Entries in Caching (29)


QCon London 2009: Upgrading Twitter without service disruptions

Evan Weaver from Twitter presented a talk on Twitter software upgrades, titled Improving running components as part of the Systems that never stop track at QCon London 2009 conference last Friday. The talk focused on several upgrades performed since last May, while Twitter was experiencing serious performance problems.

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Intro to Caching,Caching algorithms and caching frameworks part 1

Informative and well organized post on caching. Talks about: Why do we need cache?, What is Cache?, Cache Hit, Cache Miss, Storage Cost, Retrieval Cost, Invalidation, Replacement Policy, Optimal Replacement Policy, Caching Algorithms, Least Frequently Used (LFU), Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Recently Used 2(LRU2), Two Queues, Adaptive Replacement Cache (ACR), Most Recently Used (MRU), First in First out (FIFO), Distributed caching, Measuring Cache.

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Scalability Perspectives #2: Van Jacobson – Content-Centric Networking

Scalability Perspectives is a series of posts that highlights the ideas that will shape the next decade of IT architecture. Each post is dedicated to a thought leader of the information age and his vision of the future. Be warned though – the journey into the minds and perspectives of these people requires an open mind.

Van Jacobson

Van Jacobson is a Research Fellow at PARC. Prior to that he was Chief Scientist and co-founder of Packet Design. Prior to that he was Chief Scientist at Cisco. Prior to that he was head of the Network Research group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He's been studying networking since 1969. He still hopes that someday something will start to make sense.

Scaling the Internet – Does the Net needs an upgrade?

As the Internet is being overrun with video traffic, many wonder if it can survive. With challenges being thrown down over the imbalances that have been created and their impact on the viability of monopolistic business models, the Internet is under constant scrutiny. Will it survive? Or will it succumb to the burden of the billion plus community that is constantly demanding more and more? Does the Net Need an Upgrade? To answer this question a distinguished panel of Van Jacobson, Rick Hutley, Norman Lewis, David S. Isenberg has discussed the issue on the Supernova conference. In this compelling debate available on IT Conversations, the panel addresses the question and provides some differing perspectives. One of the perspectives is Content-based networking described by Van Jacobson.

A New Way to look at Networking

Today's research community congratulates itself for the success of the internet and passionately argues whether circuits or datagrams are the One True Way. Meanwhile the list of unsolved problems grows. Security, mobility, ubiquitous computing, wireless, autonomous sensors, content distribution, digital divide, third world infrastructure, etc., are all poorly served by what's available from either the research community or the marketplace. In this amazing Google Tech Talk Van Jacobson use various strained analogies and contrived examples to argue that network research is moribund because the only thing it knows how to do is fill in the details of a conversation between two applications. Today as in the 60s problems go unsolved due to our tunnel vision and not because of their intrinsic difficulty. And now, like then, simply changing our point of view may make many hard things easy.

Content-centric networking

The founding principle of Content-centric networking is that a communication network should allow a user to focus on the data he or she needs, rather than having to reference a specific, physical location where that data is to be retrieved from. This stems from the fact that the vast majority of current Internet usage (a "high 90% level of traffic") consists of data being disseminated from a source to a number of users. The current architecture of the Internet revolves around a conversation model, created in the 1970s to allow geographically distributed users to use a few big, immobile computers. The content-centric approach seeks to make the basic architecture of the network to current usage patterns. The new approach comes with a wide range of benefits, one of which being building security (both authentication and ciphering) into the network, and at the data level. Despite all its advantages, this idea doesn't seem to map very well to some of the current uses of the Web (like web applications, where data is generated on the fly according to user actions) or real-time applications like VoIP and instant messaging. But one can envision an Internet where content-centric protocols take care of the diffusion-based uses of the network, creating an overlay network, while genuine conversation-centric protocols stay on the current infrastructure.

Solutions or workarounds?

