Entries in Product (120)


Heroku - Simultaneously Develop and Deploy Automatically Scalable Rails Applications in the Cloud

Update 4: Heroku versus GAE & GAE/J

Update 3: Heroku has gone live!. Congratulations to the team. It's difficult right now to get a feeling for the relative cost and reliability of Heroku, but it's an impressive accomplishment and a viable option for people looking for a delivery platform.

Update 2: Heroku Architecture. A great interactive presentation of the Heroku stack. Requests flow into Nginx used as a HTTP Reverse Proxy. Nginx routes requests into a Varnish based HTTP cache. Then requests are injected into an Erlang based routing mesh that balances requests across a grid of dynos. Dynos are your application "VMs" that implement application specific behaviors. Dynos themselves are a stack of: POSIX, Ruby VM, App Server, Rack, Middleware, Framework, Your App. Applications can access PostgreSQL. Memcached is used as an application caching layer.

Update: Aaron Worsham Interview with James Lindenbaum, CEO of Heroku. Aaron nicely sums up their goal: Heroku is looking to eliminate all the reasons companies have for not doing software projects.

Adam Wiggins of Heroku presented at the lollapalooza that was the Cloud Computing Demo Night. The idea behind Heroku is that you upload a Rails application into Heroku and it automatically deploys into EC2 and it automatically scales using behind the scenes magic. They call this "liquid scaling." You just dump your code and go. You don't have to think about SVN, databases, mongrels, load balancing, or hosting. You just concentrate on building your application. Heroku's unique feature is their web based development environment that lets you develop applications completely from their control panel. Or you can stick with your own development environment and use their API and Git to move code in and out of their system.

For website developers this is as high up the stack as it gets. With Heroku we lose that "build your first lightsaber" moment marking the transition out of apprenticeship and into mastery. Upload your code and go isn't exactly a heroes journey, but it is damn effective...

I must confess to having an inherent love of Heroku's idea because I had a similar notion many moons ago, but the trendy language of the time was Perl instead of Rails. At the time though it just didn't make sense. The economics of creating your own "cloud" for such a different model wasn't there. It's amazing the niches utility computing will seed, fertilize, and help grow. Even today when using Eclipse I really wish it was hosted in the cloud and I didn't have to deal with all its deployment headaches. Firefox based interfaces are pretty impressive these days. Why not?

Adam views their stack as:
1. Developer Tools
2. Application Management
3. Cluster Management
4. Elastic Compute Cloud

At the top level developers see a control panel that lets them edit code, deploy code, interact with the database, see logs, and so on. Your website is live from the first moment you start writing code. It's a powerful feeling to write normal code, see it run immediately, and know it will scale without further effort on your part. Now, will you be able toss your Facebook app into the Heroku engine and immediately handle a deluge of 500 million hits a month? It will be interesting to see how far a generic scaling model can go without special tweaking by a certified scaling professional. Elastra has the same sort of issue.

Underneath Heroku makes sure all the software components work together in Lennon-McCartney style harmony. They take care (or will take care of) starting and stopping VMs, deploying to those VMs, billing, load balancing, scaling, storage, upgrades, failover, etc. The dynamic nature of Ruby and the development and deployment infrastructure of Rails is what makes this type of hosting possible. You don't have to worry about builds. There's a great infrastructure for installing packages and plugins. And the big hard one of database upgrades is tackled with the new migrations feature.

A major issue in the Rails world is versioning. Given the precambrian explosion of Rails tools, how does Heroku make sure all the various versions of everything work together? Heroku sees this as their big value add. They are in charge of making sure everything works together. We see a lot companies on the web taking on the role of curator ([1], [2], [3]). A curator is a guardian or an overseer. Of curators Steve Rubel says: They acquire pieces that fit within the tone, direction and - above all - the purpose of the institution. They travel the corners of the world looking for "finds." Then, once located, clean them up and make sure they are presentable and offer the patron a high quality experience. That's the role Heroku will play for their deployable Rails environment.

With great automated power comes great restrictions. And great opportunity. Curating has a cost for developers: flexibility. The database they support is Postgres. Out of luck if you wan't MySQL. Want a different Ruby version or Rails version? Not if they don't support it. Want memcache? You just can't add it yourself. One forum poster wanted, for example, to use the command line version of ImageMagick but was told it wasn't installed and use RMagick instead. Not the end of the world. And this sort of curating has to be done to keep a happy and healthy environment running, but it is something to be aware of.

