Entries in Load Balancing (7)


Case Study: Pokémon GO on Google Cloud Load Balancing


There are a lot of cool nuggets in Google's New Book: The Site Reliability Workbook. If you haven't put it on your reading list, here's a tantalizing excerpt from CHAPTER 11 Managing Load by Cooper Bethea, Gráinne Sheerin, Jennifer Mace, and Ruth King with Gary Luo and Gary O’Connor.


Niantic launched Pokémon GO in the summer of 2016. It was the first new Pokémon game in years, the first official Pokémon smartphone game, and Niantic’s first project in concert with a major entertainment company. The game was a runaway hit and more popular than anyone expected—that summer you’d regularly see players gathering to duel around landmarks that were Pokémon Gyms in the virtual world.

Pokémon GO’s success greatly exceeded the expectations of the Niantic engineering team. Prior to launch, they load-tested their software stack to process up to 5x their most optimistic traffic estimates. The actual launch requests per second (RPS) rate was nearly 50x that estimate—enough to present a scaling challenge for nearly any software stack. To further complicate the matter, the world of Pokémon GO is highly interactive and globally shared among its users. All players in a given area see the same view of the game world and interact with each other inside that world. This requires that the game produce and distribute near-real-time updates to a state shared by all participants.

Scaling the game to 50x more users required a truly impressive effort from the Niantic engineering team. In addition, many engineers across Google provided their assis‐ tance in scaling the service for a successful launch. Within two days of migrating to GCLB, the Pokemon GO app became the single largest GCLB service, easily on par with the other top 10 GCLB services.

As shown in Figure 11-5, when it launched, Pokémon GO used Google’s regional Network Load Balancer (NLB) to load-balance ingress traffic across a Kubernetes cluster. Each cluster contained pods of Nginx instances, which served as Layer 7 reverse proxies that terminated SSL, buffered HTTP requests, and performed routing and load balancing across pods of application server backends.

Figure 11-5. Pokémon GO (pre-GCLB)

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Can How Bees Solve their Load Balancing Problems Help Build More Scalable Websites?

Bees have a similar problem to website servers: how to do a lot of work with limited resources in an ever changing environment. Usually lessons from biology are hard to apply to computer problems. Nature throws hardware at problems. Billions and billions of cells cooperate at different levels of organizations to find food, fight lions, and make sure your DNA is passed on. Nature's software is "simple," but her hardware rocks. We do the opposite. For us hardware is in short supply so we use limited hardware and leverage "smart" software to work around our inability to throw hardware at problems. But we might be able to borrow some load balancing techniques from bees. What do bees do that we can learn from? Bees do a dance to indicate the quality and location of a nectar source. When a bee finds a better source they do a better dance and resources shift to the new location. This approach may seem inefficient, but it turns out to be "optimal for the unpredictable nectar world." Craig Tovey and Sunil Nakrani are trying to apply these lessons to more efficiently allocate work to servers: Tovey and Nakrani set to work translating the bee strategy for these idle Internet servers. They developed a virtual “dance floor” for a network of servers. When one server receives a user request for a certain Web site, an internal advertisement (standing in a little less colorfully for the dance) is placed on the dance floor to attract any available servers. The ad’s duration depends on the demand on the site and how much revenue its users may generate. The longer an ad remains on the dance floor, the more power available servers devote to serving the Web site requests advertised. Sounds like an open source project that could get a lot of good buzz. You can imagine lots of cool logos and sweet project names. Maybe it could be sponsored by the Honey council?

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Product: lbpool - Load Balancing JDBC Pool

From the website: The lbpool project provides a load balancing JDBC driver for use with DB connection pools. It wraps a normal JDBC driver providing reconnect semantics in the event of additional hardware availability, partial system failure, or uneven load distribution. It also evenly distributes all new connections among slave DB servers in a given pool. Each time connect() is called it will attempt to use the best server with the least system load. The biggest scalability issue with large applications that are mostly READ bound is the number of transactions per second that the disks in your cluster can handle. You can generally solve this in two ways. 1. Buy bigger and faster disks with expensive RAID controllers. 2. Buy CHEAP hardware on CHEAP disks but lots of machines. We prefer the cheap hardware approach and lbpool allows you to do this. Even if you *did* manage to use cheap hardware most load balancing hardware is expensive, requires a redundant balancer (if it were to fail), and seldom has native support for MySQL. The lbpool driver addresses all these needs. The original solution was designed for use within MySQL replication clusters. This generally involves a master server handling all writes with a series of slaves which handle all reads. In this situation we could have hundreds of slaves and lbpool would load balance queries among the boxes. If you need more read performance just buy more boxes. If any of them fail it won't hurt your application because lbpool will simply block for a few seconds and move your queries over to a new production server. In this post Kevin Burton of Spinn3r mentions they've been using this product to good effect for handling MySQL replication faults, balancing, and crashed servers.

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Paper: Understanding and Building High Availability/Load Balanced Clusters

A superb explanation by Theo Schlossnagle of how to deploy a high availability load balanced system using mod backhand and Wackamole. The idea is you don't need to buy expensive redundant hardware load balancers, you can make use of the hosts you already have to the same effect. The discussion of using peer-based HA solutions versus a single front-end HA device is well worth the read. Another interesting perspective in the document is to view load balancing as a resource allocation problem. There's also a nice discussion of the negative of effect of keep-alives on performance.

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Product: Wackamole

Wackamole is an application that helps with making a cluster highly available. It manages a bunch of virtual IPs, that should be available to the outside world at all times. Wackamole ensures that a single machine within a cluster is listening on each virtual IP address that Wackamole manages. If it discovers that particular machines within the cluster are not alive, it will almost immediately ensure that other machines acquire these public IPs. At no time will more than one machine listen on any virtual IP. Wackamole also works toward achieving a balanced distribution of number IPs on the machine within the cluster it manages. There is no other software like Wackamole. Wackamole is quite unique in that it operates in a completely peer-to-peer mode within the cluster. Other products that provide the same high-availability guarantees use a "VIP" method. Wackamole is an application that runs as root in a cluster to make it highly available. It uses the membership notifications provided by the Spread toolkit to generate a consistent state that is agreed upon among all of the connected Wackamole instances. Wackamole is released under the CNDS Open Source License. Note: This post has been adapted from the linked to web site.

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  • Wednesday

    Save on a Load Balancer By Using Client Side Load Balancing

    In Client Side Load Balancing for Web 2.0 Applications author Lei Zhu suggests a very interesting approach to load balancing: forget DNS round robbin, toss your expensive load balancer, and make your client do the load balancing for you. Your client maintains a list of possible servers and cycles through them. All the details are explained in the article, but it's an intriguing idea, especially for the budget conscious startup.

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    Coyote Point Load Balancing Systems

    Appliances that: * Ensures Non-Stop application availability * Improves network and server maintainability * Delivers Enterprise-grade gigabit content switching * Offers true Application Acceleration * Provides maximum throughput at minimal cost

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