Entries in serverless (7)


Is Serverless the New Visual Basic?

With Serverless hiring less experienced developers can work out better than hiring experienced cloud developers. That's an interesting point I haven't heard before and it was made by Paul Johnston, CTO of movivo, in The ServerlessCast #6 - Event-Driven Design Thinking.

The thought process goes something like this...

An experienced cloud developer will probably think procedurally, in terms of transactional systems, frameworks, and big fat containers that do lots of work. 

That's not how a Serverless developer needs to think. A Serverless developer needs to think in terms of small functions that do one thing linked together by events; and they need to grok asynchronous and distributed thinking.

So the idea is you don't need typical developer skills. Paul finds people with sysadmin skills have the right stuff. Someone with a sysadmin background is more likely than a framework developer to understand the distributed thinking that goes with building an entire system of events.

Paul also makes the point that once a system has built experienced developers will get bored because Serverless systems don't require the same amount of maintenance.

For example, they had good success hiring a person with two years of vo-tech on-the-job training because they didn't have the baggage of working with frameworks and servers and all of those kind of things. That baggage gets in the way.

So hire younger, hungrier developers who don't have that experience behind them. 

Obviously "younger, hungrier" and "less experienced" also means cheaper, not that there's anything wrong with that. Developers are hard to find.

We've seen this kind of thing before. Using Visual Basic lots of systems were built that did real and important work for companies by relatively inexperienced people because VB made it so easy to write a Windows program. It was really difficult and time-consuming to write a Windows program, like it's really difficult and time-consuming to write a cloud program today. Like VB, Serverless radically reduces the expertise needed to write a cloud program. 

Though they got the job done, most of those VB programs were technical debt bombs. Over time as more and more functionality was bolted on they became hard to understand, hard to change, hard to test, and were poorly designed. Your classic Big Ball of Mud.

A lot of the problem was VB made it easy to include business logic in event handlers, so there was no layering, the GUI was the orchestrator. This made VB programs hard to test. Serverless also has this problem. Inexperienced programmers also used a lot of global variables in VB programs so there wasn't a clean separation of concerns. Coupling was high and cohesion was low. Serverless also has this problem, though obviously there are no global variables in the code, the database effectively becomes a store for global variables that can be accessed from any Serverless function.

It will be interesting to see if Serverless can avoid VB's fate.

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Faster Networks + Cheaper Messages => Microservices => Functions => Edge

When Adrian Cockroft—the guy who helped put the loud in Cloud through his energetic evangelism of Cloud Native and Microservice architectures—talks about what’s next, it pays to listen. And you can listen, here’s a fascinating forward looking talk he gave at microXchg 2017: Shrinking Microservices to Functions. It’s typically Cockroftian: understated, thoughtful, and full of insight drawn from experience.

Adrian makes a compelling case that the same technology drivers, faster networking and cheaper messaging, that drove the move to Microservices are now driving the move to Functions.

The payoffs are all those you’ve no doubt heard about Serverless for some time, but Adrian develops them in an interesting way. He traces how architectures have evolved over time. Take a look at my gloss of his talk for more details.

What’s next after Functions? Adrian talks about pushing Lambda functions to the edge. A topic I’m excited about and have been interested in for sometime, though I didn’t quite see it playing out like this.

Datacenters disappear. Functions are not running in an AWS region anymore, code is placed near the customer using a CDN at CDN endpoints. Now you have a fully distributed, at the edge, low latency, milliseconds from the customer way of running code. Now you can build architectures that are partly in the datacenter, partly at the edge, and partly at the customer premises. And since this is AWS, it’s all, of course, built around Lambda. AWS Greengrass and Snowball Edge are peeks into what the future might look like.

There’s a hidden tension here. Once you put code at the edge you violate two of Lambda’s key assumptions: functions are composed using scalable backend services; low latency messaging. The edge will have a high latency path back to services in the datacenter, so how do you make a function based distributed application at the edge? Does edge computing argue for a more retro architecture with fewer messages back to a more monolithic core?

Or does edge computing require something completely different? Here’s one thought as to what that something completely different might look like: Datanet: A New CRDT Database That Let's You Do Bad Bad Things To Distributed Data.

Now, let’s see the future by first taking a tour of the past….

