Entries in P2P (7)


P2P server technology?

Is there any type of server technology that allows visitors to a website to become part of the server? Like with bittorrent, users share some of their bandwidth, so would this be possible with web servers where a person goes to a website, downloads and runs the software which makes their internet connection and cpu and hdd become part of the web server?

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IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale (IMDG)

IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale is IBMs in memory data grid product (IMDG). It can be used as a key-value store which partitions the keys (using a form of consistent hashing) over a set of servers such that each server is responsible for a subset of the keys. It automatically handles replication which can be either synchronous of asynchronous and handles advanced placement so that replicas can be placed in different physical zones when compared to the placement of the primary. Think buildings, racks, floor, data centers. It is fully elastic in that servers can be added and removed and it automatically redistributes the partition primaries and backups. It can be scaled from one server to hundreds if not thousands of JVMs in a single grid. Each additional server provides more CPU, memory capacity and network and it scales linearly with grid growth. It also has a key-graph mode where a graph of objects can be associated with a single key and it allows fine grained modification of that graph. The object graph and key is stored in tuple form in this mode. This allows clients using different object representations of some subset of the IMDG schema to share data stored in the IMDG. It comes with automatic integration with databases so that values are automatically pulled from a database if not present and are written to the database when they change. Write behind logic allows writes to the database to be much more efficient and allows the grid to run with the database down. It comes with a HTTP Session filter to provide HTTP Session management for servlet containers. It have a flexible deployment model allowing a lot of customization by customers. We do a weekly video podcast on iTunes (search for extreme scale in iTunes) and make it available on YouTube also for customer education. We answer customer questions and forum topics from the week in a casual two person chat forum.

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Paper: GargantuanComputing—GRIDs and P2P

I found the discussion of the available bandwidth of tree vs higher dimensional virtual networks topologies quite, to quote Spock, fascinating: A mathematical analysis by Ritter (2002) (one of the original developers of Napster) presented a detailed numerical argument demonstrating that the Gnutella network could not scale to the capacity of its competitor, the Napster network. Essentially, that model showed that the Gnutella network is severely bandwidth-limited long before the P2P population reaches a million peers. In each of these previous studies, the conclusions have overlooked the intrinsic bandwidth limits of the underlying topology in the Gnutella network: a Cayley tree (Rains and Sloane 1999) (see Sect. 9.4 for the definition). Trees are known to have lower aggregate bandwidth than higher dimensional topologies, e.g., hypercubes and hypertori. Studies of interconnection topologies in the literature have tended to focus on hardware implementations (see, e.g., Culler et al. 1996; Buyya 1999), which are generally limited by the cost of the chips and wires to a few thousand nodes. P2P networks, on the other hand, are intended to support from hundreds of thousands to millions of simultaneous peers, and since they are implemented in software, hyper-topologies are relatively unfettered by the economics of hardware. In this chapter, we analyze the scalability of several alternative topologies and compare their throughput up to 2–3 million peers. The virtual hypercube and the virtual hypertorus offer near-linear scalable bandwidth subject to the number of peer TCP/IP connections that can be simultaneously kept open.

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Wuala - P2P Online Storage Cloud

How do you design a reliable distributed file system when the expected availability of the individual nodes are only ~1/5? That is the case for P2P systems. Dominik Grolimund, the founder of a Swiss startup Caleido will show you how! They have launched Wuala, the social online storage service which scales as new nodes join the P2P network. The goal of Wua.la is to provide distributed online storage that is:

  • large
  • scalable
  • reliable
  • secure
by harnessing the idle resources of participating computers. This challenge is an old dream of computer science. In fact as Andrew Tanenbaum wrote in 1995: "The design of a world-wide, fully transparent distributed filesystem fot simultaneous use by millions of mobile and frequently disconnected users is left as an exercise for the reader" After three years of research and development at at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology on a distributed storage system, Caleido is ready to unveil the result: Wuala. Wuala is a new way of storing, sharing, and publishing files on the internet. It enables its users to trade parts of their local storage for online storage and it allows us to provide a better service for free. In this Google Tech Talk, Dominik will explain what Wuala is and how it works, and he will also show a demo. The availability problem is solved by redundancy (just like in Google File System). However simple replication techniques would result in too much overhead because of the low availability of the nodes. Instead Wuala employs erasure coding and splits the data into small pieces. Optimal erasure codes produce n/r fragments where any n fragments is sufficient to recover the original message. These pieces are then distributed in the P2P network providing good availability at a reasonable overhead. The P2P network consists of client, storage and routing nodes. The Wuala architecture uses a mix of regular and random graphs to optimize routing. Dominik also explains how Wuala architecture is designed to provide security and fairness. Wuala employs the 128 bit AES algorithm for encryption and the 2048 bit RSA algorithm for authentication. If you're interested in how Wuala manages encryption, have a look at their publication on Cryptree. They have also implemented distributed reputation audit and maintenance functions. Check out the Tech Talk! It is worth the time!

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Paper: Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web

Consistent hashing is one of those ideas that really puts the science in computer science and reminds us why all those really smart people spend years slaving over algorithms. Consistent hashing is "a scheme that provides hash table functionality in a way that the addition or removal of one slot does not significantly change the mapping of keys to slots" and was originally a way of distributing requests among a changing population of web servers. My first reaction to the idea was "wow, that's really smart" and I sadly realized I would never come up with something so elegant. I then immediately saw applications for it everywhere. And consistent hashing is used everywhere: distributed hash tables, overlay networks, P2P, IM, caching, and CDNs. Here's the abstract from the original paper and after the abstract are some links to a few very good articles with accessible explanations of consistent hashing and its applications in the real world. Abstract: We describe a family of caching protocols for distributed networks that can be used to decrease or eliminate the occurrence of hot spots in the network. Our protocols are particularly designed for use with very large networks such as the Internet, where delays caused by hot spots can be severe, and where it is not feasible for every server to have complete information about the current state of the entire network. The protocols are easy to implement using existing network protocols such as TCP/IP, and require very little overhead. The protocols work with local control, make efficient use of existing resources, and scale gracefully as the network grows. Our caching protocols are based on a special kind of hashing that we call consistent hashing. Roughly speaking, a consistent hash function is one which changes minimally as the range of the function changes. Through the development of good consistent hash functions, we are able to develop caching protocols which do not require users to have a current or even consistent view of the network. We believe that consistent hash functions may eventually prove to be useful in other applications such as distributed name servers and/or quorum systems. Other excellent resources for learning more about consistent hashing are at:

  • Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web
  • Consistent Hashing by Tom White. A good explanation and some actual Java code as an implementation.
  • Programmer’s Toolbox Part 3: Consistent Hashing by Tom Kleinpeter. Another good explanation with an emphasis on useful applications: load distribution on failure, load tuning by capacity, method for bringing servers on line, redundant caching to protect the database in case of failure.
  • Distributed Hash Tables: an infrastructure that can be used to build more complex services, such as distributed file systems, peer-to-peer file sharing and content distribution systems, cooperative web caching, multicast, anycast, domain name services, and instant messaging. Notable distributed networks that use DHTs include BitTorrent (with extensions), eDonkey network, YaCy, and the Coral Content Distribution Network.
  • Chord - a peer-to-peer lookup algorithm. It allows a distributed set of participants to agree on a single node as a rendezvous point for a given key, without any central coordination.
  • Dynamo, Amazon's database uses consistent hashing.
  • Replication Under Scalable Hashing: A Family of Algorithms for Scalable Decentralized Data Distribution

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  • Friday

    Joost Network Architecture

    Colm MacCarthaigh, Network Architect at Joost, gave this presentation at the UK Network Operators' Forum Meeting in Manchester on April 3rd, 2007.

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    Skype Failed the Boot Scalability Test: Is P2P fundamentally flawed?

