Entries in Microsoft (6)


Redis Cloud Gets Easier with Fully Managed Hosting on Azure

Redis Cloud Gets Easier with Fully Managed Hosting on Azure

ScaleGrid, a rapidly growing leader in the Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) space, has just launched their new fully managed Redis on Azure service. This Redis management solution allows startups up to enterprise-level organizations automate their Redis operations on Microsoft Azure dedicated cloud servers, alongside their other open source database deployments, including MongoDBMySQL and PostgreSQL.

Redis, the #1 key-value store and top 10 database in the world, has grown by over 300% in popularity over that past 5 years, per the DB-Engines knowledge base. The demand for Redis is skyrocketing across dozens of use cases, particularly for cache, queues, geospatial data, and high speed transactions. This simple database management system makes it very easy to store and retrieve pairs of keys and values, and is commonly paired with other database types to increase the speed and performance of an application. According to the 2019 Open Source Database Report, a majority of Redis deployments are used in conjunction with MySQL, and over half of Redis deployments are used with either PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch.

ScaleGrid’s Redis hosting service allows these organizations to automate all of their time-consuming management tasks, such as backups, upgrades, scaling, replication, sharding, monitoring, alerts, log rotations, and OS patching, so their DBAs, developers, and DevOps teams can focus on new product development and optimizing performance. Additionally, organizations can customize their Redis persistence and host through their own Azure account which allows them to leverage advanced cloud capabilities like Azure Virtual Networks (VNET), Security Groups, and Reserved Instances to reduce long-term hosting costs up to 60%. 

“Cloud reliability has never been so important,” says Dharshan Rangegowda, Founder and CEO of ScaleGrid. “It’s crucial for organizations to properly configure their Redis deployments for high availability and disaster recovery, as a couple minutes of downtime can be detrimental to a company’s security and reputation.”

ScaleGrid is the only Redis cloud service that allows you to customize your master-slave and cross-datacenter configurations for 100% uptime and availability across 30 different Azure regions. They also allow you to keep full Redis admin access and SSH access to your machines, and you can learn more about their advantages over competitors Compose for Redis, RedisGreen, Redis Labs and Elasticache for Redis on their Compare Redis Providers page.


The Microsoft Take on Containers and Docker

This is a guest repost by Mark Russinovich, CTO of Microsoft Azure (and novelist!). We all benefit from a vibrant competitive cloud market and Microsoft is part of that mix. Here's a good container overview along with Microsoft's plan of attack. Do you like their story? Is it interesting? Is it compelling?

You can’t have a discussion on cloud computing lately without talking about containers. Organizations across all business segments, from banks and major financial service firms to e-commerce sites, want to understand what containers are, what they mean for applications in the cloud, and how to best use them for their specific development and IT operations scenarios.

From the basics of what containers are and how they work, to the scenarios they’re being most widely used for today, to emerging trends supporting “containerization”, I thought I’d share my perspectives to better help you understand how to best embrace this important cloud computing development to more seamlessly build, test, deploy and manage your cloud applications.

Containers Overview

In abstract terms, all of computing is based upon running some “function” on a set of “physical” resources, like processor, memory, disk, network, etc., to accomplish a task, whether a simple math calculation, like 1+1, or a complex application spanning multiple machines, like Exchange. Over time, as the physical resources became more and more powerful, often the applications did not utilize even a fraction of the resources provided by the physical machine. Thus “virtual” resources were created to simulate underlying physical hardware, enabling multiple applications to run concurrently – each utilizing fractions of the physical resources of the same physical machine.

We commonly refer to these simulation techniques as virtualization. While many people immediately think virtual machines when they hear virtualization, that is only one implementation of virtualization. Virtual memory, a mechanism implemented by all general purpose operating systems (OSs), gives applications the illusion that a computer’s memory is dedicated to them and can even give an application the experience of having access to much more RAM than the computer has available.

Containers are another type of virtualization, also referred to as OS Virtualization. Today’s containers on Linux create the perception of a fully isolated and independent OS to the application. To the running container, the local disk looks like a pristine copy of the OS files, the memory appears only to hold files and data of a freshly-booted OS, and the only thing running is the OS. To accomplish this, the “host” machine that creates a container does some clever things.

