Oct152008 Scales Up with Engine Yard and moving from PHP to Ruby on Rails

This article explains how, the local social network and aggregator, scaled up its service and moved from PHP to Ruby on Rails (they moved maybe because Ruby code seemed to be more maintanable that PHP code?).
The whole article is here on EngineYard blog.
The whole article is here on EngineYard blog.
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Reader Comments (2)
What? That case study reads more like a sales pitch than an informative article. I didn't learn a single thing about migrating from PHP to Ruby on Rails.
It seems they switched to Ruby on Rails because they could....essentially facing a rebuild from spaghetti PHP code, what are your options? Seems to be they could have easily stayed on PHP and gone with a better framework and architecture too. Or am I missing something?
Seems like an interesting horse race nowadays among Ruby on Rails, Python and Django, and PHP and CodeIgniter.