Entries in Example (248)


Auth0 Architecture - Running in Multiple Cloud Providers and Regions

This is a guest post by Jose Romaniello, Head of Engineering, at Auth0. There is a new version of this post! Check out Auth0 Architecture - Running In Multiple Cloud Providers And Regions (2018).

Auth0 provides authentication, authorization and single sign on services for apps of any type: mobile, web, native; on any stack.

Authentication is critical for the vast majority of apps. We designed Auth0 from the beginning with multipe levels of redundancy. One of this levels is hosting. Auth0 can run anywhere: our cloud, your cloud, or even your own servers. And when we run Auth0 we run it on multiple-cloud providers and in multiple regions simultaneously.

This article is a brief introduction of the infrastructure behind app.auth0.com and the strategies we use to keep it up and running with high availability.

Core Service Architecture

The core service is relatively simple:

  • Front-end servers: these consist of several x-large VMs, running Ubuntu on Microsoft Azure.

  • Store: mongodb, running on dedicated memory optimized X-large VMs.

  • Intra-node service routing: nginx

All components of Auth0 (e.g. Dashboard, transaction server, docs) run on all nodes. All identical.

Multi-cloud / High AvailabilityMulti cloud architecture

Last week, Azure suffered a global outage that lasted for hours. During that time our HA plan activated and we switched over to AWS

  • The services runs primarily on Microsoft Azure (IaaS). Secondary nodes on stand-by always ready on AWS.

  • We use Route53 with a failover routing policy. TTL at 60 secs. The Route53 health check detects using a probe against primary DC, if it fails (3 times, 10 seconds interval) it changes the DNS entry to point to secondary DC. So max downtime in case of primary failure is ~2 minutes.

  • We use puppet to deploy on every "push to master". Using puppet allows us to be cloud independent on the configuration/deployment process. Puppet Master runs on our build server (TeamCity currently).

  • MongoDB is replicated often to secondary DC and secondary DC is configured as read-only.

  • While running on the secondary DC, only runtime logins are allowed and the dashboard is set to "read-only mode".

  • We replicate all the configuration needed for a login to succeed (application info, secrets, connections, users, etc). We don’t replicate transactional data (tokens, logs).

  • In case of failover, there might might some logging records that are lost. We are planning to improve that by having a real-time replica across Azure and AWS.

  • We use our own version of chaos monkey to test the resiliency of our infrastructure https://github.com/auth0/chaos-mona

Automated Testing

  • We have 1000+ unit and integration tests.

  • We use saucelabs to run cross-browser (desktop/mobile) integration tests for Lock, our JavaScript login widget.

  • We use phantomjs/casper for integration tests. We test, for instance, that a full flow login with Google and other providers works fine.

  • All these run before every push to production.


Our use case is simple, we need to serve our JS library and its configuration (which providers are enabled, etc.). Assets and configuration data is uploaded to S3. It has to support TLS on our own custom domain (https://cdn.auth0.com). We ended up building our own CDN.

  • We tried 3 reputable CDN providers, but run into a whole variety of issues: The first one we tried when we didn't have our own domain for cdn. At some point we decided we needed our own domain over SSL/TLS. This cdn was too expensive if you want SSL and customer domain at that point (600/mo). We also had issues configuring it to work with gzip and S3. Since S3 cannot serve both version (zipped and not) of the same file and this CDN doesn't have content negotiation, some browsers (cough IE) don't play well with this. So we moved to another CDN which was much cheaper.

  • The second CDN, we had a handful of issues and we couldn't understand the root cause of them. Their support was on chat and it took time to get answers. Sometimes it seemed to be S3 issues, sometimes they had issues on routing, etc.

  • We decided to spend more money and we moved to a third CDN. Given that this CDN is being used by high load services like GitHub we thought it was going to be fine. However, our requirements were different from GitHub. If the CDN doesn't work for GitHub, you won't see an image on the README.md. In our case, our customers depends on the CDN to serve the Login Widget, which means that if it doesn't work, then their customers can't login.

  • We ended up building our own CDN using nginx, varnish and S3. It's hosted on every region on AWS and so far it has been working great (no downtime). We use Route53 latency based routing.

