Entries in Scalability (52)


Some things about Memcached from a Twitter software developer

Memcached is generally treated as a black box. But what if you really need to know what's in there? Not for runtime purposes, but for optimization and capacity planning?

Read more on Evan Weaver, a software developer working for Twitter (a contributor for Rails core and Mongrel).

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Scalability resources


Challanges for Developing Enterprise Application on the Cloud

This post I provided a summary of recent discussions outlining the main challenges that developers face today when deploying their existing JEE application to the cloud such as complexity, database integration, security, standard JEE support etc. In this post i also provided summary of how we managed to handle those challenges with our new Cloud Computing Framework by pointing to an existing production reference of a leading Telco provider.

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Facebook Chat Architecture

For those interested in building scalable systems, today I will speak about the Facebook Char architecture. Starting keynote:

''When your feature’s userbase will go from 0 to 70 million practically overnight, scalability has to be baked in from the start.''

Eugene Lutuchy, lead engineer on Facebook Chat

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N+1+caching is ok?

Hibernate and iBATIS and other similar tools have documentation with recommendations for avoiding the "N+1 select" problem. The problem being that if you wanted to retrieve a set of widgets from a table, one query would be used to to retrieve all the ids of the matching widgets (select widget_id from widget where ...) and then for each id, another select is used to retrieve the details of that widget (select * from widget where widget_id = ?). If you have 100 widgets, it requires 101 queries to get the details of them all. I can see why this is bad, but what if you're doing entity caching? i.e. If you run the first query to get your list of ids, and then for each widget you retrive it from the cache. Surely in that case, N+1(+caching) is good? Assuming of course that there is a high probability of all of the matching entities being in the cache. I may be asking a daft question here - one whose answer is obviously implied by the large scalable mechanisms for storing data that are in use these days.

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Learned lessons from the largest player (Flickr, YouTube, Google, etc)

Learned lessons from the largest player (Flickr, YouTube, Google, etc) I would like to write today about some learned lessons from the biggest player in the high Scalable Web application. I will divide the lessons into 4 points: * Start slow, and small, and measuring the right thing. * Vertical Scalability vs. Horizontal Scalability. * Every problem has its own solution. * General learned lesson Read more

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Art of scalability (1) - Scalability principles


QCon London 2009: Upgrading Twitter without service disruptions

Evan Weaver from Twitter presented a talk on Twitter software upgrades, titled Improving running components as part of the Systems that never stop track at QCon London 2009 conference last Friday. The talk focused on several upgrades performed since last May, while Twitter was experiencing serious performance problems.

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Google TechTalk: Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era

Over the last several decades computer architects have been phenomenally successful turning the transistor bounty provided by Moore's Law into chips with ever increasing single-threaded performance. During many of these successful years, however, many researchers paid scant attention to multiprocessor work. Now as vendors turn to multicore chips, researchers are reacting with more papers on multi-threaded systems. While this is good, we are concerned that further work on single-thread performance will be squashed. To help understand future high-level trade-offs, we develop a corollary to Amdahl's Law for multicore chips [Hill & Marty, IEEE Computer 2008]. It models fixed chip resources for alternative designs that use symmetric cores, asymmetric cores, or dynamic techniques that allow cores to work together on sequential execution. Our results encourage multicore designers to view performance of the entire chip rather than focus on core efficiencies. Moreover, we observe that obtaining optimal multicore performance requires further research BOTH in extracting more parallelism and making sequential cores faster. This talk is based on an HPCA 2008 keynote address. Speaker: Mark D. Hill Mark D. Hill (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~markhill) is professor in both the computer sciences department and the electrical and computer engineering department at the University of Wisconsin--Madison, where he also co-leads the Wisconsin Multifacet (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/multifacet/) project with David Wood. His research interests include parallel computer system design, memory system design, computer simulation, and recently transactional memory. He earned a PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He is an ACM Fellow and a Fellow of the IEEE.

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Its time for auto scaling – avoid peak load provisioning for web applications

Many web applications, including eBanking, Trading, eCommerce and Online Gaming, face large, fluctuating loads. In this post will describe how to achieve Right Sizing using virtualization and cloud computing. Will use a standard JEE web application to demonstrate how auto-scaling works on AWS Cloud without changing your application code.

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