Not Invented Here: A Comical Series on Scalability

I read one of these poignantly humorous comics on Not Invented Here a while back and since I wasn't sure it was OK to repost I emailed asking for permission. Nada. Then I saw Martijn de Vrieze posted a collection of scalability comics from NIH and decided what the heck (click image to read on site):
Thanks to Martijn for curating the collection and NIH for creating them.
And I agree with Martijn, they do capture an ineffable quality about the entire space.
Reader Comments (1)
I didn't get your email, but if I had I would have given permission to you (as I have to others) to post a single strip from the series, and point people to the website to get the rest. And that's what I'd like you to do here, as Martijn has now also done.