Sandbox (Used to run untrusted code)

One of the features we provide is the ability to run custom code as part of the login transaction. Customers can write these rules and we have a public repository for commonly used rules.

  • The sandbox is built on CoreOS, Docker and etcd.

  • There is a pool of Docker instances that gets assigned to a tenant on-demand.

  • Each tenant gets its own docker instance and there is a recycling policy based on idle time.

  • There is a controller doing the recycling policy and a proxy that routes the request to the right container.

More information about the sandbox is in this JSConf presentation Nov 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=I4VkZ5H9PE8#t=7015 and slides: http://tjanczuk.github.io/about/sandbox.html


Initially we used pingdom (we still use it), but we decided to develop our own health check system that can run arbitrary health checks based on node.js scripts. These run from all AWS regions.

  • It uses the same sandbox we developed for our service. We call the sandbox via an http API and send the node.js script to run as an HTTP POST.

  • We monitor all the components and we also do synthetic transactions against the service (e.g. a login transaction).

If a health check fails we get notified through Slack. We have two Slack channels #p1 and #p2. If the failure happens 1 time, it gets posted to #p2. If it happens 2 times in a row it gets posted to #p1 and all members of devops get an SMS (via Twilio).

For detailed performance counters and response times we use statsd and we send all the metrics to Librato. This is an example of a chart you can create.

We also setup alerts based on derivative metrics (i.e. how much something grows or shrinks in a time period). For instance, we have one based on logins: if Derivate(logins) > X => Send an alert to Slack.

Finally, we have alerts coming from NewRelic for infrastructure components.

For logging we use ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana. We are storing logs from nginx and mongodb at this point. We are also parsing mongo logs using logstash in order to identify slow queries (anything with a high number of collscans).


  • All related web properties: the auth0.com site, our blog, etc. run completely separate from the app and runtime, on their own Ubuntu + Docker VMs.


This is where we are going:

  • We are moving to CoreOS and Docker. We want to move to a model where we manage clusters as a whole instead of doing configuration management over individual nodes. Docker helps also by removing some moving parts by doing image-based deployment (and be able to rollback at that level as well).

  • MongoDB will be geo-replicated across DCs between AWS and Azure. We are testing latency.

  • For all the search related features we are moving to ElasticSearch to provide search based on any criteria. MongoDB didn't work out well in this scenario (given our multi-tenancy).


Aeron: Do we really need another messaging system?

Do we really need another messaging system? We might if it promises to move millions of messages a second, at small microsecond latencies between machines, with consistent response times, to large numbers of clients, using an innovative design.  

And that’s the promise of Aeron (the Celtic god of battle, not the chair, though tell that to the search engines), a new high-performance open source message transport library from the team of Todd Montgomery, a multicast and reliable protocol expert, Richard Warburton, an expert on compiler optimizations, and Martin Thompson, the pasty faced performance gangster.

The claims are Aeron is already beating the best products out there on throughput and latency matches the best commercial products up to the 90th percentile. Aeron can push small 40 byte messages at 6 million messages a second, which is a very difficult case.

Here’s a talk Martin gave on Aeron at Strangeloop: Aeron: Open-source high-performance messaging. I’ll give a gloss of his talk as well as integrating in sources of information listed at the end of this article.

Martin and his team were in the enviable position of having a client that required a product like Aeron and was willing to both finance its development while also making it open source. So go git Aeron on GitHub. Note, it’s early days for Aeron and they are still in the heavy optimization phase.

The world has changed therefore endpoints need to scale as never before. This is why Martin says we need a new messaging system. It’s now a multi-everything world. We have multi-core, multi-socket, multi-cloud, multi-billion user computing, where communication is happening all the time. Huge numbers of consumers regularly pound a channel to read from same publisher, which causes lock contention, queueing effects, which causes throughput to drop and latency to spike. 

What’s needed is a new messaging library to make the most of this new world. The move to microservices only heightens the need:

As we move to a world of micro services then we need very low and predictable latency from our communications otherwise the coherence component of USL will come to rain fire and brimstone on our designs.

