Entries in Example (248)


Tumblr: Hashing Your Way to Handling 23,000 Blog Requests per Second

This is a guest post by Michael Schenck, SRE Staff Engineer at Tumblr.

At Tumblr, blogs (or Tumblelog) are one of our most highly trafficked faces on the internet.  One of the most convenient aspects of tumblelogs is their highly cacheable nature, which is fantastic because of the high views/post ratio the Tumblr network offers our users.  That said, it's not entirely trivial to scale out the perimeter proxy tier, let alone the caching tier, necessary for serving all of those requests.

This article describes the architecture of the portion of our perimeter responsible for blogs serving, one of our more highly trafficked perimeter end-points.

Here's how we do it.


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StackOverflow Update: 560M Pageviews a Month, 25 Servers, and It's All About Performance

The folks at Stack Overflow remain incredibly open about what they are doing and why. So it’s time for another update. What has Stack Overflow been up to?

The network of sites that make up StackExchange, which includes StackOverflow, is now ranked 54th for traffic in the world; they have 110 sites and are growing at a rate of 3 or 4 a month; 4 million users; 40 million answers; and 560 million pageviews a month.

This is with just 25 servers. For everything. That’s high availability, load balancing, caching, databases, searching, and utility functions. All with a relative handful of employees. Now that’s quality engineering.

This update is based on The architecture of StackOverflow (video) by Marco Cecconi and What it takes to run Stack Overflow (post) by Nick Craver. In addition, I’ve merged in comments from various sources. No doubt some of the details are out of date as I meant to write this article long ago, but it should still be representative. 

Stack Overflow still uses Microsoft products. Microsoft infrastructure works and is cheap enough, so there’s no compelling reason to change. Yet SO is pragmatic. They use Linux where it makes sense. There’s no purity push to make everything Linux or keep everything Microsoft. That wouldn’t be efficient. 

Stack Overflow still uses a scale-up strategy. No clouds in site. With their SQL Servers loaded with 384 GB of RAM and 2TB of SSD, AWS would cost a fortune. The cloud would also slow them down, making it harder to optimize and troubleshoot system issues. Plus, SO doesn’t need a horizontal scaling strategy. Large peak loads, where scaling out makes sense, hasn’t  been a problem because they’ve been quite successful at sizing their system correctly.

So it appears Jeff Atwood’s quote: "Hardware is Cheap, Programmers are Expensive", still seems to be living lore at the company.

Marco Ceccon in his talk says when talking about architecture you need to answer this question first: what kind of problem is being solved?

First the easy part. What does StackExchange do? It takes topics, creates communities around them, and creates awesome question and answer sites. 

The second part relates to scale. As we’ll see next StackExchange is growing quite fast and handles a lot of traffic. How does it do that? Let’s take a look and see….


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Bitly: Lessons Learned Building a Distributed System that Handles 6 Billion Clicks a Month

Have you ever wondered how bitly makes money? A URL shortener can’t be that hard to write, right? Sean O'Connor, Lead Application Developer at bitly, answers the how can bitly possibly make money question immediately in a talk he gave on bitly at the Bacon conference.

Writing a URL shortner that works is easy, says Sean, writing one that scales and is highly available, is not so easy.

Bitly doesn’t make money with a Shortening as a Service service, bitly makes money on an analytics product that mashes URL click data with with data they crawl from the web to help customers understand what people are paying attention to on the web. 

Analytics products began as a backend service that crawled web server logs. Logs contained data from annotated links along with cookie data to indicate where on a page a link was clicked, who clicked it, what the link was, etc. But the links all went back to the domain of the web site. The idea of making links go to a different domain than your own so that a 3rd party can do the analytics is a scary proposition, but it’s also kind of genius.

While this talk is not on bitly’s architecture, it is a thoughtful exploration on the nature of distributed systems and how you can solve bigger than one box problems with them.

Perhaps my favorite lesson from his talk is this one (my gloss):

SOA + queues + async messaging is really powerful. This approach isolates components, lets work happen concurrently, lets boxes fail independently, while still having components be easy to reason about.

I also really like his explanation for why event style messages are better than command style messages. I’ve never heard it put that way before.

Sean talks from a place of authentic experience. If you are trying to make a jump from a single box mindset to a multibox way of thinking, this talk is well worth watching. 