From Monoliths, to Microservices, to Functions

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Part 4 of Thinking Serverless —  Addressing Security Issues

This is a guest repost by Ken Fromm, a 3x tech co-founder — Vivid Studios, Loomia, and Iron.io. Here's Part 1 and 2 and 3

This post is the last of a four-part series of that will dive into developing applications in a serverless way. These insights are derived from several years working with hundreds of developers while they built and operated serverless applications and functions.

The platform was the serverless platform from Iron.io but these lessons can also apply to AWS LambdaGoogle Cloud FunctionsAzure Functions, and IBM’s OpenWhisk project.

Arriving at a good definition of cloud IT security is difficult especially in the context of highly scalable distributed systems like those found in serverless platforms. The purpose of this post is to not to provide an exhaustive set of principles but instead highlight areas that developers, architects, and security officers might wish to consider when evaluating or setting up serverless platforms.

Serverless Processing — Similar But Different

High-scale task processing is certainly not a new concept in IT as it has parallels that date back to the days of job processing on mainframes. The abstraction layer provided by serverless process — in combination with large-scale cloud infrastructure and advanced container technologies — does, however, bring about capabilities that are markedly different than even just a few years ago.

By plugging into an serverless computing platforms, developers do not need to provision resources based on current or anticipated loads or put great effort into planning for new projects. Working and thinking at the task level means that developers are not paying for resources they are not using. Also, regardless of the number of projects in production or in development, developers using serverless processing do not have to worry about managing resources or provisioning systems.

While serving as Iron.io’s security officer, I answered a number of security questionnaires from customers. One common theme is that they were all in need of a serious update to bring them forward into this new world. Very few had any accommodation for cloud computing much less serverless processing.

Most questionnaires still viewed servers as persistent entities needing constant care and feeding. They presumed physical resources as opposed to virtualization, autoscaling, shared resources, and separation of concerns. Their questions lack differentiation between data centers and development and operation centers. A few still asked for the ability to physically inspect data centers which is, by and large, not really an option these days. And very few addressed APIs, logging, data persistence, or data retention.

The format of the sections below follows the order found in many of these security questionnaires as well as several cloud security policies. The order has been flipped a bit to start with areas where developers can have an impact. Later sections will address platform and system issues which teams will want to be aware of but are largely in the domain of serverless platforms and infrastructure providers.

Security Topics

Data Security

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Business Case for Serverless

You can’t pick a technical direction without considering the business implications. Mat Ellis, Founder/CEO of Cloudability, in a recent CloudCast episode, makes the business case for Serverless. The argument goes something like:

  • Enterprises know they can’t run services cheaper than Amazon. Even if the cost is 2x the extra agility of the cloud is often worth the multiple.

  • So enterprises are moving to the cloud.

  • Moving to the cloud is a move to services. How do you build services now? Using Serverless.

  • With services businesses use a familiar cost per unit billing model, they can think of paying for services as a cost per database query, cost per terabyte of data, and so on.

  • Since employees are no longer managing boxes and infrastructure they can now focus entirely on business goals.

  • There’s now an opportunity to change business models. Serverless will make new businesses economically viable because they can do things they could never do before based on price and capabilities.

  • Serverless makes it faster to iterate and deploy new code which makes it faster to find a proper product/market fit.

  • Smaller teams with smaller budgets with smaller revenues can do things now that only big companies could do before. Serverless attempts to industrialise developer impact.

  • Consider WhatsApp, which sold to Facebook for $19 billion with only 55 employees. If we’re going to see the first single employee billion user multi-billion dollar valuation startup it will likely be built on Serverless.


Part 3 of Thinking Serverless —  Dealing with Data and Workflow Issues

This is a guest repost by Ken Fromm, a 3x tech co-founder — Vivid Studios, Loomia, and Iron.io. Here's Part 1 and 2

This post is the third of a four-part series of that will dive into developing applications in a serverless way. These insights are derived from several years working with hundreds of developers while they built and operated serverless applications and functions.
The platform was the serverless platform from Iron.io but these lessons can also apply to AWS LambdaGoogle Cloud FunctionsAzure Functions, and IBM’s OpenWhisk project.

Serverless Processing — Data Diagram

Thinking Serverless! The Data

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Part 2 of Thinking Serverless —  Platform Level Issues 

This is a guest repost by Ken Fromm, a 3x tech co-founder — Vivid Studios, Loomia, and Iron.io. Here's Part 1.

