Entries by Phil Whelan (3)


Map-Reduce With Ruby Using Hadoop

Map-Reduce With Hadoop Using Ruby A demonstration, with repeatable steps, of how to quickly fire-up a Hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2, load data onto the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File-System), write map-reduce scripts in Ruby and use them to run a map-reduce job on your Hadoop cluster. You will not need to ssh into the cluster, as all tasks are run from your local machine. Below I am using my MacBook Pro as my local machine, but the steps I have provided should be reproducible on other platforms running bash and Java.


How To Get Experience Working With Large Datasets

The Giant Twins

I think I have been lucky that several of the projects I been worked on have exposed me to having to manage large volumes of data. The largest dataset was probably at MailChannels, though Livedoor.com also had some sizeable data for their books store and department store. Most of the pain with Livedoor’s data was from it being in Japanese. Other than that, it was pretty static. This was similar to the data I worked with at the BBC. You would be surprised at how much data can be involved with a single episode of a TV show. With any in-house generated data the update size and frequency is much less dramatic, even if the data is being regularly pumped in from 3rd parties.

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Working With Large Data Sets

This is an excerpt from my blogpost Working With Large Data Sets...

For the past 18 months I’ve moved from working on the SMTP proxy to working on our other systems, all of which make use of the data we collect from each connection. It’s a fair amount of data and it can be up to 2Kb in size for each connection. Our servers receive approximately 1000 of these pieces of data per second, which is fairly sustained due to our global distribution of customers. If you compare that to Twitter’s peak of 3,283 tweets per second (maximum of 140 characters), you can see it’s not a small amount of data that we are dealing with here.

I recently set out to scientifically prove the benefits of throttling, which is our technology for slowing down connections in order to detect spambots, who are kind enough to disconnect quite quickly when they see a slow connection. Due to the nature of the data we had, I needed to work with a long range of data to show evidence that an IP that appeared on Spamhaus had previously been throttled and disconnected, and then measure the duration until it appeared on Spamhaus. I set a job to pre-process a selected set of customers data and arbitrarily decided 66 days would be a good amount to process, as this was 2 months plus a little breathing room. I knew from my experience it was possible that it might take 2 months for a bad IP to be picked up by Spamhaus.

I extracted 28,204,693 distinct IPs, some of which were seen over million times in this data set.

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