Google's Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective

This is an unusually well written and useful paper. It talks in detail about experiences implementing a complex project, something we don't see very often. They shockingly even admit that creating a working implementation of Paxos was more difficult than just translating the pseudo code. Imagine that, programmers aren't merely typists! I particularly like the explanation of the Paxos algorithm and why anyone would care about it, working with disk corruption, using leases to support simultaneous reads, using epoch numbers to indicate a new master election, using snapshots to prevent unbounded logs, using MultiOp to implement database transactions, how they tested the system, and their openness with the various problems they had. A lot to learn here.
From the paper:
We describe our experience building a fault-tolerant data-base using the Paxos consensus algorithm. Despite the existing literature in the field, building such a database proved to be non-trivial. We describe selected algorithmic and engineering problems encountered, and the solutions we found for them. Our measurements indicate that we have built a competitive system.
It is well known that fault-tolerance on commodity hardware can be achieved through replication [17, 18]. A common approach is to use a consensus algorithm [7] to ensure that all replicas are mutually consistent [8, 14, 17]. By repeatedly applying such an algorithm on a sequence of input values, it is possible to build an identical log of values on each replica. If the values are operations on some data structure, application of the same log on all replicas may be used to arrive at mutually consistent data structures on all replicas. For instance, if the log contains a sequence of database operations, and if the same sequence of operations is applied to the (local) database on each replica, eventually all replicas will end up with the same database content (provided that they all started with the same initial database state).
This general approach can be used to implement a wide variety of fault-tolerant primitives, of which a fault-tolerant database is just an example. As a result, the consensus problem has been studied extensively over the past two decades. There are several well-known consensus algorithms that operate within a multitude of settings and which tolerate a variety of failures. The Paxos consensus algorithm [8] has been discussed in the theoretical [16] and applied community [10, 11, 12] for over a decade.
We used the Paxos algorithm (“Paxos”) as the base for a framework that implements a fault-tolerant log. We then relied on that framework to build a fault-tolerant database. Despite the existing literature on the subject, building a production system turned out to be a non-trivial task for a variety of reasons: While Paxos can be described with a page of pseudo-code, our complete implementation contains several thousand lines of C++ code. The blow-up is not due simply to the fact that we used C++ instead of pseudo notation, nor because our code style may have been verbose. Converting the algorithm into a practical, production-ready system involved implementing many features and optimizations – some published in the literature and some not.
• The fault-tolerant algorithms community is accustomed to proving short algorithms (one page of pseudo code) correct. This approach does not scale to a system with thousands of lines of code. To gain confidence in the “correctness” of a real system, different methods had to be used.
• Fault-tolerant algorithms tolerate a limited set of carefully selected faults. However, the real world exposes software to a wide variety of failure modes, including errors in the algorithm, bugs in its implementation, and operator error. We had to engineer the software and design operational procedures to robustly handle this wider set of failure modes.
• A real system is rarely specified precisely. Even worse, the specification may change during the im-plementation phase. Consequently, an implementation should be malleable. Finally, a system might “fail” due to a misunderstanding that occurred during its specification phase.
This paper discusses a selection of the algorithmic and engineering challenges we encountered in moving Paxos from theory to practice. This exercise took more R&D efforts than a straightforward translation of pseudo-code to C++ might suggest.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next two sections expand on the motivation for this project and describe the general environment into which our system was built. We then provide a quick refresher on Paxos. We divide our experiences into three categories and discuss each in turn: algorithmic gaps in the literature, software engineering challenges, and unexpected failures. We conclude with measurements of our system, and some broader observations on the state of the art in our field.
Reader Comments (2)
Just the other day I came across a similar system called Scalaris (formerly Chord). The system is a fault-tolerant distributed data store with ACID compliant transactions. For a great introduction watch">Building a transactional distributed data store with Erlang given at the Erlang eXchange conference in June. It was interesting to see how they tested the system by using the Wikipedia data, adapting their system to work with the data, and then subjecting it to an equivalent dynamic request load. Their system was able to handle the same loads with a dramatically lower amount of hardware and overall complexity.
Interestingly Kent Langley at has a nice post on Scalaris. I read a little and it looks interesting. It's just an attribute-value store however. If you want queries and sort orders and other hallmarks of civilization, you won't find it.