Job processing at scale at high concurrency across a distributed infrastructure is a complicated feat. There are many components involvement — servers and controllers to process and monitor jobs, controllers to autoscale and manage servers, controllers to distribute jobs across the set of servers, queues to buffer jobs, and whole host of other components to ensure jobs complete and/or are retried, and other critical tasks that help maintain high service levels. This section peels back the layers a bit to provide insight into important aspects within the workings of a serverless platform.


Throughput has always been the coin of the realm in computer processing — how quickly can events, requests, and workloads be processed. In the context of a serverless architecture, I’ll break throughput down further when discussing both latency and concurrency. At the base level, however, a serverless architecture does provide a more beneficial architecture than legacy applications and large web apps when it comes to throughput because it provide for far better resource utilization.

In a post by Travis Reeder on What is Serverless Computing and Why is it Important he addresses this topic.

Cost and optimal use of resources is a huge reason to do serverless. If you are a big company with a bunch of apps/APIs/microservices, you are currently running those things 24/7 and they are using resources 100% of the time, no matter if they are in use or not. With a FaaS infrastructure, instead of running apps 24/7, you can execute functions for any number of apps on demand and share all the same resources. Theoretically, you could reduce waste (idle time) to almost nothing while still providing fast response time. For a FaaS provider, this cost savings is passed up to the end user, the developer. For an enterprise, this can reduce capex and opex big time.

Another way of looking at it is that by moving to more discrete tasks that can run in universal platform with self-contained dependencies, tasks can run anytime anywhere across a serverless architecture. This is in contrast to a set of stand alone monolithic applications whereby operations teams have to spend significant cycles arbitrating which applications to scale, when, and how. (A serverless architecture can also increase throughput of application and feature development but much has been said in this regard as it relates to microservices and functions as a service.)

A Graph of Tasks and Projects

The graph below shows a set of tasks over time for a single account on the a serverless platform. The overarching yellow line indicates all tasks for an account and the other lines represent projects within the account. The project lines should be viewed as a microservice or a specific set of application functions. A few years ago, the total set would have been built as a traditional web application and hosted as a long-running application. As you can see, however, each service or set of functions has a different workload characteristic. Managing the aggregated set at an application level is far more complex than managing at the task level within a serverless platform, not to mention the resource savings by scaling commodity task servers as opposed to much more complex application servers.

All Tasks (Application View) vs Specific Tasks (Serverless View)


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Economics May Drive Serverless

We've been following an increasing ephemerality curve to get more and more utilization out of our big brawny boxes. VMs, VMs in the cloud, containers, containers in the cloud, and now serverless, which looks to be our first native cloud infrastructure.

Serverless is said to be about functions, but you really need a zip file of code to do much of anything useful, which is basically a container.

So serverless isn't so much about packaging as it is about not standing up your own chunky persistent services. Those services, like storage, like the database, etc, have moved to the environment.

Your code orchestrates the dance and implements specific behaviours. Serverless is nothing if not a framework writ large.

Serverless also intensifies the developer friendly disintermediation of infrastructure that the cloud started.

Upload your code and charge it on your credit card. All the developer has to worry about their function. Oh, and linking everything together (events, DNS, credentials, backups, etc) through a Byzantine patch panel of a UI; uploading each of your zillions of "functions" on every change; managing versions so you can separate out test, development, and production. But hey, nothing is perfect.

What may drive serverless more than anything else is economics. From markonen

In my book, the innovation in Lambda is, above everything else, about the billing model. My company moved the work of 40 dedicated servers onto Lambda and in doing so decimated our costs. Paying for 1500 cores (our current AWS limit) in 100ms increments has been a game changer.
I'm sure there are upsides to adopting the same programming model with your own hardware or VMs, but the financial benefit of Lambda will not be there.

There are many more quotes likes this, but that's the jist of it. And as pointed out by others, the pay off depends on some utilization threshold. If you can drive the utilization of your instances to some high level then running your own instances makes economic sense.

For the rest of us taking advantage of the aggregation of a big cloud provider is a winner. Setting up a highly available service on the cloud, dealing with instances and all the other overhead is still a huge PITA. Why deal with all that if you don't have to?

Developers pick winners. Developers follow ease of use. Developers follow the money. So serverless is a winner. You'll just have to get over the name.