The clouds are coming

A report from the CloudCamp conference on cloud computing, held in London in July 2008.
A report from the CloudCamp conference on cloud computing, held in London in July 2008.
Misusing HTTP sessions is probably the number one obstacle to building scalable web sites today. Here are some tips how to consume HTTP sessions responsibly.
It is fairly obvious that web site performance can be increased by making the code run faster and optimising the response time. But that only scales up to a point. To really take our web sites to the next level, we need to look at the performance problem from a different angle.
[Tim O'Reilly] Continuing my series of queries about how "Web 2.0" companies used databases, I asked Cal Henderson of Flickr to tell me "how the folksonomy model intersects with the traditional database. How do you manage a tag cloud?"
One of the most interesting new features of Oracle 11 is the new function result caching mechanism. Until now, making sure that a PL/SQL function gets executed only as many times as necessary was a black art. The new caching system makes that quite easy -- here is how it works.
Effective content caching is one of the key features of scalable web sites. Although there are several out-of-the-box options for caching with modern web technologies, a custom built cache still provides the best performance.