Entries in Scalability (52)


Heterogeneous vs. Homogeneous System Architectures

I follow a certain philosophy when developing system architectures. I assume that very few systems will ever exist in a consistent form for more than a short period of time. What constitutes a “short period of time” differs depending on the specifics of each system, but in an effort to quantify it, I generally find that it falls somewhere between a week and a month. The driving forces behind the need for an ever changing architecture are largely business requirement based. This is a side effect of the reality that software development, in most cases, is used as a supporting role within the business unit it serves. As business requirements (i.e. additional features, new products, etc.) pour forth, it is the developer’s job to evolve their software system to accommodate these requirements and provide a software based solution to whatever problems lay ahead. Given that many businesses can be identified as having the above characteristics, I can now begin to explain why I believe that Heterogeneous System Architectures hold a significant advantage over Homogeneous System Architectures, in many distributed system cases.

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Coming soon: better JRockit+Coherence integration

At the Oracle Coherence Special Interest Group meeting today in London, Tomas Nilsson, the product manager for JRockit RT and JRockit Mission Control spoke about the future plans for JRockit and especially plans for improved Coherence JRockit integration.

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Just-In-Time Scalability: Agile Methods to Support Massive Growth (IMVU case study)

We started with a small site, a mess of open source, and a small team that didn't know much about scaling.

We ended with a large site, a medium sized team, and an architecture that has scaled.

We never stopped. We used a roadmap and a compass, made weekly changes in direction, regularly shipped code on Wednesday to handle the next weekend's capacity constraints, and shipped new features the whole time.

These are excerpts from the IMVU PDF presentation of their architecture which can be viewed or downloaded here.
IMVU is an online destination where adults and teens meet new people in 3D. IMVU won the 2008 Virtual Worlds Innovation Award and was also named a Rising Star in the 2008 Silicon Valley Technology Fast 50 program.

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Database Sharding for startups

The most important aspect of a scalable web architecture is data partitioning. Most components in a modern data center are completely stateless, meaning they just do batches of work that is handed to them, but don't store any data long-term. This is true of most web application servers, caches like memcached, and all of the network infrastructure that connects them. Data storage is becoming a specialized function, delegated most often to relational databases. This makes sense, because stateless servers are easiest to scale - you just keep adding more. Since they don't store anything, failures are easy to handle too - just take it out of rotation.

Stateful servers require more careful attention. If you are storing all of your data in a relational database, and the load on that database exceeds its capacity, there is no automatic solution that allows you to simply add more hardware and scale up. (One day, there will be, but that's for another post). In the meantime, most websites are building their own scalable clusters using sharding.

Read more on LessonLearned blog.

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Getting ready for the cloud

This presentation illustrates how one can scale EXISTING JEE application and deploy it on Amazon cloud using GigaSpaces as the scale-out application server while: * Not having to re-write your application * Preventing lock-in to specific cloud provider * Enabling seamless portability between your local environment to cloud environment o No code or configuration change is required between the two environments o Develop local - test on the cloud o Built for iterative development

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17 Distributed Systems and Web Scalability Resources

Here's a short list of some great resources that I've found very inspirational and thought provoking. I've broken these resources up into two lists: Blogs and Presentations.


Alternative Memcache Usage: A Highly Scalable, Highly Available, In-Memory Shard Index

While working with Memcache the other night, it dawned on me that it’s usage as a distributed caching mechanism was really just one of many ways to use it. That there are in fact many alternative usages that one could find for Memcache if they could just realize what Memcache really is at its core – a simple distributed hash-table – is an important point worthy of further discussion. To be clear, when I say “simple”, by no means am I implying that Memcache’s implementation is simple, just that the ideas behind it are such. Think about that for a minute. What else could we use a simple distributed hash-table for, besides caching? How about using it as an alternative to the traditional shard lookup method we used in our Master Index Lookup scalability strategy, discussed previously here.

