Rather small site architecture.

The 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo has now closed, but what is still open for viewing is all the MySQL scaling knowledge that was shared. Planet MySQL is a great source of the goings on:
Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. It has been recently open sourced on Google Code.
Scalr allows you to create server farms through a web-based interface using prebuilt AMI's for load balancers (pound or nginx), app servers (apache, others), databases (mysql master-slave, others), and a generic AMI to build on top of.
Scalr promises automatic high-availability and scaling for developers by health and load monitoring.
The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained. When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that type is inserted into the farm to replace it.
4 AMI's are provided for load balancers, mysql databases, application servers, and a generic base image to customize. Scalr allows you to further customize each image, bundle the image and use that for future nodes that are inserted into the farm. You can make changes to one machine and use that for a specific type of node. New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current levels and the old machines are terminated one by one.
The open source scalr platform with the combination of the static EC2 IP addresses makes elastic computing easier to implement. Check out the blog announcement by Intridea for more info.
As AWS conquers the scalable web application hosting space it is time to check out the new
Programming Amazon Web Services: S3, EC2, SQS, FPS, and SimpleDB (Programming) book on amazon.com.
What do you think of the opportunities of using scalr for automatic scalability?
This post covers two main options for scaling-out MySql and compare between them. The first is based on data-base clustering and the second is based on In Memory clustering a.k.a Data Grid. A special emphasis is given to a pattern which shows how to scale our existing data base without changing it through a combination of Data Grid and data base as a background service. This pattern is referred to as Persistency as a Service (PaaS). It also address many of the fequently asked question related to how performance, reliability and scalability is achieved with this pattern.
Update 3: 7 Years Of YouTube Scalability Lessons In 30 Minutes and YouTube Strategy: Adding Jitter Isn't A Bug
Update 2: YouTube Reaches One Billion Views Per Day. That’s at least 11,574 views per second, 694,444 views per minute, and 41,666,667 views per hour.
Update: YouTube: The Platform. YouTube adds a new rich set of APIs in order to become your video platform leader--all for free. Upload, edit, watch, search, and comment on video from your own site without visiting YouTube. Compose your site internally from APIs because you'll need to expose them later anyway.
YouTube grew incredibly fast, to over 100 million video views per day, with only a handful of people responsible for scaling the site. How did they manage to deliver all that video to all those users? And how have they evolved since being acquired by Google?
while (true)
This loop runs many times a day.
So what are we announcing today? That in addition to acquiring MySQL, Sun will be unveiling new global support offerings into the MySQL marketplace. We'll be investing in both the community, and the marketplace - to accelerate the industry's phase change away from proprietary technology to the new world of open web platforms. Read more on Jonathan Schwartz's Blog What do you think about this?
Shanti Braford details how his Ruby on Rails based website survived a 24 hour 550,000+ pageview digg attack. His post cleanly lays out all the juicy setup details, so there's not much I can add. Hosting costs $370 a month for 1 web server, 1 database server, and sufficient bandwidth. The site is built on RoR, nginx, MySQL, and 7 mongrel servers. He thinks Rails 2.0 has improved performance and credits database avoidance and fragment caching for much of the performance boost. Keep in mind his system is relatively static, but it's a very interesting and useful experience report.
Compare: 1. MySQL Clustering(ndb-cluster stogare) 2. MySQL / GFS-GNBD/ HA 3. MySQL / DRBD /HA 4. MySQL Write Master / Multiple MySQL Read Slaves 5. Standalone MySQL Servers(Functionally seperated)
The new version of a8cjdbc finished some limitations. Now Clobs and Blobs are supported, and some fixes using binary data. The version was also fully tested with Postgres and mySQL. Since Version 1.3 there is also a free trail version for download available. Check it out and test yourself... Take a look at: http://www.activ8.at/homepage/en/a8cjdbc.php I've downloaded the latest version and setup a environment with one virtual database and two database backends. I tried to make a "non real life szenario": The first backend was a Postgres node, the second was a mySQL node. Everything works fine - failover - recoverylog, etc... with to different backend database types. So check out the trial version and test yourself the clustered driver and give me some results about your experience with a8cjdbc. As I only tested mySQL and Postgres (and the non real life szenario with two different backend types) - maybe someone else have experiences with out databases? greetings Wolfgang
The new version of a8cjdbc finished some limitations. Now Clobs and Blobs are supported, and some fixes using binary data. The version was also fully tested with Postgres and mySQL. Since Version 1.3 there is also a free trail version for download available. Check it out and test yourself... Take a look at: http://www.activ8.at/homepage/en/a8cjdbc.php I've downloaded the latest version and setup a environment with one virtual database and two database backends. I tried to make a "non real life szenario": The first backend was a Postgres node, the second was a mySQL node. Everything works fine - failover - recoverylog, etc... with to different backend database types. So check out the trial version and test yourself the clustered driver and give me some results about your experience with a8cjdbc. As I only tested mySQL and Postgres (and the non real life szenario with two different backend types) - maybe someone else have experiences with out databases? greetings Wolfgang