With Aeron the goal is to keep things pure and focused. The benchmarking we have done so far suggests a step forward in throughput and latency. What is quite unique is that you do not have to choose between throughput and latency. With other high-end messaging transports this is a distinct choice. The algorithms employed by Aeron give maximum throughput while minimising latency up until saturation.

“Many messaging products are a Swiss Army knife; Aeron is a scalpel,” says Martin, which is a good way to understand Aeron. It’s not a full featured messaging product in the way you may be used to, like Kafka. Aeron does not persist messages, it doesn’t support guaranteed delivery, nor clustering, nor does it support topics. Aeron won’t know if a client has crashed and be able to sync it back up from history or initialize a new client from history. 

The best way to place Aeron in your mental matrix might be as a message oriented replacement for TCP, with higher level services written on top. Todd Montgomery expands on this idea:

Aeron being an ISO layer 4 protocol provides a number of things that messaging systems can't and also doesn't provide several things that some messaging systems do.... if that makes any sense. Let me explain slightly more wrt all typical messaging systems (not just Kafka and 0MQ). 

One way to think more about where Aeron fits is TCP, but with the option of reliable multicast delivery. However, that is a little limited in that Aeron also, by design, has a number of possible uses that go well beyond what TCP can do. Here are a few things to consider: 

Todd continues on with more detail, so please keep reading the article to see more on the subject.

At its core Aeron is a replicated persistent log of messages. And through a very conscious design process messages are wait-free and zero-copy along the entire path from publication to reception. This means latency is very good and very predictable.

That sums up Aeron is nutshell. It was created by an experienced team, using solid design principles sharpened on many previous projects, backed by techniques not everyone has in their tool chest. Every aspect has been well thought out to be clean, simple, highly performant, and highly concurrent.

If simplicity is indistinguishable from cleverness, then there’s a lot of cleverness going on in Aeron. Let’s see how they did it...

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Nifty Architecture Tricks from Wix - Building a Publishing Platform at Scale

Wix operates websites in the long tale. As a HTML5 based WYSIWYG web publishing platform, they have created over 54 million websites, most of which receive under 100 page views per day. So traditional caching strategies don’t apply, yet it only takes four web servers to handle all the traffic. That takes some smart work.

Aviran Mordo, Head of Back-End Engineering at Wix, has described their solution in an excellent talk: Wix Architecture at Scale. What they’ve developed is in the best tradition of scaling is specialization. They’ve carefully analyzed their system and figured out how to meet their aggressive high availability and high performance goals in some most interesting ways.

Wix uses multiple datacenters and clouds. Something I haven’t seen before is that they replicate data to multiple datacenters, to Google Compute Engine, and to Amazon. And they have fallback strategies between them in case of failure.

Wix doesn’t use transactions. Instead, all data is immutable and they use a simple eventual consistency strategy that perfectly matches their use case.

Wix doesn’t cache (as in a big caching layer). Instead, they pay great attention to optimizing the rendering path so that every page displays in under 100ms.

Wix started small, with a monolithic architecture, and has consciously moved to a service architecture using a very deliberate process for identifying services that can help anyone thinking about the same move.

This is not your traditional LAMP stack or native cloud anything. Wix is a little different and there’s something here you can learn from. Let’s see how they do it...


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How League of Legends Scaled Chat to 70 million Players - It takes Lots of minions.

How would you build a chat service that needed to handle 7.5 million concurrent players, 27 million daily players, 11K messages per second, and 1 billion events per server, per day?

What could generate so much traffic? A game of course. League of Legends. League of Legends is a team based game, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), where two teams of five battle against each other to control a map and achieve objectives.

For teams to succeed communication is crucial. I learned that from Michal Ptaszek, in an interesting talk on Scaling League of Legends Chat to 70 million Players (slides) at the Strange Loop 2014 conference. Michal gave a good example of why multiplayer team games require good communication between players. Imagine a basketball game without the ability to call plays. It wouldn’t work. So that means chat is crucial. Chat is not a Wouldn’t It Be Nice feature.

Michal structures the talk in an interesting way, using as a template the expression: Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast.