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Scalability Perspectives #5: Werner Vogels – The Amazon Technology Platform

Scalability Perspectives is a series of posts that highlights the ideas that will shape the next decade of IT architecture. Each post is dedicated to a thought leader of the information age and his vision of the future. Be warned though – the journey into the minds and perspectives of these people requires an open mind.

Werner Vogels

Dr. Werner Vogels is Vice President & Chief Technology Officer at Amazon.com where he is responsible for driving the company’s technology vision, which is to continuously enhance the innovation on behalf of Amazon’s customers at a global scale. Prior to joining Amazon, he worked as a researcher at Cornell University where he was a principal investigator in several research projects that target the scalability and robustness of mission-critical enterprise computing systems. He is regarded as one of the world's top experts on ultra-scalable systems and he uses his weblog to educate the community about issues such as eventual consistency. Information Week recently recognized Vogels for this educational and promotional role in Cloud Computing with the 2008 CIO/CTO of the Year award.

Service-Oriented Architecture, Utility Computing and Internet Level 3 Platform in practice

Amazon has built a loosely coupled service-oriented architecture on an inter-planetary scale. They are the pioneers of Utility Computing and Internet Platforms discussed earlier in Scalability Perspectives. Amazon's CTO, Werner Vogels is undoubtedly a thought leader for the coming age of cloud computing.

Cloud Computing CTO or Chief Cloud Officer?

Vogels' name and face are often associated with Amazon's cloud, but Amazon Web Services isn't a one-man show, it is Teamwork. Amazon's CTO has emerged as the right person at the right time and place to guide cloud computing - until now, an emerging technology for early adopters - into the mainstream. He not only understands how to architect a global computing cloud consisting of tens of thousands of servers, but also how to engage CTOs, CIOs, and other professionals at customer companies in a discussion of how that architecture could potentially change the way they approach IT. If all goes as planned, Amazon's cloud will serve as an extension of corporate data centers for new applications and overflow capacity, so-called cloud bursting. Over time, Amazon will then take on more and more of the IT workload from businesses that see value in the model. Customer-centric? What Amazon's doing goes beyond that. Amazon's cloud becomes their cloud; its CTO, their CTO. As an expert of distributed systems Vogels shares interesting insights on scalability related issues on his blog such as:

The Amazon Technology Platform

Werner Vogels explains how Amazon has become a platform provider, and how an increasing number of diverse businesses are built on the Amazon.com platform in this QCon presentation. The most important thing to understand is that Amazon is a Technology Platform with the emphasis on Technology. The scalable and reliable platform is the main enabler of Amazon's business model. Dr Werner describes Amazon’s platform business model and its ‘flywheel’ for growth on the latest episode of the Telco 2.0 ‘executive brainstorm’ series on Telecom TV. Amazon has many platforms that fuels growth such as:
  • Amazon Merchants
  • Amazon Associates
  • Amazon E-Commerce Platform
  • Web Scale Computing Platform
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Telecommunications platfrom using Amazon's platform?
Werner provides interesting insights about these platforms in his presentation. Check out his blog and other resources to learn more about his vision and Amazon's future.

Information Sources

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Platform virtualization - top 25 providers (software, hardware, combined)

In this article they present the companies which offers means (mainly, the software and hardware) which powers most of the cloud computing hosting providers, namely virtualization solutions.

Read the entire article about Platform virtualization - top 25 providers (software, hardware, combined) at MyTestBox.com - web software reviews, news, tips & tricks.

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How to Organize a Database Table’s Keys for Scalability

The key (no pun intended) to understanding how to organize your dataset’s data is to think of each shard not as an individual database, but as one large singular database. Just as in a normal single server database setup where you have a unique key for each row within a table, each row key within each individual shard must be unique to the whole dataset partitioned across all shards. There are a few different ways we can accomplish uniqueness of row keys across a shard cluster. Each has its pro’s and con’s and the one chosen should be specific to the problems you’re trying to solve.

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