The upside of curation is stuff will work. And we all know how hard it can be to get stuff to work. When I see an EC2 AMI that already has most of what I need my heart goes pitter patter over the headaches I'll save because someone already did the heavy curation for me. A lot of the value in services like rPath offers, for example, is in curation. rPath helps you build images that work, that can be deployed automatically, and can be easily upgraded. It can take a big load off your shoulders.

There's a lot of competition for Heroku. Mosso has a hosting system that can do much of what Heroku wants to do. It can automatically scale up at the webserver, data, and storage tiers. It supports a variery of frameworks, including Rails. And Mosso also says all you have to do is load and go.

3Tera is another competitor. As one user said: It lets you visually (through a web ui) create "applications" based on "appliances". There is a standard portfolio of prebuilt applications (SugarCRM, etc.) and templates for LAMP, etc. So, we build our application by taking a firewall appliance, a CentOS appliance, a gateway, a MySql appliance, glue them together, customize them, and then create our own template. You can specify down to the appliance level, the amount of cpu, memory, disk, and bandwidth each are assigned which let's you scale up your capacity simply by tweaking values through the UI. We can now deploy our Rails/Java hosted offering for new customers in about 20 minutes on our grid. AppLogic has automatic failover so that if anything goes wrong, it reploys your application to a new node in your grid and restarts it. It's not as cheap as EC2, but much more powerful. True, 3Tera won't help with your application directly, but most of the hard bits are handled.

RightScale is another company that combines curation along with load balancing, scaling, failover, and system management.

What differentiates Heroku is their web based IDE that allows you to focus solely on the application and ignore the details. Though now that they have a command line based interface as well, it's not as clear how they will differentiate themselves from other offerings.

The hosting model has a possible downside if you want to do something other than straight web hosting. Let's say you want your system to insert commercials into podcasts. That sort of large scale batch logic doesn't cleanly fit into the hosting model. A separate service accessed via something like a REST interface needs to be created. Possibly double the work. Mosso suffers from this same concern. But maybe leaving the web front end to Heroku is exactly what you want to do. That would leave you to concentrate on the back end service without worrying about the web tier. That's a good approach too.

Heroku is just getting started so everything isn't in place yet. They've been working on how to scale their own infrastructure. Next is working on scaling user applications beyond starting and stopping mongrels based on load. They aren't doing any vertical scaling of the database yet. They plan on memcaching reads, implementing read-only slaves via Slony, and using the automatic partitioning features built into Postgres 8.3. The idea is to start a little smaller with them now and grow as they grow. By the time you need to scale bigger they should have the infrastructure in place.

One concern is that pricing isn't nailed down yet, but my gut says it will be fair. It's not clear how you will transfer an existing database over, especially from a non-Postgres database. And if you use the web IDE I wonder how you will normal project stuff like continuous integration, upgrades, branching, release tracking, and bug tracking? Certainly a lot of work to do and a lot of details to work out, but I am sure it's nothing they can't handle.

Related Articles

  • Heroku Rails Podcast
  • Heroku Open Source Plugins etc
  • Thursday

    Product: Redis - Not Just Another Key-Value Store

    With the introduction of Redis your options in the key-value space just grew and your choice of which to pick just got a lot harder. But when you think about it, that's not a bad position to be in at all. Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) - a key-value database. It's similar to memcached but the dataset is not volatile, and values can be strings, exactly like in memcached, but also lists and sets with atomic operations to push/pop elements. The key points are: open source; speed (benchmarked performing 110,000 SET operations, and 81,000 GETs, per second); persistence, but in an asynchronous way taking everything in memory; support for higher level data structures and atomic operations. The home page is well organized so I'll spare the excessive-copying-to-make-this-post-longer. For a good overview of Redis take a look at Antonio Cangiano's article: Introducing Redis: a fast key-value database. If you are looking at a way to understand how Redis is different than something like Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant, Ezra Zygmuntowicz has done a good job explaining their different niches:

    Redis has a different use case then tokyo does. I think tokyo is better for long term persistent data storage. But redis is much better as a state/data structure server. Redis is faster then tokyo by quite a bit but is not immediately durable as in the writes to disk happen in the background at certain trigger points so it is possible to lose a little bit of data if the server crashes. But the power of redis comes in its data types. Having LISTS and SETS as well as string values for keys means you can do O(1) push/pop/shift/unshift as well as indexing/slicing into lists. And with the SET data type you can do set intersection in the server. This allows for very cool thigs like storing a set of tags for each key and then querying for the intersection of the set of tags of multiple keys to find out the common set of tags. I'm using this in nanite(an agent based messaging system) for the persistent storage of agent state and routing info. Using the SET data types makes this faster then keeping the state in memory in my ruby processes since can do the SEt intersection routing inside of redis rather then iterating and comparing in ruby: http://gist.github.com/77314. You can also use redis LISTS as a queue to distribute work between multiple processes. Since pushing and popping are atomic you can use it as a shared tuple space. Also you can use a LIST as a circular log buffer by pushing to the end of a list and then doing an LTRIM to trim the list to the max size: redis.list_push_tail('logs', 'some log line..') redis.list_trim('logs', 0, 99). That will keep your circular log buffer at a max of 100 items. With tokyo you can store lists if you use lua on the server, but to push or pop from a list you have to pull the entire list down, alter it and then push it back up to the server. There is no atomic push/pop of just a single item because tokyo cannot store real lists as values so you have to do marshaling of your list to/from a string.
    A demo application called Retwis shows how to use Redis to make a scalable Twitter clone, at least of the message posting aspects. There's a lot of good low level detail on how Redis is used in a real application.

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    Product: Smart Inspect

    We have added quite a few features specifically tailored to high scalability and high performance environments to our tool over the years. This includes the ability to log to memory and dump log files on demand (when a crash occurs for example), special backlog queue features, a log service application for central log storage and a lot more. Additionally, our SmartInspect Console (the viewer application) makes viewing, filtering and inspecting large amounts of logging data a lot easier/practical.

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    Product: Amazon Simple Storage Service

    Update: HostedFTP.com - Amazon S3 Performance Report. How fast is S3? Based on their own study HostedFTP.com has found: 10 to 12 MB/second when storing and receiving files and 140 ms per file stored as a fixed overhead cost. Update: A Quantitative Comparison of Rackspace and Amazon Cloud Storage Solutions. S3 isn't the only cloud storage service out there. Mosso is saying they can save you so money while offering support. There are number of scenarios in their paper, but For 5TB of cloud storage Mosso will save you 17% over S3 without support and 42% with support. For their CDN on a Global test Mosso says the average response time is 333ms for CloudFront vs. 107ms for Cloud Files which means globally, Cloud Files is 3.1 times or 211% faster than CloudFront. Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. This service allows you to link directly to files at a cost of 15 cents per GB of storage, and 20 cents per GB transfer.

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    Product: HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer

    Update: Load Balancing in Amazon EC2 with HAProxy. Grig Gheorghiu writes a nice post on HAProxy functionality and configuration: Emulating virtual servers, Logging, SSL, Load balancing algorithms, Session persistence with cookies, Server health checks, etc. Adapted From the website: HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless, while still offering the possibility not to expose fragile web servers to the Net. Currently, two major versions are supported : * version 1.1 - maintains critical sites online since 200 The most stable and reliable, has reached years of uptime. Receives no new feature, dedicated to mission-critical usages only. * version 1.2 - opening the way to very high traffic sites The same as 1.1 with some new features such as poll/epoll support for very large number of sessions, IPv6 on the client side, application cookies, hot-reconfiguration, advanced dynamic load regulation, TCP keepalive, source hash, weighted load balancing, rbtree-based scheduler, and a nice Web status page. This code is still evolving but has significantly stabilized since 1.2.8. Unlike other free "cheap" load-balancing solutions, this product is only used by a few hundreds of people around the world, but those people run very big sites serving several millions hits and between several tens of gigabytes to several terabytes per day to hundreds of thousands of clients. They need 24x7 availability and have internal skills to risk to maintain a free software solution. Often, the solution is deployed for internal uses and I only know about it when they send me some positive feedback or when they ask for a missing feature ;-) According to many users HAProxy competes quite well with the likes of Pound and Ultramonkey.