There are many solutions or workarounds for the problems posed by traditional conversation based networking such as Content Delivery Networks, caching, distributed filesystems, P2P and PKI. By taking the perspective of Van Jacobson we can investigate new dimensions of these problems. What could be the impact of this perspective on the future of the Internet architecture? What do you think? I recommend the New Way to Look at Networking video by Van Jacobson. He tells us the brief history of Networking from the phone system to the Internet and his vision for dissemination networking.

Information Sources

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A High Performance Memory Database for Web Application Caches

Abstract—This paper presents the architecture and characteristics of a memory database intended to be used as a cache engine for web applications. Primary goals of this database are speed and efficiency while running on SMP systems with several CPU cores (four and more). A secondary goal is the support for simple metadata structures associated with cached data that can aid in efficient use of the cache. Due to these goals, some data structures and algorithms normally associated with this field of computing needed to be adapted to the new environment.

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Oracle opens Coherence Incubator

During the Coherence Special Interest Group meeting in London, Brian Oliver from Oracle yesterday announced the start of the Coherence Incubator project. Coherence Incubator is a new online repository of projects that provides reference implementation examples for commonly used design patterns and integration solutions based on Oracle Coherence.

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Product: ScaleOut StateServer is Memcached on Steroids

ScaleOut StateServer is an in-memory distributed cache across a server farm or compute grid. Unlike middleware vendors, StateServer is aims at being a very good data cache, it doesn't try to handle job scheduling as well. StateServer is what you might get when you take Memcached and merge in all the value added distributed caching features you've ever dreamed of. True, Memcached is free and ScaleOut StateServer is very far from free, but for those looking a for a satisfying out-of-the-box experience, StateServer may be just the caching solution you are looking for. Yes, "solution" is one of those "oh my God I'm going to pay through the nose" indicator words, but it really applies here. Memcached is a framework whereas StateServer has already prepackaged most features you would need to add through your own programming efforts. Why use a distributed cache? Because it combines the holly quadrinity of computing: better performance, linear scalability, high availability, and fast application development. Performance is better because data is accessed from memory instead of through a database to a disk. Scalability is linear because as more servers are added data is transparently load balanced across the servers so there is an automated in-memory sharding. Availability is higher because multiple copies of data are kept in memory and the entire system reroutes on failure. Application development is faster because there's only one layer of software to deal with, the cache, and its API is simple. All the complexity is hidden from the programmer which means all a developer has to do is get and put data. StateServer follows the RAM is the new disk credo. Memory is assumed to be the system of record, not the database. If you want data to be stored in a database and have the two kept in sync, then you'll have to add that layer yourself. All the standard memcached techniques should work as well for StateServer. Consider however that a database layer may not be needed. Reliability is handled by StateServer because it keeps multiple data copies, reroutes on failure, and has an option for geographical distribution for another layer of added safety. Storing to disk wouldn't make you any safer. Via email I asked them a few questions. The key question was how they stacked up against Memcached? As that is surely one of the more popular challenges they would get in any sales cycle, I was very curious about their answer. And they did a great job differentiation themselves. What did they say? First, for an in-depth discussion of their technology take a look ScaleOut Software Technology, but here a few of the highlights:

  • Platforms: .Net, Linux, Solaris
  • Languages: .Net, Java and C/C++
  • Transparent Services: server farm membership, object placement, scaling, recovery, creating and managing replicas, and handling synchronization on object access.
  • Performance: Scales with measured linear throughput gain to farms with 64 servers. StateServer was subjected to maximum access load in tests that ramped from 2 to 64 servers, with more than 2.5 gigabytes of cached data and a sustained throughput of over 92,000 accesses per second using a 20 Mbits/second Infiniband network. StateServer provided linear throughput increases at each stage of the test as servers and load were added.
  • Data cache only. Doesn't try to become middleware layer for executing jobs. Also will not sync to your database.
  • Local Cache View. Objects are cached on the servers where they were most recently accessed. Application developers can view the distributed cache as if it were a local cache which is accessed by the customary add, retrieve, update, and remove operations on cached objects. Object locking for synchronization across threads and servers is built into these operations and occurs automatically.
  • Automatic Sharding and Load Balancing. Automatically partitions all of distributed cache's stored objects across the farm and simultaneously processes access requests on all servers. As servers are added to the farm, StateServer automatically repartitions and rebalances the storage workload to scale throughput. Likewise, if servers are removed, ScaleOut StateServer coalesces stored objects on the surviving servers and rebalances the storage workload as necessary.
  • High Availability. All cached objects are replication on up to two additional servers. If a server goes offline or loses network connectivity, ScaleOut StateServer retrieves its objects from replicas stored on other servers in the farm, and it creates new replicas to maintain redundant storage as part of its "self-healing" process. Uses a quorum-based updating scheme.
  • Flexible Expiration Policies. Optional object expiration after sliding or fixed timeouts, LRU memory reclamation, or object dependency changes. Asynchronous events are also available to signal object expiration.
  • Geographical Scaleout. Has the ability to automatically replicate to a remote cache using the ScaleOut GeoServer option.
  • Parallel Query. Perform fully parallel queries on cached objects. Developers can attach metadata or "tags" to cached objects and query the cache for all matching objects. ScaleOut StateServer performs queries in parallel across all caching servers and employs patent-pending technology to ensure that query operations are both highly available and scalable. This is really cool technology that really leverages the advantage of in-memory databases. Sharding means you have a scalable system then can execute complex queries in parallel without you doing all the work you would normally do in a sharded system. And you don't have to resort to the complicated logics need for SimpleDB and BigTable type systems. Very nice.
  • Pricing: - Development Edition: No Charge - Professional Edition: $1,895 for 2 servers - Data Center Edition: $71,995 for 64 servers - GeoServer Option First two data centers $14,995, Each add'l data center $7,495. - Support: 25% of software license fee Some potential negatives about ScaleOut StateServer:
  • I couldn't find a developer forum. There may be one, but it eluded me. One thing I always look for is a vibrant developer community and I didn't see one. So if you have problems or want to talk about different ways of doing things, you are on your own.
  • The sales group wasn't responsive. I sent them an email with a question and they never responded. That always makes me wonder how I'll be treated once I've put money down.
  • The lack of developer talk made it hard for me to find negatives about the product itself, so I can't evaluate its quality in production. In the next section the headings are my questions and the responses are from ScaleOut Software.

    Why use ScaleOut StateServer instead of Memcached?