So let’s see what Sean has to say about distributed systems...


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Scaling the World Cup - How Gambify runs a massive mobile betting app with a team of 2

This is a guest post by Elizabeth Osterloh and Tobias Wilke of cloudControl.

Startups face very different issues than big companies when they build software. Larger companies develop projects over much longer time frames and often have entire IT-departments to support them in creating customized architecture. It’s an entirely different story when a startup has a good idea, it gets popular, and they need to scale fast.

This was the situation for Gambify, an app for organizing betting games released just in time for the soccer World Cup. The company was founded and is run in Germany by only two people. When they managed to get a few major endorsements (including Adidas and the German team star Thomas Müller), they had to prepare for a sudden deluge of users, as well as very specific peak times.

The Gambify App: Basic Architecture

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Migrating to XtraDB Cluster in EC2 at PagerDuty

This is a guest post by Doug Barth, a software generalist who has currently found himself doing operations work at PagerDuty. Prior to joining PagerDuty, he worked for Signal in Chicago and Orbitz, an online travel company.

A little over six months ago, PagerDuty switched its production MySQL database to XtraDB Cluster running inside EC2. Here's the story of why and how we made the change.

How the Database Looked Before

PagerDuty's MySQL database was a fairly typical deployment. We had:

  • A pair of Percona Servers writing data to a DRBD-backed volume.

  • EBS disks for both the primary and secondary servers backing the DRBD volume.

  • Two synchronous copies of the production database. (In the event of a failure of the primary, we wanted to be able to quickly switch to the secondary server without losing any data.)

  • A number of asynchronous replication slaves for disaster recovery, backups and accidental modification recovery.

Problems With the Old Setup

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A Short On How the Wayback Machine Stores More Pages than Stars in the Milky Way

How does the Wayback Machine work? Now with over 400 billion webpages indexed, allowing the Internet to be browsed all the way back to 1996, it's an even more compelling question. I've looked several times but I've never found a really good answer.

Here's some information from a thread on Hacker News. It starts with mmagin, a former Archive employee:

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Update on Disqus: It's Still About Realtime, But Go Demolishes Python

Our last article on Disqus: How Disqus Went Realtime With 165K Messages Per Second And Less Than .2 Seconds Latency, was a little out of date, but the folks at Disqus have been busy implementing, not talking, so we don't know a lot about what they are doing now, but we do have a short update in C1MM and NGINX by John Watson and an article Trying out this Go thing.

So Disqus has grown a bit:

  • 1.3 billion unique visitors
  • 10 billion page views
  • 500 million users engaged in discussions
  • 3 million communities
  • 25 million comments

They are still all about realtime, but Go replaced Python in their Realtime system:

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How Disqus Went Realtime with 165K Messages Per Second and Less than .2 Seconds Latency

How do you add realtime functionality to a web scale application? That's what Adam Hitchcock, a Software Engineer at Disqus talks about in an excellent talk: Making DISQUS Realtime (slides).

Disqus had to take their commenting system and add realtime capabilities to it. Not something that's easy to do when at the time of the talk (2013) they had had just hit a billion unique visitors a month.

What Disqus developed is a realtime commenting system called “realertime” that was tested to handle 1.5 million concurrently connected users, 45,000 new connections per second, 165,000 messages/second, with less than .2 seconds latency end-to-end.

The nature of a commenting system is that it is IO bound and has a high fanout, that is a comment comes in and must be sent out to a lot of readers. It's a problem very similar to what Twitter must solve

Disqus' solution was quite interesting as was the path to their solution. They tried different architectures but settled on a solution built on Python, Django, Nginx Push Stream Module, and Thoonk, all unified by a flexible pipeline architecture. In the process they we are able to substantially reduce their server count and easily handle high traffic loads.

At one point in the talk Adam asks if a pipelined architecture is a good one? For Disqus messages filtering through a series of transforms is a perfect match. And it's a very old idea. Unix System 5 has long had a Streams capability for creating flexible pipelines architectures. It's an incredibly flexible and powerful way of organizing code.

So let's see how Disqus evolved their realtime commenting architecture and created something both old and new in the process...