The first technique is namespace isolation. Namespaces include all the resources that an application can interact with, including files, network ports and the list of running processes. Namespace isolation enables the host to give each container a virtualized namespace that includes only the resources that it should see. With this restricted view, a container can’t access files not included in its virtualized namespace regardless of their permissions because it simply can’t see them. Nor can it list or interact with applications that are not part of the container, which fools it into believing that it’s the only application running on the system when there may be dozens or hundreds of others.

For efficiency, many of the OS files, directories and running services are shared between containers and projected into each container’s namespace. Only when an application makes changes to its containers, for example by modifying an existing file or creating a new one, does the container get distinct copies from the underlying host OS – but only of those portions changed, using Docker’s “copy-on-write” optimization. This sharing is part of what makes deploying multiple containers on a single host extremely efficient.

Second, the host controls how much of the host’s resources can be used by a container. Governing resources like CPU, RAM and network bandwidth ensure that a container gets the resources it expects and that it doesn’t impact the performance of other containers running on the host. For example, a container can be constrained so that it cannot use more than 10% of the CPU. That means that even if the application within it tries, it can’t access to the other 90%, which the host can assign to other containers or for its own use. Linux implements such governance using a technology called “cgroups.” Resource governance isn’t required in cases where containers placed on the same host are cooperative, allowing for standard OS dynamic resource assignment that adapts to changing demands of application code.

The combination of instant startup that comes from OS virtualization and reliable execution that comes from namespace isolation and resource governance makes containers ideal for application development and testing. During the development process, developers can quickly iterate. Because its environment and resource usage are consistent across systems, a containerized application that works on a developer’s system will work the same way on a different production system. The instant-start and small footprint also benefits cloud scenarios, since applications can scale-out quickly and many more application instances can fit onto a machine than if they were each in a VM, maximizing resource utilization.

Comparing a similar scenario that uses virtual machines with one that uses containers highlights the efficiency gained by the sharing. In the example shown below, the host machine has three VMs. In order to provide the applications in the VMs complete isolation, they each have their own copies of OS files, libraries and application code, along with a full in-memory instance of an OS. Starting a new VM requires booting another instance of the OS, even if the host or existing VMs already have running instances of the same version, and loading the application libraries into memory. Each application VM pays the cost of the OS boot and the in-memory footprint for its own private copies, which also limits the number of application instances (VMs) that can run on the host.

App Instances on Host

The figure below shows the same scenario with containers. Here, containers simply share the host operating system, including the kernel and libraries, so they don’t need to boot an OS, load libraries or pay a private memory cost for those files. The only incremental space they take is any memory and disk space necessary for the application to run in the container. While the application’s environment feels like a dedicated OS, the application deploys just like it would onto a dedicated host. The containerized application starts in seconds and many more instances of the application can fit onto the machine than in the VM case.

Containers on Host

Docker’s Appeal

Click to read more ...


ThePort Network  Architecture

ThePort Network's Director of Engineering, TJ Muehleman was kind of enough to share some of the architectural details for their white label social media system. It currently runs about 50 social networks varying in size from less than 1000 members to more than 300,000 members, all on a Microsoft stack. In addition to their social networking platform, they offer Javascript APIs and web service APIs (both REST and SOAP) which account for a significant percentage of overall system usage.

ThePort is an excellent example of a real world in-the-trenches product offering real value to customers. One of the most interesting problems they have to solve is multi-tenancy. How do you provide good performance, complete customization, support, develop new features, and provide individual search indexes for each customer? It's not an easy problem to solve.

How did they solve their problems and build a successful system? 

