Entries in cloud computing (40)


Guinness Book of World Records Anyone?

We are planning to be the first company to do a one million user load test and are looking for someone willing to be the first to have been subjected to such a test! Is YOUR site scalable enough? How do you KNOW? http://capcalblog.blogspot.com. Randy Hayes CapCal

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Challanges for Developing Enterprise Application on the Cloud

This post I provided a summary of recent discussions outlining the main challenges that developers face today when deploying their existing JEE application to the cloud such as complexity, database integration, security, standard JEE support etc. In this post i also provided summary of how we managed to handle those challenges with our new Cloud Computing Framework by pointing to an existing production reference of a leading Telco provider.

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Scalability Perspectives #6: Lew Tucker – Virtual Data Centers in the Open Cloud

Scalability Perspectives is a series of posts that highlights the ideas that will shape the next decade of IT architecture. Each post is dedicated to a thought leader of the information age and his vision of the future. Be warned though – the journey into the minds and perspectives of these people requires an open mind.

Lew Tucker

Lew Tucker is the Vice President and CTO of Sun Microsystems’ Cloud Computing initiative. Lew’s career has been focused on scalable computing and web development. Lew worked at Sun Microsystems through the 1990’s. In 2002, Lew joined Salesforce.com and led the design and implementation of App Exchange. After Salesforce.com, Lew was CTO at Radar Networks, where he focused on the scalable design and build out of its semantic web service.

The Sun Cloud API

Sun has recently announced its open RESTful API for creating and managing cloud resources, including compute, storage, and networking components. Lew and his team is busy implementing Sun's cloud offering. His background and experience from the creation of Salesforce App Exchange has helped the team to create a simple but flexible set of APIs. Lew envisions open, interoperable clouds based on community standards such as the Cloud API.

Your Own Virtual Data Center in the Cloud

Lew Tucker has demonstrated the use of the Sun Cloud by building a Virtual Data Center built of virtual servers, switches and storage. He commented on the announcement in this interview. Check out the information sources below to understand the perspective of Lew Tucker on Cloud Computing and learn more about the relationship of the Sun and the Clouds. The TechCrunch roundtable is especially interesting.

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Its time for auto scaling – avoid peak load provisioning for web applications

Many web applications, including eBanking, Trading, eCommerce and Online Gaming, face large, fluctuating loads. In this post will describe how to achieve Right Sizing using virtualization and cloud computing. Will use a standard JEE web application to demonstrate how auto-scaling works on AWS Cloud without changing your application code.

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Event: MySQL Conference & Expo 2009

The 5th annual MySQL Conference & Expo, co-presented by Sun Microsystems, MySQL and O'Reilly Media. Happening April 20-23, 2009 in Santa Clara, CA, at the Santa Clara Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, brings over 2,000 open source and database enthusiasts together to harness the power of MySQL and celebrate the huge MySQL ecosystem. All around the world, people just like you are innovating with MySQL—and MySQL is fueling the innovation engine by releasing new mission critical solutions to help you work smarter. This deeply technical conference brings all of that creativity, energy, and knowledge together in one place for four very full days. Early registration ends February 16, 2009. The largest gathering of MySQL developers, users, and DBAs worldwide, the event reflects MySQL's wide-ranging appeal and capabilities. The open atmosphere of the MySQL Conference & Expo helps IT professionals and community members launch and develop the best database applications, tools, and software. As companies of all sizes look for ways to remain competitive and manage costs, open source software and tools provide valuable and efficient solutions for the enterprise. The 2009 edition of the MySQL Conference & Expo will present strategies for businesses to not just survive, but thrive in a challenging economy. Through expert instruction, hands-on tutorials, and readily available MySQL developers, users at all levels gain the knowledge they need to rapidly build solid applications with MySQL that scale with the enterprise. New to the 2009 program will be MySQL Camp, a space where any and all participants can create an "unconference" within the larger event.

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Sun Acquires Q-layer in Cloud Computing Play

Datacenterknowledge.com: In an effort to boost its refocused cloud computing initiative, Sun Microsystems (JAVA) has acquired Q-layer, a Belgian provider that automates the deployment of both public and private clouds. Sun says Q-layer’s technology will help users instantly provision servers, storage, bandwidth and applications. Do you have experience with Q-layers technology like its Virtual Private DataCenter and NephOS?

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Scalability Perspectives #5: Werner Vogels – The Amazon Technology Platform

Scalability Perspectives is a series of posts that highlights the ideas that will shape the next decade of IT architecture. Each post is dedicated to a thought leader of the information age and his vision of the future. Be warned though – the journey into the minds and perspectives of these people requires an open mind.