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How WhatsApp Grew to Nearly 500 Million Users, 11,000 cores, and 70 Million Messages a Second

When we last visited WhatsApp they’d just been acquired by Facebook for $19 billion. We learned about their early architecture, which centered around a maniacal focus on optimizing Erlang into handling 2 million connections a server, working on All The Phones, and making users happy through simplicity.

Two years later traffic has grown 10x. How did WhatsApp make that jump to the next level of scalability?

Rick Reed tells us in a talk he gave at the Erlang Factory: That's 'Billion' with a 'B': Scaling to the next level at WhatsApp (slides), which revealed some eye popping WhatsApp stats:

What has hundreds of nodes, thousands of cores, hundreds of terabytes of RAM, and hopes to serve the billions of smartphones that will soon be a reality around the globe? The Erlang/FreeBSD-based server infrastructure at WhatsApp. We've faced many challenges in meeting the ever-growing demand for our messaging services, but as we continue to push the envelope on size (>8000 cores) and speed (>70M Erlang messages per second) of our serving system.

What are some of the most notable changes from two years ago?

  • Obviously much bigger in every dimension, except the number of engineers. More boxes, more datacenters, more memory, more users, and more scale problems. Handling this level of growth with so few engineers is what Rick is most proud of: 40 million users per engineer. This is part of the win of the cloud. Their engineers work on their software. The network, hardware, and datacenter is handled by someone else.

  • They’ve gone away from trying to support as many connections per box as possible because of the need to have enough head room to handle the overall increased load on each box. Though their general strategy of keeping down management overhead by getting really big boxes and running efficiently on SMP machines, remains the same.

  • Transience is nice. With multimedia, pictures, text, voice, video all being part of their architecture now, not having to store all these assets for the long term simplifies the system greatly. The architecture can revolve around throughput, caching, and partitioning.

  • Erlang is its own world. Listening to the talk it became clear how much of everything you do is in the world view of Erlang, which can be quite disorienting. Though in the end it’s a distributed system and all the issues are the same as in any other distributed system.

  • Mnesia, the Erlang database, seemed to be a big source of problem at their scale. It made me wonder if some other database might be more appropriate and if the need to stay within the Erlang family of solutions can be a bit blinding?

  • Lots of problems related to scale as you might imagine. Problems with flapping connections, queues getting so long they delay high priority operations, flapping of timers, code that worked just fine at one traffic level breaking badly at higher traffic levels, high priority messages not getting serviced under high load, operations blocking other operations in unexpected ways, failures causing resources issues, and so on. These things just happen and have to be worked through no matter what system you are using.

  • I remain stunned and amazed at Rick’s ability to track down and fix problems. Quite impressive.

Rick always gives a good talk. He’s very generous with specific details that obviously derive directly from issues experienced in production. Here’s my gloss on his talk…


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Big, Small, Hot or Cold - Examples of Robust Data Pipelines from Stripe, Tapad, Etsy and Square

This is a guest repost by Pete Soderling, Founder at Hakka Labs, creating a community where software engineers come to grow.

In response to a recent post from MongoHQ entitled “You don’t have big data," I would generally agree with many of the author’s points.

However, regardless of whether you call it big data, small data, hot data or cold data - we are all in a position to admit that *more* data is here to stay - and that’s due to many different factors.

Perhaps primarily, as the article mentions, this is due to the decreasing cost of storage over time. Other factors include access to open APIs, the sheer volume of ever-increasing consumer activity online, as well as a plethora of other incentives that are developing (mostly) behind the scenes as companies “share” data with each other. (You know they do this, right?)

But one of the most important things I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that it’s crucial for forward thinking companies to start to design more robust data pipelines in order to collect, aggregate and process their ever-increasing volumes of data. The main reason for this is to be able to tee up the data in a consistent way for the seemingly-magical quant-like operations that infer relationships between the data that would have otherwise surely gone unnoticed - ingeniously described in the referenced article as correctly “determining the nature of needles from a needle-stack.”

But this raises the question - what are the characteristics of a well-designed data pipeline? Can’t you just throw all your data in Hadoop and call it a day?

As many engineers are discovering - the answer is a resounding "no!" We've rounded up four examples from smart engineers at Stripe, Tapad, Etsy & Square that show aspects of some real-world data pipelines you'll actually see in the wild.

How does Stripe do it?

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