Site: http://theport.com


  • Microsoft.NET 3.5
  • C# / VB.NET
  • SQL Server 2005
  • Visual Studio 2008 Pro Edition
  • Prototype
  • Subversion
  • TortoiseSVN
  • Trac (for internal defect tracking. Will possibly move all internal and external issue tracking to it)
  • Beyond Compare 3
  • Web Tier
    * 6 x Dell blade servers running windows 2008 / IIS 7
  • Data Tier
    * 1 r/w SQL Cluster – dell 6850s (6 single core processors, 32 GB RAM)
    * 2 read-only dell 2950 (2 quad core processors, 16 GB RAM)
    * 1 distribution server – dell 2950 (2 quad core processors, 16 GB RAM)
  • We also use SQL Server Service Broker as a queuing system for some of our saves. It's an alternative to MSMQ that uses the DB for persistence in case of failure. We will most likely be moving to MSMQ in the near future to remove us from SQL dependence.
  • Caching
    * 2 Dell blade servers 8 GB RAM each to total 16 GB of available RAM
    * Running SharedCache (Basically an open source .NET port of MemCacheD. We initially looked at MemCacheD but our internal benchmarking indicated SharedCache had better performance – at least w/in a Microsoft environment. We may still investigate Microsoft's Velocity cache platform when it goes live)
  • Search
    * 2 Dell 2950s with 725 GB Storage
    * Running Lucene + SOLR
    * We chose Lucene over Lucene.NET because Lucene.NET's wildcard search was a little buggy in our initial beta testing. SQL Full Text wasn't a viable option because there was no clear and easy way to split indexes between customers. SOLR cores make this part easy. Above and beyond that, Lucene is lightning fast and is available with features we couldn't turn down (proximity search, searching w/in documents, and built-in RESTful APIs to name a few)

    How do you handle multi-tenancy?

    A multi-tenant platform has two primary hurdles to overcome:

    1. Preventing a single, large customer from overwhelming the system?

    The primary bottleneck for this is in the data layer. Our current DB architecture has helped mitigate this problem. The read-only servers help offset most of this by absorbing the bulk of the data calls. We did have to beef up the distribution server because latency between the r/w server and the read only servers had crept too high. Getting a new machine (2 quad cores with 16 GB of RAM) helped reduce the latency to less than a second.

    However robust the cluster is, we've concluded that we will eventually have to move to a sharded architecture with MySQL. MS SQL licensing fees makes both continuing to enhance the cluster and scaling out to multiple machines prohibitive. Additionally, sharding allows us to scale either by customer (because some may be more active than others) or by functional area (photos, comments, etc).

    2. Allowing clients to have total control over the look, feel, and user experience of their sites.

    Allowing CSS control isn't enough; we needed a templating system that allows total control over the site. We looked at using .NET master pages and user controls to accomplish this. But that assumes a level of knowledge in .NET for outside developers. We built a proprietary templating system that unfortunately became too limiting and would one day lead to a drag on performance.

    So we settled on using XML / XSLT. All of our business / entity objects are serializable to XML. This made XSLT a natural choice from the templating angle. We've seen a considerable boost in performance from this upgrade and an even greater increase in flexibility in terms of what our designers can do. Once the learning curve is overcome, the web designers love the amount of control they get.

    What did you do that was especially cool that people could learn from?

    XSLT as Custom Templating System

    Building a templating system in XSLT that actually allows the template author to make a web service call to our internal web service layer (or external web services) straight from the templating system. This allowed the development team to build a flexible, powerful system that allows a web designer to embed real-time calls into a given template. We accomplish this using XSLT Extension Objects. What we've found in our internal testing is that these extension objects scale way better than our previous templating system (a homegrown proprietary system). We've used ANTS profiler to compare the two and the difference is in orders of magnitude.

    Obviously we have to cache the hell out of this or the performance of the pages the calls are embedded in would suffer. For now, we make the internal web services calls via HTTP, but we will soon be moving this to a TCP call to take advantage of the better connection pooling offered by TCP. We're most likely to use WCF because of it's native support of TCP bindings. However, we haven't yet benchmarked that so it's possible it could change.

    Not Using the Database to Build Collections

    Another cool thing we've done is to move strongly away from using the database to retrieve collections of 'things'. For instance, if we needed a collection of comments, previously we'd hit the database for the 5, 10, 100, etc comments we wanted, do the sorting / filtering in the DB, return a single dataset, cache that, and then display.

    However, this is a database intensive operation, especially if you're going to join against user data (which you inevitably will). What we've started doing recently is caching the recent comment objects, and using our cache providers MultiGet ability to simultaneously retrieve all comments at the same time. We then sort / filter in memory in the application tier, discard whatever comments we don't need, and then display. We found that doing it this way, we save lots of hits to our database and in fact, saw a considerable performance gain from it.

    Our tests (on a developer laptop) fetched 10,000 objects from cache in about 1 second, then sorted them by date time in about .015 second.

    What prompted you to move to a SOA architecture?

    To better compartmentalize our code.

    Given the growth of our templating system mentioned above, we realized it was best to truly separate the tiers into discrete areas. Since our application is easily accessed via a set of REST APIs and our own internal skinning system (and who knows what in the future), dividing the application like this gives us a lot of leeway in being able to swap out components. Additionally, we're doing more and more queuing which lines up nicely with SOA.