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    Product: Amazon's SimpleDB

    Update 35: How and Why Glue is Using Amazon SimpleDB instead of a Relational Database. Discusses a key design decision that required duplicating data in order to mimic RDBMS joins: Given the trade off between potential inconsistencies and scalability, social services have to choose the latter. Update 34: Apparently Amazon pulled this article. I'm not sure what that means. Maybe time went backwards or something? Amazon dramatically drops SimpleDB pricing to $0.25 per GB per month from $1.50 per GB. This puts SimpleDB on par with Google App Engine. They also announced a few new features: a SQL-like SELECT API as well as a Batch Put operation to streamline uploading of multiple items or attributes. One of the complaints against SimpleDB is that programmers end up writing too much code to do simple things. These features and a much cheaper price should help considerably. And you can store lots of data now. GAE is still capped. Update 33: Amazon announces Elastic Block Store (EBS), which provides lots of normal looking disk along with value added features like snapshots and snapshot copying. But database's may find EBS too slow. RightScale tells us Why Amazon’s Elastic Block Store Matters. Update 32: You can now get all attributes for a property when querying. Previously only the ID was returned and the attributes had to be returned in separate calls. This makes the programmer's job a lot simpler. Artificial levels of parallelization code can now be dumped. Update 31: Amazon fixes a major hole in SimpleDB by adding the ability to sort query results. Previously developers had to sort results by hand which was a non-starter for many. Now you can do basic top 10 type queries with ease. Update 30: Amazon SimpleDB - A distributed, highly-scalable, light-weight, query-able, attribute store by Sebastian Stadil. It introduces the CAP theorem and the basics of SimpleDB. Sebastian does a lot of great work in the AWS world and in what must be his limited free time, runs the AWS Meetup group. Update 29: A stroll down the history of a previous RDBMS killer, object databases. Lots of fond memories of the new kid on the block showing us how objects and code were one, the endless OO vs. relational wars, writing a OODBMS training course, dealing with object migration and querying etc, and the slow decline followed by groveling in front of the old master. It would be a terrible irony if a hash table succeeded where OODBMSs failed. Update 28: I didn't make the beta program :-( Update 27: IBM has hired CouchDB creator Damien Katz as their player in the game. Teams Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon have all entered the race. Amazon is 10 furlongs ahead, but watch for team Google, a fast finisher on the outside. Update 26: Red Monk says Microsoft's Astoria project is SDBish, but developers are afraid of lock-in. Update 25: Nati Shalom thinks SDB isn't even a database. Update 24: Igvita asks why do you need SDB when Thrudb is faster and cheaper? It provides a memcached layer in front of a database storing data in S3. And even better, all its service names start with "thru" instead of "S". Update 23: For all you Perl haters, the Perl interface to SDB is clean and beautiful. Update 22: On an Erlang email list Jim Larson says the proper model is to store bulk data in S3 and indexable metadata in SimpleDB. The cost of SimpleDB is 10x for storing data versus S3. We are supposed to build our own inverted index for text searching, which is one of those decisions that sounds good in the meeting room (yay, we don't have to do all that work), but is not a good decision in the real world. Update 21: Sensepost is already creating attack models to drain your bank account through repeated queries. Update 20: Grow some stones, smoothspan says Eventual Consistency Is Not That Scary. Update 19: Jacob Harris in A First Look at Amazon SimpleDB offers up some beta Ruby libraries for accessing SDB. Update 18: Erlang folks hope to get some run, but Erlang the language is too different to go mainstream, though Erlang's concurrency model rocks. A while back I talked about how The Solution to C++ Threading is Erlang and how Java's concurrency approach is fundamentally broken. Update 17: Subbu tirelessly provides a A RESTful version of Amazon's SimpleDB. Update 16: Snarfed sees it as a sort of tuplespace implementation. Compare it to Facebook's API. Ning also has a data API. Update 15: Uncom thinks Winer & Scoble