Entries by HighScalability Team (1576)


Snakes in a Facebook Datacenter


What do you do when you find a snake in your datacenter? You might say this. (NSFW)


Fault tolerance is the property that enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of some of its components. You might think Facebook solved all of its fault tolerance problems long ago, but when a serpent enters the Edenic datacenter realm, even Facebook must consult the Tree of Knowledge.

In this case, it's not good or evil we'll learn about, but Workload Placement, which is a method of optimally placing work over a set of failure domains. 

Here's my gloss of the Fault Tolerance through Optimal Workload Placement talk:

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How did they send money in the olden days of telegraphs?


It's not all that different really, especially that part where you can lose all your bitcoin. Here's an excerpt from East of Eden by John Steinbeck:

Say, Carlton, how do you go about telegraphing money?”

“Well, you bring me a hundred and two dollars and sixty cents and I send a wire telling the Valdosta operator to pay Adam one hundred dollars. You owe me sixty cents too.”

“I’ll pay—say, how do I know it’s Adam? What’s to stop anybody from collecting it?”

The operator permitted himself a smile of worldliness.

“Way we go about it, you give me a question couldn’t nobody else know the answer. So I send both the question and the answer. Operator asks this fella the question, and if he can’t answer he don’t get the money.””

“Say, that’s pretty cute. I better think up a good one.”
“You better get the hundred dollars while Old Breen still got the window open.”
Charles was delighted with the game. He came back with the money in his hand.
“I got the question,” he said.
“I hope it ain’t your mother’s middle name. Lot of people don’t remember.”
“No, nothing like that. It’s this. ‘What did you give Father on his birthday just before you went in the army?’ ”
“It’s a good question but it’s long as hell. Can’t you cut it down to ten words?”
“Who’s paying for it? Answer is, ‘A pup.’ ”
“Wouldn’t nobody guess that,” said Carlton. “Well, it’s you paying, not me.”
“Be funny if he forgot,” said Charles. “He wouldn’t ever get home.””

Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For Sep 18th, 2020

Hey, it's HighScalability time!


I can't wait for the duel. Just don't shoot into the air.

Do you like this sort of Stuff? Without your support on Patreon this kind of Stuff won't happen. 

Know someone who could benefit from becoming one with the cloud? Of course you do. I wrote Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 just for them. On Amazon it has 167 mostly 5 star reviews. Here's a 100% lectin-free review:

Number Stuff:

Don't miss all that the Internet has to say on Scalability, click below and become eventually consistent with all scalability knowledge (which means this post has many more items to read so please keep on reading)...

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Sponsored Post: IP2Location, Ipdata, StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

Who's Hiring? 

  • InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform.

  • Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart. Make your job search O(1), not O(n). Apply here.

  • Need excellent people? Advertise your job here! 

Cool Products and Services

  • IP2Location is IP address geolocation service provider since 2002. The geolocation database or API detects location, proxy and other >20 parameters. The technology has been cited in more than 700 research papers and trusted by many Fortune 500 companies. Try it today!

  • ipdata is a reliable IP Address Geolocation API that allows you to lookup the approximate location of any IP Address, detect proxies and identify a company from an IP Address. Trusted by 10,000+ developers. Try it now!

  • Developers care about shipping secure applications. Application security products and processes, however, have not kept up with advances in software development. There are a new breed of tools hitting the market that enable developers to take the lead on AppSec. Learn how engineering teams are using products like StackHawk and Snyk to add security bug testing to their CI pipelines.

  • Learn the stuff they don't teach you in the AWS docs. Filter out the distracting hype, and focus on the parts of AWS that you'd be foolish not to use. Learn the Good Parts of AWS. Created by former senior-level AWS engineers of 15 years.

  • Stateful JavaScript Apps. Effortlessly add state to your Javascript apps with FaunaDB. Generous free tier. Try now!

  • Learn to balance architecture trade-offs and design scalable enterprise-level software. Check out Educative.io's bestselling new 4-course learning track: Scalability and System Design for Developers. Join more than 300,000 other learners.  

  • Build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams with getstream.io. Try the API now in this 5 minute interactive tutorialStream is free up to 3 million feed updates so it's easy to get started. Client libraries are available for Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Java and .NET. Stream is currently also hiring Devops and Python/Go developers in Amsterdam. More than 400 companies rely on Stream for their production feed infrastructure, this includes apps with 30 million users. With your help we'd like to ad a few zeros to that number. Check out the job opening on AngelList.