    Since modern web apps deal with complex data, breaking the work into more discrete operations handled by offline processes on their own infrastructure makes a lot of sense from a performance point of view.

    How do you handle consistency between the database and the search engine?

    We have a multi-threaded windows service that scans our database once every 5 minutes looking for new data. The service then adds the new items to the Lucene index. We keep audit columns on all our database tables so capturing new data is pretty simple. Once a night, we purge the Lucene index and run a full rescan of the database. We think this system will work for the near to mid term but long term, we'll take advantage of a queuing system to keep the index in sync.

    How you handle your release, support, bug fixing, development, etc.

    We have a decent sized dev team. 1 platform architect responsible for overall system architecture (selecting which systems to use, tuning them), 1 lead software architect, and 3 senior – mid level developers. Since we're a start-up in a fast evolving market (social media) we find that we're constantly having to adjust to market demands and the latest in social functionality. So we have a 2 month build cycle which is pretty aggressive.

    In terms of actual development, we've found the following to be keys to success:
    1. Daily stand-ups: it's absolutely necessary for everyone on the team to know what the other is doing. A code base as large as ours, it's very likely I'm writing a function someone has already written or solving a problem someone has solved previously. Daily stand-ups help with that
    2. Iterate: Build the core functionality, get it into QA and / or beta, beat the bugs out of it, move to the next piece. We've found this to be easier said than done. Market pressures sometimes dictate you roll with something more feature rich than you'd like. Sticking to an iterative cycle creates better code and more market ready products.
    3. Beta test: This goes hand-in-hand w/ #2 above. Get something done and get it in the hands of actual users. This is the best way to find where your app falls down

    With regard to support / bug fixing, we're moving to a forums based support model for many of our customers. We've found the same problems, especially in an app as configurable as ours, occur over and over. Getting those answers into an open, searchable format should hopefully cut down on confusion and get developers talking directly to developers.

    Internally we use Trac for bug tracking and devote roughly 20% of our week maintaining, supporting, and fixing issues. That may seem like a lot but given how configurable our system is, we're essentially running 50 heavily data driven websites.

    WCF sounds like a buggy underpeforming mess. How is it working?

    So far we have no complaints with WCF. I think baking it directly into .NET 3.5 helped iron a lot of the big kinks out. It does come with it's quirks, no doubt. We built our REST libraries on top of it and found that posting XML is not exactly the easiest thing in the world. But it was more than made up for with the ease in deploying all our GET operations with REST. Our next step will be to set up TCP and MSMQ bindings with WCF to handle our internal service requests and queuing, respectively. Since WCF exposes all of these bindings natively, we think we will see a lot of effective code re-use out of this.

    I'd like to thank TJ for taking the time and making the effort to write up their architecture for people to learn from. I'm sure it will help others when they are trying to build their own systems.

    You too can share the architecture for your amazing system. Come on, you've learned a lot from others, it's time to return the favor and give back. It's not that hard, really. If interested please contact me and we can get started.
  • Wednesday

    Stack Overflow Architecture

    Update 2: Stack Overflow Architecture Update - Now At 95 Million Page Views A Month
    Update: Startup – ASP.NET MVC, Cloud Scale & Deployment shows an interesting alternative approach for a Windows stack using ServerPath/GoGrid for a dedicated database machine, elastic VMs for the front end, and a free load balancer.

    Stack Overflow is a much loved programmer question and answer site written by two guys nobody has ever heard of before. Well, not exactly. The site was created by top programmer and blog stars Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. In that sense Stack Overflow is like a celebrity owned restaurant, only it should be around for a while. Joel estimates 1/3 of all the programmers in the world have used the site so they must be serving up something good.

    I fell in deep like with Stack Overflow for purely selfish reasons, it helped me solve a few difficult problems that were jabbing my eyes out with pain. I also appreciate their no-apologies anthropologically based design philosophy. Use design to engineer in the behaviours you want to encourage and minimize the responses you want to discourage. It's the conscious awareness of the mechanisms that creates such a satisfying synergy.

    What is key about the Stack Overflow story for me is the strong case they make for scale up as a viable solution for a certain potentially large class of problems. The publicity these days is all going scale out using NoSQL databases.

