Entries by jab (3)


Scalable virus scanning for web-applications

Hi, We're looking for a highly scalable way of scanning documents being uploaded and downloaded from our web application. I believe services like gmail and hotmail are using bespoke solutions from companies like Trend, but are there some quality "off the shelf" products out there that can easily be scaled out and have a "loose" API (HTTP based) for application integration? Once again, thanks for any input.

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Web Accelerators - snake oil or miracle remedy?

Perhaps this question is borderline off-topic but since high scalability solutions often have a global aspect I will give it a try... Have anybody had any experience with different techniques for speeding up their application to places that have a problem with poor ping response time? Ideally I would love to be running only one data center world-wide but one day I know that our sales department will sign up a customer with an unacceptable response time... Could installing a web-accelerator in front of our application extend the reach of our current data center or will we just add complexity and another source of potential errors?

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SLA monitoring

Hi, We're running a enterprise SaaS solution that currently holds about 700 customers with up to 50.000 users per customer (growing quickly). Our customers have SLA agreements with us that contains guaranteed uptimes, response times and other performance counters. With an increasing number of customers and traffic we find it difficult to provide our customer with actual SLA data. We could set up external probes that monitors certain parts of the application, but this is time consuming with 700 customers (we do it today for our biggest clients). We can also extract data from web logs but they are now approaching about 30-40 GB a day. What we really need is monitoring software that not only focuses on the internal performance counters but also lets us see the application from the customers viewpoint and allows us to aggregate data in different ways. Would the best approach be to develop a custom solution (for instance a distributed app that aggregates data from different logs every night and store them in a data warehouse) or are there products out there that are suitable for a high scalability environment? Any input is greatly appreciated!

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