Making it work meant starting with XMPP as a base for chat. WhatsApp followed the same strategy. Out of the box you get something that works and scales well...until the user count really jumps. To make it right and fast, like WhatsApp, League of Legends found themselves customizing the Erlang VM. Adding lots of monitoring capabilities and performance optimizations to remove the bottlenecks that kill performance at scale.

Perhaps the most interesting part of their chat architecture is the use of Riak’s CRDTs (commutative replicated data types) to achieve their goal of a shared nothing fueled massively linear horizontal scalability. CRDTs are still esoteric, so you may not have heard of them yet, but they are the next cool thing if you can make them work for you. It’s a different way of thinking about handling writes.

Let’s learn how League of Legends built their chat system to handle 70 millions players...


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How Clay.io Built their 10x Architecture Using AWS, Docker, HAProxy, and Lots More

This is a guest repost by Zoli Kahan from Clay.io. 

This is the first post in my new series 10x, where I share my experiences and how we do things at Clay.io to develop at scale with a small team. If you find these things interesting, we're hiring - zoli@clay.io.

The Cloud



CloudFlare handles all of our DNS, and acts as a distributed caching proxy with some additional DDOS protection features. It also handles SSL.

Amazon EC2 + VPC + NAT server

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Instagram Improved their App's Performance. Here's How.

Is flat design just another pretty face or is it a huge performance hack cloaked as a UI revolution? It turns out flat design is a stone cold performance win.

This and more is expertly explained by Tyler Kieft, Engineer at Instagram, in a crisp and content filled talk he gave at the @scale conferenceInstagram on Typical Android. This talk was part of series of talks given by Facebook on how to design for the reality of mobile applications across the globe, where phones are slower, screens are smaller, and networks are slower than they are in the US.

Designing for a typical phone rather than a high-end phone required the Instagram team to rethink their design in a deep way. One of the revelations in Tyler's talk was that moving to a flat design was huge in making the application more beautiful, more usable, and it also substantially increased performance.

This was quite a surprise. I've only ever thought of flat design as just a way to think about how to build pretty UIs. Silly me. Thanks to Tyler for explaining the benefits of flat design so clearly and forcefully, using Instagram as a great example of what is possible.

Flat design is the anti-skeuomorphism, going digital native, eschewing a slavish obsession with the appearance of reality, adopting simple elements, simple typography, flat colors, and simple designs.

Using flat design Instagram was able shave off 120ms from its cold start times. It was also able to reduce the number of assets it took to display the feed screen from 29 assets down to 8 assets. All while making the application more beautiful, more usable, with giving more focus given to the content across different phone sizes.

How did flat design make all this possible? Please keep on reading...

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Getting Things Right: A Look at Centralized vs Decentralized Systems Through the Eyes of Instant Replay

Three baseball umpires were sitting around a bar, talking about how they make calls on each pitch: First umpire: Some are balls and some are strikes, and I call them as they are. Second umpire: Some are balls and some are strikes, and I call them as I see 'em. Third umpire: Some are balls and some are strikes, but they ain’t nothin' until I call 'em.

It’s fun to look at how concepts we think of as belonging primarily to the domain of computer science play out in other fields. One intriguing example is how Instant Replay reflects and even helps shape the culture of a sport by how replay is implemented: decentralized or centralized.

Lucrative TV deals have pumped huge sums of money into professional sports. With so much money in play, sports have shifted from being pure entertainment to wanting to get things right. The price of making a bad call is just too high to let the human element decide the fate of titans.

Getting things right is also a much talked about subject in computer science. In CS the language of getting things right uses terms like transaction, rollback, quorum, optimistic replication, linearizability, synchronization, lock, eventually consistent, compensating transaction, and so on.

In sports to get things right referees use terms like flag, penalty, by rule, ruling stands, reset the clock, down and distance, line to gain, the whistle blew, ruling confirmed, and ruling overturned.

Though the vocabulary is different, the intent is much the same. Correctness.

Intent is not all tech and sports have in common. As technology evolves we are seeing sports change to take advantage of the new capabilities technology offers. And those changes should be familiar to anyone in software. Sports have gone from a completely decentralized system of officiating to where we now see the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL, all converging on some form of a centralized system.