    If you need to Google scale then you really have no choice but to go the NoSQL direction. But Stack Overflow is not Google and neither are most sites. When thinking about your design options keep Stack Overflow in mind. In this era of multi-core, large RAM machines and advances in parallel programming techniques, scale up is still a viable strategy and shouldn't be tossed aside just because it's not cool anymore. Maybe someday we'll have the best of both worlds, but for now there's a big painful choice to be made and that choice decides your fate.

    Joel boasts that for 1/10 the hardware they have performance comparable to similarly size sites. He wonders if these other sites have good programmers. Let's see how they did it and you be the judge.

    Site: http://stackoverflow.com

    The Stats

  • 16 million page views a month
  • 3 million unique visitors a month (Facebook reaches 77 million unique visitors a month)
  • 6 million visits a month
  • 86% of traffic comes from Google
  • 9 million active programmers in the world and 30% have used Stack Overflow.
  • Cheaper licensing was attained through Microsoft's BizSpark program. My impression is they pay about $11K for OS and SQL licensing.
  • Monitization strategy: unobtrusive adds, job placement ads, DevDays conferences, extend the software to target other related niches (Server Fault, Super User), develop StackExchange as a white label and self hosted version of Stack Overflow, and perhaps develop some sort of programmer rating system.


  • Microsoft ASP.NET MVC
  • SQL Server 2008
  • C#
  • Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite
  • JQuery
  • LINQ to SQL
  • Subversion
  • Beyond Compare 3
  • VisualSVN 1.5
  • Web Tier
    - 2 x Lenovo ThinkServer RS110 1U
    - 4 cores, 2.83 Ghz, 12 MB L2 cache
    - 500 GB datacenter hard drives, mirrored
    - 8 GB RAM
    - 500 GB RAID 1 mirror array
  • Database Tier
    - 1 x Lenovo ThinkServer RD120 2U
    - 8 cores, 2.5 Ghz, 24 MB L2 cache
    - 48 GB RAM
  • A fourth server was added to run superuser.com. All together the servers also run Stack Overflow, Server Fault, and Super User.
  • QNAP TS-409U NAS for backups. Decided not to use a cloud solution because the bandwidth costs of transferring 5 GB of data per day becomes prohibitive.
  • Hosting at http://www.peakinternet.com/. Impressed with their detailed technical responses and reasonable hosting rates.
  • SQL Server's full text search is used extensively for the site search and detecting if a question has already been asked. Lucene.net is considered an attractive alternative.

    Lessons Learned

    This is a mix of lessons taken from Jeff and Joel and comments from their posts.

  • If you’re comfortable managing servers then buy them. The two biggest problems with renting costs were: 1) the insane cost of memory and disk upgrades 2) the fact that they [hosting providers] really couldn’t manage anything.
  • Make larger one time up front investments to avoid recurring monthly costs which are more expensive in the long term.
  • Update all network drivers. Performance went from 2x slower to 2x faster.
  • Upgrading to 48GB RAM required upgrading MS Enterprise edition.
  • Memory is incredibly cheap. Max it out for almost free performance. At Dell, for example, upgrading from 4G memory to 128G is $4378.
  • Stack Overflow copied a key part of the Wikipedia database design. This turned out to be a mistake which will need massive and painful database refactoring to fix. The refactorings will be to avoid excessive joins in a lot of key queries. This is the key lesson from giant multi-terabyte table schemas (like Google’s BigTable) which are completely join-free. This is significant because Stack Overflow's database is almost completely in RAM and the joins still exact too high a cost.
  • CPU speed is surprisingly important to the database server. Going from 1.86 GHz, to 2.5 GHz, to 3.5 GHz CPUs causes an almost linear improvement in typical query times. The exception is queries which don’t fit in memory.
  • When renting hardware nobody pays list price for RAM upgrades unless you are on a month-to-month contract.
  • The bottleneck is the database 90% of the time.
  • At low server volume, the key cost driver is not rackspace, power, bandwidth, servers, or software; it is NETWORKING EQUIPMENT. You need a gigabit network between your DB and Web tiers. Between the cloud and your web server, you need firewall, routing, and VPN devices. The moment you add a second web server, you also need a load balancing appliance. The upfront cost of these devices can easily be 2x the cost of a handful of servers.
  • EC2 is for scaling horizontally, that is you can split up your work across many machines (a good idea if you want to be able to scale). It makes even more sense if you need to be able to scale on demand (add and remove machines as load increases / decreases).
  • Scaling out is only frictionless when you use open source software. Otherwise scaling up means paying less for licenses and a lot more for hardware, while scaling out means paying less for the hardware, and a whole lot more for licenses.
  • RAID-10 is awesome in a heavy read/write database workload.
  • Separate application and database duties so each can scale independently of the other. Databases scale up and the applications scale out.
  • Applications should keep state in the database so they scale horizontally by adding more servers.
  • The problem with a scale up strategy is a lack of redundancy. A cluster ads more reliability, but is very expensive when the individual machines are expensive.
  • Few applications can scale linearly with the number of processors. Locks will be taken which serializes processing and ends up reducing the effectiveness of your Big Iron.
  • With larger form factors like 7U power and cooling become critical issues. Using something between 1U and 7U might be easier to make work in your data center.
  • As you add more and more database servers the SQL Server license costs can be outrageous. So by starting scale up and gradually going scale out with non-open source software you can be in a world of financial hurt.