Fail In Tandem. SDB's XML response has 1,755% transmission overhead, which is genius for a per byte pricing model. And I love this one: if you are starting a business whose success hinges on scalability of a data store, you had best figure out how to shard across N machines before you launch. Using a single instance of MySQL for the whole thing is a strong indicator that you have failed at life. Update 14: Styled Bits sees SDB as more of a way to add metadata to S3 objects. Update 13: Bex Huff makes the point you'll still need a caching layer in front of SDB. Update 12: Shahzad Bhatti has been coding for SimpleDB for a few months and gives us a cool Java and Erlang API for basic CRUD operations. Update 11: DBA4Life says Amazon has just flux capacited us back to 1980s style database management. Update 10: Bob Warfield of SmoothSpan explains Why the Amazon SimpleDB is a Huge Next Step. It helps achieve the necessary "16:1 operations cost advantages over conventional software." Update 9: SimpleDB is berkleyDB and 90% of all computing will live in cloud city. Will the Troglyte's revolt? Update 8: Dave Winer says Amazon removes the database scaling wall by adding a storage ramp that scales up when needed and scales down when unneeded. You no longer need to buy expensive VC funded database talent to take your product to the next level. Update 7: Kevin Burton in Google vs Amazon in Open Infrastructure has doubts about the entire hosted model. Bandwidth costs too much, it might hurt your acquisition chances, and you can't trust 'em. He just wants to lease managed raw machine power. Update 6: Amazon SimpleDB and CouchDB compared. Some key differences: SimpleDB is hosted. CouchDB is REST/JSON and SimpleDB is REST/SOAP/XML. In SimpleDB attribute updates are atomic in CouchDB record updates are atomic. CouchDB supports JSON data types and SimpleDB thinks everything is a string. CouchDB has much more flexible indexing and queries. Update 5: Sriram Krishnan gives a more technical overview of SimpleDB. He likes the big hash table approach and brings up how the query language allows for parallelization. Update 4: Mark from areyouwatchingthis.com makes a really insightful point: I run a startup that gets 75% of our traffic from our API. The ability to move that processing and storage into a cloud _might_ save me a lot on hosting. Update 3: Marcelo Calbucci thinks SimpleDB is more of a directory service than a database because records can contain different attributes (no schema) and attributes can have multiple values. Update 2: Smug Mugs' Don MacAskill likes the service, but is concerned that field sizes are limited to 1024 characters and latency from far away datacenters. He thinks most queries will be easy to convert as they are predominantly hash like lookups anyway. Update: Scoble asks if SimpleDB kills MySQL, Oracle, et al. The answer is no. Google has a similar service internally and they are still major users of and contributors to MySQL. Sometimes you just need structured data. So RDBMSs aren't dead. They just may not be the starting point as the barrier to entry for doing the simplest thing to start a website has plummeted. No more setup or admin. Just code and go. The cherry missing from Amazon's AWS hot fudge sundae was a database service. They had a CPU scoop with EC2, they had storage scoop with S3, they had a work distribution scoop with their queue, but the database cherry was missing. Now they've added it and it's dessert time. News of SimpleDB is everywhere. Apparently it's been in development for a while. You can read about it inside looking out, GIGAOM, Innowave, SimpleDB Developer's Guide, and the SimpleDB Home Page. It seems to be a simple properties like store implemented on Erlang (as is CouchDB). It has simple query capabilities on attributes. It's fast and scalable. And At $0.14 per hour it's quite competitive with other options. What it doesn't have is a text search or complex RDBMS style queries for structured data. It's not clear if the data are geographically distributed, in case you are interested in fast response times from different parts of the world. I would be very curious on the relationship between SimpleDB and Dynamo. Even with these limitations it's a disruptive service. Most high speed websites use a property store for unstructured data and that's been hard for smaller groups to implement at scale. But if you're losing your mind trying to figure out how to store your data at scale, maybe you can now turn your attention to more productive problems.

