Entries in ibm (4)


Scale-up vs. Scale-out: A Case Study by IBM using Nutch/Lucene

Scale-up solutions in the form of large SMPs have represented the mainstream of commercial computing for the past several years. The major server vendors continue to provide increasingly larger and more powerful machines. More recently, scale-out solutions, in the form of clusters of smaller machines, have gained increased acceptance for commercial computing.
Scale-out solutions are particularly effective in high-throughput web-centric applications. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of two competing approaches to parallelism, scale-up and scale-out, in an emerging search application. Our conclusions show that a scale-out strategy can be the key to good performance even on a scale-up machine.
Furthermore, scale-out solutions offer better price/performance, although at an increase in management complexity.

Read more about scaling out/up and about the conclusions here (PDF - you can also download it)

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IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale (IMDG)

IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale is IBMs in memory data grid product (IMDG). It can be used as a key-value store which partitions the keys (using a form of consistent hashing) over a set of servers such that each server is responsible for a subset of the keys. It automatically handles replication which can be either synchronous of asynchronous and handles advanced placement so that replicas can be placed in different physical zones when compared to the placement of the primary. Think buildings, racks, floor, data centers. It is fully elastic in that servers can be added and removed and it automatically redistributes the partition primaries and backups. It can be scaled from one server to hundreds if not thousands of JVMs in a single grid. Each additional server provides more CPU, memory capacity and network and it scales linearly with grid growth. It also has a key-graph mode where a graph of objects can be associated with a single key and it allows fine grained modification of that graph. The object graph and key is stored in tuple form in this mode. This allows clients using different object representations of some subset of the IMDG schema to share data stored in the IMDG. It comes with automatic integration with databases so that values are automatically pulled from a database if not present and are written to the database when they change. Write behind logic allows writes to the database to be much more efficient and allows the grid to run with the database down. It comes with a HTTP Session filter to provide HTTP Session management for servlet containers. It have a flexible deployment model allowing a lot of customization by customers. We do a weekly video podcast on iTunes (search for extreme scale in iTunes) and make it available on YouTube also for customer education. We answer customer questions and forum topics from the week in a casual two person chat forum.

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DB2 Express-C

Searching around the HS website I noticed that there are no articles regarding db2, which has an express edition, free of charge and from what I know there aren't any restrictions. Being a powerful database system I thought it could make be an alternative to MySQL, PostgreSQL databases. Here is the IBM statement: "DB2 Express Edition for Community (DB2 Express-C) is a no charge data server for use in development and deployment. DB2 Express-C supports a full range of APIs, drivers, and interfaces for application development including PHP, C/C++, and .NET. In addition, DB2 Express-C V9 contains advanced XML features. DB2 Express-C provides ISVs an ideal starting database server for Web, enterprise, and eBusiness applications. This IBM Redbook provides fundamentals of DB2 application development with DB2 Express-C. It covers the DB2 Express-C installation and configuration for application development and skills and techniques for building DB2 applications with XML, PHP, C/C++, Java, and .NET. Code examples are used to demonstrate how to develop a DB2 application in a different language. By following the examples provided, you will be able to learn DB2 application development with XML, PHP, C/C++, Java, and .NET in a short time." Download the redbook about db2 express-c.

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WebSphere Commerce High Availability and Performance Configurations

Nobody came up with an example of a website powered by a Websphere product (which has a community edition) and backed up by a DB2 database. I guess you all know about usopen.org so here's the story: While the re-emergence of 35-year-old Andre Agassi and the continued dominance of wunderkind Maria Sharapova have highlighted the on-court headlines at this year's U.S. Open Tennis Championships in Flushing Meadows, N.Y., IBM is hoping its new Power5 chip-based IT support for USOpen.org can make news among those more interested in .NET than tennis nets. Big Blue has partnered with the U.S. Tennis Association and the U.S. Open -- the most prestigious tennis tournament in the U.S. -- since 1992. Together, they launched USOpen.org in 1995 so racket heads could follow the matches online. The iSeries' role this year is in powering a Web-based end-user application called "Point Tracker," a graphics tool using autonomic technology that recreates the trajectory of every shot. On-court cameras capture and record ball position data for every forehand, ace and volley. Once that data is integrated with the scoring data, the shot data is pushed to the Web site to enable visitors to follow the action online. IBM is running the Web site on an eServer pSeries system, a Power5-based server. Two pSeries systems, models p550 -- released two weeks ago -- and p570, replaced Web and application servers to help automate the infrastructure that supports the Web site. The 2005 U.S. Open Web site traffic will be managed by Big Blue from a "virtualized" server environment at one of the three hosting locations. According to IBM, the pSeries systems allow IBM to consolidate several servers onto two larger boxes. The pSeries p5 systems handle USOpen.org workloads from Web serving to fan polling, feedback and player search applications, which are managed from each pSeries p5 server as a virtualized environment using Power-based virtualization technologies such as Micro-Partitioning, Virtual I/O Server and Partition Load Manager, which consolidate AIX 5L and multiple Linux operating environments onto a single system. Approximately 2.8 million fans visited USOpen.org during the two-week tournament in 2004. More information on this technologies can be found here: Quote from IBM redbooks: Building a high performance and high availability commerce site is not a trivial task -- from having right capacity hardware to handle the workload to properly testing the code change before deploying in production site. This redbook covers several major areas that need to be considered when using WebSphere Commerce Server and provide solution on how to address them. Here are some of the topics: 1. How to build a Commerce site to deal with various kind of unplanned outage? Topic including utilizing WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment 6.0 and IBM DB2 High Availability disaster Recovery (HADR) in Commerce environment. 2. How to build a Commerce site to deal with planned outages such as software fix and operation update? Topic including uses of WebSphere Application Server's Rolling update feature and uses of Commerce's Staging Server and Content Management. 3. How to proactively monitoring the commerce site prevent potential problem happening? Various Tools should be discussed including various WebSphere Application Server build-in tools and Tivoli's Composite Application Management. 4. How to utilized dynacache to future enhance your Commerce Site's performance? Topics includes additional Commerce command caching introduce in Commerce Fix pack and e-spot caching. 5. What's the methodology of doing performance and scalability testing on Commerce site? Tools that may be covered included Tivoli Performance Tester 6. Techniques on migrate a high volume Commerce site to newer Commerce release. " end Quote Maybe some of us can find this useful, Websphere Community Edition is a free Java™ EE 5 server for building and managing Java™ applications. Download this Redbook

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