction, Basic Techniques, Static Inverted Indices, Index Compression, and Parallel Information Retrieval. Parallel Information Retrieval is really meaty:

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