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    Product: Gearman - Open Source Message Queuing System

    Update: New Gearman Server & Library in C, MySQL UDFs. Gearman is an open source message queuing system that makes it easy to do distributed job processing using multiple languages. With Gearman you: farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, to call functions between languages, spread CPU usage around your network. Gearman is used by companies like LiveJournal, Yahoo!, and Digg. Digg, for example, runs 300,000 jobs a day through Gearman without any issues. Most large sites use something similar. Why would anyone ever even need a message queuing system? Message queuing is a handy way to move work off your web servers (like image manipulation), to generate thousands of documents in the background, to run the multiple requests in parallel needed to build a web page, or to perform tasks that can comfortably be run in the background and not part of the main request loop for servicing a web request. There's a gearmand server and clients written in Perl, Ruby, Python or C. Use at least two gearmand server daemons for higher availability. The tasks each client can perform are registered with gearman distributes requests for those functions to the client that can implement them. Gearman uses a very robust, if somewhat higher latency, signal-and-pull architecture.

  • According to dormando the flow goes like: * worker connects to all gearmand servers. * worker registers what functions it supports. * worker asks for jobs. * if no jobs, sends command 'pre_sleep' to all gearmand's and sleeps.
  • Client does: * Connect to gearmand. * submit's a job for a particular func.
  • Gearmand does: * Acks the job, finds all *sleeping workers* related to the function. * Sends them all a 'noop' command to wake them up.
  • Worker does: * Urk, I'm awake now. * Worker asks for jobs. * If jobs, do work. * If no jobs, sends command 'pre_sleep' to all gearmand's, etc. Gearman uses an efficient binary protocol and no XML. There's an a line-based text protocol for admin so you can use telnet and hook into Nagios plugins. The system makes no guarantees. If there's a failure the client is told about the failure and the client is responsible for retries. And the queue isn’t persistent. If gearman is restarted the queue is gone.

    Related Articles

  • Gearman Wiki
  • German Google Groups
  • Queue everything and delight everyone by Leslie Michael Orchard.
  • USENIX 2007. Starts at slide 83.
  • PEAR and Gearman by Daniel O'Connor.
  • Amazon Architecture

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  • Friday

    Sprinkle - Provisioning Tool to Build Remote Servers

    At 37 Signals Joshua Sierles describes how 37 Signals uses Sprinkle to configure their servers within EC2. Sprinkle defines a domain specific meta-language for describing and processing the installation of software. You can find an interesting discussion of Sprinkle's creation story by the creator himself, Marcus Crafter, in Sprinkle Some Powder!. Marcus divides provisioning tools into two categories:

  • Task Based - the tool issues a list of commands to run on the remote system, either remotely via a network connection or smart client.
  • Policy/state Based - the tool determines what needs to be run on the remote system by examining its current and final state. Sprinkle combines both models together in a chocolate-in-my-peanut-butter approach using normal Ruby code as the DSL (domain specific language) to declaratively describe remote system configurations. 37 Signals likes the use of Ruby as the DSL because it makes learning a separate syntax unnecessary. I've successfully done similar things in Perl. You already have a scripting language, why layer another one on top? One reason not to is that you've now tied configuration and execution together so that only one tool can control the process, but the leverage is so high with this approach it's hard to ignore. There's all the usual bits about defining packages, dependencies, installation logic, pre and post actions, etc. The format is compact and clear because that's how Ruby is and the operations are task specific so there's no fluff. Capistrano is used to communicate with remote systems though that is pluggable. 37 Signals uses the EC2 security group as way to specify the role an instance should take on when it boots. A configuration script that can handle all roles is shipped with a near complete functional base image. Sprinkle then configures the system the rest of the way based on the passed in role. Joshua says they like this approach better than Puppet because it doesn't rely on a centralized configuration server or "pushing large sets of commands over SSH manually." There's always one more than one way to do "it" and Sprinkle carves out an interesting niche in the provisioning space. The 37 Signal's approach doesn't scale to a large organization with many different flavor of servers, but for a specific set of tightly cooperating servers it's a very simple, clean, and robust way of doing business. Related Articles: Product: Puppet the Automated Administration System.

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  • Monday

    Product: Scribe - Facebook's Scalable Logging System

    In Log Everything All the Time I advocate applications shouldn't bother logging at all. Why waste all that time and code? No, wait, that's not right. I preach logging everything all the time. Doh. Facebook obviously feels similarly which is why they opened sourced Scribe, their internal logging system, capable of logging 10s of billions of messages per day. These messages include access logs, performance statistics, actions that went to News Feed, and many others.

    Imagine hundreds of thousands of machines across many geographical dispersed datacenters just aching to send their precious log payload to the central repository off all knowledge. Because really, when you combine all the meta data with all the events you pretty much have a complete picture of your operations. Once in the central repository logs can be scanned, indexed, summarized, aggregated, refactored, diced, data cubed, and mined for every scrap of potentially useful information.