Werner Vogels

Dr. Werner Vogels is Vice President & Chief Technology Officer at Amazon.com where he is responsible for driving the company’s technology vision, which is to continuously enhance the innovation on behalf of Amazon’s customers at a global scale. Prior to joining Amazon, he worked as a researcher at Cornell University where he was a principal investigator in several research projects that target the scalability and robustness of mission-critical enterprise computing systems. He is regarded as one of the world's top experts on ultra-scalable systems and he uses his weblog to educate the community about issues such as eventual consistency. Information Week recently recognized Vogels for this educational and promotional role in Cloud Computing with the 2008 CIO/CTO of the Year award.

Service-Oriented Architecture, Utility Computing and Internet Level 3 Platform in practice

Amazon has built a loosely coupled service-oriented architecture on an inter-planetary scale. They are the pioneers of Utility Computing and Internet Platforms discussed earlier in Scalability Perspectives. Amazon's CTO, Werner Vogels is undoubtedly a thought leader for the coming age of cloud computing.

Cloud Computing CTO or Chief Cloud Officer?

Vogels' name and face are often associated with Amazon's cloud, but Amazon Web Services isn't a one-man show, it is Teamwork. Amazon's CTO has emerged as the right person at the right time and place to guide cloud computing - until now, an emerging technology for early adopters - into the mainstream. He not only understands how to architect a global computing cloud consisting of tens of thousands of servers, but also how to engage CTOs, CIOs, and other professionals at customer companies in a discussion of how that architecture could potentially change the way they approach IT. If all goes as planned, Amazon's cloud will serve as an extension of corporate data centers for new applications and overflow capacity, so-called cloud bursting. Over time, Amazon will then take on more and more of the IT workload from businesses that see value in the model. Customer-centric? What Amazon's doing goes beyond that. Amazon's cloud becomes their cloud; its CTO, their CTO. As an expert of distributed systems Vogels shares interesting insights on scalability related issues on his blog such as:

The Amazon Technology Platform

Werner Vogels explains how Amazon has become a platform provider, and how an increasing number of diverse businesses are built on the Amazon.com platform in this QCon presentation. The most important thing to understand is that Amazon is a Technology Platform with the emphasis on Technology. The scalable and reliable platform is the main enabler of Amazon's business model. Dr Werner describes Amazon’s platform business model and its ‘flywheel’ for growth on the latest episode of the Telco 2.0 ‘executive brainstorm’ series on Telecom TV. Amazon has many platforms that fuels growth such as:
  • Amazon Merchants
  • Amazon Associates
  • Amazon E-Commerce Platform
  • Web Scale Computing Platform
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Telecommunications platfrom using Amazon's platform?
Werner provides interesting insights about these platforms in his presentation. Check out his blog and other resources to learn more about his vision and Amazon's future.

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Platform virtualization - top 25 providers (software, hardware, combined)

In this article they present the companies which offers means (mainly, the software and hardware) which powers most of the cloud computing hosting providers, namely virtualization solutions.

Read the entire article about Platform virtualization - top 25 providers (software, hardware, combined) at MyTestBox.com - web software reviews, news, tips & tricks.

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Risk Analysis on the Cloud (Using Excel and GigaSpaces)

Every day brings news of either more failures of the financial systems or out-right fraud, with the $50 billion Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme being the latest, breaking all records. This post provide a technical overview of a solution that was implemented for one of the largest banks in China. The solution illustrate how one can use Excel as a front end client and at the same time leverage cloud computing model and mapreduce as well as other patterns to scale-out risk calculations. I'm hoping that this type of approach will reduce the chances for seeing this type of fraud from happening in the future.

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Private/Public Cloud

Data centers are reshaping themselves by taking ideas from public cloud providers, such as Amazon and Google. The idea is to make the data center more cost-effective by enabling on-demand utility-based computing rather than dedicated machines. At the same time, it is clear that to make IT operations more effective, it doesn't make sense to run all the applications that are currently hosted in a company's data center in the private cloud. This calls for an integration between private and public cloud. In this post i discuss some of the challenges involved in making that happen: 1. How do we design applications to be cloud-agnostic? 2. How do we enable seamless fail-over to a public cloud? 3. Future-proofing: There are many cases in which we can't make a clear decision as to where our application should be running at the time of writing or developing the application. We would like to be in a position to change the decision as to where our application will be running even after our application has been completely developed.

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