    Skype's 220 millions users lost service for a stunning two days. The primary cause for Skype's nightmare (can you imagine the beeper storm that went off?) was a massive global roll-out of a Window's patch triggering the simultaneous reboot of millions of machines across the globe. The secondary cause was a bug in Skype's software that prevented "self-healing" in the face of such attacks. The flood of log-in requests and a lack of "peer-to-peer resources" melted their system. Who's fault is it? Is Skype to blame? Is Microsoft to blame? Or is the peer-to-peer model itself fundamentally flawed in some way? Let's be real, how could Skype possibly test booting 220 million servers over a random configuration of resources? Answer: they can't. Yes, it's Skype's responsibility, but they are in a bit of a pickle on this one. The boot scenario is one of the most basic and one of the most difficult scalability scenarios to plan for and test. You can't simulate the viciousness of real-life conditions in a lab because only real-life has the variety of configurations and the massive resources needed to simulate itself. It's like simulating the universe. How do you simulate the universe if the computational matrix you need is the universe itself? You can't. You end up building smaller models and those models sometimes fail. I worked at set-top company for a while and our big boot scenario was the restart of entire neighbor hoods after a power failure. To make an easy upgrade path, each set-top downloaded their image from the head-end on boot, only a boot image was in EEPROM. This is a very stressful scenario for the system. How do you test it? How do you test thousands of booting set-tops when they don't even exist yet? How do you test the network characteristics of a cable system in the lab? How do you design a system not to croak under the load? Cleverness. One part of the solution was really cool. The boot images were continually broadcast over the network so each set-top would pick up blocks of the boot image. The image would be stitched together from blocks rather than having thousands of boxes individually download images, which would never work. This massively reduced the traffic over the network. Clever tricks like this can get you a long ways. Work. Great pools of workstations were used simulate set-tops and software was made to insert drops and simulate asymmetric network communications. But how could we ever simulate 220 million different users? Then, no way. Maybe now you could use grid services like Amazon's EC2. Help from your friends. Microsoft is not being a good neighbor. They should roll out updates at a much more gradual rate so these problems don't happen. Booting loads networks, taxes CPUs, fills queues, drops connections, stresses services, increases process switching, drops packets, encourages dead lock, steals RAM and file descriptors and other resources. So it would be nice if MS was smarter about their updates. But since you can't rely on such consideration, you always have to handle the load. I assume they used exponential backoff algorithms to limit login attempts, but with so many people this probably didn't matter. Perhaps they could insert a random wait to smooth out login traffic. But again, with so many people it probably won't matter. Perhaps they could stop automatic logins on boot? That would solve the problem at the expense of user convenience. No go. Perhaps their servers could be tuned to accept connections at a fast rate yet condition how quickly they respond to the rest of the login process? Not good enough I suppose. So how did Skype fix their problem? They explain it here : The parameters of the P2P network have been tuned to be smarter about how similar situations should be handled. Once we found the algorithmic fix to ensure continued operation in the face of high numbers of client reboots, the efforts focused squarely on stabilizing the P2P core. The fix means that we’ve tuned Skype’s P2P core so that it can cope with simultaneous P2P network load and core size changes similar to those that occurred on August 16. Whenever I see the word "tune" I get the premonition shivers. Tuning means you are just one unexpected problem away from being out of tune and your perfectly functioning symphony sounding like a band of percussion happy monkeys. Tuned things break under change. Tweak the cosmological constant just a little and wham, there's no human life. It needs to work by design. Or it needs to be self-adaptive and not finessed by human hands for each new disaster scenario. And this is where we get into the nature of P2P. Would the same problem have happened in a centralized architecture with resources spread strategically throughout the globe and automatic load balancing between different data centers? In a centralized model would it have been easier to bring more resources on line to handle the load? Would the outage have been easier to diagnose and last a much shorter amount of time? There are of course no definitive answers to these questions. But many of the web's most successful systems like YouTube, Amazon, Ebay, Google, GoogleTalk, and Flickr use a centralized model. They handle millions of users and massive amounts of content and have pretty good reliability records. Does P2P bring enough to the architecture that you should build a system around it? That to me is the interesting question that arises out of this incident.

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