    Just imagine the log stream from all of Facebook's Apache servers alone. Brutal. My guess is these are not real-time feeds so there are no streaming query issues, but the task is still daunting. Let's say they log 10 billion messages a day. That's over 1 million messages per second!

    When no off the shelf products worked for them they built their own. Scribe can be downloaded from Sourceforge. But the real action is on their wiki. It's here you'll find some decent documentation and their support forums. Not much activity on the site so you haven't missed your chance to be a charter member of the Scribe guild.

    A logging system has three broad components:

  • Client Code Interface - How does your code interact with the log system? Scribe doesn't do much for you here. There's a simple Thrift interface for logging from a large set of languages, but the bulk of the work is stull up to you.
  • Distribution System - This is were Scribe fits. It reliably (mostly) moves large numbers of messages around. A few error cases lead to data loss: 1) If a client can't connect to either the local or central scribe server the message will be loss; 2) If a scribe server crashes it could lose a small amount of data that's in memory but not on disk; 3) Some multiple component failure cases, such as a resender can't connect to any central server and its local disk fills up; 4) Some rare timeout conditions can lead to duplicate messages
  • Do Something Usefullizer - How do you do anything useful with over 1 million messages per second? Good question. Scribe doesn't help here. But Scribe will get your data their.

    I browsed around the source and it's a well crafted, straightforward socket server that forwards messages to other servers and can write messages to disk. Nothing fancy which is why it probably works for them. It's basic function is:

    Scribe is a server for aggregating streaming log data. It is designed to scale to a very large number of nodes and be robust to network and node failures. There is a scribe server running on every node in the system, configured to aggregate messages and send them to a central scribe server (or servers) in larger groups. If the central scribe server isn't available the local scribe server writes the messages to a file on local disk and sends them when the central server recovers. The central scribe server(s) can write the messages to the files that are their final destination, typically on an nfs filer or a distributed file system, or send them to another layer of scribe servers.
    It some ways it could be fancier. For example, there's no throttle on incoming connections so a server can chew up memory. And there is a max_msg_per_second throttle on message processing, but this is really to simple. Throttling needs to be adaptive based on local conditions and the conditions of down stream servers. Under load you want to push flow control back to the client so the data stays there until resources become available. Simple configuration file settings rarely work when the world starts getting weird.

    Client Code Interface

    Here's what the Thrift interface looks like:

    enum ResultCode

    struct LogEntry
    1: string category,
    2: string message

    service scribe extends fb303.FacebookService
    ResultCode Log(1: list messages);
    I know, I thought the same thing. Thank God there's another IDL syntax. We simply did not have enough of them. Thrift translates this IDL into the glue code necessary for making cross-language calls (marshalling arguments and responses over the wire). The Thrift library also has templates for servers and clients.

    Here's what a call looks like in PHP:

    $messages = array();
    $entry = new LogEntry;
    $entry->category = "buckettest";
    $entry->message = "something very interesting happened";
    $messages []= $entry;
    $result = $conn->Log($messages);

    Pretty simple. Usually in C++, for example, there's an elaborate set of macros for logging that provide sophisticated control of log generation. It might look something like:

    MSG(msg) - a simple message. It only prints out msg. None of the other information is printed out.
    NOTE(const char* name, const char* reason, const char* what, Module* module, msg) - something to take note of.
    WARN(const char* name, const char* reason, const char* what, Module* module, msg) - a warning.
    ERR(const char* name, const char* reason, const char* what, Module* module, msg) - an error occured.
    CRIT(const char* name, const char* reason, const char* what, Module* module, msg) - a critical error occurred.
    EMERG(const char* name, const char* reason, const char* what, Module* module, msg) - an emergency occurred.

    There's lots more to handle streams and behind the scenes things like time stamps, thread ids, function names, and line numbers. Scribe has wisely not done any of that. It has a RPC like interface to send a list of messages and that's it. It's up to you to write the wrappers.