    It's true there's not much about their architecture here. We know about their machines, their tool chain, and that they use a two-tier architecture where they access the database directly from the web server code. We don't know how they implement tags, etc. If interested you'll be able to glean some of this information from an explanation of their schema.


    As an architecture profile candidate Stack Overflow has earned two important HighScalability badges: the Microsoft Stack Badge and and the Scale Up Badge. Both controversial and interesting topics of discussion.

    Microsoft Stack Badge

    The Microsoft Stack Badge was earned because Stack Overflow uses the entire Microsoft Stack: OS, database, C#, Visual Studio, and ASP .NET. People are always interested in how MS compares to LAMP, but I don't have many case studies to show them.

    Markus Frind of Plenty of Fish fame is often used as a Microsoft stack poster child, but since he explicitly uses as little of the stack as possible he's not really a good example. Stack Overflow on the other hand is brash in proclaiming their love for MS, even when that love is occasionally spurned.

    It's hard to separate out the Microsoft stack and the scale up approach because for licensing reasons they tend to go together. If you find yourself in the position of transitioning from scale up to scale out by adding dozens of cores, MS licensing will bite you.

    Licensing aside I personally find C#, Visual Studio, and .Net a very productive environment. C#/.Net is at least as good as Java/JVM. ASP .NET has always been a confusing mess to me. The knock against SQL Server is you have to pay for it and if that doesn't bother you then it's a solid choice. The Windows OS may not be as solid as other alternatives but it works well enough.

    So for a scale up solution a Microsoft stack works, especially if you are already Windows centric.

    Scale Up Badge

    This won't be a reenactment of the scale out vs scale up vs rent vs buy wars. For a thorough discussion of these issues please take a look at Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out and Server Hosting — Rent vs. Buy?. If you aren't confused and if your head doesn't hurt after reading all that then you haven't properly understood the material :-)

    The Scale Up Badge was awarded because Stack Overflow uses a scale up strategy to meet their scaling requirements. When they reach a limit they scale vertically by buying a bigger machine and adding more memory.

    Stack Overflow is in the sweet spot for scale up. It's not too large, but with an Alexa ranking of 1,666 and 16 million page views a month it's still a substantial site. Not Google scale, and probably will never have to be, but those are numbers many sites would be thrilled to have. Yet they aren't uploading large amounts of media. They aren't dealing with billions of tweets across complex social networks with millions of users. Their number of users is self limiting. And there are still directions they can take if they need to scale (caching, more web servers, faster disks, more denormalization, more memory, some partitioning, etc). All-in-all it's a well done and very useful two-tier CRUD application.

    NoSQL is Hard

    So should Stack Overflow have scaled out instead of up, just in case?

    What some don't realize is NoSQL is hard. Relational databases have many many faults, but they make a lot of common tasks simple while hiding both the cost and complexity. If you want to know how many black Prius cars are in inventory, for example, then that's pretty easy to do.

    Not so with most NoSQL databases (I'll speak generally here, some NoSQL databases have more features than others). You would have program a counter of black Prius cars yourself, up front, in code. There are no aggregate operators. You must maintain secondary indexes. There's no searching. There are no distributed queries across partitions. There's no Group By or Order By. There are no cursors for easy paging through result sets. Returning even 100 large records at time may timeout. There may be quotas that are very restrictive because they must limit the amount of IO for any one operation. Query languages may lack expressive power.

