Entries in spam (2)


Paper: Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysisof Spam Marketing Conversion

Under the philosophy that the best method to analyse spam is to become a spammer, this absolutely fascinating paper recounts how a team of UC Berkely researchers went under cover to infiltrate a spam network. Part CSI, part Mission Impossible, and part MacGyver, the team hijacked the botnet so that their code was actually part of the dark network itself. Once inside they figured out the architecture and protocols of the botnet and how many sales they were able to tally. Truly elegant work.

Two different spam campaigns were run on a Storm botnet network of 75,800 zombie computers. Storm is a peer-to-peer botnet that uses spam to creep its tentacles through the world wide computer network. One of the campains distributed viruses in order to recruit new bots into the network. This is normally accomplished by enticing people to download email attachments. An astonishing one in ten people downloaded the executable and ran it, which means we won't run out of zombies soon. The downloaded components include: Backdoor/downloader, SMTP relay, E-mail address stealer, E-mail virus spreader, Distributed denial of service (DDos) attack tool, pdated copy of Storm Worm dropper. The second campaign sent pharmacuticle spam ("libido boosting herbal remedy”) over the network.

Haven't you always wondered who clicks on spam and how much could spammers possibly make? In the study only 28 sales resulted from 350 million spam e-mail messages sent over 26 days. A conversion rate of well under 0.00001% (typical advertising campaign might have a conversion of 2-3%). The average purchase price was about $100 for $2,731.88 in total revenue. The reserchers estimate total daily revenue attributable to Storm’s pharmacy campaign is about $7000 and that they pick up between 3500 and 8500 new bots per day through their Trojan distribution system. And this is with only 1.5% of the entire network in use.

So, the spammers would take in total revenue about $3.5 million a year from one product from one network. Imagine the take with multiple products and multiple networks? That's why we still have spam. And since the conversion rate is already so low, it seems spam will always be with us.

As fascinating as all the spamonomics are, the explanation of the botnet architecture is just as fascinating. Storm uses a three-level self-organizing hierarchy pictured here:

  • worker bots - make requests for work and upon receiving orders send spam as requested. Works pull work from higher layers.
  • proxy bots - act as coordinators between workers and master servers.
  • master servers - send commands to the workers and receive their status reports. There are small number of master servers hosted at “bullet-proof” hosting centers and are likely directly managed by the botmaster.

    A host selects its worker or proxy role automatically. If a firewall doesn't prevent inbound communication the infected host becomes a proxy, otherwise the host becomes a worker. As workers pull work from proxies there's no need to contact one directly. Proxies on the other hand are directly contacted by master servers so communication must be bidirectional.

    Storm communicates using two separate protocols:
  • An encrypted version of the UDP-based Overnet protocol and is used primarily as a directory service to find other nodes. Overnet is a peer-to-peer protocol that uses a distributed hash table mechanism to find peers.
  • A custom TCP-based protocol for masters sending command and control commands to proxies and workers. Command and control traffic to the worker bots is unecrypted which makes a man-in-the-middle attack possible and is how the researchers carried out their caper.

    According to Brandon Enright: When a peer wants to find content in the network, it computes (or is given) the hash of that content and then searches adjacent peers. Those peers respond with their adjacent peers that are closer. This is repeated until the searching peer gets close enough to the content that a node there will be able to provide a search result. This is a complicated and interesting process that the Spamalytics paper goes into in a lot more detail on as do some references at the end of this post.

    Storm harnesses a large, unreliable, constantly changing distributed system to do work. It's an architecture worth learning from and we'll explore some of those lessons in a later post.

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  • Inside the Storm: Protocols and Encryption of the Storm Botnet by Joe Stewart, GCIG Director of Malware Research, SecureWorks
  • Exposing Stormworm by Brandon Enright. A lot of excellent low level protocol details.
  • Storm Botnet
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  • Friday

    Scaling Spam Eradication Using Purposeful Games: Die Spammer Die!

    Update: As expected I'm undergoing a massive spam attack for speaking truth to dark powers. This is the time to be strong. Together we can make a change. What change you may ask? I can't say, just change and lots more change. Let's link arms together and bravely stand against the forces of chaos for a better yesterday and a better tomorrow. CAPTCHA doesn't work. Even Google can't make CAPTCHA work (Spammers Choose GMail). And even if CAPTCHA worked it wouldn't really work because CAPTCHA solving markets (Inside India’s CAPTCHA solving economy) have evolved where for a mere $2 you can buy 1000 human broken CAPTCHA's. And we know once the free market tackles a problem that's it. Game over :-) Making ever more clever CAPTCHA programs won't outwit and outlast the CAPTCHA solving markets. Until Skynet evolves the only way to defeat humans is with humans.

