Cheap storage: how backblaze takes matters in hand

Blackblaze blogs about how they built their own storage infrastructure on the cheap to run their cloud backup service. This episode: the hardware.
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Blackblaze blogs about how they built their own storage infrastructure on the cheap to run their cloud backup service. This episode: the hardware.
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At one of my jobs I have to administer a CISCO ACE (application control engine) hardware load-balancer.
I don't particularly love this beast, but it's very very powerful.
There appears to be little real-world info out there, so it could be interesting writing an article on that.
But I don't have other HW LB's to compare it to and I don't want to rehash the product page.
What would interest you in a 'product review' of a loadbalancer?
No replies means it's not an interesting topic, so no article then ;-)
In this blog post BJ Clark overviews the available key-value stores that aren't SQL based.
On some projects he yields interesting experiences. Make sure to check out the comments as well.
The post has spread throughout social tiny text services so there is a chance you've already read it, but still worthwhile to put here., a French domain registrar has launched a very flexible dynamic resource allocated VPS service.