    The biggest problem of all is that transactions can not span arbitrary boundaries. There are no ACID guarantees beyond a single record or small entity group. Once you wrap your head around what this means for the programmer it's not a pleasant prospect at all. References must be manually maintained. Relationships must be manually maintained. There are no cascading deletes that act correctly during a failure. Every copy of denormalized data must be manually tracked and updated taking into account the possibility of partial failures and externally visible inconsistency.

    All this functionality must be written manually by you in your code. While flexibility to write your own code is great in an OLAP/map-reduce situation, declarative approaches still cover a lot of ground and make for much less brittle code.

    What you gain is the ability to write huge quantities of data. What you lose is complacency. The programmer must be very aware at all times that they are dealing with a system where it costs a lot to perform distribute operations and failure can occur at anytime.

    All this may be the price of building a truly scalable and distributed system, but is this really the price you want to pay?

    The Multitenancy Problem

    With StackExchange Stack Overflow has gone into the multi-tenancy business. They are offering StackExchange either self-hosted or as a hosted white label application.

    It will be interesting to see if their architecture can scale to handle a large number of sites. Salesorce is the king of multitenancy and although it's true they use Oracle as their database, they basically use very little of Oracle and have written their own table structure, indexing and query processor on top of Oracle. All in order to support multitenancy.

    Salesforce went extreme because supporting a lot of different customers is way more difficult than it seems, especially once you allow customization and support versioning.

    Clearly all customers can't run in one server for security, customization, and scaling reasons.

    You may think just create a database for each customer, share a server for a certain number of customers, and then add more servers as needed. As long as a customer doesn't need more than one server you are golden.

    This doesn't seem to work well in practice. Oddly database managers aren't optimized for adding or updating databases. Creating databases is a heavyweight operation and can degrade performance for existing customers as system locks are taken. Upgrade issues are also problematic. Adding columns locks tables which causes problems in high traffic situations. Adding new indexes can also take a very long time and degrade performance. Plus each customer will likely have specializations that makes upgrading even more complicated.

    To get around these problems Salesforce's Craig Weissman, Chief Architect, created an innovative approach where tables are not created for each customer. All data from all customers is mapped into the same data table, including indexes. The schema for that table looks something like orgid, oid, value0, value1...value500. "orgid" is the organization ID and is how data is never mixed up. It's a very wide and sparse table, which Oracle seems to handle well. Hundreds and hundreds of "tables" and custom fields are mapped into the data table.

    With this approach Salesforce has no option other than to build their own infrastructure to interpret what's in that table. Oracle is left to handle transactions, concurrency, and deadlock detection. The advatange is because there's an interpreted layer handling versions and upgrades is relatively simple because the handling logic can be baked in. Strange but true.

    Related Articles

    This list includes a number of posts by Jeff as he chronicles their journey with Stack Overflow. Jeff is wonderful about being open about what they are doing and why. The comment threads are often tremendous. There's a lot to learn.

  • Learning from StackOverflow.com by Joel Spolsky
  • Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out: Hidden Costs by Jeff Atwood
  • What Was Stack Overflow Built With?
  • New Stack Overflow Server Glamour Shots
  • New Stack Overflow Servers Ready
  • Server Hosting — Rent vs. Buy? - this is a very informative discussion the pros and cons of renting vs buying.
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  • Monday

    SQL Server 2008 Database Performance and Scalability

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 incorporates the tools and technologies that are necessary to implement relational databases, reporting systems, and data warehouses of enterprise scale, and provides optimal performance and responsiveness.
    With SQL Server 2008, you can take advantage of the latest hardware technologies while scaling up your servers to support server consolidation. SQL Server 2008 also enables you to scale out your largest data solutions.

    This white paper describes the performance and scalability capabilities of Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 and explains how you can use these capabilities to:
    * Optimize performance for any size of database with the tools and features that are available for the database engine, analysis services, reporting services, and integration services.
    * Scale up your servers to take full advantage of new hardware capabilities.
    * Scale out your database environment to optimize responsiveness and to move your data closer to your users.

    Read the entire article about SQL Server 2008 Database Performance and Scalability at MyTestBox.com - web software reviews, news, tips & tricks.

