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Scalable virus scanning for web-applications


We're looking for a highly scalable way of scanning documents being uploaded and downloaded from our web application. I believe services like gmail and hotmail are using bespoke solutions from companies like Trend, but are there some quality "off the shelf" products out there that can easily be scaled out and have a "loose" API (HTTP based) for application integration?

Once again, thanks for any input.

Reader Comments (1)

Hi Jab,
if you're on nix boxes then I'd use http://www.clamav.net">clamav.net. I've personally used the mamil scanner but to the best of my knowledge it comes with a command line scanner too.
There's a windows gig too but I've not used that.

Albeit having to setup on each box but might be the easiest solution, although I've not got a vast scaling knowledge like some on here.


December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenterjimdav

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