Entries in Database (63)


a8cjdbc - Database Clustering via JDBC

Practically any software project nowadays could not survive without a database (DBMS) backend storing all the business data that is vital to you and/or your customers. When projects grow larger, the amount of data usually grows larger exponentially. So you start moving the DBMS to a separate server to gain more speed and capacity. Which is all good and healthy but you do not gain any extra safety for this business data. You might be backing up your database once a day so in case the database server crashes you don't lose EVERYTHING, but how much can you really afford to lose? Well clearly this depends on what kind of data you are storing. In our case the users of our solutions use our software products to do their everyday (all day) work. They have "everything" they need for their business stored in the database we are providing. So is 24 hours of data loss acceptable? No, not really. One hour? Maybe. But what we really want is a second database running with the EXACT same data. We mostly use PostgreSQL which does not have built in database replication. There is some solution based on triggers to replicate the data from one database to another one. We have learned that setting all this up on an existing database with plenty of tables is rather complicated and changing the database structure afterwards can not be done with simple create/alter statements anymore. And since we ARE running solutions that constantly change and improve, we need to be able to deploy updates including database structure changes quickly and easily. So what we really wanted was a transparent JDBC layer that does the replication for us. We tested a great solution called "Sequoia", but it is also a rather heavy-weight product with a lot of features that did not really help in the performance department and that we didn't need anyway. What we needed was:

  • a JDBC driver so the application does not know anything about the replication
  • of course: transactional safety for write operations
  • load-balanced reads (we are running 2 database servers, so why waste the ability to do parallel reads from 2 servers and almost multiply the performance by 2?)
  • for backups: the ability to detach one server, do the backup on that machine and then reattach the server
  • automatic and transparent failover / failsafe
  • Fast In-VM-Replication - no serialisation
  • Easy integration

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Paper: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store

Update 2: Read/WriteWeb has a good article talking about the scalability issues of relational databases and how Dynamo solves them: Amazon Dynamo: The Next Generation Of Virtual Distributed Storage. But since Dynamo is just another frustrating walled garden protected by barbed wire and guard dogs, its relevance is somewhat overstated. Update: Greg Linden has a take on the paper where he questions some of Amazon's design choices: emphasizing write availability over fast reads, a lack of indexing support, use of random distribution for load balancing, and punting on some scalability issues. Werner Vogels, Amazon's avuncular CTO, just announced a new paper on the internal database technology Amazon uses to handle tens of millions customers. I'll dive into more details later, but I thought you'd want to read it hot off the blog. The bad news is it won't be a service. They are keeping this tech not so secret, but very safe. Happily, it's another real-life example to learn from. As many top websites use a highly tuned key-value database at their core instead of a RDBMS, it's an important technology to understand. From the abstract you can get a feel for what the paper is about:

Reliability at massive scale is one of the biggest challenges we face at Amazon.com, one of the largest e-commerce operations in the world; even the slightest outage has significant financial consequences and impacts customer trust. The Amazon.com platform, which provides services for many web sites worldwide, is implemented on top of an infrastructure of tens of thousands of servers and network components located in many datacenters around the world. At this scale, small and large components fail continuously and the way persistent state is managed in the face of these failures drives the reliability and scalability of the software systems. This paper presents the design and implementation of Dynamo, a highly available key-value storage system that some of Amazon’s core services use to provide an “always-on” experience. To achieve this level of availability, Dynamo sacrifices consistency under certain failure scenarios. It makes extensive use of object versioning and application-assisted conflict resolution in a manner that provides a novel interface for developers to use.
My first impressions after reading the paper:
  • Wow. But crap, I'll never be able to build anything like that. This is really competition through better infrastructure. Take that Google :-)
  • Their purposeful embracing of probability and manged centers of uncertainty must be dizzying for those from a RDBMS background. In a RDBMS it's all right angles. You write something and it's assumed consistent, correct, and durable. Now, how do you do this at scale across multiple data centers under failure conditions? There's the rub. So Amazon says writes must go through and we will deal with the complexities that model generates. They version objects and merge them later. Who does that? I love it, because when delve into these problems you realize you need this type of functionality, but it's too complex, so you back away and continue trying to force a square peg in a round whole. To have no fear to go where your requirements leads you is real engineering.
  • Can you imagine finding a problem in that system? I'd love to be a fly in those debugging sessions. But infrastructure takes on self-consciousness of its own when dealing with complex problems, so you just have to deal with knowing you don't know anymore. A lot of this thinking is driven by the CAP conjecture which states it's impossible for a web service to simultaneously guarantee consistency, availability, and partition-tolerance. When you get over your initial "that can't be true" reaction and embrace it, you get something like Dynamo. I'd really love to hear what you guys think about Dynamo.

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  • Thursday

    Product: Sequoia Database Clustering Technology

    Sequoia is a transparent middleware solution offering clustering, load balancing and failover services for any database. Sequoia is the continuation of the C-JDBC project. The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and Sequoia balances the queries among these nodes. Sequoia handles node and network failures with transparent failover. It also provides support for hot recovery, online maintenance operations and online upgrades.

    Features in a nutshell

  • No modification of existing applications or databases.
  • Operational with any database providing a JDBC driver.
  • High availability provided by advanced RAIDb technology.
  • Transparent failover and recovery capabilities.
  • Performance scalability with unique load balancing and query result caching features.
  • Integrated JMX-based administration and monitoring.
  • 100% Java implementation allowing portability across platforms with a JRE 1.4 or greater.
  • Open source licensed under Apache v2 license.
  • Professional support, training and consulting provided by Continuent Inc∞. Sequoia is the core technology providing database clustering capabilities. It is composed of a controller implementing the RAIDb (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Databases)∞ technology. Sequoia controllers are replicated for HA and scalability purposes. Controllers use group communication to synchronize the cluster. Hedera∞ is a group communication wrapper that can be plugged to work with multiple group communication implementations such as Appia∞, JGroups or Spread. Sequoia comes with a JDBC driver for Java application. Additional drivers for PHP, Perl, ODBC∞, MySQL native API∞ and C/C++ applications are also provided through the Carob project∞. with transparent failover capabilities.

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