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    Microsoft's New Database Cloud Ready to Rumble with Amazon

    Update: Zdnet says Ozzie signals Microsoft’s surrender to the cloud. CD ROMs are to the internet as the internet is to the cloud and Microsoft aims to scratch and claw its way into this paradigm shift as well. The gloves are off. The tag line for Microsoft's new SQL Server Data Service is Your Data, Any Place, Any Time. Thems fighten' words. Microsoft is itch'n for a fight! Who will be Amazon's second? The service description: SQL Server Data Services (SSDS) are highly scalable, on-demand data storage and query processing utility services. Built on robust SQL Server database and Windows Server technologies, these services provide high availability, security and support standards-based web interfaces for easy programming and quick provisioning. Sounds like a fast uppercut aimed squarely at SimpleDB's jaw. As a developer what do you need to know?

  • Highly available and highly scalable.
  • Targeted at applications that can tolerate high internet latencies. Primarily read-mostly data sets "storing data that is naturally partitionable into disjoint data sets requiring little or no cross-correlations."
  • Pricing isn't yet available.
  • No announced SLA, though you will be notified of downtime.
  • Access is via REST or SOAP.
  • Data is redundantly stored and backed up.
  • Geo-redundant data copies are maintained. Data is stored in large storage clusters in various Microsoft data centers located across North America. Plan to expand to more areas later.
  • The data model is flexible. No schemas required. "Simply add new attributes to your data set when needed, and the system will automatically store, index, and query your data accordingly."
  • String, numeric, datetime, and boolean data type are supported. All attributes are indexed.
  • The data model is: Customer { SSDS account (1..N) { Authority (1..N) { Container (0..N) { Entity (0..N) - Authorities give billing entities a way to organize their usage for accounting, security and co-location purposes. All containers under a single authority are provisioned within the same data center. As such authorities are the unit of geo-scale and geo-location. For example: Seattle or San Francisco. - Containers create contexts and scope for entity storage and query. For example, within its authorities, operations could choose to assign each member their own container, intended to contain a set of personal data for that member. Containers are the unit of consistency in the Microsoft SSDS service. For example: Autos for Sale, Services Offered. - Entities are the fundamental unit of storage in the system. Entities are a bag of scalars with no enforced type. For example, an individual member‟s jobs, educational institutions, contacts, recommendations, etc. could all be modeled as entities.
  • Data manipulation operations include: - Creation and deletion of containers. There are no updatable container properties. - Creation, replacement, and deletion of entities. - Retrieval of a single container in a serialized format. - Retrieval of a single entity in a serialized format.
  • A text based query language is supported that follow the LINQ pattern for C#. Only complete entities are returned. For example: To query addressed to a container to retrieve all entities in that container having a “City” property equal to “Seattle” and a “State” property equal to “WA” would be written as follows: from e in entities where e[“City”] == “Seattle” && e[“State”] == “WA” select e
  • Resource queries are supported. This URI returns all the entities in that container: http://mydomain.ssds.microsoft.com/ChildrensBooksContainer1
  • Customers will be able to associate entities with blobs which could be accessed as URL addressable resources.
  • SSDS is not just a hosted version of SQL Server. It's SQL Server deconstructed, running on blade servers with SATA drives.
  • A local on-premise version of SSDS will also be available to "allow users to better synchronize between the enterprise and the cloud, especially when handling reporting, analytics and business-intelligence tasks."
  • Not sure if you can do a full text search on a string property.
  • Not sure how large attributes can be. Should I store my 25MB documents as a string field so it can be searched? Or is that too expensive? Or is it even supported? Where Microsoft is behind Amazon is that they don't have EC2 and S3. Microsoft is having you traverse the internet for each database access. Now let''s say you have chunks of large storage stored off in a storage cloud. That's a lot of overhead. A major benefit of AWS is the free bandwidth and higher performance within the AWS cloud. If your application is completely hosted within the cloud the only slow part is from the server to the user's browser. All-in-all SSDS seems very comparable to and competitive with SimpleDB. Hard to say without solid pricing information. But it will be interesting to see how Microsoft's cloud strategy evolves and how we can all benefit from the competition.

    Related Articles

  • Home Page for SSDS
  • The Current Pros and Cons List for SimpleDB
  • Microsoft SQL Server Data Services
  • SQL Server Data Services FAQ
  • Microsoft launches its alternative to Amazon’s SimpleDB

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