    Using Games to Get Humans to Do Work (like CAPTCHA) for Free

    How do we harness the power of humans to do battle with the CAPTCHA solving networks, without, of course, paying them anything? We make it a game! In particular we make a Game With a Purpose (GWAP). Read all about GWAPs in Designing games with a purpose. A GWAP is a game in which people, as a side effect of playing, perform tasks computers are unable to perform.

    Google's Image Labeler

    A good example GWAP is Google's Image Labeler, a game in which people provide meaningful, accurate labels for images on the Web as a side effect of playing the game; for example, an image of a man and a dog is labeled "dog," "man," and "pet.". Now this sounds like work. And it is. But because it's made into a game people will do it for free! An example Labeler session looks like: In the game two people are matched at random to label the same set of images. Points are awarded when you and your partner match labels. Top scores are kept so you can earn your label street cred. But can't people cheat? GWAP games include cheating detection mechanisms, but we won't go into detail here, see Designing games with a purpose for cheater foiling strategies.

    ESP Game, Tag a Tune, and Squigl

    More games can be found at the GWAP Home Page. They have the ESP Game which is like Labeler. Tag a Tune is a game where players hear tunes, describe them, and through the description guess if they are listening to the same tune. In Squigl partners see an image and a word. Using the mouse each player traces the object described by the word in the image. Winning is when both players trace the same image. Here's what a Squigl session looks like: So you see the pattern. Players are picked from a pool. They are asked to do some task that's hard for computers to do. The task must be structured so that winning enables the system to learn something valid while providing a feeling of game play for the humans. Points are awarded and scores are kept to keep the poor human slaves playing.

    Creating a Spam Catcher Game

    With the basic ideas in place let's create a game for identifying and filtering out comment spam. According to Designing games with a purpose this appears to a be an output-agreement type game, which has the following structure:
  • Initial setup. Two strangers are randomly chosen by the game itself from among all potential players;
  • Rules. In each round, both are given the same input and must produce outputs based on the input. Game instructions indicate that players should try to produce the same output as their partners. Players cannot see one another's outputs or communicate with one another; and
  • Winning condition. Both players must produce the same output; they do not have to produce it at the same time but must produce it at some point while the input is displayed onscreen. Simple enough. But comments exist as a part of blogs, websites, microblogging engines, and other programs. Any game has to interface with live systems. Integrating the game with a comment system might work something like:
  • User comments are sent from an originating system to a decentralized game comment queue.
  • Comments are pulled from the queue as new games start. Posts are stripped of identifying information and presented to the players.
  • Points are allocated if both players agree that a comment is spam or not spam within a very short period of time. With comments latency is the name of the game so they need to be processed as fast as possible.
  • Comments and the spam judgments are sent back to the originating system for handling. It's not too hard too imagine such a system being used for content other than comments and for making judgments like age appropriateness and other subtle criteria that could be communicated using site meta data. One UI idea it to make the game like a first-person-shooter. Spam is blasted into a 1000 pieces. Oh that would be rewarding, but you can also imagine all the usual game type mechanisms to keep people interested. An accuracy feedback loop would be useful to rate players so less accurate players could be dropped from the game. Players would be recruited from the general population. Another good source of players is the site owners and the site participants who's sites are the source of comments. This would be sort of Internet Comment Tax for keeping the Internet safe and sane. I, for example, would sign up to process 500 comments a week in order to have HighScalability.com comments processed by the game. Everyone else taking advantage of the system could pledge a number that made sense for their site. This would provide a ready pool of motivated players and docents to keep the game running efficiently. A nice widget system would make it possible to play the game from any site.

    The Final Move

    Spam crushes many sites. Many site owners don't even allow comments anymore because of the time it takes to deal with spam, which is a shame, because without interactivity the internet might as well be a newspaper. We can't let those spammers win! A system like the Spam Catcher Game might be able provide the human oversight, quick latency, and high throughput needed to out compete the CAPTCHA solving networks. The game is finally afoot!

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  • Designing games with a purpose
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  • Spammers Choose GMail
  • Google's Image Labeler
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