Entries in ruby (6)


Automation on AWS with Ruby and Puppet

This is a guest post by Frédéric Faure (architect at Ysance), you can follow him on twitter.

Logo UrbanDive

Urbandive is an immersive view service launched by the French YellowPages which allows you to travel in cities in France thanks to a 360° view. Urbandive focuses on providing high definition pictures and accurate professional and social content. One of the biggest jobs was to enable a fast scalable architecture, because it was really difficult to forecast the traffic load at production time. Traffic load may be influenced if the service receives attention from users as a result of advertising.

Below you will find a summary of the goals we achieve by using a Ruby scheduler built on top of Puppet on AWS to create a complete infrastructure.

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Map-Reduce With Ruby Using Hadoop

Map-Reduce With Hadoop Using Ruby A demonstration, with repeatable steps, of how to quickly fire-up a Hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2, load data onto the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File-System), write map-reduce scripts in Ruby and use them to run a map-reduce job on your Hadoop cluster. You will not need to ssh into the cluster, as all tasks are run from your local machine. Below I am using my MacBook Pro as my local machine, but the steps I have provided should be reproducible on other platforms running bash and Java.


Product: Resque - GitHub's Distrubuted Job Queue

Queuing work for processing in the background is a time tested scalability strategy. Queuing also happens to be one of those much needed tools where it easy enough to forge for your own that we see a lot of different versions made. Resque is GitHub's take on a job queue and they've used it to process million and millions of jobs so far.

What is Resque?

Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later. Background jobs can be any Ruby class or module that responds to perform. Your existing classes can easily be converted to background jobs or you can create new classes specifically to do work. Or, you can do both.

GitHub tried and considered many other systems: SQS, Starling, ActiveMessaging, BackgroundJob, DelayedJob, beanstalkd, AMQP,  and Kestrel, but found them all wanting in one way are another. The latency for SQS was too high. Others didn't make full use of Ruby. Others still had a lot of overhead. Some didn't have enough features. And still others weren't reliable enough.

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Sprinkle - Provisioning Tool to Build Remote Servers

At 37 Signals Joshua Sierles describes how 37 Signals uses Sprinkle to configure their servers within EC2. Sprinkle defines a domain specific meta-language for describing and processing the installation of software. You can find an interesting discussion of Sprinkle's creation story by the creator himself, Marcus Crafter, in Sprinkle Some Powder!. Marcus divides provisioning tools into two categories:

  • Task Based - the tool issues a list of commands to run on the remote system, either remotely via a network connection or smart client.
  • Policy/state Based - the tool determines what needs to be run on the remote system by examining its current and final state. Sprinkle combines both models together in a chocolate-in-my-peanut-butter approach using normal Ruby code as the DSL (domain specific language) to declaratively describe remote system configurations. 37 Signals likes the use of Ruby as the DSL because it makes learning a separate syntax unnecessary. I've successfully done similar things in Perl. You already have a scripting language, why layer another one on top? One reason not to is that you've now tied configuration and execution together so that only one tool can control the process, but the leverage is so high with this approach it's hard to ignore. There's all the usual bits about defining packages, dependencies, installation logic, pre and post actions, etc. The format is compact and clear because that's how Ruby is and the operations are task specific so there's no fluff. Capistrano is used to communicate with remote systems though that is pluggable. 37 Signals uses the EC2 security group as way to specify the role an instance should take on when it boots. A configuration script that can handle all roles is shipped with a near complete functional base image. Sprinkle then configures the system the rest of the way based on the passed in role. Joshua says they like this approach better than Puppet because it doesn't rely on a centralized configuration server or "pushing large sets of commands over SSH manually." There's always one more than one way to do "it" and Sprinkle carves out an interesting niche in the provisioning space. The 37 Signal's approach doesn't scale to a large organization with many different flavor of servers, but for a specific set of tightly cooperating servers it's a very simple, clean, and robust way of doing business. Related Articles: Product: Puppet the Automated Administration System.

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  • Wednesday

    Outside.in Scales Up with Engine Yard and moving from PHP to Ruby on Rails

    This article explains how Outside.in, the local social network and aggregator, scaled up its service and moved from PHP to Ruby on Rails (they moved maybe because Ruby code seemed to be more maintanable that PHP code?).

    The whole article is here on EngineYard blog.