The NHL were the innovators, starting their centralized instant replay system in 2011. It works something like this...officials sit in a war room located in Toronto that looks a lot like every network operations center ever built. Video feeds from all games flow into the room. When there is a controversy or an obvious review-worthy play, Toronto is contacted for a quick review and judgement on the correct call.  Every sport will implement their own centralized replay system in their own way, but that's the gist of it.

We’ve seen the exact same transformation as federated services like email have been replaced with centralized services like Twitter and Facebook. It turns out sports and computer science have some deeper similarities. What might those be?

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How Twitter Uses Redis to Scale - 105TB RAM, 39MM QPS, 10,000+ Instances 

Yao Yue has worked on Twitter’s Cache team since 2010. She recently gave a really great talk: Scaling Redis at Twitter. It’s about Redis of course, but it's not just about Redis.

Yao has worked at Twitter for a few years. She's seen some things. She’s watched the growth of the cache service at Twitter explode from it being used by just one project to nearly a hundred projects using it. That's many thousands of machines, many clusters, and many terabytes of RAM.

It's clear from her talk that's she's coming from a place of real personal experience and that shines through in the practical way she explores issues. It's a talk well worth watching.

As you might expect, Twitter has a lot of cache.

Timeline Service for one datacenter using Hybrid List:
  • ~40TB allocated heap
  • ~30MM qps
  • > 6,000 instances
Use of BTree in one datacenter:
  • ~65TB allocated heap
  • ~9MM qps
  • >4,000 instances

You'll learn more about BTree and Hybrid List later in the post.

A couple of points stood out:

  • Redis is a brilliant idea because it takes underutilized resources on servers and turns them into valuable service.
  • Twitter specialized Redis with two new data types that fit their use cases perfectly. So they got the performance they needed, but it locked them into an older code based and made it hard to merge in new features. I have to wonder, why use Redis for this sort of thing? Just create a timeline service using your own datastructures. Does Redis really add anything to the party?
  • Summarize large chunks of log data on the node, using your local CPU power, before saturating the network.
  • If you want something that’s high performance separate the fast path, which is the data path, away from the slow path, which is the command and control path. 
  • Twitter is moving towards a container environment with Mesos as the job scheduler. This is still a new approach so it's interesting to hear about how it works. One issue is the Mesos wastage problem that stems from requirement to specify hard resource usage limits in a complicated runtime world.
  • A central cluster manager is really important to keep a cluster in a state that’s easy to understand.
  • The JVM is slow and C is fast. Their cache proxy layer is moving back to C/C++.
With that in mind, let's learn more about how Redis is used at Twitter:

Why Redis?

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MixRadio Architecture - Playing with an Eclectic Mix of Services

This is a guest repost by Steve Robbins, Chief Architect at MixRadio.

At MixRadio, we offer a free music streaming service that learns from listening habits to deliver people a personalised radio station, at the single touch of a button. MixRadio marries simplicity with an incredible level of personalization, for a mobile-first approach that will help everybody, not just the avid music fan, enjoy and discover new music. It's as easy as turning on the radio, but you're in control - just one touch of Play Me provides people with their own personal radio station.
The service also offers hundreds of hand-crafted expert and celebrity mixes categorised by genre and mood for each region. You can also create your own artist mix and mixes can be saved for offline listening during times without signal such as underground travel, as well as reducing data use and costs.
Our apps are currently available on Windows Phone, Windows 8, Nokia Asha phones and the web. We’ve spent years evolving a back-end that we’re incredibly proud of, despite being British! Here's an overview of our back-end architecture.


Architecture Overview

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The Easy Way of Building a Growing Startup Architecture Using HAProxy, PHP, Redis and MySQL to Handle 1 Billion Requests a Week

This Case Study is a guest post written by Antoni Orfin, Co-Founder and Software Architect at Octivi

In the post I'll show you the way we developed quite simple architecture based on HAProxy, PHP, Redis and MySQL that seamlessly handles approx 1 billion requests every week. There’ll be also a note of the possible ways of further scaling it out and pointed uncommon patterns, that are specific for this project.


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