    You'll no doubt have noticed Scribe only logs a category and message, both strings:

    Scribe is unique in that clients log entries consisting of two strings, a category and a message. The category is a high level description of the intended destination of the message and can have a specific configuration in the scribe server, which allows data stores to be moved by changing the scribe configuration instead of client code. The server also allows for configurations based on category prefix, and a default configuration that can insert the category name in the file path. Flexibility and extensibility is provided through the "store" abstraction. Stores are loaded dynamically based on a configuration file, and can be changed at runtime without stopping the server. Stores are implemented as a class hierarchy, and stores can contain other stores. This allows a user to chain features together in different orders and combinations by changing only the configuration.

    Distribution System

    The payload has whatever structure you give it. Scribe is policy neutral and doesn't push a logging model on you.

    The configuration file looks something like this:

    The types of stores currently available are:
  • file - writes to a file, either local or nfs.
  • network - sends messages to another scribe server.
  • buffer - contains a primary and a secondary store. Messages are sent to the primary store if possible, and otherwise the secondary. When the primary store becomes available the messages are read from the secondary store and sent to the primary.
  • bucket - contains a large number of other stores, and decides which messages to send to which stores based on a hash.
  • null - discards all messages.
  • thriftfile - similar to a file store but writes messages into a Thrift TFileTransport file.
  • multi - a store that forwards messages to multiple stores.

    Certainly a flexible and useful set of logging capabilities. You can build a hierarchy of log servers to do pretty much anything you want. You could imagine have a log server on each server that has file store to handle upstream server failures. This log server forwards messages onto a centralized server for a datacenter. And all the datacenter servers forward their logs on to the centralized data warehouse. To scale adjust fan-in and fan-out as necessary.

    Do Something Usefullizer

    You may not have over 1 million log messages a second to process, but you are likely to have your own tanker trunk full of log messages. How do you do something useful with them?
  • Log messages stored in log files are next to useless. Grep'ing on a terabyte of logs to answer simple questions about your data just doesn't work.
  • You may have a sharded datawarehouse you can pump log messages into and do reasonably effective job of querying.
  • Or you can set up a HADOOP/HDFS. style system. The idea here is you need a distributed file system to handle the continual stream of log messages. And once you have all the data stored safely away you'll need to use map-reduce to do anything with such a large amount of data.

    If you want to ask, for example, how many of your users are from Asia, log files won't work. It's likely your data warehouse can't handle it. HADOOP/HDFS is a practical option.

    If that's the direction you are going what does it imply about your log system? I would say it makes even the simple category-payload system of Scribe overkill. The with a scalable backend is to move log payloads from applications to the centralized store as quickly as possible. By definition the central store can handle the load, so there's no reason to use intermediate servers to scale. From an application write directly to the central store, even from multiple datacenters. The payload structure is unimportant until it hits the central store. If the application can't hit the central store then it queues into the file system until it can. Ideally log messages never hit the file system until HDFS is writing them to their final destination. This makes for a low latency and high throughput logging and is even simpler than Scribe.

    If you don't have a scalable central store then Scribe is a good option. It gives you all the flexibility you need to compose your logging system in a way that is mostly reliabile and scalable.
  • Wednesday

    CTL - Distributed Control Dispatching Framework 

    CTL is a flexible distributed control dispatching framework that enables you to break management processes into reusable control modules and execute them in distributed fashion over the network. From their website: CTL is a flexible distributed control dispatching framework that enables you to break management processes into reusable control modules and execute them in distributed fashion over the network. What does CTL do? CTL helps you leverage your current scripts and tools to easily automate any kind of distributed systems management or application provisioning task. Its good for simplifiying large-scale scripting efforts or as another tool in your toolbox that helps you speed through your daily mix of ad-hoc administration tasks. What are CTL's features? CTL has many features, but the general highlights are: * Execute sophisticated procedures in distributed environments - Aren't you tired of writing and then endlessly modifying scripts that loop over nodes and invoke remote actions? CTL dispatches actions to remote controllers with network transparency (over SSH), parallelism, and error handling already built in. * Comes with pre-built utilities - CTL comes with pre-built utilities so you don't have to script actions like file distribution or process and port checking. * Define your own automation using the tools/languages you already know - New controller modules are defined in XML and your scripting can be done in multiple scripting languages (Perl, Python, etc.), *nix shell, Windows batch, and/or Ant. * Cross platform administration - CTL is Java-based, works on *nix and Windows.

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