    I've [Dan McMillan, VP Sales] included some data points below based on our current understanding of the Memcached product. We don't use and haven't tested Memcached internally, so this comparison is based in part upon our own investigations and in part what we are hearing from our own customers during their evaluation and comparisons. We are aware that Memcached is successfully being used on many large, high volume sites. We believe strong demand for ScaleOut is being driven by companies that need a ready-to-deploy solution that provides advanced features and just works. We also hear that Memcached is often seen as a low cost solution in the beginning, but development and ongoing management costs sometimes far exceed our licensing fees. What sets ScaleOut apart from Memcached (and other competing solutions) is that ScaleOut was architected from the ground up to be a fully integrated and automated caching solution. ScaleOut offers both scalability and high availability, where our competitors typically provide only one or the other. ScaleOut is considered a full-featured, plug-n-play caching solution at a very reasonable price point, whereas we view Memcached as a framework in which to build your own caching solution. Much of the cost in choosing Memcached will be in development and ongoing management. ScaleOut works right out of the box. I asked ScaleOut Software founder and chief architect, Bill Bain for his thoughts on this. He is a long-time distributed caching and parallel computing expert and is the architect of ScaleOut StateServer. He had several interesting points to share about creating a distributed cache by using an open source (i.e. build it yourself) solution versus ScaleOut StateServer. First, he estimates that it would take considerable time and effort for engineers to create a distributed cache that has ScaleOut StateServer's fundamental capabilities. The primary reason is that the open source method only gives you a starting point, but it does not include most capabilities that are needed in a distributed cache. In fact, there is no built-in scalability or availability, the two principal benefits of a distributed cache. Here is some of the functionality that you would have to build:
  • Scalable storage and throughput. You need to create a means of storing objects across the servers in the farm in a way that will scale as servers are added, such as creating and managing partitions. Dynamic load balancing of objects is needed to avoid hot spots, and to our knowledge this is not provided in memcached.
  • High availability. To ensure that objects are available in the case of a server failure, you need to create replicas and have a means of automatically retrieving them in case a server fails. Also, just knowing that a server has failed requires you to develop a scalable heart-beating mechanism that spans all servers and maintains a global membership. Replicas have to be atomically updated to maintain the coherency of the stored data.
  • Global object naming. The storage, load-balancing, and high availability mechanisms need to make use of efficient, global object naming and lookup so that any client can access any object in the distributed cache, even after load-balancing or recovery actions.
  • Distributed locking. You need distributed locking to coordinate accesses by different clients so that there are not conflicts or synchronization issues as objects are read, updated and deleted. Distributed locks have to automatically recover in case of server failures.
  • Object timeouts. You also will need to build the capability for the cache to handle object timeouts (absolute and sliding) and to make these timeouts highly available.
  • Eventing. If you want your application to be able to catch asynchronous events such as timeouts, you will need a mechanism to deliver events to clients, and this mechanism should be both scalable and highly available.
  • Local caching. You need the ability to internally cache deserialized data on the clients to keep response times fast and avoid deserialization overhead on repeated reads. These local caches need to be kept coherent with the distributed cache.
  • Management. You need a means to manage all of the servers in the distributed cache and to collect performance data. There is no built-in management capability in memcached, and this requires a major development effort.
  • Remote client support. ScaleOut currently offers both a standard configuration (installed as a Windows service on each web server) and a remote client configuration (Installed on a dedicated cache farm).
  • ASP.Net/Java interoperability. Our Java/Linux release will offer true ASP.Net/Java interop, allowing you to share objects and manage sessions across platforms. Note: we just posted our "preview" release last week.
  • Indexed query functionality. Our forthcoming ScaleOut 4.0 release will contain this feature, which allows you to query the store to return objects based on metadata.
  • Multiple data center support. With our GeoServer product, you can automatically replicate cached information to up to 8 remote data centers. This provides a powerful solution for disaster recovery, or even "active-active" configurations. GeoServer's replication is both scalable and high available. In addition to the above, we hope that the fact ScaleOut Software provides a commercial solution that is reasonably priced, supported and constantly improved would be viewed as an important plus for our customers. In many cases, in-house and open source solutions are not supported or improved once the original developer is gone or is assigned to other priorities.

    Do you find yourself in competition with the likes of Terracotta, GridGain, GridSpaces, and Coherence type products?

    Our ScaleOut technology has previously been targeted to the ASP.Net space. Now that we are entering the Java/Linux space, we will be competing with companies like the ones you mentioned above, which are mainly Java/Linux focused as well. We initially got our start with distributed caching for ecommerce applications, but grid computing seems to be a strong growth area for us as well. We are now working with some large Wall Street firms on grid computing projects that involve some (very large) grid operations. I would like to reiterate that we are very focused on data caching only. We don't try to do job scheduling or other grid computing tasks, but we do improve performance and availability for those tasks via our distributed data cache.

    What architectures your customers are using with your GeoServer product?

    A. GeoServer is a newer, add-on product that is designed to replicate the contents of two or more geographically separated ScaleOut object stores (caches). Typically a customer might use GeoServer to replicate object data between a primary data center site and a DR site. GeoServer facilitates continuous (async.) replication between sites, so if site A goes offline, the other site B is immediately available to handle the workload. Our ScaleOut technology offers 3 primary benefits: Scalability, performance & high availability. From a single web farm perspective, ScaleOut provides high availability by making either 1 or 2 (this is configurable) replica copies of each master object and storing the replica on an alternate host server in the farm. ScaleOut provides uniform access to the object from any server, and protects the object in the case of a server failure. With GeoServer, these benefits are extended across multiple sites. It is true that distributed caches typically hold temporary, fast-changing data, but that data can still be very critical to ecommerce, or grid computing applications. Loss of this data during a server failure, worker process recycle or even a grid computation process is unacceptable. We improve performance by keeping the data in-memory, while still maintaining high availability.