  • Advertise your product or service here! 

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

Make Your Job Search O(1) — not O(n)

Triplebyte is unique because they're a team of engineers running their own centralized technical assessment. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart now let Triplebyte-recommended engineers skip their own screening steps.

We found that High Scalability readers are about 80% more likely to be in the top bracket of engineering skill.

Take Triplebyte's multiple-choice quiz (system design and coding questions) to see if they can help you scale your career faster.

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.


Moving HPC to the Cloud: A Guide for 2020 


This is a guest post by Limor Maayan-Wainstein, a senior technical writer with 10 years of experience writing about cybersecurity, big data, cloud computing, web development, and more.

High performance computing (HPC) enables you to solve complex problems which cannot be solved by regular computing. Traditionally, HPC solutions provided mainly supercomputers. Today, HPC is typically a mix of resources, including supercomputing and virtualized and bare metal servers, platforms for management, sharing and integration capabilities, and more. When coupled with the cloud, HPC is made more affordable, accessible, efficient and shareable.

What Is HPC?

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Sponsored Post: Ipdata, StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

Who's Hiring? 

  • InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform.

  • Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart. Make your job search O(1), not O(n). Apply here.

  • Need excellent people? Advertise your job here! 

Cool Products and Services

  • ipdata is a reliable IP Address Geolocation API that allows you to lookup the approximate location of any IP Address, detect proxies and identify a company from an IP Address. Trusted by 10,000+ developers. Try it now!

  • Developers care about shipping secure applications. Application security products and processes, however, have not kept up with advances in software development. There are a new breed of tools hitting the market that enable developers to take the lead on AppSec. Learn how engineering teams are using products like StackHawk and Snyk to add security bug testing to their CI pipelines.

  • Learn the stuff they don't teach you in the AWS docs. Filter out the distracting hype, and focus on the parts of AWS that you'd be foolish not to use. Learn the Good Parts of AWS. Created by former senior-level AWS engineers of 15 years.

  • Stateful JavaScript Apps. Effortlessly add state to your Javascript apps with FaunaDB. Generous free tier. Try now!

  • Learn to balance architecture trade-offs and design scalable enterprise-level software. Check out Educative.io's bestselling new 4-course learning track: Scalability and System Design for Developers. Join more than 300,000 other learners.  

  • Build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams with getstream.io. Try the API now in this 5 minute interactive tutorialStream is free up to 3 million feed updates so it's easy to get started. Client libraries are available for Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Java and .NET. Stream is currently also hiring Devops and Python/Go developers in Amsterdam. More than 400 companies rely on Stream for their production feed infrastructure, this includes apps with 30 million users. With your help we'd like to ad a few zeros to that number. Check out the job opening on AngelList.

  • Advertise your product or service here! 

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

Make Your Job Search O(1) — not O(n)

Triplebyte is unique because they're a team of engineers running their own centralized technical assessment. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart now let Triplebyte-recommended engineers skip their own screening steps.

We found that High Scalability readers are about 80% more likely to be in the top bracket of engineering skill.

Take Triplebyte's multiple-choice quiz (system design and coding questions) to see if they can help you scale your career faster.

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.


Sponsored Post: ipdata, StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

Who's Hiring? 

  • InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform.

  • Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart. Make your job search O(1), not O(n). Apply here.

  • Need excellent people? Advertise your job here! 

Cool Products and Services

  • ipdata is a reliable IP Address Geolocation API that allows you to lookup the approximate location of any IP Address, detect proxies and identify a company from an IP Address. Trusted by 10,000+ developers. Try it now!

  • Developers care about shipping secure applications. Application security products and processes, however, have not kept up with advances in software development. There are a new breed of tools hitting the market that enable developers to take the lead on AppSec. Learn how engineering teams are using products like StackHawk and Snyk to add security bug testing to their CI pipelines.

  • Learn the stuff they don't teach you in the AWS docs. Filter out the distracting hype, and focus on the parts of AWS that you'd be foolish not to use. Learn the Good Parts of AWS. Created by former senior-level AWS engineers of 15 years.

  • Stateful JavaScript Apps. Effortlessly add state to your Javascript apps with FaunaDB. Generous free tier. Try now!

