Entries in soocial (2)


Scaling Social Ecommerce Architecture Case study

A recent study showed that over 92 percent of executives from leading retailers are focusing their marketing efforts on Facebook and subsequent applications. Furthermore, over 71 percent of users have confirmed they are more likely to make a purchase after “liking” a brand they find online. (source)

Sears Architect Tomer Gabel provides an insightful overview on how they built a Social Ecommerce solution for Sears.com that can handle complex relationship quires in real time. Tomer goes through:

  • the architectural considerations behind their solution
  • why they chose memory over disk
  • how they partitioned the data to gain scalability
  • why they chose to execute code with the data using GigaSpaces Map/Reduce execution framework
  • how they integrated with Facebook
  • why they chose GigaSpaces over Coherence and Terracotta for in-memory caching and scale

In this post I tried to summarize the main takeaway from the interview.

You can also watch the full interview (highly recomended).

Read the full story here


100% on Amazon Web Services: Soocial.com - a lesson of porting your service to Amazon

Simone Brunozzi, technology evangelist for Amazon Web Services in Europe, describes how Soocial.com was fully ported to Amazon web services.

---------------- This period of the year I decided to dedicate some time to better understand how our customers use AWS, therefore I spent some online time with Stefan Fountain and the nice guys at Soocial.com, a "one address book solution to contact management", and I would like to share with you some details of their IT infrastructure, which now runs 100% on Amazon Web Services!

In the last few months, they've been working hard to cope with tens of thousands of users and to get ready to easily scale to millions. To make this possible, they decided to move ALL their architecture to Amazon Web Services. Despite the fact that they were quite happy with their previous hosting provider, Amazon proved to be the way to go.

Read the rest of the article here.

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