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    FaceStat's Rousing Tale of Scaling Woe and Wisdom Won

    Lukas Biewald shares a fascinating slam by slam recount of how his FaceStat (upload your picture and be judged by the masses) site was battered by a link on Yahoo's main page that caused an almost instantaneous 650,000 page view jump on their site. Yahoo spends considerable effort making sure its own properties can handle the truly massive flow from the main page. Turning the Great Eye of the Internet towards an unsuspecting newborn site must be quite the diaper ready experience. Theo Schlossnagle eerily prophesized about such events in The Implications of Punctuated Scalabilium for Website Architecture: massive, unexpected and sudden traffic spikes will become more common as a fickle internet seeks ever for new entertainments (my summary). Exactly FaceStat's situation. This is also one of our first exposures to an application written on Merb, a popular Ruby on Rails competitor. For those who think Ruby is the problem, their architecture now serves 100 times the original load. How did our fine FaceStat fellowship fair against Yahoo’s onslaught? Not a lot of details of FaceStat’s architecture are available, so it’s not that kind of post. What interested me is that it’s a timely example of Theo’s traffic spike phenomena and I was also taken with how well the team handled the challenge. Few could do better so quickly. In fact, let’s apply Theo’s rubric for how to handle these situations to FaceStat:
  • Be Alert: build automated systems to detect and pinpoint the cause of these issues quickly (in less than 60 seconds). None initially, but they are building in more monitoring to better handle future situations. Better monitoring would have alerted them to the problems long before they actually were alerted. Perhaps many more potential customers might have been converted to actual customers. You can never have enough monitoring!
  • Be Prepared: understand the bottlenecks of your service systemically. As the system was relatively simple, new, and quickly changed, my assumption is they were fully aware of their system’s shortcomings, they were just busy with adding features rather than worrying about performance and scalability.
  • Perform Triage: understand the importance of the various services that make up your site. Definitely. They “started ripping out every database intensive feature” in response to the load.
  • Be Calm: any action that is not analytically driven is a waste of time and energy. They stayed amazingly calm as can be seen from the following quote: “It’s one thing to code scalably and grow slowly under increasing load, but it’s been a blast to crazily rearchitect a live site like FaceStat in a day or two.” I’m not sure how analytically driven they were however  All-in-all an impressive response to the Great Eye’s undivided attention. But not everyone was impressed as I. A commenter named Bernard said: Sorry, but this is a really dumb story. Given how dirt cheap things like slicehost and linode are, it is crazy that you launched a web app and had not already prepared a redundant, highly-scalable architecture… I’d say you were damn lucky that the disappointed users came back at all. Commenter Will thought it was a “Nice problem to be having!” Which it is, of course, being noticed is better than being ignored. But Lukas was spot on when he lamented about being noticed too soon has a downside: After working so hard to get users to come to your site, it’s amazingly frustrating to see hundreds of thousands of people suddenly locked out. Clearly we still don’t have the ability for developers to create scalable systems as simply as they create exploratory systems. Ed from Rackspace posted that they could help with their Auto Scale of Arrays feature. And Rackspace would be an excellent solution, but the cost would be $500/month and a $2500 setup fee. No “let’s put on a show” startup can afford those costs. The mode FaceStat was in is typical: We find that a Rails-like platform is invaluable for rapidly prototyping a new site, especially since we started FaceStat as a pure experiment with no idea whether people would like it or not, and with a very different feature set in mind compared to what it later became. A pay as you grow model is essential for scalability because that’s the only way you can bake scalability in from the start. And even with all the impressive advances in the industry we still don’t have the software infrastructure to make scaling second nature.

    Information Sources

  • Scaling Fast by Lukas Biewald
  • FaceStat scales! on Dlores BLog


  • Merb. Ruby based MVC framework that is ORM-agnostic.
  • Thin. A fast and very simple Ruby web server.
  • Slicehost. Hosting service. Able to quickly provision servers as needed.
  • Amazon’s S3. Image server. Latency is high but it handles the load.
  • Capistrano. Automated deployment.
  • Git with github. Source code control system. Supports efficient simultaneous development, quick merging and deployment.
  • God. Server monitoring and management.
  • Memcached. Application caching layer.
  • PostgreSQL

    The Stats

  • Six app servers.
  • One big database machine.

    The Architecture

  • FaceStat is a write heavy application and performs involved calculations on data.
  • S3 is used to offload the responsibility for storing images. This freed them from the massive bandwidth requirements and complexity of managing their own images.
  • Memcached offloads reads from the database to allow the database to have more time for writes.

    Lessons Learned

  • Monitor the site. The sooner you know about a problem the faster it can be fixed. Don't rely on user email or email from exception handlers or you'll never get ahead of problems.
  • Communicate with your users with an error page. A meaningful error pages shows you care and that you are working on the problem. That's enough for a second chance with most people.
  • Use a cached statically generated homepage. Hard to beat that for performance.
  • Big sites might want to give a heads up when they mention smaller sites. Just a short polite email saying how your world will soon turn upside down would do.
  • High-level platform really doesn’t matter compared to overall architecture. How you handle writes, reads, caching, deployment, monitoring, etc are relatively framework independent and it's how you solve those problems that matter.
  • Ruby and Merb supported rapid prototyping to experiment and create a radically different system form the one they intended.

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