  • Learn to balance architecture trade-offs and design scalable enterprise-level software. Check out Educative.io's bestselling new 4-course learning track: Scalability and System Design for Developers. Join more than 300,000 other learners.  

  • Build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams with getstream.io. Try the API now in this 5 minute interactive tutorialStream is free up to 3 million feed updates so it's easy to get started. Client libraries are available for Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Java and .NET. Stream is currently also hiring Devops and Python/Go developers in Amsterdam. More than 400 companies rely on Stream for their production feed infrastructure, this includes apps with 30 million users. With your help we'd like to ad a few zeros to that number. Check out the job opening on AngelList.

  • Advertise your product or service here! 

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

Make Your Job Search O(1) — not O(n)

Triplebyte is unique because they're a team of engineers running their own centralized technical assessment. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart now let Triplebyte-recommended engineers skip their own screening steps.

We found that High Scalability readers are about 80% more likely to be in the top bracket of engineering skill.

Take Triplebyte's multiple-choice quiz (system design and coding questions) to see if they can help you scale your career faster.

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.


Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For July 31st, 2020

Hey, it's HighScalability time!


Serverless is really complex. Or is it? @paulbiggar sparked a thoughtful Twitter thread.

Do you like this sort of Stuff? Without your support on Patreon this kind of Stuff won't happen. 

Usually I pitch my book Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 here, but if you're an author with books on Amazon I'd like to ask you to give Best Sellers Rank a try. I started it to send data to me about my own books, but in the best bootstrapping tradition I extended it to work for the entire planet.

Number Stuff:

Don't miss all that the Internet has to say on Scalability, click below and become eventually consistent with all scalability knowledge (which means this post has many more items to read so please keep on reading)...

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Sponsored Post: ipdata, StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

Who's Hiring? 

  • InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform.

  • Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart. Make your job search O(1), not O(n). Apply here.

  • Need excellent people? Advertise your job here! 

Cool Products and Services

  • ipdata is a reliable IP Address Geolocation API that allows you to lookup the approximate location of any IP Address, detect proxies and identify a company from an IP Address. Trusted by 10,000+ developers. Try it now!

  • Developers care about shipping secure applications. Application security products and processes, however, have not kept up with advances in software development. There are a new breed of tools hitting the market that enable developers to take the lead on AppSec. Learn how engineering teams are using products like StackHawk and Snyk to add security bug testing to their CI pipelines.

  • Learn the stuff they don't teach you in the AWS docs. Filter out the distracting hype, and focus on the parts of AWS that you'd be foolish not to use. Learn the Good Parts of AWS. Created by former senior-level AWS engineers of 15 years.

  • Stateful JavaScript Apps. Effortlessly add state to your Javascript apps with FaunaDB. Generous free tier. Try now!

  • Learn to balance architecture trade-offs and design scalable enterprise-level software. Check out Educative.io's bestselling new 4-course learning track: Scalability and System Design for Developers. Join more than 300,000 other learners.  

  • Build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams with getstream.io. Try the API now in this 5 minute interactive tutorialStream is free up to 3 million feed updates so it's easy to get started. Client libraries are available for Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Java and .NET. Stream is currently also hiring Devops and Python/Go developers in Amsterdam. More than 400 companies rely on Stream for their production feed infrastructure, this includes apps with 30 million users. With your help we'd like to ad a few zeros to that number. Check out the job opening on AngelList.

  • Advertise your product or service here! 

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

Make Your Job Search O(1) — not O(n)

Triplebyte is unique because they're a team of engineers running their own centralized technical assessment. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart now let Triplebyte-recommended engineers skip their own screening steps.

We found that High Scalability readers are about 80% more likely to be in the top bracket of engineering skill.

Take Triplebyte's multiple-choice quiz (system design and coding questions) to see if they can help you scale your career faster.

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.


Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For June 26th, 2020

Hey, it's HighScalability time!


Line noise? Perl? Still uncertain? It's how you program a quantum computer. Silq.

Do you like this sort of Stuff? Without your support on Patreon this kind of Stuff can't happen. You are that important to the fate of the smart and thoughtful world.

Know someone who could benefit from understanding the cloud? Of course you do. I wrote Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 just for them. On Amazon it has 115 mostly 5 star reviews. Here's a 100% gluten-free review:

Number Stuff:

Don't miss all that the Internet has to say on Scalability, click below and become eventually consistent with all scalability knowledge (which means this post has many more items to read so please keep on reading)...

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