    Related Articles

  • RAM is the new disk
  • Latency is Everywhere and it Costs You Sales - How to Crush it
  • A Bunch of Great Strategies for Using Memcached and MySQL Better Together
  • Paper: Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web
  • Google's Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective
  • Industry Chat with Bill Bain and Marc Jacobs - Joe Rubino interviews William L. Bain, Founder & CEO of ScaleOut Software and Marc Jacobs, Director at Lab49, on distributed caches and their use within Financial Services.

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  • Saturday

    Strategy: Serve Pre-generated Static Files Instead Of Dynamic Pages

    Pre-generating static files is an oldy but a goody, and as Thomas Brox Røst says, it's probably an underused strategy today. At one time this was the dominate technique for structuring a web site. Then the age of dynamic web sites arrived and we spent all our time worrying how to make the database faster and add more caching to recover the speed we had lost in the transition from static to dynamic. Static files have the advantage of being very fast to serve. Read from disk and display. Simple and fast. Especially when caching proxies are used. The issue is how do you bulk generate the initial files, how do you serve the files, and how do you keep the changed files up to date? This is the process Thomas covers in his excellent article Serving static files with Django and AWS - going fast on a budget", where he explains how he converted 600K thousand previously dynamic pages to static pages for his site Eventseer.net, a service for tracking academic events. Eventseer.net was experiencing performance problems as search engines crawled their 600K dynamic pages. As a solution you could imagine scaling up, adding more servers, adding sharding, etc etc, all somewhat complicated approaches. Their solution was to convert the dynamic pages to static pages in order to keep search engines from killing the site. As an added bonus non logged-in users experienced a much faster site and were more likely to sign up for the service. The article does a good job explaining what they did, so I won't regurgitate it all here, but I will cover the highlights and comment on some additional potential features and alternate implementations... They estimated it would take 7 days on single server to generate the initial 600K pages. Ouch. So what they did was use EC2 for what it's good for, spin up a lot of boxes to process data. Their data is backed up on S3 so the EC2 instances could read the data from S3, generate the static pages, and write them to their deployment area. It took 5 hours, 25 EC2 instances, and a meager $12.50 to perform the initial bulk conversion. Pretty slick. The next trick is figuring out how to regenerate static pages when changes occur. When a new event is added to their system hundreds of pages could be impacted, which would require the effected static pages to be regenerated. Since it's not important to update pages immediately they queued updates for processing later. An excellent technique. A local queue of changes was maintained and replicated to an AWS SQS queue. The local queue is used in case SQS is down. Twice a day EC2 instances are started to regenerate pages. Instances read twork requests from SQS, access data from S3, regenerate the pages, and shutdown when the SQS is empty. In addition they use AWS for all their background processing jobs.


    I like their approach a lot. It's a very pragmatic solution and rock solid in operation. For very little money they offloaded the database by moving work to AWS. If they grow to millions of users (knock on wood) nothing much will have to change in their architecture. The same process will still work and it still not cost very much. Far better than trying to add machines locally to handle the load or moving to a more complicated architecture. Using the backups on S3 as a source for the pages rather than hitting the database is inspired. Your data is backed up and the database is protected. Nice. Using batched asynchronous work queues rather than synchronously loading the web servers and the database for each change is a good strategy too. As I was reading I originally thought you could optimize the system so that a page only needed to be generated once. Maybe by analyzing the events or some other magic. Then it hit me that this was old style thinking. Don't be fancy. Just keep regenerating each page as needed. If a page is regenerated a 1000 times versus only once, who cares? There's plenty of cheap CPU available. The local queue of changes still bothers me a little because it adds a complication into the system. The local queue and the AWS SQS queue must be kept synced. I understand that missing a change would be a disaster because the dependent pages would never be regenerated and nobody would ever know. The page would only be regenerated the next time an event happened to impact the page. If pages are regenerated frequently this isn't a serious problem, but for seldom touched pages they may never be regenerated again. Personally I would drop the local queue. SQS goes down infrequently. When it does go down I would record that fact and regenerate all the pages when SQS comes back up. This is a simpler and more robust architecture, assuming SQS is mostly reliable. Another feature I have implemented in similar situations is to setup a rolling page regeneration schedule where a subset of pages are periodically regenerated, even if no event was detected that would cause a page to be regenerated. This protects against any event drops that may cause data be undetectably stale. Over a few days, weeks, or whatever, every page is regenerated. It's a relatively cheap way to make a robust system resilient to failures.

