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Product: Func - Fedora Unified Network Controller

Func is used to manage a large network using bash or Python scripts. It targets easy and simple remote scripting and one-off tasks over SSH by creating a secure (SSL certifications) XMLRPC API for communication. Any kind of application can be written on top of it. Other configuration management tools specialize in mass configuration. They say here's what the machine should look like and keep it that way. Func allows you to program your cluster. If you've ever tried to securely remote script a gang of machines using SSH keys you know what a total nightmare that can be.

Some example commands:

Using the command line:
func "*.example.org" call yumcmd update

Using the Pthon API:
import func.overlord.client as fc
client = fc.Client("*.example.org;*.example.com")
print client.hardware.info()

Func may certainly overlap in functionality with other tools like Puppet and cfengine, but as programmers we always need more than one way to do it and definitely see how I could have used Func on a few projects.


Related Articles

  • High Scalability Operations Tag
  • Open source project: Func, the Fedora Unified Network Controller by Michael DeHaan.
  • Func, the Fedora Unified Network Controlle by Luca Foppiano
  • Multi-system administration with Func by Jake Edge.
  • Reader Comments (1)

    See also Capistrano (Ruby) SSH based.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterBernd Eckenfels

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