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    Product: Terracotta - Open Source Network-Attached Memory

    Update: Evaluating Terracotta by Piotr Woloszyn. Nice writeup that covers resilience, failover, DB persistence, Distributed caching implementation, OS/Platform restrictions, Ease of implementation, Hardware requirements, Performance, Support package, Code stability, partitioning, Transactional, Replication and consistency. Terracotta is Network Attached Memory (NAM) for Java VMs. It provides up to a terabyte of virtual heap for Java applications that spans hundreds of connected JVMs. NAM is best suited for storing what they call scratch data. Scratch data is defined as object oriented data that is critical to the execution of a series of Java operations inside the JVM, but may not be critical once a business transaction is complete. The Terracotta Architecture has three components:

    1. Client Nodes - Each client node corresponds to a client node in the cluster which runs on a standard JVM
    2. Server Cluster - java process that provides the clustering intelligence. The current Terracotta implementation operates in an Active/Passive mode
    3. Storage used as
      • Virtual Heap storage - as objects are paged out of the client nodes, into the server, if the server heap fills up, objects are paged onto disk
      • Lock Arbiter - To ensure that there is no possibility of the classic "split-brain" problem, Terracotta relies on the disk infrastructure to provide a lock.
      • Shared Storage - to transmit the object state from the active to passive, objects are persisted to disk, which then shares the state to the passive server(s).
    JVM-level clustering can turn single-node, multi-threaded apps into distributed, multi-node apps, often with no code changes. This is possible by plugging in to the Java Memory Model in order to maintain key Java semantics of pass-by-reference, thread coordination and garbage collection across the cluster. Terracotta enables this using only declarative configuration with minimal impact to existing code and provides fine-grained field-level replication which means your objects no longer need to implement Java serialization. Ari Zilka, the founder and CTO of Terracotta had a video session organized by Skills Matter. He will show you how it works and how you can start clustering your POJO-based Web applications (based on Spring, Struts, Wicket, RIFE, EHCache, Quartz, Lucene, DWR, Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty or Geronimo etc.).

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    Ehcache - A Java Distributed Cache 

    Ehcache is a pure Java cache with the following features: fast, simple, small foot print, minimal dependencies, provides memory and disk stores for scalability into gigabytes, scalable to hundreds of caches is a pluggable cache for Hibernate, tuned for high concurrent load on large multi-cpu servers, provides LRU, LFU and FIFO cache eviction policies, and is production tested. Ehcache is used by LinkedIn to cache member profiles. The user guide says it's possible to get at 2.5 times system speedup for persistent Object Relational Caching, a 1000 times system speedup for Web Page Caching, and a 1.6 times system speedup Web Page Fragment Caching. From the website: Introduction Ehcache is a cache library. Before getting into ehcache, it is worth stepping back and thinking about caching generally. About Caches Wiktionary defines a cache as A store of things that will be required in future, and can be retrieved rapidly . That is the nub of it. In computer science terms, a cache is a collection of temporary data which either duplicates data located elsewhere or is the result of a computation. Once in the cache, the data can be repeatedly accessed inexpensively. Why caching works Locality of Reference While ehcache concerns itself with Java objects, caching is used throughout computing, from CPU caches to the DNS system. Why? Because many computer systems exhibit locality of reference . Data that is near other data or has just been used is more likely to be used again. The Long Tail Chris Anderson, of Wired Magazine, coined the term The Long Tail to refer to Ecommerce systems. The idea that a small number of items may make up the bulk of sales, a small number of blogs might get the most hits and so on. While there is a small list of popular items, there is a long tail of less popular ones. The Long Tail The Long Tail is itself a vernacular term for a Power Law probability distribution. They don't just appear in ecommerce, but throughout nature. One form of a Power Law distribution is the Pareto distribution, commonly know as the 80:20 rule. This phenomenon is useful for caching. If 20% of objects are used 80% of the time and a way can be found to reduce the cost of obtaining that 20%, then the system performance will improve. Will an Application Benefit from Caching? The short answer is that it often does, due to the effects noted above. The medium answer is that it often depends on whether it is CPU bound or I/O bound. If an application is I/O bound then then the time taken to complete a computation depends principally on the rate at which data can be obtained. If it is CPU bound, then the time taken principally depends on the speed of the CPU and main memory. While the focus for caching is on improving performance, it it also worth realizing that it reduces load. The time it takes something to complete is usually related to the expense of it. So, caching often reduces load on scarce resources. Speeding up CPU bound Applications CPU bound applications are often sped up by: * improving algorithm performance * parallelizing the computations across multiple CPUs (SMP) or multiple machines (Clusters). * upgrading the CPU speed. The role of caching, if there is one, is to temporarily store computations that may be reused again. An example from ehcache would be large web pages that have a high rendering cost. Another caching of authentication status, where authentication requires cryptographic transforms. Speeding up I/O bound Applications Many applications are I/O bound, either by disk or network operations. In the case of databases they can be limited by both. There is no Moore's law for hard disks. A 10,000 RPM disk was fast 10 years ago and is still fast. Hard disks are speeding up by using their own caching of blocks into memory. Network operations can be bound by a number of factors: * time to set up and tear down connections * latency, or the minimum round trip time * throughput limits * marshalling and unmarhshalling overhead The caching of data can often help a lot with I/O bound applications. Some examples of ehcache uses are: * Data Access Object caching for Hibernate * Web page caching, for pages generated from databases. Increased Application Scalability The flip side of increased performance is increased scalability. Say you have a database which can do 100 expensive queries per second. After that it backs up and if connections are added to it it slowly dies. In this case, caching may be able to reduce the workload required. If caching can cause 90 of that 100 to be cache hits and not even get to the database, then the database can scale 10 times higher than otherwise. How much will an application speed up with Caching? The short answer The short answer is that it depends on a multitude of factors being: * how many times a cached piece of data can and is reused by the application * the proportion of the response time that is alleviated by caching In applications that are I/O bound, which is most business applications, most of the response time is getting data from a database. Therefore the speed up mostly depends on how much reuse a piece of data gets. In a system where each piece of data is used just once, it is zero. In a system where data is reused a lot, the speed up is large. The long answer, unfortunately, is complicated and mathematical. It is considered next.

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  • Caching Category on High Scalability
  • Product: Memcached
  • Manage a Cache System with EHCache

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  • Friday

    Economies of Non-Scale

    Scalability forces us to think differently. What worked on a small scale doesn't always work on a large scale -- and costs are no different. If 90% of our application is free of contention, and only 10% is spent on a shared resources, we will need to grow our compute resources by a factor of 100 to scale by a factor of 10! Another important thing to note is that 10x, in this case, is the limit of our ability to scale, even if more resources are added. 1. The cost of non-linearly scalable applications grows exponentially with the demand for more scale. 2. Non-linearly scalable applications have an absolute limit of scalability. According to Amdhal's Law, with 10% contention, the maximum scaling limit is 10. With 40% contention, our maximum scaling limit is 2.5 - no matter how many hardware resources we will throw at the problem. This post discuss in further details how to measure the true cost of non linearly scalable systems and suggest a model for reducing that cost significantly.

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